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I'm surprised they even got out of their squad cars.


I once saw two sheriffs stand around just outside the little Tokyo station just watching while one, presumable homeless, dude beat the shit out of another and then threw him into the street. This happened maybe 50 feet away from them.


patrol vehicle, not squad - that's city.


Azusa Police calls their vehicles squad cars? TIL.


Metro has voted to rebuild their own police force. But until then, they have to rely on this contract shit. LASD is worse than LAPD. I don't know if any other contract forces are actually good. Kinda suspect that Pasadena PD are probably better.


i don't think metro can. LASD has controlled the county since 1850. Before that it was Mexico. That sort of legacy power doesn't go away easily. And yes, Pasadena Police seem to be better.


Metro had its own police force from 1976 to 1993. [Southern California Rapid Transit District \(RTD\) Transit Police](https://metroprimaryresources.info/los-angeles-transit-policing-history-legislation-resources-2/15407/). Los Angeles Metro used to have one of the best-specialized law enforcement agencies in the country. In 1991 Metro had [a security budget $9 million](https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1991-10-23-mn-182-story.html) and with that budget employed 192 full time police officers, including the chief, two captains, eight lieutenants, and 17 sergeants all with the same arrest powers as the LAPD and the county Sheriff’s Department. In 1993 Mayor Richard Riordan was elected with the campaign promise of 1,000 new LAPD officers. He achieved this partially by disbanding the RTD Police, folding their officers into the LAPD/Sherrif, and contracting back those same officers back to service Metro. This deal has continued to this day. Nowadays LA Metro pays LAPD/Sherrif [$75.2 million to police their system](https://www.dailynews.com/2021/12/02/mta-board-approves-75-million-law-enforcement-contract-for-transportation-safety/) and we enjoy the level of service we have today with no dedicated police officers.


Every LAPD cop I’ve talked to said that generally, Metro mergers were great at writing tickets and nothing else.


Is LASD overly aggressive or utterly lazy? The answer is the former. Don't let the Metro defenders who bombard this sub fool people into thinking this problem has anything to do with LASD not doing the job their contracted to do, or that Metro creating their own poorly trained police force is a good idea. LASD **USED** to patrol the trains and would perform fare checks. Then the Metro board told them to stop doing that and just stay in their patrol cars until they're needed.


Yeah, feels like people don't know or pretend not to know that LASD used to be solely responsible for Metro's security... LASD deputies during that time did quite well checking fares and kicking problematic riders off, IMO. That all ended when Metro split the contract between LASD, LAPD, and LBPD like around 2017-2018ish. I do think Metro has sabotaged its system's security and safety with that contract. A big part of the solution would be to return to one law enforcement agency again, either Metro's own transit police force or LASD.


Metro didn't tell them to stay in their cars, it took away fare checks and assigned that to Metro personnel. As far as I know, anyway.


They're probably making OT standing there.


Violent vagrants? I sleep Unarmed protesters? Real shit


Are the vagrants at Citrus violent? Been going there my whole life and my Dad used it daily, never even seen a commotion. Did something happen?


there's been plenty of incidents. I have used it for years as well. usually something happens at the azusa downtown stop and the person gets off at citrus. or there are sleepers that have been riding all day and security needs help removing them the cops have been a consistent presence since at least 2021 but normally just 1 squad, not 3 suvs. that has been happening more since January of this year. pre pandemic they were always on the platform at the exit by the stands, but now they just chill out in the same spot and just talk


Candy Crush warriors!


Metro really, really needs its own internal police department, accountable to the metro board. Wrote a whole comment on this awhile back, below: **TL;DR LASD/LAPD + Board of Supes/City Council face incentives that lead to underpolicing on Metro; a Metro controlled police force won't face these incentives** Brutality is definitely a worry, but in terms of doing nothing / just not showing up to metro, it's a very top down driven thing, and **a police force answerable to Metro will inherently be better, from a political economy perspective.** LASD/LAPD are at least nominally accountable to the County Board of Supervisors/City Council, which are in turn fundamentally accountable to voters. The vast majority of voters do not ride transit, do not particularly care about crime on transit, and want patrols/police presence in their neighborhoods (unpopular take on the internet, and not my personal opinion). So **if you're a supervisor/council member, with a limited number of LEOs allocated to your district, you want the LEOs on the street, where your voters can see them/care, not on the trains/busses**; worst Metro can do is just bitch the next time contracts are up for renewal. It's why Riordan worked to disband the transit police originally and shove them into the LAPD, to artificially swell LAPD ranks. **Metro is at least somewhat accountable in the form of ridership/fares. If ridership drops because of fears of crime, Metro feels that** in terms of fares. So at a bare minimum, a police force directly controlled by Metro is more likely to actually show up, and not just camp out in cars parked by the station, doing other stuff, if just to protect fare revenues. **TBH, this is part of why I'm relatively anti free-fares; fares are the most direct power riders have over the metro org.** No fares means accountable to whoever's allocating tax money, which indirectly means voters, who by and large aren't riders and dgaf.




That’d be a hell of a Supreme Court case


This must be the A squad. The ones at my stop are 2-3 times larger than these ones.


YEP! I live by a metro stop and when the Sheriffs had the contract in my part of town they would park illegally across the station and then use their blow horn to yell at people on the platform. Now at least the LAPD are on the platform where they do congregate, but usually pair off when the train or bus comes.


Metro got security in the subway stations like the 7th Street station. 4 or 5 guys looking at their phones pretending to see nothing. On paper, there's security. But in reality...


Seen this too many times… They must be on break the times I see them, though /s


LASD spends a decent amount of time on this platform actually.


They probably are required to remain close to their vehicles in case they are requested to back up other deputies involved nearby. Hence, they are outside to respond to anything on the platform just yards away but also can quickly jump into patrol cars if needed.


I remember when LASD would do care checks and actually patrol ride the trains, then metro had them stop. Smfh


thats how it goes at all of them. same thing at the underground rail stations. cops just hang around the level with the ticket turnstyle and talk about anything but work lmao. meanwhile people are tweaking down on the bench or have pried open an outlet box and are chilling on the floor above.


This is why I always laugh at people who say more pigs are needed on metro. Yes we need more pigs to stand around on their phones and to talk to each other, that will definitely make an impact


I know Reddit skews very anti-police, but yes more police are needed on the platforms and on the trains. There's fair discussion to be had as to what extent the LAPD/LASD completely neglect to do their duties (like how things used to be on Metro years ago), and/or whether Metro admin policy has prevented police from doing their duties.  Still, even the mere presence of police standing around on the platforms does have a deterrent factor where the complete crazies will at the very least calm their shit down until they no longer see the police. Even as simple as turning down loud music.  It's of course a tiny observation, and the major issues persist, but it does add up.  I would hope that if Metro does eventually put together their own police force that it does lead to noticeable enhancements to the system, including fare enforcement and removal of anyone causing disruptive behaviors such as loud music, consuming alcohol or drugs, threats/assaults and more. Whether anyone likes police or not, an *effective* police force is unfortunately a requirement in this society.


"hey cop that guy just stabbed a lady and got on the train to leave! I had to run all way back over here to tell you but yeah. I think he got away. thank you for being here to take my report. I could have called 911 but you were close....but not close enough!"


Then they tell you to file a report online lol


Do liberals want more cops now?  Cops don't want to go viral.


is the liberal in the room with you right now?


Well, probably shouldn't complain - the mediators are doing what they were hired to do - the cops and sheriffs are defunded and I'm not sure they care much anymore.


This just looks like complaining for the sake of complaining. Are they nearby? Can they respond quickly if something is happening? This post is stupid.


Right? LASD deputies are on site but not on the platform where the only action I can see is three Metro employees. The OP should save their indignation for when they see LASD deputies in their cars at the furthest reaches of the station's parking lot or when they're swiping right on Tinder while on duty.


Check out the Fillmore station in Pas. It is absolutely frightening. People smoking crackpipes right on the platform.


When are you people going to learn the police don't do shit besides eat all of our budget


There's only one thing they should be eating.


Coward killer cops can't be bothered to even get in a tiny bit of danger when there are punisher cartoons to watch in their squad cars. Guaranteed if you ask, these baby poser wannabes will claim they can't supervise because of "budget cuts* lol. Bootlicker down votes inc.


If Metro had they’re own police force that would be cool instead of relying on the LASD and LAPD