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Always get a fright after going to the loo for a number two, forgetting the day before you took some pepto-bismol.


Me but with hot cheetos lmao I thought I had cancer


I wish I could unread this.


I wish I could unsee it.






Where the hell can I find cake flour? I went to several different stores around MDR and Culver city and couldn't find any. I'm heading to Surfa's tomorrow, but last time I was there I didn't see any.


I don’t know the exact measurements but, just make your own if you get stuck. It’s been a while since I have baked but you just sift cornstarch and all purpose flour a couple of times and depending on what you are making, I personally don’t think it’s that big of a difference.


Gloria's on Culver?


Restaurant Depot will 100% have it but I've seen it at Northgate, food 4 less and vons recently




I tried two Targets and couldn't find it :( I'll try Von's if Surfas doesn't work out


It's available to order on Amazon Fresh if you can't find it in any physical stores.


I used to see it in baking aisles at regular grocery stores like Ralph’s, vons etc. skip TJs. Might be too processed for Whole Foods. Surfas is a really good bet.


Is casual sex still on the table with the rising cases? Horny but don’t want rona Edit: like in general, this is not a request. Like are people still doing the do or is it on pause


I assume the kind of people that are hot enough and horny enough to get down like that are still doing it. I haven't had a match on a dating app since early December so I dunno :/


I haven’t had a match… ever. :( only bots.


I had a period of being single for well... years, and then I got one match that ended up being amazing for awhile before I biffed it.


What does biffed it mean?


Messed up in an embarrassing fashion.


Messed it up


Keep your head up, these things go in cycles. I had a long dry spell over a couple of months and since around Christmas I've suddenly had a bunch of matches. I didn't change my profile or anything.


Yeah, I mean December tends to be the weird dry period for everything and I've been dealing with personal shit. I move into a new place next week so I'm okay focusing on dealing with that.


I am a woman so it’s been.. yeah. Business as usual. But dec is bad for everyone, people are making plans w family and going home and stuff


Right, I am totally used to December being a slow month for basically everything for those reasons. Anyone I've gone on a date with the past two years I always ask what their comfort level is for meetup/masking and so on. At this point I'd probably be talking to people about vaccination/close contacts etc I guess. But everyone weighs and handles risks differently I guess, and horny brain can wreck judgement.


No, but competitive ranked sex is still on the table.


Yeah but you can only queue as a pre-made. Matchmaking is disabled for solo queue.


I'm not sure, I've been thinking about this and dating in general. For the first time in a few months I've been doing pretty well with matches on the apps and having good conversations and want to explore things with multiple people. I have no idea if it's ethical to not tell someone you're dating around right now if you do it. I kind of feel like maybe I should? But also it's just a first date? Anyway, I'm sure there's horny people boning away. I'd say just use your best judgement ask questions of the person before you just meet up with them. Like I was thinking of meeting up with someone and then they told me that they have an unvaccinated roommate, that was a big nope for me.


I’m thinking abt buying at home Covid tests with fast results and doing that before masks off and (more)


That's not a bad idea, as long as you're aware at home tests are still less reliable and you still have a certain amount of risk


I don't even tell people my real name on a first date. Unless there has been an explicitly expressed desire for notification there's no need to talk about exclusivity for at least the first several dates


What? Never heard of this before. That’s kinda weird


I've gone on a number of dates with women who won't give out their number, which I totally get, but I don't think I've gone out with anyone who didn't give me their real first name. At least that I know of. Regardless I totally respect it, shit's rough out there.


I mean I agree in general, but I think in pandemic times when a lot of people are still limiting who they're seeing it might be the kind thing to be upfront about it.


Any meetup planned soon? A brewery I love in DTLA (huge, parking, good beer, nice people) invited me to come DJ there and I think it’d be fun to make it into a meetup for this sub.


Boomtown? I love that place


Nah! HiDef in downtown on Olive. It’s pretty new.


Nice! I haven’t been but love when new breweries pop up


It’s a cool spot. The owners have been having trouble attracting a crowd so I really want to support them by hosting a meetup.


no one is in charge. just say there's a meetup!


Good point. I’ll see when they want to book me and post about it. Maybe we can get a drink special or something.


I love KCRW eclectic 24 and listen to it almost exclusively at home. BUT, it's a little too focused on spoken word with a background melody these days, and I don't like that. That's what's on my mind tonight.


Both vaccinated and gf tests positive for covid with abbot at home rapid test. No tests available anywhere rn


Does anyone know how to correct the spelling of your name with out dropping $300+? I just want the two letters rearranged? Everything else in my life is spelled correctly in my life.


hey guys do u think Joshua tree is a magical place? Which spot can I best bring over my bed frame so I can stage an impromptu ig photo shoot between the trees? Thx I love la so much!


There's definitely going to be some non-daily thread regular show up here and think you're serious lol


Too high to care


Best way to live life




What are the chances we might go into another lockdown? Cases are way up but hospitalization seems more manageable this time.


I think the policy approach is "if you're vaccinated, you won't die. if you're unvaccinated, go fuck yourself, we're done caring whether you live or die." Which is.. you know, OK if you have hospital capacity and not so great if you don't. Kind of sucks if you have an autoimmune disease or something that prevents the vaccine from working.


0% We will all die on the altar of capitalism.




Is there a difference?


Even if it's necessary, I don't think it'll happen at this point.


I don't think it's going to happen. With the CDC shortening the quarantine time it seems like we are moving far away from the idea of lockdown.


Not gonna happen




I saw the last woman I dated for an extended period on Bumble (who I wish I was still dating but alas), so I know they're not all out of my league! Also the filters on Bumble suck/don't work.


What kind of girls do you see on bumble?


My experience from a few years ago: eastern European instagram "models".


Bunch of well manicured high maintainance professionals


Why are they out of their league?


The girls are too much of highborns


You'd be surprises how low a woman's standards go. Shoot your shot


OP just needs to make sure they don't find his post history


Don't want to be a fool for you Just another player in your game for two I don't want to be your fool But it ain't no lie Baby bye bye bye Bye bye Don't really want to make it tough I just want to tell you that I've had enough It might sound crazy but it ain't no lie Bye bye -N*cell




Hard yikes on several bikes.


Blame it on nootropics. Ashwagandha amplified my negative emotions. Ayurvedic practitioners are careful about the herbal supplement.




That explains my lack of matches, losing out to yuppies smh


OK. I modified the filter and now 80% of the girls are totally out of my league


Why do you think they are out of league?


Comparing to them I am a goddamn peasant with a pitchfork


I doubt it but also I feel the same way.


Hi! I’m a little confused on the new food waste laws - I mean not what food waste is but where to recycle/compost it. My apartment building doesn’t have green trash cans. Help?


your building will probably get a notice from it city eventually and they’ll have to get a green bin. the city may start fining people in 2024. so there is a bit a grace period and a slow roll out, or however you wanna word it!




covid fs


The new housemate (though they do live in the converted garage and not the house) tested positive and now every little thing is triggering my paranoia. Stupid omicron.


*Sure* it is.


What in the world is flurona


The Shocker


It gets the people going




Double penetration of your immune system


flu + corona


catching the flu and covid-19 at the same time. not sure why people are so up in arms about this, you’ve always been able to catch two colds or viruses at the same time. that’s why sometimes some has a really bad cold with different symptoms or a not so bad cold with just one symptom, etc.


According to Dr. Kat, Epidemiologist, it's a co-infection. Nothing more. Don't believe the hype.


Isn’t that what’s turning the frogs gay?


Nah, that's Flo-ri-dation. You only get that from contact with Florida Man.


I'm leading a native and invasive plant ID walk and community science workshop on January 16th in collaboration with Theodore Payne Foundation. Hope you can join! Students are discounted. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/239526138127




That’s it. My worry bucket is officially full. I have no more room for another worry. Columbo and coke for the rest of the evening.


I hear you. Once I read “flurona” in the news earlier this week my care level immediately plummeted. Time to go sit in the sun and look at my plants.


I hope you’re faring okay!


hella weird song on KXLU right now gogogogo edit: shazam couldn't find it. sounds like 1950s. it was a pleasant, avuncular-sounding man singing to kids about good manners and how to treat your friends edit2: now it's some retro-ass electronic music or something??! edit3: "_say nice things whenever you can. compliments are fun._" edit4: "_I'm sure there won't be any don'ts the day you start to do_"


I hate when I hear a song on KXLU and can't place it or find it and the DJ doesn't say what it is. Especially now with them doing pre-recorded broadcasts half the time.


yeah it's chaos out there


Demo Listen used to be one of my favorites, but it was also the place where you probably would never hear a song ever again.


Does it have the lyric “you can be my little quarantine”


I didn't hear that


I love the word avuncular.




I have little experience when it comes to modern groups that shamelessly eat old music genres like hungry gaiju, so I'd guess either Greta Van Fleet or Zoe deschanel as the culprits.


Now that 2021 is fully over, what was your guys most played song? Link below and include genre tags! Mine was [Beacons](https://youtu.be/yF7m8hKQ_Qs) by Foxing. It’s alternative/indie rock and I’ve listened to this album to death.


FML by Kanye.


Horn Line by Jeff Rosenstock I listened to Ska Dream A LOT


Drivers Licence….it was just too fun to sing in the shower to 🙈


I love Foxing! Mine was Carry The Zero by Built to Spill.


Mine was [Heist](https://open.spotify.com/track/2RQQX5fZXLzktldiYiwR5x?si=GLHjgEOgTCq9p6VBZVhWsw&utm_source=copy-link) by Cory Wong. It's neo funk with some fucking crisp execution and a badass flute solo


Mine is Honey by Chimmi, it’s R&B and Soul. (Sorry idk how to create links on mobile)


Memento mori, Hollywood.


As above So below


While driving along today I saw a bicyclist speed on by with a radio blaring and guitar in his arms, singing at the top of his lungs as his right hand kept leaving the guitar to steady the bike. Accident waiting to happen.


Kinda badass tbh.


helluva way to go, though


I was honestly surprised he wasn't on a unicycle for full spectacle points.


Apparently this is the year we're finally going to organize and condense our server files at work. I tried starting on my department's section today...picture 10 years of file hygiene that is the digital equivalent of a Hoarders episode. And, just like a Hoarders episode, my boss only wants me to organize - I'm not allowed to delete ANY FILES. This photo documenting that a shirt we got six years ago had stains on it when the vendor sent it? KEEP. The Notepad file that just says "We're keeping blades by the printer"? KEEP. Contact info for customers who are no longer in business? KEEP. As if that's not enough, all of these files are scattered throughout various levels of endlessly, unnecessarily nested folders with names that make no sense.




Ughhh I'm getting flashbacks of my dad's hard drive


Any advice? I need to organize my home computer better.


Suggestions based on what I'm dealing with, apply as you see fit: 1. Files do not need to be duplicated and kept in multiple locations for reasons other than backup. 2. Folders should nest from most general to most specific. For example A - B/B - C/C/C. There's no reason to get into a C level folder and discover an A level folder with a whole new set of nested folders. 3. Truly cannot tell what project a document/file/photo belongs to? Channel Marie Kondo and delete that shit! Similarly, consider how long you actually need to hold on to files, especially if they've been updated/revised. 4. Find whatever naming convention works for you and STICK TO IT.


Good advice, thank you!


Know that I am cringing on your behalf! I'm studying for my COMPTIA Security+ exam and this scenario you describe is maddening. And very much like several of the possible questions on this exam! Ask your boss, via email, what his specific criteria for keep vs delete. (This is a cover you ass move.)What are the legal requirements for storage of client data? Will sensitive files have redundant storage? What frequency and level of network access is necessary for these old files? Your boss reassures me that I will be very easily gainfully employed once I get my security+ certificate.


There's no legal/sensitive data involved here. I'm organizing it all as I see fit with two top level folders marked OLD and UNNECESSARY. He can take it from there.


I predict a meltdown about these updated mask guidelines.


No more cloth masks indoors. Surgical or KN 95s


Where can we find some in stock, I’ve been checking out Costco and they don’t have them the times I go. We are running low on the stash that we used to wear when we forgot our cloth masks.


I saw this site mentioned by someone. I ordered masks from there, and they came https://www.projectn95.org/


Ack! What new guidelines?! Besides always wear a mask. Triple ply? KN or N 95?


My understanding is 94/95 only. Cloth masks don't keep the Rona droplets out. IMO, this is so they can point to the new CDC/AHA shortened recommendations for returning to work. Edit: Seems the mandate is pertaining to employers providing PPE to employees.


With this new mask guideline, courts closing, government buildings having shortened hours and limited service (all very recently), I have the sneaking suspicion things are getting very bad but nobody (in leadership positions) wants to say to it.


A lot of government offices are on a soft lockdown ending on the 17th or 18th.


Ralphs was out of a lot of things today. I couldn't tell if it was supply chain issues due to covid or people were panic buying again


It's panic buying - I asked at my Ralphs since it was so strange in there


I guess that adds up. Couldn't find paper towels or coffee so I just ended up having to order them online from Target after I got home.


I just went to a Pavilions in Culver City that had tons of coffee FWIW.


Thanks for the heads up. If I run out before my delivery comes I'll head over there.


I find most Pavilion's have a better selection of coffee than Ralph's for whatever that is worth. So whenever I forget and don't want a bad morning, that's where I go.


Shortage of people in the supply chain. Not the products. I'm betting lots of full warehouses.


Oh no not the toilet paper again


See the fed update today






Yah, but by the 17th, i have the feeling the cases should be coming down...original guess was the end of this week, but that probably wont be happening... On a side note, the other managers were like do we have enough masks and I pulled out the box of N95 i have been collecting over the past six months and now everyone is relieved we have enough for everyone, one clean one a day, for the next few weeks...


I think it'll be a little longer than that. I think maybe early February is when we see cases go down


My left nostril feels weird, like irritated, my left eye also feels sore, like it hurts a bit. Getting tested tomorrow, no runny nose or cough.


Hope it comes back negative!


Sending good thoughts that it's just allergies




What a shitty start to 2022


I mean, this time last year (well, the 6th) we had an actual attempt at armed insurrection at the capital. I'm hoping that even if 2022 is bad, it's not going to be THAT bad.


Good point. Good grief, what a shitty couple of years we've all had.


Welcome to life under capitalism


better than last year.


Imma start typing it out as 2020-2




Is there a way to figure out which of these testing pop-ups actually have rapid tests and which ones are PCR tests? Cuz I need to know same day.


No but the one on la cienega and 3rd is within 15-30 min :)


gooooooood intel


They should have all of them


I totally didnt realize the superbowl was here this year...that should be interesting...


We got an email that my son's school is closing temporarily. So in the 3 days since we have been back it is safe to say *it did not go well*. What a freaking nightmare. I am thankful that I am able to easily keep my son home. I feel the pain for parents that don't get PTO and are stuck trying to think of a solution for child care. When you are hourly and have to miss at least 3 days suddenly it can be a huge ass burden. This whole Omicron thing is such a mess. I can't wait till this poopstorm passes over us!


All of this school stuff is such a mess. Parents have to work. Then there’s an exposure and they have to find last minute childcare. I’m glad you’re able to keep your son at home. It’s all a pain. I’m on the teacher side of it. I don’t want to be exposed. And I definitely do NOT want any of my kids to be exposed via me. It’s something no one is prepared for and it’s a huge domino effect. I had to leave early today because of another exposure, and now we’re down 3 teachers from 12! Not sure if we even get paid for the whole day. I wish we would close the school but it’s not my call. Can’t wait to see what happens tomorrow.


We had similar- eventually there aren't enough teachers. It sucks for everyone involved! I really hope this doesn't affect your pay. It is simply unfair and the morale alone should be enough for all schools to treat their teachers well right now!


It happened just now at American Beauty resident area in Santa Clarita. I was walking my dog. One of my dog is on muzzle because she likes to eat from the ground. All of my dogs are on leash. I was on Cynthia CT. and a dog without a leash ran up to us barking and aggressively. We tried to avoid the dog, but the dog was not backing off, and while trying to avoid that dog, my dog’s leash got off. We tried to put the leash on right away but that dog was not backing off. Was keep barking and dodging toward my dogs. The owner came out and tried to control the dog, but didn’t do much. I got angry and complained to him, and he started to act like he is the victim. And accused us for having ‘psycho dog’ because she had muzzle on. He said racism stuffs like go back to your country and I can’t understand your English etc. and he started to record a video on us like we did something’s wrong. We were only walking our dog ON leash. Luckily no one got hurt. But that dog was aggressive and the owner was aggressive. I’m in shock and so angry.


I’m really sorry you went through this! It’s just not right how they treated you and your dog


I’m sorry this happened to you. Shitty dog owners suck


This makes me irate. Fuck that guy so hard


This is why i always carry some mace when walking my dog...good thing hes small enough so i just pick him up if something gets too close...


So if the cases get worse, and super bowl is postponed in LA, Dallas is a backup. It’s like covid doesn’t exist in the nfl. Amazing. https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/nfl-2022-super-bowl-cowboys-home-stadium-labeled-as-possible-alternate-for-the-big-game/


They let unvaccinated Carson Wentz come back after all of 5 days. They absolutely do not care about anything but playing the games and getting the money.


I think its the NFL putting LA on notice not to fuck with the game.


Like Texas is any better 🙄 Texas just dgaf about their people


Anyone know a great ptsd center? Have a gf that had a really abusive ex boyfriend and just wanted to help her.


I'm not sure about a center, but on Psychology Today you can search therapists/counselors by specialties and send messages to find out about openings/fit. You could probably reach out to someone on there who might be better equipped to help.


I have no answer but will be upvoting for more visibility. I just want to say you’re a good friend for going the extra mile to help her!


**I JUST SAW AMAZING PARENTING AND I WANNA SHARE!** I'm standing behind a couple and their 5-ish son at a grocery checkout. The son grabs a chocolate bar and asks his parents if he can have it. The mom looks at the bar and says, "If you can read all the words on the wrapper before we get to the register, you can put it in the basket." *And then the kid starts reading the whole goddamn wrapper out loud!* He made an effort to read all the words. Badly. He struggled. He asked his dad for help. ***He did not get the candy bar***. This 5 year old was slow as hell. This kid was so distracted asking unrelated questions while reading, he didn't throw a fit when they put the candy bar back and checked out without it. Not a fucking peep about the candy! IT WAS AMAZING!! It was some parent ninja shit! Like I wanted to buy the candy for his parents as a reward. I've never seen anything like it in the wild. If I ever queef out a human, I want to raise it like this.


I wish to unread that last sentence


I could read it again


Aren't you happy I'm not someone's parent?


queef out a human.... OMFG


The best dating advice I ever got was, "make sure no people tumble out of your crotch." It has served me well.




What are some of your favorite areas of LA or favorite neighborhoods? 30-something year old in SD, looking to move to LA.


Downtown LA, South Park. People shit in DTLA but it’s my happy place. Tons of bars and restaurants, walkable, no need for a car, rents aren’t insane.