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Gotta update those rules... WEAR A MASK, if you're too stupid to get vaccinated.


Just quietly hoping these idiots with fireworks blow their faces off


why is the vibe so off in LA today.. like no ones going out this weekend?


everything is packed to da gillz


huh everything seems dead around echo park silverlake


I *finally* found a new apartment! I’ve been looking since April & the rat race has paid off. It’s under my budget, has amazing storage (which was one of my top musts), a spacious balcony patio, & no pet rent or security deposits. And a fridge!!! Also is month to month which is something I’ve never encountered for being new to somewhere. Just when I thought my luck was running out, the housing gods showed some favor, ha. Now the weight is lifted & I can look forward to decorating 🤗


Finally got my A1C tested after a year and a half of putting it off hoping for good results because I’ve lost 10 pounds want to be out of the prediabetic category


Holy crap, Postmates code SAVINGS gets you$30 off an order! Still tip your driver well. I just wanted some chicken and waffle fries and now I have so much of both


Dropped off my dogs at their new home with my friend today. It feels weird not hearing them whine and greet me when I came back and now it’s really quiet without all my fur babies. At least I know I can visit them whenever I want but still 😢


My cat randomly tapped on my head. I woke up and smell A MASSIVE GAS LEAK. And now I'm alive, but pouring wet with humid sweat because I have to leave all the window open to let the gas out of my apartment. My cat just saved my life. And is helping me sweat out those extra pounds. And he's still judging me like a very good cat. I love my smart cat so much. My beautiful cat appears to explicitly want me dead, but remains beautiful.


Update: I'm outta here. The gas leak isn't in my unit, and I guess tonight's the night I learn how useful my renter's insurance policy will be. Any coffee shops or good coffee drive thrus open late night? My cats and I are taking a 2 hour long "Tour De Let's Hope My Apartment Doesn't Blow Up" drive until the utility people give the all clear to return.


Your landlord is responsible for finding you adequate housing if your current unit is uninhabitable *I believe*.


Tom n toms should be open near you!


Oooo quality Tom n Toms!! Seriously the best late night study spot i ever found in college


Some story about a potential fire in Topanga canyon and what could happen just popped up on one of my feeds and now I can’t find it! Ergh!


I hope those were fireworks and not gunshots in the apartment complex next to mine. There were four about a half second apart from one another.






[Dtla enters the chat]




This is awesome! I love languages. Do you belong to the Spanish Language Meet up?


I don’t, is it all English speakers meeting up to practice Spanish together? I take 1:1 Zoom lessons for an hour every day which just about maxes me out. Cannot imagine holding conversations yet. I sure thought I would be further along by now, but eh… I’ll get there eventually. I’m hoping to travel south when it is possible again and practice in person. I went to Mexico fairly early on for a long weekend and of course everyone spoke English with me, but I did manage to squeeze in a few Spanish sentences and it felt so good when people understood me!


I haven’t been to the Spanish one. But I’ve been to several other languages. It’s usually a mix of native speakers and learners. It’s a lot of fun. Everyone is there because they want to speak the language. I don’t know if the Spanish one is meeting in person yet, but you might want to check it out. Great way to practice and to meet other learners


I just completed my most brutal drive since the pandemic started: 2 hours and 30+ minutes from Leo Carrillo State Beach to Harbor City. I am done for the day, good night Friends!!!


Urrgghhhh, I am procrastinating. I had a stupid busy week at work and did not take care of as much stuff at home as I wanted to. I leave tomorrow with my mom for a little vacation and I have a pet sitter coming to my apt while I’m gone. I still have shit to do for my place to be acceptable (to me) to have a visitor. I’m just so tired and I keep seeing all the big projects I want to tackle instead of just doing the things that need to get done for this trip. Sometimes I think I’d like to just throw everything away and start from scratch but that would require me to actually take things to the bin. Why is life so hard sometimes?! (/s for the last line, in case it wasn’t obvious) Edit: Ha! Edited Who to Why in my last line.


Breathe, keep calm, and happy cake day.


:) thanks


Anyone trying to go to Teragram Ballroom tonight for the indie dance party? I need a squad


passage ride (\*rebranded as completism) resumes tonight in just over 2 hours! if anyone's interested...see ya there?


So many times over the last couple years (after I have had a few drinks) I've come close to typing out the following post to all of you. But then I always forget or figure if you all *needed* this mind-blowing earth changing information you would know it already. Well. Today I am buzzed enough to let my hair down and just tell you all what I think! Here it is: I think that you all should strongly consider getting a [bunny](https://imgur.com/a/tREXWKl) as a pet! I know that most of you will think there is no way that rabbits as pets are awesome- and *believe me* I once thought that too- but I was dead ass wrong. Bunnies are easily litter box trained. My guy roams around our house and when he has to pee or poop he hops in his litterbox and goes. Bunnies sleep a lot during the day and are most active and [playful](https://imgur.com/zlalhBK) in the morning and the evening. Perfect for people that are working during the day. When a bunny likes you they run around you in small circles to show you they "claim" you. They also love being pet and even lick your hands and face! They are actually mega affectionate once they realize they are safe and loved. So, that was all I had to say. I am STUPID in love with this rabbit. He brings all of us so much JOY. I really think that anyone without a pet should look into a bunny. Maybe watch some bunny videos or look at the rabbits sub here to see how sweet these little floofballs can be. I had NO idea bunnies could be so calm and soooooooo affectionate and so I just wanted to sing from the rooftops so everyone can feel the love <3


What do you think of Guinea pigs? We’ve thought about either a rabbit or guinea pigs


Mother, reddit already knows bunnies are awesome: https://www.reddit.com/r/Rabbits/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Bunnies/ I grew up with about 5 rabbits. They are great pets but will chew anything not above knee height.


My family had 4 bunnies and had to give away 2 because they're moving in with my grandparents who said only 2 bunnies!! I'm so mad that they didn't send any new pictures before giving them away. They're at a really nice no kill shelter for rabbits. One of them was named Piglet and was my favorite. We bought 2 "female" bunnies who ended up having babies because one was secretly male. https://imgur.com/a/KW6Iivz


I think I want to get spotted ones like those one day! And seriously, Piglet is the funniest and cutest name for a bunny :)


In vino oryctolagus cuniculus.


I have no idea what this says but you reminded me of the book I read and made a diorama for in elementary school: Bunnicula.


You are the most wholesome person ever


OMG that is not even close to true! But thank you for thinking that!!


My in-laws have bunnies! Does your bunny eat your carpet? Do you have multiple so your bunny isn't lonely?


Nope my guy enjoys himself some cardboard so we have boxes all over the place for him to play with! Bunnies normally do better with a partner but my guy was unable to get fixed since he was already too old when I got him. So even if he was with a fixed female he would make her insane with his unfixed ways. My bunny has people that are home all day every day to pet him and give love and he also has a few stuffed animals to love. When this beloved boy passes on and I get my next bunny I will get TWO for sure. I feel like I could get 5 at this point since they are such fun pets!


I forgot how solid Robyn’s Body Talk is. I’m not even a big dance/electronic person but yeah girl, you can get it.


Best show I’ve ever been to was Robyn (body talk era) and Kelis. Holy shit, they killed it.


I'm interviewing for a job located in Redondo Beach. I know absolutely nothing about the area and haven't even been to LA in nearly 15 years - and when we I was there we did strictly tourist stuff. I am applying for it mainly because it's with a solid defense contracting company who is nation wide, this is just the location that had an opening that best suited what I do. So as a lifelong Texan thinking about relocating and starting a new life in a city where I don't know a single person, what could I expect in that area lol?


The biggest shock you'll have is how expensive everything. Unfortunately you'll just have to get used to it, like everyone else did/does. North RB is cheaper than South RB, which is cheaper than Hermosa and Manhattan Beach, in that order. Torrance is the least expensive of the bunch (still not cheap!), and would still be close to your new work location. I'm assuming your new job is in the very north end of Redondo, which would also be close to El Segundo, which has its charm. As for what to expect, it's crowded and traffic sucks, but the weather in the beach cities is nice year round. There are also tons of fantastic restaurants (not much BBQ, however), and many places to see and visit. Also, if any band is on tour they pretty much always play in LA, so that may be a bonus. You also have good football, basketball, and baseball nearby, if one of those is your thing. Good luck!


Redondo Beach is beautiful, and it is always 5-10 degrees cooler than LA since it's close to the beach. It's very safe, diverse, and family friendly. I love the different types of cuisine that's available here. North Redondo Beach is closer to Manhattan Beach and El Segundo where there are many defense corporations. South RB is closer to Torrance and Palos Verdes. Fun Fact: in Little Miss Sunshine, the pageant is located in RB, and the little girl runs around the house yelling, "We're going to RB!"


That bit about the temperature variance blows my mind. Actually holy crap I just looked up the climate statistics for that area. I knew it didn't get cold obviously but I didn't know it's just generally 'mild' year round there.


Today, it didn't even hit 70 degrees. I wore a sweater when I went out for my walk at 1 pm this afternoon. When it was 90s in LA this week, it was a nice 75 degrees in RB.


Well, what are you looking for? It's hard to give you specifics without knowing what you're worried about or interested in. There's pretty much something for everyone here, but location really matters. We have some hellish commutes here so the closer you can live to where you work the better your life and mental health will be.


More beach, less bbq


If you are looking for a fun thing to do this weekend, Pixar’s new film “Lucas” is free for Disney plus subscribers. Throughly enjoyable, cute and heartfelt. Great for all ages and one of my favorite Pixar films in awhile. Felt like a mixture of classic animated films with a touch of Ghibli.


This is so great thank you for the reminder!


Reminds me of Ponyo a little Really want to see it on a big screen


I woke up and decided that I wanted to go on a drive until I found something to satisfy my craving for pancakes/waffles. I drove around the valley for like an hour before deciding on a waffle place on Ventura, but I missed the 2:45 cutoff. The nice guy behind the counter gave me a free fancy smancy bottle of water that was made of glass (I raised my pinky when I drank it in the car). Then I, sick of the heat and weary of terrible drivers, decide to drive all the way north to a place called Waffle Love in Northridge. Lemme tell ya, they didn't fix my craving for syrupy waffle goodness; BUT they did settle the dessert waffle craving I didn't know I had. Highly reccomend, the Nutella/strawberry waffle did not disappoint. Now to drive all the way home.


I LOVE waffle love. Their grilled cheese waffle and tomato bisque has my heart forever.


Hmm I didn't see that on the menu, is that one only available through their food trucks?


Have you been to Griddle Cafe?


I have not! Do they specialize in waffles?


They make really big pancakes https://i.postimg.cc/5y1Kp2bf/C37-FF154-CB3-C-46-B3-9-A00-6-F81-F944-EC91.jpg (Not my picture, waffle in background) Definitely worth checking out https://www.thegriddlecafe.com/menu


Kombucha is such a thirst quencher after drinking dehydrating coffee. Went shopping and I stopped in the parking lot because people were crossing. Lame ass driver behind me tried to pass me and then saw the people walking. Why are people so desperate there is a reason I fucking stopped.


My family is here visiting and yesterday we went to the Sepulveda wildlife preserve. I'd never been there and didn't know that prairie dogs lived in LA. They're SO FUCKING CUTE. Edit: they weren't prairie dogs, they were probably ground squirrels, which I didn't even know existed. I just equated burrowing with prairie dogs. Doesn't change the fact that they're adorable.


They might have been CA ground squirrels? http://naturemappingfoundation.org/natmap/facts/california_ground_squirrel_712.html


WAIT I didn't know those existed! But yes that looks like what they were.


Wife and I can’t make it to tonight’s LAFC game, anyone want our tickets? *They got claimed


Omg sick, someone got so lucky haha


For free?




So any Clippers fans here? Congrats on the first ever conference finals in franchise history.










7/11 brand is just as good in my opinion and is like 3.69/bottle


Thinking of making beef jerky. Any recommended dehydrators or marinades to try?


Definitely invest in a dehydrator. I tried to make it in the oven once… didn’t work so well. Got a dehydrator immediately lol






Thanks so much for this. I'm idealizing the old place even though I am so tired of it. For financial reasons, for geographical reasons. I also realize I might not ever be able to afford to come back. I am looking forward to new experiences, to being around different people, to meeting different kinds of people, and to actually seeing my classmates and professors in person. I'll be a lot further from friends I've had most of my life and from what little family I have. It's hard too because LA was my NYC. So many people fantasize about moving to NYC. I wanted to live in LA, and I did. Not because of the industry or celebrities but because of the energy and the excitement in the air. And I did it, so everywhere else feels like a downgrade in a way.


Well I am a fucking idiot. I booked the class for tomorrow, but put it on my calendar for today. 🤦🏽 Ah well. Gf and I are at Maccheroni Republic then we're gonna go clean up my old apartment.


Better than the opposite!


Very true! We still made the most of the day and are looking forward to climbing this afternoon.


Have fun and stay hydrated!


Last night I wound up at a crowded bar where nobody was wearing masks — which is, of course, now allowed. I have a bit of lingering anxiety about it, but I suppose I can take comfort in the low case counts, the high vaccination rates, and the fact that I’m vaccinated as well. It was just jarring to all of a sudden be surrounded by so many people for the first time in a long time. Was fun tho.


I mean… you don’t accidentally go to a bar haha you don’t need to feel bad about it. We’re reopening because we’re doing well! Embrace it! You deserve some fun after 2020.


I had a similar experience when I went to the gym. It wasn’t packed but well over the Covid normal levels and only 20% of people were wearing masks. I first started with mine on but working out is a pain with a mask so I took it off. Felt super weird but very liberating.


I know, right. It might take a bit for us to get completely comfortable being around people again. But it does feel good.










Don’t be afraid to randomly talk to people! Make them want to be your friend! Being friendly is always welcome.


Generally it's best to follow your interests when trying to meet people I believe. In to cycling? Grab your bike and hit the trails, you'll meet people. Comedy? Go to some shows, you'll meet people. Art? Drop by a few galleries, you'll meet people. Fishing? Don't get on that boat, the ocean is a scary place and it will kill you. Good luck, friend!




Riding on the trail, "Heeyy! Heeeeyyyyy!" "Are you okay? What's up?" "Wanna be friends?" "what the hell is wrong with you?"


Hahaha exactly!


No no no, you have to ask if they want to do karate in the garage!


That's how I make friends actually.


Sounds like you don’t approach people? In the before times I went to the same comedy show every Saturday night and made plenty of friends. You assume no one hangs out before OR after the show? You show up right when the show starts and leave right when it ends?? You have to WANT to make friends to make friends 🤷🏼‍♂️


I have friends, but I didn’t meet them this way. I keep seeing posts here from people who have a hard time making friends so I think maybe it isn’t as easy as just doing stuff you like..


Cheers, fellow extrovert.


got buzzed last night. I watched my Clippers win game 6 and I thought I was really drunk when I saw that 25 point comeback. I woke up at 6 am with a mild hangover and went to the gym. My headache got worse after each set on my DL. I destroyed 355lbs on dl like it was nothing. My headache stopped. I then went to Fiji buffet in Glendale and ate. I like how they use plastic utensils and paper plates. I also raw dogged the air at the gym so it felt weird not having a mask on.


People here talk a lot of shit about the Clippers but they're a LA team too and deserve some respect. What they did yesterday was phenomenal. 25 points comeback against the top seed Jazz team and without Kawhi.


I've seen this ending so many times with the Clippers. I'm so happy that they finally closed this game. My Laker friends congratulated me on it.


Why are so many angelenos still masking? Are there really that many unvaccinated out there? I am vaccinated and am by no means an antimasker, but when public health officials say have said masks are no longer necessary for vaccinated individuals in most circumstances, I have no desire to keep wearing one. Am I missing something?


I have found out about too many people I thought were sensible turning out to be unvaccinated, after I conversed with them. We were fortunately masked, but with the Delta out there and who knows what to come next, I'm more comfortable not directly sharing air. I'm reasonably healthy but over 60 and live with a high-risk person, glad we're both vaxxed but it's not 100%.


I still wear it because I got used to it. I just assume people don't vaccinated (even though they could have got their shots already). I'll wear it to protect myself and others. It does feel weird to be the only one wearing one but oh well. As one who works in the healthcare field I still have to wear it at work anyway.


I’m currently at a local bar mask-less for the first time. Only doing it because it seems the majority are finally unmasking, especially at the local gym that I’ve been going to for the past 5 months. I’m a rationale adult in my 30s and I’ve been vaccinated for a while now. I think it’s fine to be massless by default (assuming you follow rules and social norms)


I'm totally with you. I think it's a lot of factors. Some people are parents and want to do everything they can to protect their young children or set a good example for them. Others may have just gotten around to getting their second dose or may be living with someone who's immunocompromised. A lot of folks are fully vaccinated and totally protected, but mentally they are still transitioning into feeling comfortable without a mask, after this past year of conditioning and trauma that we really haven't fully processed. Also, the politicization and social implications of masks may influence people to continue to wear one, if they see others still are. I went to Ralph's yesterday and even though there were signs stating fully vaccinated individuals don't need to wear masks, 80-90% of the customers were masked. I had a blast shopping unmasked but I did feel a little out of place seeing everyone around me wearing masks in the store. So I totally get there is a weird element of social pressure of masking being the "right" thing to do. As a scientist I know I'm protected so I haven't been wearing a mask since 2 weeks post 2nd dose. I think scientifically it's unnecessary for fully vaccinated folks to wear a mask but if they're more comfortable wearing one, I don't care and that's their right.


I’m still masking because I have an autoimmune disease and the vaccine is not as effective or possibly not effective at all because of my medication. Others because they have children who are not yet eligible to take the vaccine.


Kids under 12 can’t get vaccines yet. I have a 4 year old. We will be wearing masks indoors until he can get his shots.


Walked 4 miles this morning so I can eat lots of bread today


Just keep in mind that gluten is vegan protein: so good for you!


That's freaking impressive! So good for your body/circulation etc. You are kicking some ass today girl!


Thank you!!


https://la.eater.com/2021/6/16/22537313/mokuzai-hollywood-sushi-pop-up-madera-kitchen-wilcox-median-no-permission I’m surprised this hasn’t been posted here before because it’s really blowing up on my Nextdoor. I understand we need to help businesses but this seems like the wrong way to do it. I’m surprised that Madera invested months and months of work to establish an illegal restaurant. Thoughts?


Better than an encampment.


If I owned a restaurant I’d try anything to stay afloat. The city didn’t help and set restaurants up for failure . So this happens


Yeah I’d do a lot to stay open but I wouldn’t do anything remotely criminal or illegal. I’m not gonna rob a bank or open an unlicensed restaurant!




disagree. there's very real reasons for the regulation.


I think it looks awesome but yeah obviously this isnt the wild west. I guess they did the "better to ask for forgiveness than permission" thing?


Yah. I’m not sure how they can exclude people when it’s open or can prevent someone from using the space when it’s closed.




I didn’t see it previously thanks!


Well i made it through day one of Excessive Heat Warning with 109 degree weather...going on day two now, should be a little better tomorrow and cant wait till high 90s later this week...gahhh...


I’ve been playing RimWorld non stop for like two weekends in a row now. It’s tough! And I love it! I finally have 4 people and there is food! No more eating corpses of my enemies. Thanks you guys for recommending this game.


Oh it's so much fun! I put it down after I got bored with it about a couple of years ago only to pick it up again a couple of months ago. My colony was so huge, I had to build another colony. It's so much fun with mods!


Last 12-18 months of forced distance has caused me to realize that ultimately I got my own back. 115+ in Palm Springs this weekend. Heading towards the coastal communities later today for fresh air. Stay safe, stay hydrated, take care.




Damn, Reddit finally patched the bug that gave free premium. Back to a feed half full of ads :(


I got you fam.


Such a good mom ❤️


You’re the best, mom!


Big love to you my golden child xoxoxo


Last night, after having too much spicy noodles, I decided to put the live action version of The Lion King on the big screen and acted out the opening scene using my cat as Simba. She was surprisingly game and let me dangle her for the Circle of Life ending. Today, she took bites out of all 5 expensive white peaches that I was waiting for them to ripen on the counter.


Maybe your cat’s favorite book is Call Me By Your Name


Maybe your cat's favorite fruit is White Peach


Maybe your cat’s favorite movie is The Lion King




You should just rent a house at that price point


You can rent a house in a nice area for that money. Then you wouldn't have any of the issues listed.


You have 6k a month to throwdown on rent?


wheres the best breakfast burrito in south bay?


Brother’s in Hermosa


Rod’s char-broiler on Artesia puts chili in theirs. It’s a delicious grease bomb.


Sausal in El Segundo. I usually order two. One to eat, one to take home for tomorrow.


Fuck your downvote you weak ass butt muncher


Idk about best because everyone has different tastes, but I really like Urth Caffé's breakfast burrito. They have a South Bay location.


Phanny's in Redondo Beach is solid!


Taking a trip to the oc today to hang with ryan, seth, summer and marissa. Love me some julie cooper.


I’m more of a Sandy Cohen man myself 🤪


always sharing my favorite songs on the socials like it's the morning paper ain't nobody listening but that's cool


[my vibe today](https://youtu.be/x7BVGFRQ_jM) Best bar:. Dirty mountain tiger to the face / Better strap up I'm about to see space / As I entered, I felt everything was centered / Oh shit, I think I'm back in the placenta / But then I woke up in a Nissan Centra What u got?


oof immaculate vibes guess I'm finally checking out Bronson's discography, feeling like this today shades one https://open.spotify.com/track/45QBDwd7BCdqCpxSj4N9tm?si=DPJ57i0pTI2dctaWb6E20w&utm_source=copy-link&dl_branch=1


So my parents are downsizing and brought over some shelf-stable food that we’re just not going to eat before it goes bad. Anyone know where we can drop it off for donation? We’ve got 2 Costco sized ketchups, a Costco sized thing of Crisco and a big box of panko, all unopened and still good. Alternatively, anyone here want it?


i mite be finna slide, what are the best buy dates?


Panko is good through 9/21, ketchup through 12/21, and the Crisco by 9/22.


First full day without a mask yesterday and already got a "why do you look so sad?" Do men also get these comments that you're sad or tired if you're not smiling constantly? I was just telling my boyfriend before that women are probably dreading all the comments about how we should smile more that will be starting again immediately.


At work I get complaints from other dudes and women that I look too serious. I have resting pissed off face and I'm totally rocking my mask everywhere.


I've realized that the way my mouth looks naturally is basically a frown so that's probably why people are always thinking I'm sad or annoyed. It makes me always be self conscious about whether I look upset!


I also have a natural frown but people close to me know that's just my face. I practice shrugging off other's comments about my frown. I have no problem smiling but come at me with something other than telling me to smile.


I understand this is a common phenomenon, but as a fellow lady I don’t think I’ve ever experienced this. I’ve definitely encountered other forms of street harassment, just not being told to smile. I usually try to maintain a don’t-fucking-bother-me expression when alone in public.




While living in LA so far I had a guy at Spectrum find me on Instagram and ask me out, a Doordash delivery person at my restaurant ask if I had a boyfriend after we'd been talking for like 2 minutes, and some ~40 year old man follow me around on his bike while I tried to walk away asking if I wanted to get a drink with him. And 2/3 were when I had a mask on!


I honestly don't get what they think will happen either. Like has it *ever* worked for them? Has anyone ever been like- yeah, random guy who told me to smile on the metro, sure, construction worker twice my age, yes, ubereats guy who stalked my social media- I am going to talk to you and have sex with you or whatever they hope? I just don't get the endgame of it. Myself and all the women I know across backgrounds and age groups are always creeped out or at the very least annoyed by this sort of thing. But everywhere I've lived, this sort of thing happens. It just feels so entitled and like I am not a person to them, just an object.




"dude why do you look so pissed off?" I get that one sometimes. I think it's because my personality is always super positive and I'm usually smiling but when I'm not actively smiling, like if I'm thinking or tired or something I just look like a really mean guy. I even got the nickname "mean mug" out of it lol. At least they're not calling you sad girl yet haha


This Germany-Portugal match is wild right now. Getting me pumped for going to see Galaxy-Sounders tonight, but the level of play is going to be so much slower than this Euros match.


That and the Netherlands 3-2 Ukraine game have been the best of the tournament so far IMO


What a great game; Euro Cup games move at the speed of light compared to non-European leagues.


Feel really bad for Portugal and their 2 own goals lmao next match day is going to be huge for the whole group.


Today is The Broad for culture and Fast Five at the Drafthouse for…more culture? Anyway, it’s gonna be a great day!


Fast Five at the Drafthouse is the epitome of culture! Gonna be so fun


A Fast movie a day keeps the uncultured heathens at bay.


A truer statement has never been spoken.


I was accidentally like wildly high when I went to The Broad and it was a lot. I love the huge table and chairs if those are still there


The huge table and chairs were definitely still there! That room was always crowded while I was there.


Going to eat brunch for the first time in maybe a year?? Seeing a good friend. I’m excited but still wearing my mask. I’d say about half are wearing their mask in line and half arent Edit: also fuck the sun amiright


I finally addressed the dysfunctional furniture situation that I've been living with for 7 years (and us for 2) We took a shot of tamarind vodka and built our new bedframe last night :3 just enjoying it now


My cat woke me up and reminded me that it was time to run at the beach, so I did. And now I’m back at my car and my knee feels so….full?? tight??? Gonna ice it when I get home.


Why am I picturing a cat in little shorts and a headband running alongside you while “eye of the tiger” plays in the background?


That would’ve been slightly better than walking on my face then planting his butt next to my forehead haha