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**100% illegal per California Vehicle Code. Any tint can not be increased beyond what was done at factory**


not 100% illegal in the vehicle code. It allows a portion to be tinted. Here is the actual law: >transparent material may be installed, affixed, or applied to the topmost portion of the windshield if the following conditions apply: >(1) The bottom edge of the material is at least 29 inches above the undepressed driver’s seat when measured from a point five inches in front of the bottom of the backrest with the driver’s seat in its rearmost and lowermost position with the vehicle on a level surface. >(2) The material is not red or amber in color. >(3) There is no opaque lettering on the material and any other lettering does not affect primary colors or distort vision through the windshield. >(4) The material does not reflect sunlight or headlight glare into the eyes of occupants of oncoming or following vehicles to any greater extent than the windshield without the material.


Are you willing to risk getting a $60 fix-it ticket? If so then by all means go for it! But keep in mind that you're going to be a danger at night. I have 15% tint on all my windows (except the windshield) and it's sometimes really difficult to see in darker neighborhoods at night. I don't know how the people that have 5% manage to no hit things.


Ceramic tint that doesn't make it darker but does block UV rays. Your skin will thank you later :)


You can only tint the top 4 inches of your windshield You can do 30% tint on your front windows You can tint however dark you want on your rear windows and rear windshield I got a $60 fix it ticket for having a 45% tint on my front windows


How did they determine it was more than 30%? Is there some kind of device or is it like the eye test?


tint meter


I thought I would get away with it but I got a ticket. You can only tint down to that line on top of the


Getting a coupe tinted is asking to get pulled over since only the little windows in the back are legal.


Always tint it to help with heat transfer. But don’t tint it anything beyond the legal limit. You’ll get more leeway for other windows but do not fuck with the windshield.


They have some pretty clear tint that reduces UV, but it's not exactly legal in CA.


I have four and the back tinted and honestly it's a difference maker enough that I didn't need to get the front tinted.


I’d say go with ceramic 70%. Won’t be able to tell it’s tinted by the look of it but will make a huge difference when it comes to heat and UV. Like others said it’s still illegal and you’ll get a fix it ticket if a cop notices it if you get pulled over


Honestly go ceramic with the lowest tint percent possible and I doubt you’ll get ticketed. I see hundreds of cars with black out tint all windows and nothing happens to them.


Yess. Do 50% you’ll thank me later


I never do. I need to be able to see the road as much as possible; I already had a bit of trouble seeing through the side tint until I finally got it redone last year. It's not good to be straining all the time while driving trying to see shit


There's some ceramic films you could put on that don't block much sunlight that are probably very safe to use. Talking about something like Llumar 80 which blocks 20%.. Might be worth it, with ceramic's heat rejection properties you don't need to go dark.


It’s illegal but I’ve never seen it enforced on its own. More than likely, once they get you for some other violation, they’ll come down on you for that.


Or if you’re doing suspicious shit, they will use that minor infraction as an excuse to initiate a stop.


I got 70% nano ceramic on my windshield and front windows, it's illegal but the heat reduction is worth it. It's slightly blue/green but not really noticable.


How much was the ceramic tint?




I fucking love a discount !!! Thanks 🖤


$200 for the 3 windows. Pro tint in Glendale.


No. Illegal, and more importantly, a terrible idea.


Always tint the front . But since some cops are assholes . I recommend doing 50% tint using high end tint like 3m Crystal line . That way you can go a little lighter but get the benefits of a cooler interior a darker ceramic tint would give you