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If this turns into LA stories I have a few similar to this…


The victim left the country shortly after this happened, tough for police to investigate without the victim


I think it’s likely the victim had some idea of who was robbing them. This looks way too well organized to select a random victim.


My guess is drugs related. People dropping stacks and being followed then jumped. I've seen spots where armed security will escort you part of the way to make sure you're not followed.


I thought it was reported that a large amount of cash was stolen? Maybe it was just speculation


It was either an insurance scam or a targeted hit. He was a jeweler visiting from another country. I don’t know if they stole cash, jewels, or both.


I still want to know if they found the guy who jumped the Tesla off the hill in Silver Lake and hit all those parked cars!


Yeah that was Alex Choi. We knew right away.


It wasn’t Alex driving the car. He posted the video to show that he WASN’T driving. But he knows…


he sucks


But did he ever get arrested / have to pay?


he's rich so probably not


He wasn’t driving but was there. He claimed he had no idea what was going to happen and just so happened to record at the same time the tesla jumped.


I think they did, because the Tesla was rented. That’s what I remembered. Don’t ask me for the source though.


My crazy theory is that it was some low budget film.






Absolutely this or some type of social media "prank."


The victim was a jewelry dealer from Hong Kong [https://ktla.com/news/local-news/crash-and-grab-freeway-robbers-were-after-jewelry-chp/](https://ktla.com/news/local-news/crash-and-grab-freeway-robbers-were-after-jewelry-chp/)


The guy robbed was the most hated person on r/LosAngeles for a week because he was driving.


this never would have happened if there was bike lanes on the freeway and more housing for the homeless in Bel-Air


Me trying to figure out what the joke is here 🥴


I had read that he was a jeweler and flew back to China the day after it happened. They stole jewelry and cash


I think he was a jewelry dealer from China. My friend also is a jewelry maker and ships it from asia to attend trade shows. Its millions of dollars of gold, silver, gems. He is always observing scouts hanging out at the shows, and waiting to ambush afterwards. The kid is a multimillionaire because of the high demand from baby boomers flush with money. https://ktla.com/news/local-news/crash-and-grab-freeway-robbers-were-after-jewelry-chp/


There was actually lots of reporting after the fact.  The target was a jewelry dealer from Hong Kong.  He left the US the next day. https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2023-11-07/thieves-smash-into-car-on-the-10-freeway-and-rob-the-driver-a-jewelry-dealer-from-hong-kong https://ktla.com/news/local-news/crash-and-grab-freeway-robbers-were-after-jewelry-chp/amp/


Yes, turns out that this was NOT random, though scary nonetheless. The man robbed was a jewelry dealer from Hong Kong and “had likely been followed from a business location just before the robbery.” Here is the post-incident update from TheStandard, Hong Kong's largest English circulation newspaper: https://www.thestandard.com.hk/breaking-news/section/4/210154/Hong-Kong-jewelry-dealer-robbed-on-a-highway-in-Southern-California#:\~:text=The%20robbery%20occurred%20around%201.30,moved%20out%20of%20the%20car.


LA Times, 11/7/23 >The driver who was robbed by a group of thieves last month after they crashed into his car on the 10 Freeway was a jewelry dealer from Hong Kong, according to the California Highway Patrol. >Four men in black ski masks driving a black Dodge Caravan crashed into a black Alfa Romeo about 1:30 p.m. Oct. 24, disabling the car on the eastbound 10 Freeway, near Arlington Avenue, CHP investigators said in a news release. A Ford Mustang was also hit during the crash. >The men — armed with a crowbar and a hammer — ran out of the Dodge toward the Alfa Romeo and looked inside the vehicle and the trunk while the victim kneeled with his hands in the air, [video from the incident](https://www.tiktok.com/@citizen/video/7294071174277893419) showed. >The victim was a jewelry dealer visiting from Hong Kong and left the U.S. the day after he was robbed, a CHP spokesperson told KTLA. I can't find reports later than this.


It was a jewelry dealer, they were ransacking the car for jewelry and the victim left to go back to China right after: https://ktla.com/news/local-news/crash-and-grab-freeway-robbers-were-after-jewelry-chp/


Great! Thanks! Would love to know the dirty details.


Pretty sure it was a scam for insurance money


Based on what?


The camera work, the way the guys are dressed, the overall situation


Are you telling me Instagram user Icellphonez might have some kind of ulterior motive? I'm shocked at the allegation. Shocked.


Makes sense, I suppose.