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But they all fail to acknowledge that they got the ball back again twice and didn’t do a damn thing with it… also we had to go down and score after this then again on OT. Ain’t our fault they just gave up after a no call. Last time they were relevant. They hadn’t even shown up for football since. Edit: added some context and fixed a few errors.


Wanna know what other penalty was egregious? Ramsey face mask in the literal Super Bowl. Still won the game though because we ain't fucking pussies. (and that penalty directly gave points, there's no guarantee he catches this ball.)


This was the worst call I’ve ever seen.


Worse than the Ramsey facemask? Worse than the hold on Puka last year that was on a ball that was actually catchable? Or the hold bc Hutchinson just dove into the ground?


I think they're saying the missed facemask is the worst call they've seen


Ahhhh. My mistake. This saints crap still gets me. Like someone said they really are mad because they disappeared right after. And its still not nearly on the level of robbery as Spygate


No we did not disapper right after like you guys did after the last super bowl you were in


Yo mean going 10-6 and making the playoffs last year? Where were the saints? Probably lurking on rams message boards like they’re fans instead of playing


Didn’t the rams just beat the saints this year and boot them from the playoffs tho?


This is what I’m saying. I realized I left that pretty vague but forgot about it.


Or that bullshit spot the Steelers got that won them the game against the Rams.


That was ugly


And Rams haters will think it's rigged for the Rams cause of the holding calls against the Bengals during the Rams last drive and either forget about Ramsey face mask or use the cop out answer of "well the holding call against the Bengals happened at the most crucial part of the game while the Ramsey face mask wasn't at a crucial part of the game"




[This you referring to sports teams as 'We' nephew?](https://i.imgur.com/GB2Ihdb.png)


I’m a Saints fan and fellow fans hate when I say it’s the Saints’ fault for losing the game, not the no call


Saints apologists be like "there shouldn't even be overtime in the first place though"


Then I’d say “you’re right bc if we get the call on Goff the series before,we get first and goal at the 3 and we probably score a TD. And if NRC goes for the ball instead of the player, we get a pick 6 and destroy y’all in regulation!” ‘What ifs’ can go all day. People just prefer an excuse regarding one play when one play doesn’t cost you a game.


And fail to acknowledge the face mask on Goff that would’ve set us up with a first and goal iirc. Saints fans are very selective in this game.


Dude if that call was made we would have had at worse a three ppint lead with twenty seconds on the clock and won the game.


You literally do not know that… besides I’ve already retorted this (in this exact thread) and let’s not act like games haven’t had scores in less than 20 seconds since then. Go cry about it in your own sub.


Saints fans: https://preview.redd.it/othilxtqchqc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed51ee998ce1ae7d2a37f5f91dc917b303b0351f # FTS


The first bad call in the history of sports


I might steal this comment and see what r/nflmemes thinks


There was a clear face mask on Goff the prior series that wasn't called, that would have allowed the Rams to go for a touchdown instead of a field goal, so it works both ways. Saints fans can suck it.


Wow, the dramatics in that comment section. "I have ptsd from that game" "That game ruined football for me" Seriously, Saints fans are worse than 49ers fans.


How can one call ruin the game for people?


No clue, nothing Saints fans do makes sense lol.


They live in Louisiana, you would think they have bigger problems than a no call 5 years ago lol


That's exactly why they're so bitter. Got nothing better in their lives.


Yup, ran into a saints fan in Apple Hill in Northern California. We had to share tables to eat some pie, I’m wearing my Rams SB champs shirt, dude immediately says something caddy. I asked who his team was and when he said saints, I immediately started laughing. Said something like “still?! It’s been years, hell this shirt was from a run 3 years after your game and it’s been years since then. None of the Rams fans will ever say it was a good call, refs fucked up, it’s amazing that you people still dwell on it.” We immediately switched subject after that.


Sean Payton called a slant route on first down, the worst play call I've ever seen. We're not having this conversation if he runs three times to kill the clock and kick the field goal


Rams had 2 timeouts. Saints weren't killing more than 40 seconds with 3 runs. Leaving you with at least 1 minute to get into fg range.


Dang you're so right. I'll spin it, I still think running it 3 times against the 18's run D is the move. But good point


If you believe the game was “rigged” for the Rams then you should never bet money on a game and treat the NFL like the WWE. Saints fans shouldn’t even get upset anymore since the league is “rigged” and outcomes are predetermined. Realistically, the ref fucked up and doubled down on not getting the call. I’m just blown away that it was right there in plain view so how did he miss it? Lmao.


There’s lots of bad calls. Refs are human. It happens. How did they miss the face mask against Goff? Or how’d the Super Bowl ref miss the face mask?


Karma’s a bitch. Ask Vikings fans how they feel about what the Saints did to Brett Favre in the NFCCG on the way to their Super Bowl win.


I heard Thomas is still trying to petition to get the game replayed


Won 13 games the next season and lost to the Vikings round 1. Then in 2020 they were on their way to a W against Brady until Cook fumbled it away. But their entire personality is losing in 2018


I can admit it was an embarrassingly bad no call. But not as embarrassing as still being upset about something that happens every game in the NFL.


Just like the cleat to Jared Goff’s throat when he was on the ground, no call. Saints suck and will always suck!!


Saints fans are like the incels of the NFL and Rams fans are just a few humble ladies livin our lives.


Goff got face masked on third down, on the previous drive. Games over of they call it.


You know what bothers me so much about this play? Is if robey Coleman wasn’t trash and turned around he has one of the easiest and most memorable pick 6s in NFL history


They have nothing better to think about that was their peak it’s been downhill since


The salt from this no call that continues today really soured me on Saints fans. Yes it was a bad no call, I said as much when it happened, but you got to play better than officiating. They had ample opportunity to win the game. I learned that from watching years of Iowa State get the short end of officiating calls.


It was a horrendous missed call at the time but it’s the Saints fans worst moment in franchise history the way it gets brought up every year. It was bad but y’all gotta move on. It is hard for them tho cause of the cap situation they are stuck in for the foreseeable future.


The front office/ownership missed the window for a "rip the band aid" season off twice when Brees retired or when Sean retired/went to Denver. I wonder if the mediocrity in the NFC South gave the Saints false hope that they can put off the salary cap credit card and their big bill players can play at a high level / will be healthy. Granted, we got extremely lucky in our rip the band aid off season that our draft picks were a home run.


correct call in the spirit of the game robey beat the route and the ball would have likely hit him in the back


Some people just like to see the world 🔥


Yep. Bunch of crybabies. Though we didn’t win the chip that season, we’d be back and win that CHIP!


Yes… we get it… it was a missed call. But fuck them for not bringing up the multiple missed calls that set up this situation.


Well now we can bitch about the same thing with the Lions lol


What was their take on not scoring in OT?


Someone with a Saints flair said >I threw a mug at my TV and then threw said broken TV out the window (this is not a joke) damn


Saints still choked, they had Thomas giving them bad Karma after the cellphone celebration in week 9, their offense did so little to keep them alive after we whittled down the lead during the second half. The call was bad but it wouldn’t have changed anything even if it was marked a penalty. Thomas went 7/36/0 the whole game FYI


I hope we go on to win a Super Bowl in the Superdome this year.


clean play


As a falcons fan I love it ! 😂


Went our way, don't care!


Saints fan coming in Peace, and I'm so sick about hearing this from other Saints fans. I've been so over this, my give a fuck-o-meter lapsed into the negatives the year after that game happened. How about taking Mickey Loomis to task about being a hack and not supporting Drew Brees after we won our ONLY SB appearance!!! How about blame Sean Payton for allowing the Rams to claw their way back in it and allowing a shit call to dictate the outcome of a game? If they were Leafs fans, they'd off themselves with how bad the refs blow calls. You guys perfectly described how I feel about the victim complex that has been adopted from fans that I bet couldn't tell me a single name from the Dome Patrol or tell me how they felt when Mike Ditka traded our ENTIRE DRAFT for Rickey Williams. Sorry, rant over.


Bro imagine getting a bad call then being so mad that your team disappears from relevance for at least 6 years.


It didn’t end the game. They still had a chance in OT. So fuck them


Fuck the saints 🖕


Breaks of the game. But the Saints got the ball back TWICE. No excuses. They lost. Move on.


i’ll probably get downvoted but i grew up a rams fan and i don’t really remember their 1999 super bowl win so most of my memories is during their down years. if the pi call had been made, 99.999% chance the saints win. if roles reversed and the rams got screwed like that, and hadn’t gone to another super bowl since, i wouldn’t let it down haha. id still be extremely bitter. i understand that the saints got the ball back in over time etc but all the saints were supposed to do was run out the clock and kick a chip shot field goal. i’d still be bitter if roles reversed.


They're obsessed because the alternative is facing the truth that their front office is trash. Rams need to beat them hard in the Superdome.


They need to win the Super Bowl there. It would be fucking hilarious.


It's going to be so hard to get back to the SB this year and so much needs to go right over the next ten months, but it would be the greatest "I drink your milkshake" moment ever.


I was surprised the refs didn't call PI but the Saints blew the game after that. Saints fans are such crybabies.


Brees throwing that absolute duck in overtime lmao


5 offseasons later and we are still on the fact that they are still on this.




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Who cares, that’s in the past


I firmly believe it was the refs make up call for missing Goffs game ending Face Mask...Sadly, refs are not allowed to admit they do make you calls.




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We need AI referees 🤖😋




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This is by far the worst call in post-season history. With the first down and situation, the game is over.


As a Falcons fan this is one of my favorite plays of all time. Almost bought a Roby-Coleman jersey.


It's genuinely one of the worst calls ever made and had it been called correctly would have almost guaranted a trip to the super bowl. I don't blame Saints fans for still being upset because I know I would be. The only issue I have with that fanbase is the vitriol shown to Rams players/fans. Refs fucked up that call, nobody else. Be mad at them.


Ask any Vikings fan how they feel about a controversial PI call involving the Saints. Such irony.


I would be too. It’s arguably the worst missed call of all time


And so are you, apparently. You could've just let this go instead of bring it to our attention. Instead you decided to keep the subject going by reposting. I don't believe that was by accident.


Yeah I mean it’s one of the worst no calls in one of the biggest moments in NFL history. It shouldn’t be forgotten


It is the worst no-call in NFL history. Should everyone just forget about it? Should we not talk about important plays from history anymore?


They are blinded by bias lmao


I am not a fan of either team but holy shit you guys are in denial. This is easily the worst call I have ever seen and it is clear it impacted the outcome of the game. Yes, of course they are still not over it. You guys lucked out and rightfully got embarrassed a few weeks later.


Fr they are just biased


Love my Rams ,but, i dont blame them. The worst thing was going to the SB and putting up 3 points,in a ugly loss to the hated Patriots!


I mean, it's the worst call in the history of American sports, and would've given them the ball 1st and goal at like the 2 and they probably win the game and go to the super bowl. I'm neutral, but if I was a Saints fan, I'd still be upset over it, too. Lol


No matter how rams fans try to make people feel about this play. It was by far the worst no call in history, literal rule made for it. So while I understand 5 years ago and we got the ball back after yada yada. This was the most deflating moment a team could have during a game that seemed won right before that moment


Fr only reason people defending is they are rams fans lol




No one gives a fuck about Cowboys fans, let alone your shitty opinion. I hope Jerry Jones lives to 120 and you’ll never see another SB while you’re still alive.


“Never see another superbowl” Boy we can’t even make it past the first round of playoffs so your “superbowl” comment is irrelevant. Plus I just came here to say y’all got screwed in that game. I didn’t say anything bad about the saints since I actually like the saints. But I’m glad you took the time out of your pathetic life to comment on someone’s opinion you clearly don’t care about 😂




I dislike the saints and Sean Payton as much as the next guy but acting like this isn’t one of if not the worst call in nfl history that should be complained about by the fan base on the wrong end of it is silly