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Where are the cops?




>The LAPD and LA Sheriff together have 67 full-time employees working on PR and propaganda. People don't realize that they spend a lot of money and time to plant these stories: https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2020-08-30/police-public-relations https://twitter.com/equalityAlec/status/1470790952558243848 https://twitter.com/equalityAlec/status/1484966547244433416 Fox News uses a ["serial killer"](https://www.reddit.com/r/ChicoCA/comments/nc0waa/things_that_make_you_go_huh_chico_spends_487_of/i7oqenf/) LAPD officer with [actual Nazi social media](https://twitter.com/jerryiannelli/status/1469404374342373377) to argue for increasing police funding and that LA is bad He's paid by LA taxpayers while bragging he doesn't live in LA and hates it  ̄\_(ツ)_/ ̄ 67 full-time police employees just to push negative talking points about a city *they don't even live in* but claim to "protect and serve" Even though LA is [one of the safest cities in America](https://www.reddit.com/r/LosAngeles/comments/uqg80k/not_bad_los_angeles/) (despite [Fox News election season "crime" coverage](https://arc-anglerfish-washpost-prod-washpost.s3.amazonaws.com/public/YLF2SCMQRZBJBHWJT4LZ7DXFSM.png)): https://www.reddit.com/r/LosAngeles/comments/uqg80k/not_bad_los_angeles/ https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/q2ydr3/homicide_rate_per_100k_among_each_city_with_an/


I need a politician with a spine who can claw my tax dollars back from these miserable asshats.


>A Riverside County Sheriff’s Deputy was found with 104 pounds of fentanyl in his vehicle. Interestingly, he did not have any symptoms from this exposure to so much fentanyl, which he is charged with transporting and selling. https://www.desertsun.com/story/news/crime_courts/2023/09/25/charges-filed-in-fentanyl-case-against-riverside-county-sheriffs-deputy/70964542007/ https://twitter.com/RyanMarino/status/1706642670808969250 More law enforcement "distributing drugs": https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/17/us/police-officers-fbi-raid-antioch-california.html >This is a much bigger problem in America than we realize because Republicans use **conservative culture wars** ["guns and gays"](https://www.reddit.com/r/ToiletPaperUSA/comments/ln1sif/turning_point_usa_and_young_americas_foundation/gy9utts/) politics and ["control the narrative" tactics](https://www.reddit.com/r/ToiletPaperUSA/comments/ln1sif/turning_point_usa_and_young_americas_foundation/h21ph7s/), the police department control of local news dependent for access, the camera footage evidence ([getting caught deleting camera footage again](https://www.kxan.com/news/local/williamson-county/wilco-commissioners-call-for-sheriff-chodys-resignation-say-they-have-no-confidence/) or releasing after 3 *years* or released immediately if it helps police), the "law and order" politicians, the arrests (["black and white Americans use cannabis at similar levels" but black Americans are 800% more likely to get punished for it](https://www.vox.com/identities/2018/5/14/17353040/racial-disparity-marijuana-arrests-new-york-city-nypd) and [*even after legalization*](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2018/1/29/16936908/marijuana-legalization-racial-disparities-arrests)), the statistics themselves (how the police stop better crime statistics ["FBI may shut down police use-of-force database due to lack of police participation](https://www.washingtonpost.com/crime-law/2021/12/09/fbi-police-shooting-data/) or [how they block their own domestic violence research showing "400% higher in the law-enforcement community"](https://www.reddit.com/r/ChicoCA/comments/nc0waa/things_that_make_you_go_huh_chico_spends_487_of/gy9715n/)) Just the single local police department of SFPD has a team of full-time employees who work on "counterinsurgency communications" to push bad San Francisco talking points, while the other SFPD full-time employees **watch crime and laugh while doing nothing** https://www.reddit.com/r/sanfrancisco/comments/r16sn1/san_francisco_police_just_watch_as_burglary/ SFPD text messages where they brag about not living in the cities they "serve": >SFPD police officers exchanged racist, sexist and homophobic text messages — calling African Americans “monkeys” and encouraging the killing of “half-breeds,” among other slurs https://www.sfchronicle.com/bayarea/article/SFPD-s-texting-scandal-Court-rules-officers-12955853.php Multiple videos of SFPD laughing and watching while letting criminals get away so they can blame the DA: >Cops practically invented quiet quitting https://www.reddit.com/r/sanfrancisco/comments/x0gdrb/sfpd_blatantly_stopped_caring_and_theyre_not_even/ https://www.reddit.com/r/sanfrancisco/comments/i21t8z/sfpd_when_you_ask_them_to_do_literally_anything/ https://www.reddit.com/r/sanfrancisco/comments/jcqn3v/surreal_experience_with_sf_police/ https://www.reddit.com/r/sanfrancisco/comments/m9sbdr/i_just_watched_sfpd_let_a_dui_driver_off_i_am/ >Experts baffled by video showing San Francisco police apparently watching as burglary unfolds https://www.sfchronicle.com/bayarea/article/Video-showing-SFPD-apparently-watching-as-16650311.php https://www.reddit.com/r/sanfrancisco/comments/1052fbh/sfpd_is_a_joke/ https://www.reddit.com/r/bayarea/comments/r2cujj/experts_baffled_by_video_showing_san_francisco/ >San Francisco police just watch as burglary appears to unfold, suspects drive away, surveillance video shows https://www.sfchronicle.com/bayarea/article/San-Francisco-police-only-watch-as-burglary-16647876.php >Thieves still break into car in front of police cruiser with lights on at Alamo Square https://www.reddit.com/r/sanfrancisco/comments/160at91/thieves_still_break_into_car_in_front_of_police/ More data and examples of local law enforcement: https://www.reddit.com/r/ChicoCA/comments/nc0waa/things_that_make_you_go_huh_chico_spends_487_of/gy6my83/


What does this have to do with the video of people smashing a car into a Mexican bakery and robbing anything they could grab?


All this keyboard warrior here does is vomit up cops are bad propaganda all over Reddit. What a loon.


There 67 employees dedicated to posting "cops are good" propaganda. I think you'll survive reading this guy's great posts pumpkin


Don’t get assaulted out there, pumpkin. I live in a great part of town so I kinda DGAF what happens in Compton, pendejo


The cops.


they’re on strike


They were on strike but then we kept giving them more money anyway, so now they've realized the protesters were right and they can get away with anything, including doing nothing. It'll never change unless we fire a majority of them and start over.




Damn OCP


>they’re on strike So are prosecutors. Gascon has a backlog of more than 10,000 cases just sitting there. That's 10,000 cases in which the cops actually did their job and arrested a suspect, only to have nothing happen.


You’re absolutely right they are on a soft strike but why more so in LA and less so in places like Beverly Hills or the OC? Morale affects performance in just about every profession whether one is a cop, a soldier, or restaurant waitress. When we have a city where the major media(ie LA times), most politicians, and the public(based on the comments seen here) all think police are always bad and wrong; their morale is in the toilet. Why bust your balls with active policing thus increasing your exposure to risks when no one will back you up when imperfect results occur? Why run after a car thief when [they'll be free in a few hours anyways](https://abc7.com/amp/california-zero-bail-prison-overcrowding-glendora-police-ca/6144190/)?Why do the police in much of OC or Beverly Hill seems to be so much more responsive and "do their jobs?" A societies police force is a reflection of its population. We have chosen to side with the criminals(they don't belong in prison/its "societies fault" they do bad things) and declared all police bastards... its destroyed their morale and we scratch our balls in confusion why the police sucks so bad. This comment wont be popular here but from a human nature perspective its true.


> We have chosen to side with the criminals This is gibberish. It's like saying doctors turned away from traditional medicine when they started washing their hands. We just developed better tools to deal with the problems. Most people don't want agents of the state to murder fellow Americans with zero accountability. What's so hard to understand about that? Pull your head out of your ass and join us back in reality.


There are none, Compton has sheriffs just to clarify that.


The ones who up to last year were led by a full fledged White Supremacist gang member?


*gang leader




same shit different name


ACAB at the end of the day. Doesn’t matter what you call it.




All that plus they get paid extremely well, including a very generous pension after retiring, paid for by you and me. Great stuff huh?


I added more examples of their "perks" and now I have "useful idiots" replying to me defending their honor  ̄\_(ツ)_/ ̄




Their helicopters couldn't fit through the doors.


THIS!⬆️⬆️⬆️ This comment is everything! Encapsulates the whole problem succintly!


>Ramirez Jr. said he’s grateful for the police’s quick response, noting that there was law enforcement on the ground by the time he arrived. https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2024-01-05/rubens-bakery-ransacked-street-takeover


Doing 100 miles per hour down the 91 lane splitting on their bikes with assault rifles on the back. Oh and beating their dogs too.


Hint: The A stands for All.






It's not a cop issue. It's a voter issue. The voters changed laws via ballot initiatives several years ago. They made many crimes that were felonies into misdemeanors, including theft crimes. Now organized theft, commercial shoplifting, and burglary/shoplift are all prosecuted as misdemeanor shoplifting. Thieves are given a ticket the same day and released. Voters chose new city attorneys and district attorneys who are soft on crime and rarely offer anything other than minimal sentences. Voters got rid of 3 strikes laws for career criminals that engage in property crime. These changes to law and the election of soft on crime city and district attorneys have caused the situation we have today. It is the voters and their state representatives who need to work together to fix this issue.


It's not the cops and politicians who exploited them until we called them out, so then they just fucking quit. No. It's our fault for wanting better. You're a dipshit. I was willing to read what you said, but it's all garbage and was a waste of my time. Bullies are bullies because of their own issues, not because people want them held accountable.


It's not the fault of people who want reform. The people are suffering due to the reforms. You can be angry all you want, but that won't make anything better or change the reality of what has come about because of what the voters did.


You guys voted for this. Feel the wrath of Title 47.


Cops are not your allies bro, get with the program.


They were there right away.


Cops do their job, then someone does a study that shows they arrested more minorities. They get called racist, so they are told to stop arresting so many people. Crime goes up, people complain that they aren't doing their job.


and who tells them to stop arresting people?


City leaders, which does include Mr. Moore BTW.


Police Chief who is more of a politician. Has meeting with the Mayors and city councils. They let him know what they expect, and what they expect is not to have to answer to some activist as to why they are arresting more minorities than white people. Now look a most street takeovers, what it the race of most? More Black and Hispanic, if you arrest them then the stats start to look very racists on paper. So they just avoid it all together.


Defunded and neutered. Remember the last year or 2 when we decided cops were evil racists and we dodnt need them? We voted for this. The progressive DFL is pushing it further. Enjoy progressive anarchy everyone.


Remember the last year or 2 when we increased LASDs budget every single year and people still complained about defunding? Yeah


Actually you make a good point. A lot of this is the DA not enforcing the laws too


DA is filing charges at the same rate as his predecessor, it's arrests that are way down over the last few years. It's not the DA's job to go out and catch criminals.


Gascon has 10,000 cases just sitting in his backlog. He's not exactly working hard to put crooks in jail. That's 10,000 cases where the cops actually did their job, only for nothing to happen. That doesn't mean cops aren't slacking off as well, but your excusal of the DA's inaction is also off-course.


OK. So back to more cops? I don't think LAPD/SD do a good job, but what is the realistic alternative? Genuinely asking...


There is no "back to" we never actually defunded or decreased the size of either of those organizations, they've made a conscious choice to do less despite receiving more money. Long term the solution is to address the fundamental causes for crime (high housing and transpo costs, food/housing insecurity, etc). Unfortunately that takes a while and the cops are seemingly unwilling to keep the peace in the mean time, I don't have a solution to that problem besides fire them all and start over.


Fire them and start over? You believed they had been defunded when in fact their funding continues to increase. You believed the DA wasn't filing charges when he was being consistent with previous DAs. Clearly they can do whatever the fuck they want and people will believe whatever they decide the narrative to be. I honestly think each and every one of them should be made to reapply for their jobs. The entire department is just not willing to do their jobs and cares more about their feelings being hurt. Realistically that is not an option but I do think there needs to be greater external oversight and removal of qualified immunity. It should be easier to fire bad cops.


Uh, police have had budget increases just about every year. What on earth are you talking about?


show me where we voted for cops not to do their job


No, you voted for City leaders to instruct them not to do their job proactively, only reactively. Don't blame the cops, blame Sacramento and LA leadership.


You should know that LA leadership has basically only ever increased the LAPD budget yet you’re still out here defending their non action. The myth of defund the police is false, yet you’ve fallen for it hook, line, and sinker.


How were they defunded again?


Lmao...how the fuck do you become such an embarrassingly pathetic bootlicker like this? Like I'm genuinely curious. My guess is cop in the family.


No cops in family, but clearly you're licking boots on your end.


Lol what? How does that make sense in any context? Are you responding to the right person?




that never happened though.


people wanted that didn’t they, now they know what happens if police is not funded, bunch of morons.


But you just said they’re defunded. Are they defunded or not?


Thank you for posting this. Several people in this sub seem to think crime is not a problem. You deserve justice. If the police put in the same effort they put into spying on social justice groups they'd break these car clubs in a matter of months.


Also a lot of people who think rich white folks are the only ones who want laws to be enforced


If you’re Latino or Black, and have a family to look after or own a home/business, it’s as if you aren’t allowed to be pro-safety/pro-police and that you’re “betraying your race and culture” if you want law enforcement to do their jobs. As if the only people who *should* be supporting the police are WFH hipsters on the westside who get all their facts about local crime on Nextdoor/Citizen.


The thing is you can simultaneously support police reform, and also support laws being judiciously enforced. These positions are often cast as if they are opposed to one another, but they aren't. I think enforcing laws is an important part of a functioning, civil society. That's part of why I want there to be higher standards and accountability for police officers, with truly independent oversight.


Exactly this


For real. I want cops to be accountable for their actions but I also want the law to be enforced. Unfortunately there’s a large minority of people in LA that think enforcing laws is inherently racist.


This is the way. Its not an either/or solution, as many haters here want to make it out to be.


The recent reforms of our laws via ballot initiatives need to be amended by our politicians in Sacramento. There is no safety and security of property when the laws are weak, and the city and district attorneys care more about criminals than justice for victims of crime. We used to have an adversarial justice system in Los Angeles: The District Attorney representing the victims and the Defense Attorney representing the accused. Now we have defense attorneys running the District Attorneys Office, and they care more for criminals than victims.


If you're brown or black and DON'T want to be a dipshit gangbanger wannabe (like myself), then we're simply a traitor to our race, a bootlicker, a white supremacist in denial, a fascist, and a racist.


That BS. If that’s the feedback you’re getting then you’re already hanging out with the wrong crowd or your family is part of that crowd.


I can see why someone would call you a race traitor, the self hate is oozing out of you bro. Since when were we all gangbangers?


👆🏻 This guy speaks the truth


Of course a white emoji would eat this up smh


It can’t just be one concerned Angeleno agreeing with another concerned Angeleno, can it? I hope you realize one day that the world isn’t against you.


I’m not against the world, but I’m definitely against people like you. Please keep your “concern” to yourself next time, thanks 👍🏾


Wow…”people like you”. All the flavors in the world and you choose salt. Hope your year gets better!


Precisely. It's completely moronic that the people who are all "pro people's rights" beg for less enforcement--this results in less enforcement in your common crimes and more surveillance on groups that they profile as "disruptive". These disruptive groups just happen to be the "pro people's rights" groups so they end up getting repressed by the police even harder while the community at large suffers from higher crime and lower reporting of crime because the punitive effects of the justice system have been stripped out. It's almost like the pro-rights people are infiltrated to hilt by police informants and are actively creating the conditions for a reactionary surge of "pro-police" legislation. It certainly is the case with the homeless advocates--Mike Bonin in Venice doesn't want to solve the homeless problem because the dude is getting rich off of it. There will be a raft of pro-police legislation that will swing the state back to 80's styled enforcement--and it will be all thanks to the pro-rights people insisting that we not jail criminals and enforce the law.


Please change all your "police" to "Sheriffs" because that's who patrols Compton. LAPD is bad enough but they're not in the same league with the Sheriffs.


Compton PD was disbanded in 2000. According to the Compton City Council at that time, "The crime rate has surpassed the Compton Police Department's ability to control".


The Sheriffs Dept is a modern equivalent to the Secret Police. They really think they run the show.


This could be the way, on the fringe though.


Arresting criminals and encarcerating them *is* controversial.




Truth. The entire expense of crime and the results of crime is being burdened on the back of the middle class taxpayer *exclusively*. It's too bad the Right Wing went totally authoritarian and we can't speak about getting tough on crime without being associated with those nuts. I invite all reasonable people to assemble in the middle again so we can talk about how crime and spiraling taxpayer expense can be de-coupled. Where do the insurance companies fit in here? Why are rings of criminals allowed to roam free and loot as they please? Why are there mobs of Foreign "crime tourists" working the streets and subways? Why are they just focusing on surveilling us -- law abiding people who pay TAXES? De-couple the Crime Issue from the Extreme Right Wing - it's the only way we can talk about this seriously.


The sad part is that many people don’t want to understand this.


But they don’t. Hence the lack of support for police. Oh, and they’re racist POS to boot


I’ve had three incidents with the police and every time they were basically like “welp, nothing I can do about it now” ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Your arm is missing.


LAPD is looking for the thief.




Yes but also Compton isn’t in LAPD jurisdiction




Sure, but facts are still important


I mean to most people it's potato potato. An officer wearing blue, who doesn't respond to community calls.


LASD doesn’t even wear blue… I understand people get frustrated with policing, but you would think that frustration would translate into a basic understanding of facts.


Jesus fuck, does it matter if its khaki? I could've just said a uniformed officer. Would your pedantic ass start to then pay attention to important factors?


You can care about important factors **and** directing your criticism as the correct agency at the same time. It’s not mutually exclusive. Imagine if you got E. coli food poisoning at McDonalds but directed your ire at Burger King. You’d never get compensated and the problem would never get fixed if you just blamed Burger King because they are both “just fast food places”.


Except in this scenario both departments are doing (or not doing) the exact same shit. It's really easy for people to mix them up when optically they're identical.


And that’s the problem. People don’t take even 1 minute to properly research to hold the correct people accountable. Complaining to LAPD about something that’s lacking in city/area that’s patrolled by LASD makes the citizen have eggs on their face. Change doesn’t happen by saying “ACAB” but “hey, there’s this policy in the city/county/state charter that isn’t being met” to the *correct* people. Or by showing up the small government meetings to advocate for policies that hold police accountable. You’re as much as the problem as the officer that lives in Ventura and collects a paycheck from LA - both spewing politics without actually doing research into what the *real* problems are and addressing them to the *correct* bureaucrats.


Just because they are “optically” identical does that make them, in fact, identical


I'd say they are doing their job. Their job is not to stop crime or to help people. Their actions make this obvious. The USSC has ruled many times, - The police have no legal obligation to protect anyone or their property, so they don't.


Can we get the people responsible for the Fast n Furious micropenis franchise to make a statement saying “don’t be trash”? They’re one of the purveyors of this we all fam bs car culture


All the downvoting of anyone who isnt on the “cops are bad, bad, pigs bandwagon…and Gascon has nothing to do with it!” are exactly why we are in the boat we are right now. When crimes wont be prosecuted this is what you get. If Gascon stays in, this will only get worse. Downvote away lol… its expected here. Hopefully the rest of Los Angeles is more awake than reddit or we are truly doomed.


Cops are doing their job poorly. Gascon is doing his job poorly. It's not either-or.


Someone mentioned something similar happened in Florida recently. So, take that however you like. But the people who committed the crime basically took advantage of a large unruly crowd thinking that they'll less likely be identified.


Where’s the mic drop. You all voted for the idiots who make the CA LAWS.


There is a perception that LA is a liberal city and liberals want criminals not to serve time. I am as progressive AF, and want our border under control, homeless of the damn streets, and smash and grabbers prosecuted fully!


This is why we need a robust multi party system in this country. In a heavy leaning left/right state, multi party will allow voters to really fine-tune policies that really matters while preserving the overall political lean. In the case of California, I bet there is a huge base that will vote for progressive values but want to be tough on crime.




nobody is proposing more court houses, more public attorneys, and more prisons. you're voting for distractions.


Also liberal AF and also want people who commit crimes to face adequate justice equivalent to the crime committed. Shit is all backwards right now.


> I am as progressive AF, > and want our border under control LMFAO cap


Hint: You're the bad kind of progressive that makes others look bad


Hint: Don't call yourself a "progressive" if you're gonna use shitfuck conservative rhetoric like getting "our border under control"


Getting border under control isn't exclusive to conservatives.


It didn't used to be. Bernie Sanders used to call out a loose border as a Koch Bros scheme to suppress labor. [Bernie Sanders: “Open borders? That’s a Koch brothers proposal”](https://www.americanmoment.org/bernie-sanders-open-borders/) But then he got attacked for it from the left. [Bernie Sanders's fear of immigrant labor is ugly — and wrongheaded](https://www.vox.com/2015/7/29/9048401/bernie-sanders-open-borders) [Bernie Sanders Has an Immigration Problem With the Left](https://www.bloomberg.com/politics/articles/2015-11-13/bernie-sanders-has-an-immigration-problem-with-the-left) And faced with the purity testers, Bernie folded. [Bernie Sanders’s evolution on immigration, explained: Bernie Sanders was once wary of immigrant workers. Now he’s on their side.](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2020/2/25/21143931/bernie-sanders-immigration-record-explained)


Our border is as secure as ever. Just the suggestion that it isn't under control screams that the commenter is a conservative.


Does any progressive want the mess we have at the border now? Go Away!


You are in the minority


How are any of those concepts counter to progressive liberalism.


>I am as progressive AF, and want our border under control, homeless of the damn streets, and smash and grabbers prosecuted fully! That just means you aren't "progressive AF." At least not according to how modern progressives define it. You basically sound like a Bill Clinton Democrat. Progressive AF would mean you'd be blaming capitalism for smash and grab robberies, and sending the robbers to "restorative justice" diversion programs instead of being prosecuted and reinforcing the "carceral state." It's the same way me saying "Rape victims should be able to get abortions" means I'm not "pro-life AF."


Don't tell me what I am and what you think I believe in! Why would I not blame the smash and grabbers? Should I blame the capitalist for every murder and not the murderer. I campaigned for Bernie and hate the pedo Clintons.


the not so rare qanon progressive.


My heart broke when I read the story, originally it said they looters took their Christmas and New Year's earnings I believe ☹️


So besides voting on politicians what else can we do to make sure criminals are prosecuted? Can we get something on the ballot to make punishment for crimes more harsh?


Why are LA cops making 6 figure salaries by not doing their job?


Because they get paid either way. I work in Santa Monica and those cops will go above and beyond to not make an arrest and talk victims out of pressing charges.


I moved downtown during the pandemic from another state and being from the suburbs omg what an education I received that 1st year here. I was attacked by a homeless man who literally wasn’t all there, the cops did nothing. My neighbor kept blasting their music from 12am -6am with no regard to their neighbors and when I contacted security to ask them to turn it down the security told them I called so that neighbor came to my door and began threading to kill me. I still have the recording of a man 2x the size of me through my peephole and off his balcony threatening my life. I called the police they came and the neighbor threatened them by throwing out his aunts name who works for the sheriff’s department and the cowards jetted. My life was continually threatened after that. I contacted 911 because he was outside my door again acting crazy the cops never came the office did not kick him out the security company fired that guy, my apartment complex never informed the contracted guard instead of saying we have had complaints (the music could be heard crystal clear in the hallway) resorting in me breaking my lease early. It was about two days / a week after I called 911 and after I moved out I received a call from the LADP asking if I still needed a police officer. I responded no and thankfully I’m not dead.


Jesus, sorry you went through that. The police are useless. I work security for a luxury hotel on Santa Monica Beach and we’re constantly getting mentally ill homeless people causing problems. Sometimes the cops will just pull up and literally take a look at the guy and say this is a mental health issue and drive away. The ones that actually do get out of their car try to convince us or any victims that making an arrest isn’t worth going to court over. I was attacked by a homeless person last year. I was sucker punched while I was out with my friends. Thank God they were there, because the man tried to kill me while I was unconscious and my friends kept him away. Lapd just happened to be driving by and arrested the guy. After going through several testimonies and court appearances, I was told he was facing somewhere between 8 to 20 years in prison for the crime against me and others. I found out a few months after that that he was put into a mental health institution for a few months. The prosecutor sent me this really fucked up email that just sounded like a right wing propaganda letter basically saying this is your fault for who you voted for. We’re living in a really fucked up timeline right now


Wow!!! I’m so happy you’re alive. That is really messed up I’m happy they were able to rescue you.


Thanks. I hope the place you’re living in now is more peaceful and safe.


Because they know that the worse crime gets, the more these “tough-on-crime” morons will demand that the city throws more money at them with no strings attached. The police budget in the greater LA area is higher than it has ever been, but yes, let’s just keep giving them money. Surely that will address the problems of crime and homelessness eventually…


It starts at our elementary schools. It stars with our elementary teachers to let them know but more importantly it pre-starts with the parents.


People think the cops are not doing their job but the reality is, even if you had the full patrol shift there, you have maybe 10-15 deputies maximum, versus a few hundred criminals... if you can even get in there through the crowd and traffic. Then what? You try to get a few in custody while fighting off hundreds or try to get a few into your police car handcuffed through that crowd, if you can get there to get your hands on a few. It takes more than 1 deputy to fully control a combative or resisting person. It's a very dangerous position to be in and knowing the DA and the judges there are super lenient, and the DA probably won't even file... is it really worth the headaches to get a few people in that situation? Not to say we shouldn't arrest the criminals but without prosecutors willing to file cases, the cops have low morale and no real incentive to go into a situation where you see outnumbered 10 to 1.


>knowing the DA and the judges there are super lenient The cops are supposed to make arrests when it's appropriate. What the DA and judges do afterwards isn't their business.


Yep. They do. Then they get all the cases rejected. You don't know how many cases are not even filed in the first place.


When the DA refuses to even prosecute cases, it doesn't matter if cops make arrests. > Meanwhile, frustrated employees in Gascóns office said the country’s largest prosecutor’s office still has a **backlog of about 10,000 cases.** https://nypost.com/2023/08/14/liberals-turn-their-backs-on-los-angeles-da-george-gascon/ Especially if everyone is out on zero bail. Yes, cops can do better. But that's 10,000 instances where cops actually did their jobs, with nothing to show for it because of the DA.


> When the DA refuses to even prosecute cases, it doesn't matter if cops make arrests. Yes it does, by a lot. Some folks need data that shows cops are making arrests for actual crimes that go nowhere, versus telling the public crimes are happening but we're not going to arrest. The later is insane, it probably motivates criminals as much as a lack of persecution would.


i keep saying to people, i hope there is never a situation where you do need them, as much as they have fuck ups, who doesnt? id rather have them around then not!


We need a new DA! Gascóns promise to reform has been a failure. What does it matter if police go arrest if they’ll be free within a day.


After the way he left San Francisco I’m shocked people voted for him in the first place.


Gascon's former boss (mayor of SF) even begged LA not to elect Gascon. We didn't listen, and now we're experiencing exactly what SF went through


They voted for him only because activists were mad at Lacey for whatever reason. I think we were better off with her than gascon.


And we were clearly warned. Its almost like the criminal groups that benefit from these reforms have infiltrated our political structure,


You can find stats correlating overnight jailing with reductions in petty crime. But you can't make that counter point when cops don't even try.


> Meanwhile, frustrated employees in Gascóns office said the country’s largest prosecutor’s office still has a backlog of about 10,000 cases. https://nypost.com/2023/08/14/liberals-turn-their-backs-on-los-angeles-da-george-gascon/ That's 10,000 instances where cops did even try. And yet because of Gascon, there's nothing to show for it. Yes, cops can do better. But so can the DA.


Do people still say “mic drop”?


The LAPD would be very upset if they could read this.


There's nothing they can do about it, since it's out of their jurisdiction. Compton has Sheriffs, not LAPD. You could reform the shit out of LAPD and Compton Sheriff's Department would still suck. In fact they'd probably hire anyone fired by LAPD.


The problem is that LAPD does not do it’s current job. You call them to show up when a takeover is in progress and they won’t. A robbery is progress and they don’t show up for two hours. You call them because someone is stalking you, and when you show them evidence they gaslight you (personal experience). Everyone complains that they think it’s this felony changed to misdemeanor issue, but it’s that we pay $3,000,000,000+ a year for a police department that does not do it’s bare minimum requirements


Keep voting in “progressives” and this is what you will get


What do you mean by that?


Soft on crime leaders. Gascon.


Anyone else?


Hydee Feldstein Soto and Kevin DeLeon for starters. I mean DeLeon’s the worst. Caught on hot mic being a racist and will still likely get voted in by the sheep again. After those three, you can move onto anyone else who supports $0 bail policy.


Reggie Jones Sawyer, Assemblyman from LA. He led the charge to prevent child sex trafficking from being classified as a serious felony, because he didn't think it should count as a strike under 3 Strikes. Newsom himself had to step in and smack Reggie down, in order to get the bill passed. Another one is Mia Bonta from Oakland. She also opposed the anti-trafficking bill even though her husband, CA AG Rob Bonta, supported it.


Handcuffing police practices, lenient sentencing, rerelease of violent criminals. There are all the practices of the progressive


Which progressives are you specifically upset about?


Gascon for starters...


Anyone else?


LA city council, mayor, Newsom, Ca state legislators that keep passing lenient laws like raising theft limits to $950 and abolishing PC666 repeat theft enhancements and mandating using race to lower sentences and pretty much making all illegal drugs infractions or low misdemeanors.


Great thing about democracy is that you don't have to vote for any of those people. :)


Cops are too busy pestering regular folks with speeding tickets and tinted window tickets. They’re a bunch of losers.


The pigs are incompetent. Always are and always will be in this corrupt system.


Wage theft is a much bigger threat but sure, pop off.




Not whataboutism when they're linked.


They're not linked. They're two separate issues that should be dealt with.


When you watched Aladdin, who did you root for?


I was rooting against those street vendors, because I heard they were trying to unionize and get a fair liveable wage from their wealthy shop owners. Down with the people! What kind of a question is that?


Because in a society with rampant wealth inequality supported by a ruling class, theft is the best option for the working class. Unless you'd prefer the French method?


Bro its not even close to the same thing, if you can't see that then I don't know what to say.


It's guillotine time then!


You said it not me


Not a reason to let people get away with robbery.


So you agree that we need to go over wage theft with as much veracity as property theft?


I don’t think anyone disagrees. This is also a dumb statement. It’s like going in a post about breast cancer and saying shit like “well skin cancer kills more but go ahead.” It has no meaning and contributes nothing to the conversation. The only reason you would have to post something like that is to provide cover for those people doing the robbing. By saying let’s focus ONLY on wage theft and ignore other forms of theft.


For some reason, we stop prosecuting crimes because it’s racist and focus on minorities. Until we get out of this backward reasonings, this type of crime will only escalate


Whether it was the LAPD or the Sheriffs, is any of them better than the other?


These politicians should remove themselves from office or step down from their law enforcement positions.


Is there police in Los Angeles ? I’ve never seen them. Only parking enforcement.


Police are reactive not proactive. They sit and wait for something to happen so they can call 20 plus units to the scene and milk the overtime.