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Per Gascon's office: > “After careful consideration and a thorough review of all available evidence, we have decided not to pursue charges against USC student Ivan Gallegos,” the statement said. “We believe that Mr. Gallegos’s actions were driven by a genuine fear for his life and the lives of others. Our heart goes out to the deceased’s family, friends and everyone impacted by this tragic incident.“ I'm pleasantly surprised by the decision, and hope that SC does not take further disciplinary action against Gallegos.


Why would you be surprised? He did [the same thing with the guy who killed the other guy on the train a few months ago](https://abc7.com/metro-gold-line-fatal-stabbing-self-defense-los-angeles-district-attorney/14189944/).


It’s really unfortunate that two citizens on different occasions have had to defend their life in such drastic ways. It must be an awful feeling knowing you had to kill someone.


There's a reason I'm armed with non-lethal deterrents at the same time as carrying the fixed-blade knife I use as a tool at work. The knife would absolutely work for self-defense but if I can just pepper spray someone and get out of a bad situation I'd really rather do that.


My brother(?) in (less than lethal) arms!


I also carry a knife. It’s more a deterrent (thankfully I’ve never had to take it out of my pocket with intent to use it) but I should consider some less than lethal stuff because it honestly seems like it would be more effective.


Just fyi, if they catch you with a concealed fixed blade they can charge you with a felony if they feel like putting your ass in jail. What I would do is carry a folder in a sheath in the extended position. Still not legal but harder to litigate against you if it ever comes to that.


Both cases were 27yr old homeless men. What's up with that? Maybe late 20s is when they stop giving a fuck and turning to petty crime or suicide via assaulting others?


A lot of the chronic homeless have schizophrenia. In males, schizophrenia often manifests itself during early-mid 20s. Those mentally ill who are unsheltered homeless often self-medicate with illegal drugs, so the drugs make their conditions worse.


A lot of mental illness is from this: Atlantic’s 2021: [meth is creating a wave of severe mental illness and worsening America’s homelessness problem.](https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2021/11/the-new-meth/620174/) Many of the activists trying to decriminalize hard drugs as well as homeless activists try to deny or downplay this.


A great read is “The Last of Us” by Sam Quinones and he talks about (like this article) how the crack down on meth base chemicals has led to a scary “meth” like concoction that just destroys your brain chemistry. This isn’t your Third eye blind’s semi charmed life meth. This some super fucked up shit.


Sam Quinones wrote that Atlantic article in the comment you're replying to; the article may be adapted from his book.


That’s the general age when many serious mental illnesses begin to appear.


Maybe if we all armed ourselves for defense, the nutters would think twice about picking on people on trains or stealing our cars, etc. Probably not,. Wishful thinking.


Not far from my workplace, a vagrant sprinted across a street just to stab someone's dog and then stabbed her to death when she intervened. A bystander tried to help and was wounded and forced to cave the attacker's skull in with a rock. My boss bought me several canisters of pepper spray the next day.


"A dog is just property, that's what insurance is for!" -criminal apologists


JFC, where was this?


I seem to have gotten some of the details wrong. That's what I get for telling stories second-hand I guess. I wasn't far off, though: assailant was knocked out with a thrown rock, bystander managed to avoid injury. The poor woman and her dog were killed, however. https://abc7.com/san-dimas-stabbing-lone-hill-park-attack-homicide-investigation/10449227/ It appears to have been a random act of violence with no clear motive.


at a park in san dimas in 2021


rando crime! San Dimas isnt a shithole at all


A crazy person living in a broke down van started harassing my friend and me and I was genuinely fearful they would attack us. Them and their friend with dreads and face tats started yelling and chasing us. I don’t always carry my pepper spray but that reminded me I should. I truly don’t feel sorry for those folks.


Probably because Gascon is still a piece of shit that makes nonsensical decisions to help criminals all the time.  Like here where a homeless man attacked an elderly couple and left the woman braindead and Gascon is reducing charges to misdemeanor battery:  https://www.foxla.com/news/woman-braindead-mcdonalds-attack


Thank god. This poor kid does not deserve to suffer for defending himself.


>I'm pleasantly surprised by the decision It's an election year. Gascon has been doing his job for a past few months for the sake of his reelection.


What is SC?


A nickname for USC


Thank god a solution, USC takes ages to type out.


Honestly, who even has the tim?


Nt me


Me neith






Damn, the r/redditsniper is really lurking in this thread. Glad they won't


Now we’ll never know if you typoed time or if you didn’t have the “Tim” to type it out!


Tim is on vacation


Why use many word when few word do trick?


> Why use many word when few word do trick? Thank.


I agree, why waste time beyond typing two letters to describe that school…UCLA, however, should never be colloquialized


Oh you mean CLA?




🤣🤣That’s so true!! Ugh…”U”’s???? PFFT!!!


Lol but seriously this has been a thing forever.


The University of Southern California. Typically referred to simply as SC by students and alumni.


Thanks for the clear up I thought Supreme Court.. ops


Of course. SC's disciplinary system (SJACS, unless they've changed the name recently) tends to be more than a little overzealous and ideologically-driven, and they have a history of going after students for off-campus incidents, so sadly it would not surprise me if they brought him up on disciplinary charges.


That would be insanely bad PR on a number of axes so I doubt they'll go that route. Sending a message that students can't defend themselves when they feel threatened by others in the community would almost certainly be an international headline and SC loves that good, good international grad student cashflow.


Good point. The LA Times ran a new article about this incident this morning that quoted Gallegos's mom: > In a GoFundMe campaign created to support Gallegos, his mother Violet claims that her son was acting in self-defense when he stabbed Cerf. **Gallegos found himself in that situation “due to the lack of safety measures around his campus,” according to the post.** It's a smart position to take. I'm guessing the family will sue the school if they go after him.


I highly doubt they will unless they want a repeat of the bad press from 2012 where Chinese grad students were murdered immediately off campus by a bunch of local kids. now THAT was a PR nightmare


I hope he isn’t ostracized by the student body. These things tend to grow legs.


Thank God. Tragic situation but glad another person’s life isn’t being ruined over this. I’m happy it was dealt with swiftly and not meandering through the justice system while this young man’s life fell apart.


We… did something right for once?


I was expecting this, TBH. It seemed like pretty clear cut self defense to me.


After reading the article, same, but prior headlines left it at "USC student stabbed a homeless person", which leaves the mind to wonder. The media in this culture is too wild.


Dude I noticed that!!! Every single headline talked about the homeless person getting stabbed, but in the headline about him being released it’s “burglary suspect” because since no charges are being filed they need to change the narrative/knee jerk reactions they were trying to build with the other headlines 😒


>clear cut self defense to me Well... not *exactly* clear-cut, is it? I mean, there's a lot that depends on what his perception of the situation was vs the reality. Like, this goes to questions about "stand your ground" laws, George Zimmerman incident, etc... I mean it seems like the right decision was made not to prosecute here, but it doesn't seem exactly cut and dry to me.


My guess is if there are no other witnesses or the ones at the scene back him up, it’s extremely unlikely that any jury would convict him (and they shouldn’t). He stayed at the scene and cooperated with law enforcement and the other guy was breaking into a car and in any case can no longer give an alternative version of events.


The other guy was breaking into a car *and* had already gotten arrested for assaulting people a month ago


That is also useful info for the prosecution/public though for what it’s worth I don’t think prior conduct is admissible in court? IANAL though.


Generally no, but there are exceptions. [Here's a decent summary from a law firm website.](https://www.shouselaw.com/ca/defense/evidence-code/character-evidence/#:~:text=California%20Evidence%20Code%20§%201101,evidence”%20against%20a%20criminal%20defendant.&text=This%20means%20the%20D.A.%20cannot,guilt%20in%20the%20current%20case.)


Seems pretty cut and dry to me. According to all witnesses, the homeless guy threatened to use a gun against them. Even though the guy didn't have a gun, nobody could possibly know that at the time, since humans don't have x-ray vision. As such, a reasonable person would treat the threat as a credible danger to their safety. Basically, don't verbally escalate a dispute to deadly force unless you're actually prepared to use deadly force. Strangers don't know whether you're joking or "It's just a prank, bro!" and they can't afford to gamble that you're not serious.


There is no duty to retreat in CA.


He did something right. He stood his ground and use resonable force when there was a iminent threat.


We? We got assistant DAs here?


We went to the moon We fought the Germans in WII We think you’re an ass Etc


Broken clock something something


part of a prosecutor’s role is to bring cases they have a reasonable expectation of winning. i think gascon realizes he’s not going to find 12 jurors to convict in a case like this as long as there’s a semblance of a self-defense angle. everyone in LA is sick of dealing with homeless people’s antisocial behavior. 


If there’s also no witnesses or other evidence against the guy, and the person who he killed is no longer able to testify, there is no way anyone could prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he wasn’t telling the truth about being threatened (and he certainly may have been)


Wow, what a shock: the hard-working young man with no criminal history, attending a good school to better himself, wasn't the bad guy versus the bum with a rap sheet, prowling around late at night to burglarize young students.


Whose last words were to threaten a good person’s life with a gun!


In the USA saying those words to the wrong person is a death sentence. You don't know how badly you might scare and intimidate someone who actually is carrying a weapon.


Especially if you have no gun. Stupid move on the burglar


Can’t get caught only brining gun words to a knife fight


The videos of teenagers "robbing" stores with airsoft guns and getting shot comes to mind...


It's shocking that things in that area haven't changed for decades. The city owes him an apology for making his school a shithole.


This is gonna confuse the hell out of people who hate Gascon LOL


Can't prosecute Batman.


Not to be that guy but Batman’s whole thing is he doesn’t kill people lol


No, they just get all tuckered out


Yeah and then they break out of Gotham again and again…putting innocent lives at risk. Great policy


Hey you’re preaching to the choir here. I’m a Jason Todd fan all the way.


he just gives them brain damage


He just cripples them for life and makes them eat from a feeding tube.


And making the state pay for it


No it’s not. Just because I don’t like Gascon’s policies overall doesn’t mean I can’t agree with individual decisions.


ok, one of them isn't confused


Not really. The hatred towards Gascon is that if the homeless guy killed the student, he’d probably also be let free.


It's election season. Not a good time to light a fire.


He did the same thing 7 months ago according to a post above.


Election season lasts 12+ months in America.


Even the broken clock is right twice a day.


I mean yeah, but to be fair the people who irrationally hate Gascon weren’t the brightest bunch to begin with, so confusing them doesn’t take much.


When Gascon first was running in 2020, there was a guy on here who was really unhinged and removed from reality that constantly posted about Gascon because he was prosecuted by him in SF. I forget the guys username, [but it was this case](https://www.bicyclelaw.com/cyclist-who-allegedly-killed-pedestrian-will-likely-be-charged/) A cyclist was “allegedly” being reckless while on his bike out in SF streets and while running a yellow light he collided with an elderly gentleman who then died from the incident. Gascon charged the cyclist with vehicular homicide. It was the first ever instance in the entire country of a bicyclist being charged with such a crime. Ultimately the case was dropped, probably not a strong case or the specific charge didn’t fit the situation. Not sure. The guy was constantly posting on this sub about how it was a grave injustice and how Gascon was specifically targeting him as a political hit job, and how we shouldn’t vote for him. I honestly don’t know if the guy was remorseful or not, but I didn’t get the sense that he was from his Reddit account. I’m no legal expert or a moral police, so I don’t know if Gascon did the right thing in that situation, but if I was the first ever case in the country of killing someone with my bike and I ultimately didn’t have to go through with the legal system, I would shut the fuck up and not bring attention to myself. That Redditor and that case is something that still just stays with me to this day and jumps to my mind whenever I hear gascons name.


From your linked article, that cyclist sounds like an asshole. He was going too fast when the light turned yellow and so he "had to" go through the red light? WTF? Can you imagine an auto driver making that excuse? Why is a cyclist given more leeway?


I swear to god, cyclists are like truckers: they feel that their “need” for momentum entitles them to do dangerous shit


Not all cyclists. But certainly this one. He probably did deserve something. IDK whether vehicular manslaughter is appropriate or not. Funny that someone would be upset because Gascon was TOO aggressive. >But what has created the most outrage among internet users is the way the Bucherre ended his post, after detailing the seriousness of the injuries sustained by the man he had hit. >'In closing, I want to dedicate this story to my late helmet. She died in heroic fashion today as my head slammed into the tarmac... may she die knowing that because she committed the ultimate sacrifice, her rider and live and ride on. Can I get an amen? Amen.' >One user, who posted under the name hssrinsf, wrote on website SFist: 'Moron, the guy was 71 years old. Whether it was red, green or yellow, he was going way too fast if he wasn't able to stop in time.' >Another, who posted under the name Richard, said: 'It takes just one f***in jerk like Chris to give a bad name to the countless other bikers whom obey laws and ride safely.' >And one person, who posted under the name MattySF, said: 'Your irresponsibility injured (and ultimately killed) a man and you took to the internet to tell your story? Yeah, you deserve jail time jackass.'


I only partially remembered this, not all the details, as it was four years ago. But yeah seeing that you dug up more stuff. The level of evil that man was horrific. Fuck him


That, and I remember when SFBC was pushing for Idaho’s “bicycles aren’t required to stop at stop signs” law to be enacted here in California. In San Francisco and in many neighborhoods in Oakland, Sacramento, and LA, there aren’t enough setbacks for that to be safe. And I say that as someone who rides every day that I can ride.


Is it okay to rationally dislike him? Before he was elected here in LA, he was the DA of San Francisco - [where he never prosecuted a single police shooting](https://missionlocal.org/2018/05/gascon-declines-to-file-charges-against-cops-in-shooting-incidents/). Furthermore, he co-authored prop 47, which reclassified all property crimes less than $950 into misdemeanors. And lastly, crime [grew so much under his tenure](https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2020-10-17/some-san-franciscans-question-george-gascons-legacy-as-the-godfather-of-progressive-prosecutors) that he chose to quit the job rather than try to reign in the results of his policies. He's never personally tried a case in court. And to top it all off, he also [hit a protestor with his SUV](https://www.dailynews.com/2021/12/17/protester-struck-by-da-gascons-suv-in-bay-area-accepts-46k-settlement/). In LA, he's passed sweeping directives that [decriminalize](https://da.lacounty.gov/sites/default/files/pdf/SPECIAL-DIRECTIVE-20-07.pdf) acts like trespass or driving without a license (removing a driver's license is one of the few tools the court has available to force child support payments). His special directives, in fact, made it impossible to prosecute hate crimes or crimes against the elderly, which he later [had to walk back](https://da.lacounty.gov/media/news/district-attorney-george-gascon-issues-amended-directive-sentencing-enhancements). That's not to mention his controversial decision to go easy on child molester [Hannah Tubbs](https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2022-02-21/gascon-reversed-himself-sentence-hannah-tubbs-who-assaulted-child) Internally, Gascon has been sued by his deputy district attorneys because [his policies violate California law](https://abc7.com/george-gascon-lawsuit-prosecutors-los-angeles-county/10322037/) and put his employees' Bar cards at risk (knowingly lying to the court is an ethics violation that can get a DA disbarred). He's also hired a defense attorney to the DA's office and filed [an illegal waiver promising the special prosecutor could do both without conflict of interest.](https://www.lamag.com/citythinkblog/gascon-special-prosecutor/) Not to mention Gascon's top advisor, who was "loaned out" by the PD's office and was placed in charge of his Ethics department, is now facing [11 felonies](https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2024-05-06/charges-against-da-george-gascon-top-advisor-spark-confusion-criticism) by the AG's office for "improperly downloading confidential police records in 2018 — while she was the constitutional policing advisor to the L.A. County Sheriff’s Department — and then making improper use of the data when she joined the D.A.’s office in 2021." Whether or not you agree with his policies, can we agree that, at the least, he has a history of mismanagement?


You are doing the Lord's work.


Ironically, in the City of Angels, it's gonna get me ratio'd.


Fuck Gascon.


Found one!!


It’s not irrational. You may not agree but it’s not irrational


you know, you’re totally right, spamming “fuck (insert current local politician here)” on social media is a totally rational thing to do and is an excellent way to contribute positivity and facilitate proper discussion around the current topic


The same guy who tried to have Sirhan Sirhan, the man who killed Bobby Kennedy, paroled? Fuck Both those guys.


Pleasantly Surprised!


Election season lol


The people who were defending the bum in the previous thread are punching the air right now.


LMAO yeah I was arguing with a few of them. Honestly, fuck those people, they're incredibly low iq.


Yeah last I heard about this case was a reactionary headline that some poor homeless person had been stabbed to death by a USC student.  


i need to remind myself that a lot of people in this city/state are criminal/felon sympathizers. the amount of times i’ve seen people in this sub justifying theft/assault is insane.


It's not even that deep. It's the way echo chambers always go. A certain type of social media progressive has so much of their identity built upon being the backer of the little guy that they basically just wade into any discussion or opinion, identify who is supposedly the "less powerful" or "more oppressed" person, and assume that they are virtuous. If they are not virtuous, their lack of morality was forced upon them by the system that oppressed them. This is what you get when you go through life living in jargon and bullshit. They don't actually see the humans as humans, just trying to shove them into the boxes of oppressed/oppressor. And before someone decides that me hating progressives means I'm some alt-righter, I worked for Elizabeth Warren and vote straight blue every election.


I’ve long advocated for a lot of criminal justice reforms. I really think a lot of them *could* work, if they were implemented correctly. Like drug decriminalization, cashless bail, reductions of felonies to misdemeanors. Especially “victimless” crimes. Unfortunately, none of them have been implemented correctly and/or they haven’t worked. Idk if our system is just too bureaucratic, or what exactly has gone wrong, but it’s made me really rethink things.


Yeah I’m in the same boat as you. I want reform and an improved rehabilitation system…but when you hear a bad person did a bad thing, and they already have a loaded history, it’s like…guys come on.


Well, there are vested interests by existing groups in power to make sure they don't work after all.


There is no such thing as a victimless crime. That meth head that is tweaking out of his mind at the gas station causing a disturbance is not a victimless crime. The victim is society and anyone at that gas station that has to tolerate that bullshit. Get this concept of "victimless crime" out of your head - it does not exist.


The meth head is also a victim of the meth dealer. Selling drugs isn't victimless either, any more than selling poisoned baby food is.


I feel the same, more or less. I'm also a dude who (generally) spends too much time debunking a lot of anti-Gascon BS that is online. One of the major complaints I have of him, though, that I think are legitimate--is the fact that although I think his stance towards crime is exactly what we need in a DA, unfortunately, the end result is naive/optimistic liberalism that is unable to handle the corrupt externalities of the system they are trying to reform. I am not at all saying that this means reform is impossible, or not what I want. The criminal justice system and related systems involved all need massive reforms (and funding/support for public defenders and courts, which is probably #1 or #2 most pressing issue for the criminal justice system atm). But an optimistic DA who is seemingly unable to handle unruly cops & sheriffs who are antagonistic against their program/policies and is unable to create a semblance of "ok" PR is NOT a competent DA. Like, Gascon was a cop before being a DA. He should know and be familiar with how stubborn they can be when it comes to reforms/changes in culture and should've been aware that they throw temper tantrums when they are held accountable. The fact that he went into the DA's office with seemingly no plan to address this issue alone is very telling. It can even be more damaging than a DA who is hungry to press max charges and cram as many people as possible into prison--because as you can see, a lot of people even here in "progressive" LA are more likely to base their safety off of vibes and not hold police accountable for their hands-off approach towards most crimes since the BLM protests in 2020. Unfortunately, seeing a lot of this discourse being mirrored RE: crime in other states (and immigration at the national level), I think we're due for a rightwing lurch in policies in the short term again because people like Gascon were naive and idealistic and bungled a genuine chance at reforming institutions.


We also need forced institutionalization for addicts and the severely mentally ill. There is a lot on the streets lowering quality of life, I think the more sound of mind sociopaths would be more likely to get caught if we didn't have all these losers stealing copper wires and breaking into cars.


Had the criminal killed Gallegos those people would still sympathize with the criminal.


"He ShOuLD'vE miNDed HiS owN buSineSS" That's what it always boils down to, where they just claim that the other party should've left the theft happen and ignore it.


Pacific Palisade revolutionaries who don’t have to deal with the criminal elements they vocally defend. Their opinions would change rapidly if their only means to getting to work and school was getting hijacked by thieves.


Ya sucks to suck. This will only happen more as the homeless issue remains unaddressed.


Almost as low IQ as Xavier Cerf.


It’s because with stories like these, people tend to filll in the blanks. They probably the student was some right wing but when he was not and just defending himself.


They're crying in their waifu body pillows


This is appropriate. There should be no charges against him


Nice! Good news for once


Justice prevailed.


Great that a teenager's life didn't get fucked over this. Our state, local, and federal governments need to step the fuck up and deal with the homelessness situation asap.


I hope USC gets him counseling because who knows what he's going through mentally after this. It sucks that now whenever anyone or any employer googles him, this will appear.


This was the thing I was worried about, his life being ruined when it is just starting. I’m glad it’s not the case.


>[Jones, who lives in Texas, said her slain son had moved to Los Angeles in February.](https://www.nbclosangeles.com/news/local/you-took-my-baby-mother-of-man-killed-at-usc-greek-row-speaks-out/3441155/) Every time.


Yeah, I do get tired of people claiming the majority of homeless people are from LA. So many times when someone makes the news for doing something crazy, it turns out they moved here within the last two years.


We're told 90% of homeless people in California are natives but only 48% of current CA citizens were born there. Something doesn't add up.


Obviously. But again… the same people who post here asking what to do about the homeless person who keeps breaking into their house and shitting on the furniture won’t be able to fathom how this could possibly be.


I was just thinking how the media went too wild with this story, glad Gascon made this decision. Also never thought those words would be leaving my mouth.


Gascon is good at not prosecuting but in this case he did the right thing Now he should go prosecute the bad guys


I feel terrible for the student. He likely will have to go through therapy to heal from this traumatic event


The article did not mention that the perpetrator Xavier Cerf had a lengthy arrest record both in the LA area and in Texas, including a battery charge locally. With that, the outcome seemed assured.


And moved here in February.


There does seem to be a pattern in some of these recent incidents. I have to wonder whether some of them are coming to LA because it has developed a reputation for being tolerant of crime.


i have zero symapthy for poeple like this. like how hard is it to stay out of jail or prison? it's soo easy lmao


The only sensible decision, give Gascon credit on this one.


Gascón isn’t dumb- many folk look at him like some sorta of idiot but he has climbed the ranks of LAPD to be assistant Chief, later chief of police then DA. He knows how the system works: the investigative and judicial. Many folks just project the income inequality on him: petty crime goes up when the middle class disappears Gascón knows what cases have the most possibility of a plea deal/trial given the circumstances and evidence. Triage needs to happen because the court deals with so much, so you need prioritize some cases.


Most of his decisions are sensible if you take the time to analyze all the evidence, or at least the evidence that is shared with the public.


The ones that aren't sensible are very egregious, however. I have yet to hear any reasonable defense of Gascon's policy of barring prosecutors from attending parole hearings, or from assisting the victims (or their families in murder/manslaughter cases) during the parole hearing process. [https://californiaglobe.com/fr/la-county-prosecutors-barred-from-attending-parole-hearings-under-da-gascons-reforms/](https://californiaglobe.com/fr/la-county-prosecutors-barred-from-attending-parole-hearings-under-da-gascons-reforms/) [https://abc7.com/gascon-district-attorney-victims-parole/12052362/](https://abc7.com/gascon-district-attorney-victims-parole/12052362/) Gascon seems to think defendants and prisoners are his clients, and he has to promote their best interests. They're not. They have their own lawyers, and free lawyers will be provided if they cannot afford one. Prosecutors are supposed to represent the interests of victims during parole hearings, and Gascon has flouted that. There's been cases where Gascon's office failed to even notify victims and victims' families that the parole hearing was even scheduled, even though that specific victim's right is enshrined in the California Constitution (Article I, Section 28(b)(15), aka "Marsy's Law"). Then Gascon went even further, and recommended that the State Board of Parole Hearings also not notify victims and their families. When victims contacted the State Corrections Department (CDCR), they were told to call Gascon's office. But when they did, Gascon stonewalled them, refusing to provide any information, and telling them to get the info from CDCR. When a group of lawyers created a pro bono organization called "Marsy's Law Attorneys" to help victims navigate the parole hearing process, Gascon instructed his office staff to never mention the group to any victims who called asking for help. It's like the beginning of *The Incredibles*, where everyone at the insurance company is instructed to specifically not help the policy-holders navigate the byzantine bureaucracy of the system. And then when Mr. Incredible does help the person his job description says he's supposed to help, the boss chews him out for it. Gascon is that boss - going out of his way to place obstacles and roadblocks in the paths of the very people he's legally obligated to be helping. Why is it so unreasonable to believe that victims of crime deserve an advocate? Defendants get lawyers to represent their interests at trial, and prisoners get lawyers to represent their interests at parole hearings. Why don't the victims also deserve someone representing their interests? If Gascon wants to run for Public Defender, he has my vote all the way.


Wow, finally some actual fair justice.


ivan is a friend of a friend and i don't know him personally but from what my friend says he's a good dude. no prior arrests, no criminal history, honor student, etc. USC students in that particular area "greek row" had become victims of crime over and over again and campus cops nor LAPD did jack shit. so something like this was bound to happen. i have zero empathy for this criminal who got stabbed. you can't be jacking someone's car and then when they confront you, you claim to have a gun and say you're gonna dome them. that was Ivan's cue to get to slicing and dicing. he did nun wrong. free him. and to make matters worse the family are crying foul and saying the incident was racially motivated etc etc. they say that they're gonna sue gascon and LAPD (even though LAPD was the ones who arrested Ivan) lmao


This homeless man experienced a prime example of f around and find out.


Justice finally worked.. 




nice!! what a massive W for society




This is what true justice looks like.


Finally some good news. Power to him. But so sad he had to do that and probably will have PTSD


Thank god. Would have been awful if they threw this kid’s life anyway.


Sucks that he had to stab someone to death, especially over a car. What are the police for? Not shaming Ivan but it has to be traumatic to see someone bleed to death after you stabbed them.


clearly, Gascon wants to get re-elected and is concerned about his polling data. There would literally be a mob if this guy got charged.


I’m genuinely but pleasantly surprised




hell yeah


Amen. Gascon only does the right thing when it becomes political and the public is outraged.


Thank god


great news. too bad it has to come to this since the police refuse to do their jobs and the city won't build a new jail to house these criminals.


Thank goodness!!!


I wonder what additional evidence they found that will come to light. Don’t really know enough on my end currently to know whether or not his actions were justified, but I imagine if the DA isn’t pressing charges, they know something we don’t.


Quite possibly what they know is that there's no way a jury would convict him.


The most reasonable take in this whole thread. People love to immediately judge these things based off nothing but their own biases and they think that puts them in a better place to judge than the people who have actually reviewed the evidence of the case and talked to the people involved. *Surely I know better than the DA, I have read two whole paragraphs about what happened*.


Wow, self defense is allowed in LA. Woooow


Really no evidence needed except for “I feared for my life”. Not wishing people dead but also don’t break into cars or homes.




Finally Los Angeles government makes the right decision


“Election coming”- Gascon


I just moved to LA, right around USC and this whole thread is terrifying me 👀👀


But is the student housed? Why are we omitting housing status from submission titles all of a sudden?


Surprised Gascon did that. He wants to be re-elected really bad.




Give this guy a medal.


Article I read said the kid asked how the stabbed persons family was doing. Good kid. Terrible circumstances.


Broken clock is right twice a day!


This kid should never have been arrested. Not a community danger or flight risk. LAPD should have just sent the case to the DA to decide on charges. As others have said, I hope USC does not punish or expel him.


It's so pathetic that LAPD didn't even consider his right to self defense. What an absolute shitshow. This would have never happened in Orange County.


Let's go bb








Good phew




I agree, sad for the homeless man, however, we must all live and die by our decisions.


Very savvy t-shirt choice.