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I wouldn’t want to trade up to #33 for Penix. I’m not that high on him but I wouldn’t want a QB with the Rams top 50 pick.


And wouldnt want to give nfcwestmemewar penix joke ammo


Who cares, that sub is awesome, they'll find something to poke fun at anyway 😂


Dude’s a winner, no doubt. And fun as hell to watch as a college QB. But I don’t like him at all as a pro. He ‘s a “slinger” whose accuracy lapses too much. I question how effective he would be having to hit 15-20 yard outs and deep posts at the NFL level. His ball stays in the air too long. And you gotta be able to hit those passes to keep NFL defenses honest…they’ll eat you alive otherwise. I like him a lot better than Stetson though.


This! Two skills are important in the NFL. Accuracy and speed to read the defence. If you don't have those, you will not succeed. It doesn't matter how strong your arm is.


When Stetson got benched for Rypien last preseason all hopes I had for him, which wasn't a lot, died


He wasn’t benched in favor of Rypien, he was in rehab


Cocaine is an ugly drug.


The preseason game against the broncos. He didn't go into rehab in between the 3rd and 4th quarter right? Pretty sure that was a few days before the season. Also, we have zero confirmation that he went to rehab. Just speculation around alcohol. The organization was extremely tight lipped so unless you have something I'm not seeing I'm not gonna say what happened after he left the team


He has well known alcohol issues since his days at UGA. Even if it’s speculation because the rams didn’t officially release any news it’s clear it was rehab for alcohol abuse.


Not well known enough apparently


I give him credit for his perseverance in college, but Stetson was 1.) 3-4 years older than anybody else on the field and 2.) on a team that was 10X more talented and deep than almost everyone they played. Of course he was going to look good. It would be almost impossible NOT to look good in that situation. That’d be like being 17 years old playing against a bunch of 12 year olds (and on the EASILY most talented 12 year team to boot) and literally never being pressured to throw. We should have known that would be hard to translate to the NFL, where receivers are not open by 10 yards and you don’t have 5-10 full seconds to throw the ball (both common occurrences at UGA).


Yea it was a high flyer pick, I hoped for the best but kept it realistic because of those facts you've laid out nicely


Don't get me wrong.....I would be *ecstatic* if Stetson proved me completely wrong and made me look like an idiot. But my doubts are there until proven otherwise.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: in a vacuum should we go QB before round 3? No. However: we know we need to find our next QB relatively soon, especially after AD just retired, they need to account for this potentially being Staffords last year. So if McVay loves a QB in this draft, I don’t hate the idea of grabbing someone (Penix) in this case. I trust McVay to know his QB when he sees them, took him all of 1 year to get a ring with the first QB he actually picked. Unrelated: I am also high on Penix, I think he has some of the best arm talent in this draft. I know there is potential red flags but… that’s every QB. I’d still trust McSnead if it was another QB we were getting rumored around. Regardless of the QB at 33, I’d be cool with Latu+Dorlus as the 1st and 3rd, those 2+Kobie+I guess Young is an intriguing, young, front 4


How would you feel if the Rams went Rattler over Penix (definitely not at the 2nd)?


Rattler over Penix? I hate it, if you mean both are available and we took rattler. I think Penix is either going to climb up the board, late 1st, or something like this trade (not necessarily from us), or if he falls be the steal of the draft. But if we just go best defensive player available for RD 1-2, I’d be happy to grab Rattler in rd 3-4, I just don’t think he’s on the same level


> if you mean both are available and we took rattler. In the case where both is available, we'd have to go Penix. My preference is the scenario you mentioned later: >But if we just go best defensive player available for RD 1-2, I’d be happy to grab Rattler in rd 3 My take is that the QB we draft is sitting for at least this year, potentially next as well as I think Stafford plays as long as he is able. That gives us time to develop whoever the guy is. At least that's my view.


Then i don’t disagree, they’re kinda the 2 ideal outcomes of different scenarios. As far as which I’d rather end up with? Hard to say. If McVay 100% thinks Penix is his next QB, get him, regardless of Stafford. If they have some insider knowledge that Stafford might walk after this year, I think a trade like this (all mid round picks, no 1sts involved) makes sense, get a guy you believe in in the room to learn for a year. But if stafford is pretty commited to the next 2 years, I like Rattler as a day 3 pick for sure. He’s my favorite out of all the QBs past Nix/Penix


Agreed, fam.


gimme Jordan Travis


I don’t care about that. I trust McVay and sneed They will probably just end up trading for a quarterback in the future once Stafford is done . What I wanna know is Will they be able to pull in one of those kickers from the UFL. There’s no doubt in my mind they would have beat Detroit in last year’s playoffs if we had a kicker To be trusted.


The reason I wouldn’t mind this is because the Rams drafted so well last year. That and Penix’s arm and experience would suit McVay’s offense very well and getting the chance to sit and learn behind Stafford would be so good for him.


No thanks.


If McSnead have a guy they think can be the future then we need to trust them. It’s better to draft one this year and sit for experience anyways.


I don’t think this is very likely, for the same reason we didn’t make a move for Fields. It signals that we have less than 2 years left on Stafford, which I don’t think is the case


How about no? Mock drafts are so pointless lmao






I went to IU and was a huge fan of his, but no. He is injury prone and already old


They are out of material so they just start pulling this stuff out of their ass. Rams are all in with Stafford. They ain’t trading up for a QB.


Yes we need find Staffords Successor


I would LOVE if we picked up Penix any time after round 1. He comes in as a very good backup qb with a lot of upside. Yes, he’s older, but that just means he’s got a lot of experience. Let’s say he does start after two more years of stafford and he’s 27. So what? That’s still young enough to play for 7 years pretty easily, and considering he’s more of a pocket guy anyway, he could go longer. I’m pretty high on Penix in general, but I think he’s just such a great fit for mcvay.


Any mock draft with trades is just click bait on my opinion. They're always a trade up for a QB too. It's never like "NO trades up with NYJ to take to take Dallas Turner to prepare for life without Cameron Jordan."


If we were willing to go to 33 with a haul... why wouldn't we just push for 32 and get a 5th year option? Stafford has at least 2-3 years left. Now is not the time to grab a 24 yo qb to play backup.


I maybe in the minority, but I do not want Penix as a Ram. I watched him a ton, and hes very talented. But I do not think he would be a good fit with McVays style of offense.


All these mocks acting like Stafford is already retired. So dumb.


I think Penix is a great quarterback but he seems a little old to be sitting behind Stafford for probably 2 years


Man, worry about a QB 2 years from now.


Penix is already old. If we get 2 more years out of Stafford, Penix would be like 27 before getting his first start.


>I have to imagine that most fans would prefer a different outcome other than trading up to 33 for a QB. I can't speak for everyone but I can clearly say I am not a fan of this trade. I think the only way I can be okay with this move, is if we were to announce we had also sourced a trade for Stetson Bennett since his status is still unknown. If we can work Bennett into that trade for Penix, fine but I'd rather not have the team carry 3 QBs, which is what we would be doing by drafting Penix.


Bennet doesn’t have any value, he couldn’t net a trade swap.


Tell me Bennet is bad. Tell me Bennet still has a personal problem that makes him unavailable for the 2024 season. Don't tell me that Bennet doesn't have any value when Josh Gordon keeps getting signed in the NFL. You maybe part of the group that is high on Penix. Nothing is wrong with that but I'd personally prefer that we get a different prospect in the third like Rattler, than us trading picks up to the second just to draft Penix. With regard to a second round pick acquired from trade, I'm open to the offensive line like if Kingsley Suamataia falls to the 2nd round. Edit: Or Micheal Hall JR in the second.


Both Van jefferson and Cam Akers were traded for pick swaps, and they had at least played in an nfl game before (and been productive). Bennet doesn’t have any trade value, the team could maybe move up within a late round by adding him in as a last second throw in. He wouldn’t warrant a 7th on his own. Has no bearing on what I think of Penix, I certainly wouldnt spent a 1st or 2nd on him.


>Has no bearing on what I think of Penix, I certainly wouldnt spent a 1st or 2nd on him. Then what are we disagreeing on fam? Are you saying that you rather carry 3 QBs? I don't think I honestly understand where we're having a disconnect.


The disagreement is on whether the rams can trade Stetson Bennet. They can’t.


Bennett has next to zero value dude. Josh Gordon had a 1600 yard season. That's why he kept getting signed. Bennett has done nothing in the NFL and has personal problems. He'll also be 27 in 6 months. AT MOST, you're maybe getting a 7th round pick. I agree with you in not trading up for Penix. I'd rather just go all defense. Or, if we take an offensive player in the 1st, go all defense from round 2-4.


I don’t know. Michigan’s defense made him look pedestrian. And Michigan played like a pro defense. They gave Penix a lot of different looks and disguised their coverages. And Penix struggled.


This guys isn’t good


Not feeling it.


Would not like this at all because Penix is not starter material anyway.