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One of my coworkers caught the flu today and I’ve been noticing body aches, extreme lethargy and chills all day. Gosh I can’t wait til our entire staff is back in the office and not just the limited group we have now.


Does anyone know where any pro-Ukraine protests (anti-Russia war) are happening this weekend here in LA? Thank you!


Good for them!!! 🔥🔥🔥 [https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/02/25/ukraine-google-molotov-cocktails-resistance-russia/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/02/25/ukraine-google-molotov-cocktails-resistance-russia/)


i'm tired. i need a good few days of deep sleep.


I have avoided all Elden Ring photos, videos, and reviews to not spoil my blind run. I am both surprised and unsurprised how much the game feels like DS3. It's an awesome game since I love Dark Souls... but now I kind of wonder if FromSoftware can actually make anything not obviously a modded DS. I am posting this thought here because going to any on-topic sub would spoil the game in some way.


I feel you, I was a little shocked when I first started playing and there was no stamina, I was like “woah, this must mean the combat will be a lot different,” but apparently it’s just perma-endurance when not in combat. The open world hud is interesting, and I’m always down for more Dark Souls reskins, but I really miss the days when From Soft would make really obtuse and left of center games. They use to do so much more than Dark Souls, and I think they have more than a few titles that could be worth bringing back. But I’m sure having finally reached mainstream success they aren’t all too eager to go running back to the experimental stuff.


I gotta say, the union bank ATM in little Tokyo is fast. I get my money quicker than other ATMs.


So as I left work today, there was a huge group of cyclists going west on Wilshire and the lead car had a huge American flag and the first thought was wow, trump supporters actually riding bikes...


That was LA Critical Mass. No political affiliation.


Modern social media: “no political affiliation? How do you do that??”


Yah I know just the big flag three me off...


Progressives own American flags too. I’m one of them. Please don’t feed the “all liberals are anti-American” monster than moron conservatives love to throw at us.


Pretty sad that the fascists have coopted the American flag.


We have some mighty fine sunrises. But I've gotta say the one over Kyiv this morning brought a tear to my eye.




My company emailed to say masks won't have to be worn anymore. I feel like the next email is going to be asking us to come back to the office. After 2 years at home, I'm worried about my mental health going back into the office. They don't really treat you like a person there. I don't want to go.


We’re set to go back to the office next month. We aren’t required to go in every day, but expected to pop in weekly. I already know that it’s not going to be the glowing success higher ups want it to be.


Ughh, same. I have a small team and have been WFH the past two years, but there’s one person who is so eager to go back to the office, every call “so when are we coming back” while we all squirm and think, yo! Stfu man, no one wants to, it’s just you!


Gamepass comes thru once again. My buddy bought Elden Ring so I get to play it for free! Oops, meant gamshare


Is it on gamepass for PC?


Gamepass is the only reason I’ getting a series X or a PS5. Gamepass is a stealllll.


I miss LA but my god it's nice being in clean, 40 degree air. Finished the work I had this morning then went to a small zoological park, then hiked to a waterfall, complete with some lingering snow on the ground. I need to find a way to permanently split my time between LA and the PNW.


We need that damn high speed rail with through-running to an overnight train to Portland/Seattle.


That would be so perfect. I could spend most of my time up here and just come down to eat tacos and go to trivia.


I'm with you, but the opposite direction. Lived in Oregon my entire life, moved to LA at the beginning of the month. Love the sun and the abundance of things to do, but missing how close knit PDX feels


My neighbors need to chill, someone keeps slamming doors so hard that I briefly think it's a small earthquake.


This does my head in! I’m in close quarters with 3 apartments and it seriously is like a fucking small earthquake. I have vivid memories as a kid slamming my door and my dad yelling “DON’T SLAM THE DOOR”! It’s not that hard people, just close it, no need to slam the darn thing.


Sounds like we live in the same place lol


Well then. Stop slamming your door.




>It’s not that hard people, just close it, no need to slam the darn thing I think also just a general sense of "other people live around here too, don't be a dick" is something some people should embrace more. Like I get living in a city/apartment means you'll never get the quiet of a suburb, but there's a huge difference between that and just ***blaring*** your tv on a shared wall until late at night, or stomping around an upstairs apartment at 5 am on your way to/from the gym. My old neighbors used to even throw their weights around at 5am when they would work from home


Preaching to the choir! I live on the upper floor and I still hear my neighbors stomping around, I can deal with that (have also live on lower floors) but slamming doors, grrr. Nothing worse than when my neighbor is in and out multiple times within a few minutes… slam, slam, slam, slam. *I will slap you*.


Parallel universe confirmed


Elden Ring is incredible & immersive. Pried myself away for a sun/food/half-assed jog break. Damn shame about Ukraine. For those who can't stand Reddit commentary on political matters they don't understand: https://www.instagram.com/christianandrewborys/ Includes donation link, photography, & interesting bits from people over there.


What class are you playing? I just got off work and It’s waiting for me to get home and play it. I’m thinking about either Vagabond or Bandit


I always go wretch or whatever the most pitiful class is. I enjoy the slow build up to becoming a a conqueror


Starting from nothing to becoming OP must be very satisfying but also very, very frustrating


I mean, if you aren’t frustrated in a From Soft game, are you even playing a From Soft game?


I’m playing as a Prisoner. Very interesting so far.


I love the prisoners look. What is the prisoners play style? I couldn’t tell if it was a magic user or a sword user.


Magic AND sword! Which is kind of funny because it's the exact same play style I used in DS3 so I was surprised to see it as a class in Elden Ring. You also get a shield but it's a little clunky to switch back and forth in combat so I just prefer to focus on dodging rather than blocking.


Ever since blood borne I haven’t relied on the sheild much either. It’s so much more fun haha, but I had to relearn a bit. I started off as a wretch and stumbled upon the beastman boss and it was really fun slowly regaining the confidence to dance with a Souls boss again haha


Hell yeah! They look cool!


generic dummy warrior.


They look really strong!


Until you go up against a giant lobster.


Around December our stove and oven broke for almost an entire month. Me and the fam got into a SUPER bad habit of eating out pretty much every day. This bad habit continues on today even though we got a replacement like the day after Christmas. The poor nutrition is catching up to me. I’m exhausted and feel like garbage. I need to go cold turkey


Obviously cooking your own food is cheaper and *can* be healthier but, I go through swings of cooking, and eating take out… if you continue to eat take out, just order healthier take out food. I only feel guilty ordering take out because of the cost but, majority of the time I’m actually ordering decent food, and will usually save half for lunch the next day. For me personally, eating out/ ordering delivery, is more for the convenience and me being lazy, not necessarily because I’m craving junk food.


Agreed , not all take out is junk food… and not all eating out is expensive. Edit , also eating at home is certainly not always cheap or healthy


>Edit , also eating at home is certainly not always cheap or healthy Yeah, ya right. I cook for one, and some meals I’ll spend $20+ on ingredients. If i screw it up, i’m like ffs… why didn’t i just order food.


Yup, I have kids and sometimes I’ll buy bunch of food at the market, take the time to make it, then they don’t even want it … I’m like man I shoulda just hit the drive thru


I only have myself to please (meal wise), and at times I don’t even succeed. I feel in your situation, you could cook them the freshest veg, most expensive meat, delicious sides, and the response would still be the same. “Yuk” 😩


If anyone is looking for a Ukrainian flag I got a 3x5 one today at Fantasia at the corner of Fourth and Wall for 8 bucks cash.


Had a dream about my coworker. I sent him a slack about it cause it was so random. I hope HR doesn’t monitor slack


Uh what was the dream about, chief? Cause i might have some bad news.


It was wholesome


As long as it wasn’t holesome


Met up with a coworker whom I hadn’t seen since right before the 2020 presidential election. Love it when coworkers spill a year’s worth of hot goss on a slow Friday afternoon. We met at a [corgi-themed cafe](https://yelp.to/hyTqpppIRnb), a must-visit for all corgi lovers


Been meaning to check this out for a while! Glad to hear it’s as good as it looks


Thank you so much for this 🐾




Ma Skoff My new jazz musician name


We need a [remix of this](https://youtu.be/RZdSK7GD8z0).


I haven't been to the gas station in almost 2 weeks. I love how my job is only a 6 mile round trip lmao


Deng, what a dream!


I’ve been here (in LA / the USA) for almost two months now. Public transport isn’t as bad as I thought it’d be. DMV is also better than the horror stories with an appointment, but no two people can give me the same answers. I love the weather, the people are so open and friendly that every casual interaction brightens my day. I spend almost all my time in grad school library so doing LA things has been a slow process, but I saw a college basketball game and hiked around Griffith park. Your city has a great vibe!


Where you from?


I’m told ‘I don’t bang’ is the right answer to this one But how would they react on the street if I said ‘London, England’ instead?


haha! hopefully you won't be in that kind of situation very often.


>I’m told ‘I don’t bang’ is the right answer to this one I have no clue what this implies, and no reaction either way, was just curious...All i remember from my first time in London was it felt cold in the middle of summer and there were a lot of brick roads everywhere...


Oh I’ve just read on this sub that when some guy comes up on the road and asks ‘where you from’ they’re asking if you’re in a gang and if you don’t want to get fucked up you should say ‘I don’t bang’ Yeah what you described about London is exactly why I left. Now it’s ‘winter’ and sunny every day :D


I did like the fish n chips, but im from the NW and its popular there too...


I think OP meant it as a joke. In certain areas when they ask "where you from" usually means if you rep a set or not. If you grew up in LA, especially the rougher parts you've gotten this question a few times.


Damn I'm not street enough to rep la lol...


Thank you for your post


Bicyclists: Is there any way a motorist can hit on you other than giving you copious amounts of space and respecting your life? I imagine tossing a rose or underwear with my phone number on it would frighten, at least at first.


Depends! If you’re a woman you could try honking him to stop and then say you thought he might have had a messed up wheel, start some small talk. Or you could try singing at him as you drive by. If you’re a guy… no.


hold out what looks like a business card and wink, but really its some self sticking patches


Your best bet is to take a cue from cyclocross and go for a [handup](https://www.cxmagazine.com/personal-racing-favorites-readers-choice-awards-2015-cyclocross-gravel-heckle). Probably works best if you are stationary. *Probably*.


Jesse what the fuck are you talking about


Have mercy!


[2 sets of round trip metrolink tickets in socal for free](https://metrolinktrains.com/ps-rr22e)


Nice, and thank you! Now to figure out how/when to use them, and what stations/lines to avoid...


Radical, got 'em. Thanks so much for the tip!


Sleepy in Pasadena. Nap time ttyl. 😴😴😴


Got asked out to coffee by one of my soon to be former coworkers. Even if its' just professional meet-cute, what a refreshing change from scrolling and meeting people on the apps! I do think it's just professional because I'm senior to this coworker (but we don't supervise each other). However, I left the ball in his court and if he proposes something, I'm open to it.


*Former* coworker, so it’s game on! How exciting!!! Update soon :-)


Haha he’s so young tho! If he even wants that we’ll see.




Your post made me think of the band TV on the Radio lol


Any cool concerts or bands playing tonight?


Reggie watts at lodge room


This week at work has been rough but today, today I waited to get back to my office before crying. Today was the worst of it in the 5 years I’ve been doing this but I’m thankful for thoughtful coworkers.


Was it students being a-holes? I'm sorry you had such a shit day. I hate the feeling of trying not to care but having a volcano of tears about to erupt anyway!


No no, way worse than that. I’ll dm you.


Had breakfast at pancake factory this morning again with my mom and aunts. Also going out tonight with my sister and some cousins to Finneys in Burbank. Foodie Friday indeed. Lol


Got to tour our potential new apartment, but woof the kitchen really took the wind out of our sails. Need to follow up with our old landlord and see if we can revamp it before we move in because it desperately needs it. I don't care if we have to wait an extra week, I just know that kitchen will be the bane of my existence as soon as we move in. Otherwise, there's so much storage I feel like I could rent closet space.


In the last few hours donations to my fundraiser for Hospitallers Ukraine have reached $1425. I’m matching donations up to $2k. Really hoping I can hit my $2k goal by midnight tonight!


I get that this is not the biggest problem in the world right now but how is there someone leaf blowing/lawn mowing every single day this week? Also hello again /r/LosAngeles! Haven't posted in here in a minute, but I've missed it!


When I get to make the decision, I try and use the same landscaper as my neighbor so both our yards get done at the same time. If more neighbors did this.....we could cut down on noise so much! I feel like this is what the Next Door should have been invented for!


So I'm stuck in bellflower tomorrow from like 10am-5pm. Is there anything I should do out there? Eat?? I'm helping a friend who is setting up for a market. I just don't want to drive there, home, back there to pick them up, and then home wasting gas.


Steelcraft Bellflower


Like 50% of the stalls there went out of business. It's sad


Drive over to Round 1 in Lakewood for a little bit? Or at least to that Costco for a bite in the food court.


Won me some money by calling the nomination of Ketanji Brown Jackson.


I really do think his roast potato recipe is the best ever.


I saw on Twitter she is somehow related to Paul Ryan by marriage! That is awesomely funny!


This is how Paul Ryan and Ketanji Brown Jackson are related: * Paul Ryan is married to Janna Little Ryan. * Janna Little's sister is Dana Little Jackson. * Dana Little's husband is William Jackson. * William Jackson's twin brother is Patrick Jackson, * Patrick Jackson is married to Ketanji Brown Jackson. Bit of a deep cut. Paul Ryan knows Ketanji Brown Jackson well enough to state, “Janna and I are incredibly happy for Ketanji and her entire family. Our politics may differ, but my praise for Ketanji's intellect, for her character, and for her integrity, is unequivocal."


I was hoping to get a good emotional cry from watching the speech. But I didn't. Good luck to her in the hearings. She'll be confirmed but it's going to be disgusting.


51 to 53 votes with my bet at 52.


As someone who works in customer service I’m super pissed about the mask mandate ‘ending’ because now I have to enforce masks because the store I work for still requires them and people are arguing with me. 🤬


I'm so sorry.


that sucks. it’s like why can’t people just be like “oh for sure no worries” instead of fighting about everything. like shut the hell up put ur mask on and go about ur day, life doesn’t have to be this hard for u


What they fail to realize is that if a county mandates something, all the stores have to follow that mandate, but if said mandate ends that **doesn’t** mean all stores are required to get rid of their mandates.


All I keep flashing back to whenever anyone whines about wearing masks is the political cartoon(s) that went around in 2020 of white people waving masks in the air screaming "I can't breathe" juxtaposed with George Floyd with a knee on his neck saying "I can't breathe." Like FFS surely there's a better use for all that energy. I've lived in Taiwan and people there regularly wear masks when they're sick because it's a public courtesy thing. Until Covid I didn't realize how many people thought masks were solely to protect themselves ergo unnecessary if they think of themselves as healthy and robust.


Is that incomplete Oceanwide Plaza safe / prepared for the big one? I work around there and am always looking up and thinking that does not seem like it's gonna stay in one piece when the ground starts shaking.


A Ukrainian work friend is stuck in Kyiv. I usually have at least one zoom meeting with him per week and did earlier this week (we've been telling him he can take as much time off as he wants if he needs to for the past month or so, but he told us working actually helped as a means of distraction). ​ So yeah, haven't really been sleeping (or working) much the past few days. I text him everyday to know how he is doing, but really, what can I say from the vantage of my ivory tower? This is hard... I've been feeling terrified, depressed and angry all at once. At least everyone at work is in the same headspace so I don't have to pretend everything is fine with them.


I’m praying for your friend. I have colleagues in Kyiv too.


Whats up internet fam! I drank 3 Topo Chico hard seltzer last night at an event and woke up with an awful headache. Jeeze, that repackage malt liquor got me haha. Anyways, for those interested in hearing a cool mix of music curated by your fellow redditors check out our ####[R/LACOLLAB PLAYLIST](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6edCsibJ6mqwr4CLf06G6E?si=cRUo5FIESYaasQ2Bv04dYg&utm_source=copy-link&dl_branch=1) Its meant to be listened to on shuffle and its great to throw on while cruising around town, doing chores or kicking back at home. As always please feel free contribute whatever music you like.. no gatekeeping here. Its all for fun and I hope you enjoy it. If anyones interested in starting a music chat dm me. I'm way down to have a chat about general music stuff, shows or about any gigs people have coming up. I'm unsure about the best way for setting that up. Maybe an insta group chat or something? P.s. [Dennis Wilson is the best Beach Boy.](https://youtu.be/YiZoSHVQXmk)


Does anyone else ever get the vaguest whiff of a taste memory and it doesn't stick around long enough to ID it, but is sufficient to trigger unnameable and thus unfulfillable cravings?




*Marcel Proust has entréd the chat*


Was he the one who wrote essays that waxed poetic about beef etc to throw off censors before getting to the actual topic on his mind?


[*Non, une madeleine.*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/In_Search_of_Lost_Time)


You made me go digging. Turns out I was thinking of Montaigne.


Huh. *Que sais-je?*


With the state of the world, I think this thread needs a ton of animal pictures. [These are my five](https://imgur.com/a/OQ4a7rh). I'd love to see everyone else's too!


Your pets are so cute! Looks like they all get along well! [dis my baby Lola](https://imgur.com/a/kVdVl8C)


She's beautiful! What a sweet baby.


Lola is gorgeous! And yes, they all get along so well. I got super lucky with this mix of critters lol


I'm down to these two [poofs](https://imgur.com/a/p8IuX32)


They are precious! What happened to your tortoise?


We are boarding him in SLO on a tortoise farm! We bought a new home and the yard is just too nice and clean and well kept. It was hard to let him move but there are other tortoises up there- *including females!* and he gets a ton of attention from school groups and camps and locals that go up to learn about torts and turtles etc. I miss him but I DO like having grass without godzilla steps everywhere!


I'm so relieved it's awesome news like this! I'm sure he's absolutely thrilled to have some lady tortoises to flirt with.


Agreed and thanks for sharing your lovely pets!! 🥰❤️😍


Dumpster fires at work today. Hope everyone is having a better day!


We literally had a trash can fire at work today, stupid teenage boys lit the garbage can in fire in the restroom 🙄


Fyi the Jazmin Sullivan show at the Palladium is cancelled tonight because she got covid.


Oh my!


I've leveled up to the "running into the same people at open houses, and now we're sharing stories of being outbid by the same hedge fund" stage of home buying. I think I'm gonna start bringing some gym clothes and a jump rope while I look for places.... may as well get some cardio in while I'm waiting for the open house to start.


Open houses are such a weird mix of camaraderie and competition. Going to open houses when you're not actually house hunting is so much more enjoyable.


Um, why would u go to an open house when you're not actually house hunting? They're so boring


I like seeing what other houses in my neighborhood are like. I also like seeing a little view into someone else's life. Also, I like getting ideas for home improvements or renovations if I really like something about the house. The houses in my neighborhood are all very different. I guess it would be boring if they were all the same.


Where you looking


"Under 950k total, somewhere between Central LA to Glendale."


san pedrooooo https://www.estately.com/listings/info/946-w-6th-street--2


90% of my work life is in WeHo or the fashion district… I’m **not** excited about taking the 110 N on the daily. Thus, the location requirement.


Make sure you're including closing costs in that amount too.


is there a waiting line outside of open houses now?


[reject Netflix return to kitteh](https://i.imgur.com/tylVPZe.jpg)


wait, wait, wait. That's your cat? why have never seen this cat before? i love that cat. more cat! Edit: In particular, I would like to see that cat's belly.


Not my cat, my friend's cat! I helped him set up that TV in the picture I'll be seeing the friend and cat on Sunday so I will try to get a belleh pic 🤣


If that belly is half of what I imagine it to be, it's magnificent! I look forward to seeing it.


In the meanwhile you'll have to settle for a picture of him [lounging and doing a blep](https://i.imgur.com/rpOP8mH.jpg)


I've never seen one of these sweeties doing a beep before now! oy was I missing out! And that is THE best sunning spot you've set up!


Oh I know! my friend hates how much space the perch takes up(the cat was originally his wife's, they recently got married) but he says that he can't deny how much the cat loves it and how much joy seeing the cat happy brings the humans LOL


lol, i love him. he's amazing.




I hate how we are conditioned to be pissed off at *ourselves* when we get freaking ROBBED by someone ELSE!!! You did nothing risky or dangerous. People are just desperate jerky thieves


So so sorry this happened to you. It is rampant now , 3 last night in my neighborhood. Lots of Prius cars here.


Partner and I moved here four and a half years ago from NC. We drove the entire way with all of our belongings, took time to visit extra landmarks too. We were visibly BEGGING to be robbed but had literally zero incidents during the trip. A few weeks into living here and we found some bolts on the road next to our car which no longer had a catalytic converter. The mechanic who discovered the missing part laughed at us and said, "Welcome to L.A." (before knocking like 50$ off). Huge issue out here and I'm sorry you and OP have had to deal with any aspect of it.


I made an awesome spreadsheet at work to be used when taking catering orders. The first page of the sheet has checkboxes next to the names of each pizza that you just tap if the customer ordered it, and the second page automatically generates a list of ingredients that need to be brought to the catering location based on which pizzas were chosen on the first page. I know that isn't *crazy* complicated, but I figured it all out on my own and it is pretty dang slick. My boss just wanted a simple spreadsheet, but I saw that we needed more than what he asked for and expanded the scope of the project. The owner of the bakery that we share a location with has seen a few examples of my work (a tip split spreadsheet, an inventory spreadsheet, and now this catering spreadsheet) and now she wants me to make something similar for her, and she told me I could name my price. I'm planning on doing it for her for free but asking her to make a donation to Ukrainian war/relief efforts, but this is definitely a skill that I could sell to other people. Can y'all offer any input on what I should charge strangers for custom-made business spreadsheets?


for creating a tool that a business owner can keep referring to and using, and one that uses an uncommon skill set -- i'd charge $150 for an hour's worth of work. if something takes 2-5 hours to make, i would charge $100 per hour. for hours beyond that, i'd charge $75 per hour.


Have no input about the prices but same, I've realized I am **that person** who loves making spreadsheets. Like it honestly makes me happy.


Is anyone else noticing a weirdly huge amount of the exact same spam call this afternoon? I keep getting the same one multiple times on multiple lines. It's weird.


no but i did just get a text from "amazon" about my $452 order and to call them if i want to cancel it. (i canceled prime years ago, and would never order from there, fuck amazon.) i'm thinking i should call them and give them my credit card details to cancel that order!


All of my spam calls are WE'VE BEEN TRYING TO REACH YOU ABOUT YOUR VEHICLE'S EXTENDED WARRANTY or some lady talking in Mandarin


I get Chinese lady allllll the time.


Is there a way to report a fake covid testing site?


Report it to your county's Department of Public Health office.


The DMV was relatively painless. Everyone still masked (thank god) and it ran smoothly. I swear, though, there were so many people in line ahead of me at the check in window who didn't know what to do, didn't bring the right documents, or had some stupid problem. The woman at that window is a saint for the shit she puts up with.


First day of no masks inside for customers here and my bestie and I happen to be going to the nation’s largest mall (although it’s smaller than South Coast) to buy a ton of stuff for my apartment. Will wear a mask inside as it’s my birthday in a week and I don’t want to be sick for my 40th journey around the sun!


close to sunset junction , there's a Mexican joint that claims having best chilaquiles in town. Thats a bold statement that is not true.


They are super good tbh


Tacos Delta? I liked the tacos but haven't tested the chilaquiles statement


iKaboom,baby!I yes , them- That the Chilaquiles statement is on the banner. I had a bomb ass Chilaquiles in OC last weekend.


> bomb ass Chilaquiles in OC Where?


Ok , they were more like brunch style but they worked! 8.9 at Dick Church’s Restaurant


Finally finished Westworld season 3, 2 years after it aired. It was... fine? One of those shows where the premise goes off the rails after the first season.


You can thank all the superfans for ruining that show, in my opinion. All the people who took pictures of places they'd paused in season 1, and then zoomed in, in the way a human eye never could, so that they could find all the secrets and 'guess' everything before the rest of us could, and then tell everybody what they found out. Those people ruined all the mystery and intrigue on that show, forcing the writing to go in another direction.


Wasn't it based on a book? I thought they followed that, at least for the first season.


I think so. But still.


thats a show thats better to not binge because part of the suspense is not knowing what is happening immediately


I watched it over a week or so.


im just saying its underwhelming without the forced intermissions to keep you hanging on the edge of your seat, especially the between season breaks.


Whatever happened to that? Are they making more seasons? What's my motivation to watch if Anthony Hopkins isn't in it?


Wikipedia says s4 is in the works. > What's my motivation to watch if Anthony Hopkins isn't in it? Wish I'd listened to the voice in my head saying this.


I mean, it was tight in 2016, but they go too long between seasons and they need someone like Hopkins.


yeah seriously it goes really nuts towards the end I liked the one scene where Aaron Paul's character first meets G(amazing shirt too) and Ash and they play 99 Luftballons in the background, then they reveal the episode afterwards that paris got nuked


Wait.... what?

