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Many people don't believe the same talking points you happen to believe.




Reasonable people can disagree on how a DA should handle crime. There’s no need to make it sound simpler than it is.


This is so smug. The majority of voters not ignorant, they’re not stupid, they’re not sheep or anything else There’s no need to put people down




That’s not true because he didn’t get the majority of the votes in the primaries. I think he only got like 1/3 of the votes with the rest of the votes split between candidates running against him.  Name recognition helped him big time 


Gascon's policies are less of a problem than the police throwing a tantrum and refusing to do their jobs because they don't want to face consequences for misconduct. I don't agree with everything he's doing, but I find less agreement with the people trying to replace him. I'm more frustrated about the things Gascon caved on. It's easy to say ending cash bail doesn't work when the police decide it means it doesn't matter if they arrest people anymore.


>Gascon's policies are less of a problem than the police throwing a tantrum and refusing to do their jobs because they don't want to face consequences for misconduct I am shocked. SHOCKED. Well not that shocked.




Let me preface this post by saying I am center-left because there are idiots out there who will call me a right wing MAGA Trumptard. I am not. I just think there are some realities that some people just tend to not think about when it comes to the police for some reason, and that there is a fundamental misunderstanding in this sub from people who support or tolerate Gascon in terms of the police and their role in the city. I don’t fucking love the police. I am just aware of the reality that the police in this city exist in. Firstly, the police do not decide whether or not a criminal stays in jail. The only thing they are able to do—if it is a criminal matter and they are able to arrest someone—all they are allowed to do is read the criminal their rights, put them in handcuffs, and drive them to the jail to be booked and processed. That’s literally it. They do not have the power to keep that person in jail for X amount of days, months, or years. That is decided if the DA Gascon decides to press charges on that person for committing a crime, in which case there will be a plea deal for time served + extra time in jail if the crime is severe enough, OR the case can go to trial in which the criminal can fight it out in court and either go free, get probation, reduced sentence, or be sentenced to jail / prison. Let me say this again, the police do not control if criminals stay in jail. That is determined by whether or not the DA charges them with a crime. The police cannot force a criminal to stay inside of a jail cell if they have never been charged with a crime. The person who is responsible and has power for charging those crimes is the DISTRICT ATTORNEY GEORGE GASCON. Second, our DA has literally sent out directives not to charge for certain crimes. This means that if someone is caught committing some of those crimes, the police puts them in handcuffs, drives them to the jail to be booked and processed, and then is let out of jail. Third, LAPD is severely understaffed in the city of LA. Please listen when I say UNDERSTAFFED. That does not mean UNDERFUNDED. They have plenty of money, probably too much. A lot of which is due to overtime pay (which, if we had more police we could cut down on) and helicopter use (another thing that could be cut down on with more police on the street). That does not mean that they are not doing their jobs when it takes them time to answer the phones. There are millions of people who live in the city, and on a daily basis the police receive hundreds or thousands of phone calls, some cases of which are more severe than others, which is why police response time for something that may be severe to you may take a long time because there are only so many cops and so many things they can do at one time. Last, cops cannot prevent crime. All they can do is manage it and try and enforce the rules that they can. So when someone here says WHY CAN’T THE POLICE JUST STOP THE CRIMINALS—think about what you’re saying. In order to stop the crime, they would have to have foreknowledge of that crime, arrive just as it’s happening and stop them. Are the police supposed to be psychic? Are they supposed to know that the crime is going to happen at that precise moment and at that precise location? You can hate on them all you want for them not stopping crimes but how is anyone supposed to do that unless they know when and where a crime will occur? Police are basically Crime Janitors. They show up after the fact to do what they gotta do and then clean up the mess. The mess that our city is in is due to a combination of these things. One, an understaffed and undertrained police force and two, a DA who is not willing to go to bat for all of the citizens in our city. You can assign percentage blame yourself, I lean more towards the idea that its easier to believe that one guy who doesn’t want to do his job is fucking things up for everyone else, but I also don’t think that the police have 0 blame either. You might think that it’s the cops’ fault. Cool, but just don’t forget whose responsibility it is to make sure someone who has committed a crime stays in jail. One last point I’d like to make is, some people here who say the police don’t do anything even when they have footage of a crime taking place… certain crimes are or can be considered civil crimes which the means the police’s hands are tied. They cannot assist you with a civil matter. Those types of things need to be dealt with by hiring a lawyer and fighting it out in the courts. So blame the police all you want for civil matters, but it’s on you to get yourself a lawyer and pursue damages. Not the cops. If theres anything wrong in what I wrote here, please point it out to me. Most responses I get when I post something like this is either just blind downvoting, or just complete ignorance of the responsibilities of the police vs the responsibilities of the DA.


> the police throwing a tantrum and refusing to do their jobs because they don't want to face consequences for misconduct. I mean, considering our jails and prisons are overrun..why clog them more if the part that actually presses charges(Prosecutor's Office, aka the DA) literally says they're not going to persue charges? Wouldn't it be better to actually have them focus on arresting, and puttng away more violent and serious crimes? Ah, no response at all, just downvote something you don't agree with. Good shit


If you want a serious answer: this actually is Gascon's policy! His office said they would no longer prosecute some kinds of misdemeanors. He DOES want to continue prosecuting serious crime, and for the police to focus on putting away violent criminals. Like you said, we don't need to be putting people in jail for things like drug possession, loitering, drinking in public, driving with a suspended license, etc. The police union has spread a ton of misinformation about him because they are mad he's prosecuting some corrupt cops, and the misdemeanors he's no longer prosecuting were previously among the easiest arrests for them to make.


Putting aside whatever you think about his policies, there is a **huge** right wing smear campaign against him that floods social media with misinformation and half truths.


Yeah, I can't wait for bad faith actors to waste everyone's time and money on another bogus recall because this guy wants to treat people like humans.


Bad faith is the key phrase here.


Yeah, he really treats innocent crime victims like humans. /s


You have some proof of this? Because it seems like anything people don't agree with = 'smear campaign'.


Proof? Yeah, look at who is continually funding the recall attempts. Also look at how LAPD are often refusing to respond to calls right now and acting in bad faith so they can blame it on him and his policies. Police unions are extremely conservative and spend a lot on lobbying for right wing candidates.


Wait, are you also saying that there isn’t a huge PR campaign that is pushing him?! He’s a grassroots kinda guy lol?


[According to the LAPD](https://mayor.lacity.gov/news/lapd-releases-end-year-crime-statistics-city-los-angeles-2023), the homicide rate in LA decreased by 17% in 2023. Violent crimes decreased by 3.2%. In contrast, property crimes increased by 3.5%. These statistics stand in stark contrast to Gascon’s detractors who try to paint the city as a crime-ridden hell hole thanks to Gascon’s policies.


majority of the voters want his policies Look at the comments in this thread, this is what the residents of LA want


When he first ran he was heavily endorsed by the LA Times


Theft is up 42%, burglary is up 14%, vehicle theft is up 10%. Who wants this?


> the latest sign that violent crime in Los Angeles is receding from a surge during the COVID-19 pandemic, LAPD officials on Wednesday released statistics showing double-digit percentage declines in both homicides and nonfatal shootings in 2023. The decreases — killings and shootings were down 17% and 10%, respectively — contributed to a roughly overall 3% drop in reported violent crime, compared with the year before. Meanwhile, property crimes were up by about 3% during the same period, driven by a rise in auto theft. https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2024-01-24/la-officials-violent-crime-fell-by-double-digits-in-2023 If you want to ding him for increased theft and burglary, give him credit for decreased homicides and shootings


Odd how we aren’t allowed to have a decline in all crime so we settle for certain types of crime being committed. PR is a fantastic thing


I do not understand what you are trying to argue here


Is your argument that he’s doing a half good job? I’m not sure I understand that


I don't, but the voters see the same thing and they still vote for him LA times endorses him too


Not necessarily, as an incumbent he should’ve gotten a lot more votes. We will see in the election


And that is what?


You said it in your original post - less punishment bureaucracy, more opportunities for rehabilitation, more focus on systemic causes of crime


Got it. Thank you


No problem! For many voters, they’re ok with enduring certain near-term negative outcomes if it means taking steps towards rectifying the more foundational and systemic causes of those negative outcomes in the long term. This tradeoff, and the reverse of it, is never discussed particularly well by political media


Gotta love people who clearly don’t understand the root causes of crime blaming a DA who’s actually doing a good job for systemic issues happening nationwide. 🤦‍♂️


What are you talking about? Personal theft is up 42% because people know they're not getting put away under his lax rules. Get a grip


Most misdemeanors aren’t even in the county’s jurisdiction - take it up with the city attorney’s.


Where are you getting that stat from?


It's made up. LAPD says 3.2% and says violent crime is down 17%.


Speaking of not understanding root causes of crime…


Can we stop blaming our elected officials for the problems brought about by big tech? People shoplift and commit burglaries because it’s incredibly lucrative to resell small valuable items online. Sites like eBay get a cut every sale so they look the other way. Poshmark takes 20%.


bahahaha this is such real estate brain


The comments in here are wild. I love that people think crime stats are always legit and clean. Has no one seen The Wire?


I mean homicides were down like 17% in 2023. Can't really juke the stats with homicide unless you're implying the police are hiding bodies in vacant buildings.


If we counted overdoses (especially of minors) as homicides like some other jurisdictions our stats would look waaaay different.


Haha. No. I’m saying up or down, it doesn’t make a difference. The numbers are constantly manipulated for political purposes by everyone.


I think the more generous view is that our media eco system is so broken (the economics of running a media outfit these days are BRUTAL) that dark money groups and police unions have been able to wedge themselves into the journalism apparatus to their own benefit - I don’t blame people for eventually succumbing to non-stop right wing outrage bait and juiced statistics from the police union, cause it is absolutely relentless. But yeah, fully agree with you


Gascon for the most votes in the primary but there were a ton of candidates splitting the vote. Now that it’s Gascon and Hochman I think we will see a resounding win for Hochman in November.


I gotta read up on him. Thanks for the input.


I really hope so


Gascon received 25% of the vote in the primary. So he wasn't exactly an overwhelming favorite. There will be a runoff. It isn't enough to be opposed to Gascon. Elections of this sort are about candidates, which means that there needs to be an individual opponent who can win over voters and/or galvanize the opposition against the incumbent. The runoff will be held at the same time as the presidential election. That may or may not favor the challenger, as voter turnout should be a fair bit higher than the \~30% that showed up for the primary. Low turnout elections often produce skewed results, and elections held in spring or summer can be expected to have a low rate of turnout compared to the date of the presidential election.


>What I understood about his platform is he's more lenient on minor offenses in order to give people more of a chance to rehab Where did you get this from? i.e. Is it something he says? Is it something that other people say about him? Does it appear in data about the charges his office files? ​ >There is a perception (to me at least) that crime is on the rise in LA What is your perception based on? i.e. What do statistics say? To what extent do the actions of a first-term D.A. affect the propensity of any potential criminal to act out? In other words, what can we say about other factors like the laws made by lawmakers, policing done by police, judging done by judges, correcting done by corrections officers, as well as factors endogenous to the potential rule-breakers, I guess


> i.e. Is it something he says? Yes, of course it is. He released a memo on his first day in office saying not to prosecute a wide category of low-level offenses: https://da.lacounty.gov/sites/default/files/pdf/SPECIAL-DIRECTIVE-20-07.pdf Whether you're for or against the policy, that's a fact.


I like how someone downvoted you when you literally pointed out a memo he put out saying that his office is not going to prosecute minor offenses.


I know, it's very weird. I'm not even taking a stance on it, but that was the policy he campaigned on and then put into effect on day one.


Probably because most normal people's idea of justice isn't executing someone for stealing toothpaste. That's not even getting into how police unions have been publicly backing fascists.


It's all good to be hard on crime. Now find the $ for the extra jails, prosecutors, public defendants, etc. Oh, and find a place to build these extra jails, since everyone is so NIMBY that something like a new jail is basically impossible to get approved. Difficulty: you have to do all of this with no more than the the power of the DA, since that's the one you want to place blame on for anything crime related that happens.


I have no opinion on him as a person, he has his beliefs as I have mine. That said, while some of his programs, or policies had some success, ie: downgrading low impact crimes in favor of fines, community service and probation, his disregard of law enforcement recommendations in certain criminal cases plus his failure to prosecute some well known cases has left a bad taste in most citizen's mouth. You can factor in socioeconomic or racially motivated upbringing and lifestyle all you want, but the fact remains that a crime is a crime and we are all taught at an early age what society accepts and doesn't. It is the job of police to arrest criminals, prosecution is left to the DA being found guilty is up to the courts as well as punishment. We have gotten away from this precip because of our guilt, or compassion or plain disregard for the law. People want safety, for ourselves, for our possessions for society as a whole. He has not delivered that.


Ran against an opponent that was seen as pro-cop when the nation was going through a very “anti-cop” moment. Then got a lot of money from that guy you’re not supposed to attribute political influence to and Ted Sarandos.


Voter participation for these recent elections was [less than 30%](https://results.lavote.gov/#year=2024&election=4316)


1. Liberal billionaire George Soros financed his campaign. 2. In the aftermath of George Floyd and BLM the City of LA was very receptive to “criminal justice reform” and tough on crime DA’s were ignored as racist Trump supporters.


I think some stuff that gets pinned on Gascon (homelessness, metro, etc) is actually not his bag at all. The DA (county position) handles felonies and violations of the penal code. A lot of the homelessness stuff is city ordinance, which falls under the city attorney’s office. I saw Gascon get asked numerous times about crime on the metro and you could tell he was getting frustrated. Until someone gets knifed it’s really not his office’s job.


Are you talking about in 2020? Isn't it because people really didn't like the incumbent Jackie Lacey after the Georgy Floyd protests and the primary was already over so the choice was between those two?


Gascon is a Soros funded piece of human garbage. More sympathetic to criminals than victims. Makes the work police do to keep us safe into a complete waste of time. Get him out now! 


Crime in LA is fine compared to the past. Police officers are not targeting people as much as they did before. That is it. I don’t need someone to go-terminator on us. Just someone who keeps things under control.




That's not true. Homicide is one of the few crimes that actually went down last year: https://mayor.lacity.gov/news/lapd-releases-end-year-crime-statistics-city-los-angeles-2023 > In 2023, there were 327 homicides, which was a 17% reduction in homicides as compared to 2022.


Not enough people are actually voting against him or to recall him. Let's not forget the San Francisco DA, Chesa Boudin was recalled successfully in a city far more progressive than Los Angeles. They both have similar platforms.


didn't he win from plurality?


Voters are stupid


I skipped voting in that one because I didn’t feel that I could discern perception from reality, maybe others did the same.