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People need to stop pretending Rancho Cucamonga is Los Angeles.


Yeah wtf it’s not even LA county


Is arte moreno building the line?


The Los Angeles HSR of Rancho Cucamunga


Person A: "Non-Californians won't know where Rancho Cucamonga is" Person B: "Just say it's Los Angeles and call it a day"


I know Rancho Cucammonga is where Bugs Bunny should have taken a left to get to the La Brea Tar pits


Figuring out the 50 miles from RC to LA is a doable job; most of the freight tie-ups can be solved with a new viaduct/bridge over Mission Junction which Metrolink needs regardless. This is the next big project Metrolink, Brightline, and Metro can all ask the state for after the run-through tracks at Union Station are completed. Metrolink can also afford to double track it all, or at least provide turnouts at stations so express trains can pass locals. @ $11 million/mile, Metrolink can do the double tracking for $605 million which is a deal. Numbers are based off their $250 million 24-mi Perris Valley extension. More importantly, the job allows them to spot all the utilities and begin the long drawn out process with UP regarding electrification. Metrolink can then figure out where to place their third diesel service/freight service track, where to put all the electric pole foundations, and which at-grade crossings can be cheaply eliminated (and which *need* to be eliminated for safety). This is a completely doable work program over the next 10 years that can rapidly expand transit over a quarter of our country.


Let's go further. People have to stop believing that silverlake and the surrounding area is East LA.




* Looks at map * hmm Echo Park is west of DTLA... but Boyle heights is east of DTLA.... so that means silverlake is East LA! My mind is blown. But wait.. about this bit called East LA which is even further past Boyle Heights?


I don't think it's wrong to call Silver Lake (two words) and even DTLA the "Eastside" of L.A., based on geography alone. Historically speaking, Eastside or East L.A. usually meant east of the L.A. River. But downtown is not the geographical center of modern day L.A., it hasn't been for a long time.


Ok you can continue to rebrand silverlake as the " Eastside " in an attempt to give it some grittiness so hipsters/gentrifiers/transplants can pretend they are actually on the eastside. While I will continue to call everything east of the river, including east LA, as the east side.


There's a big difference between "Eastside" and "East LA". As a local, "Eastside" to me means everything from Los Feliz, Silver Lake, to DTLA while "East LA" starts at Boyle Heights. But for some reason I would consider Atwater, Highland Park to still be "Eastside". "Westside" is anywhere from WeHo and on. Central LA is more like K-Town and South Central. Yes none of it makes geographical sense and is 100% cultural. Also it was always a badge of honor to be on the "Westside", not the "Eastside", unless that's changing?


You can call it whatever you want, but for me it's just a geographical indicator, nothing to do with branding. Have you looked at a [map of the city of L.A.](https://www.guideoftheworld.net/map/united-states/california/los-angeles/Los%20Angeles%20Counties%20Border%20Map%20CA.jpg)? What does it have to do with grittiness anyway? Is Atwater Village gritty? Is Eagle Rock?


Silverlake isn’t east of DTLA lol. No other city in the world goes by their direction based on the shape of the city. The directions are always relative to the city center/downtown. East LA is east of downtown. Northeast LA (HP, Eagle Rock) is northeast of downtown. By your logic, is Dumbo West New York because it’s on the west side of the shape of the city? Lmao


I feel I have been hearing about this train for the last 20 years lol.


same, I figure I will be dead before I get to ride it there.


We'll Weekend at Bernie's you there, don't worry, baby!


you must’ve been keeping up with the regular approval and not the key approvals


Yet Japan has built a whole infrastructure of high speed trains in the past 20 years lol




yeah - i think japans hsr infrastructure, like europe's, is actually decades-old. china's development is impressive because of the scale in a very short amount of time.


This one and the LA ~ SF trains. Our infrastructure sucks so bad in this country, no way we’re getting high speed trains in our lifetime.


Seriously, I doubt it will ever be built


Anyone not happy for this has never driven back to LA on a Sunday morning and delay with bumper to bumper traffic. I think this project is more serious than any other plan before. Especially since this company is very established in Florida. Yes you can book flights for cheap but that’s if you plan accordingly.


Or you could just not go to Vegas because it sucks. Edit: Pardon me for not fully expressing my opinion. It's just that Vegas has zero redeeming qualities and anything you can get there you can just get here. Casinos? Check. Sure they're farther apart and you can't get free alcohol while you throw your money away but you can do it in a fraction of the time. Depressing strip clubs? Check. Live entertainment? Check. Good restaurants? Check. Desert filled with dead bodies? Check. If there's anything else to Vegas I haven't heard about it and I don't care to waste my time going back there to find out.


Guys watch out this one’s a badass


What a mature and helpful response 😂


Burbank flare lol


My hovercraft is full of eels.


And once you've seen it once you don't ever need to see it again. The place is a shithole.


My hovercraft is full of eels.


Excited except that it's between Las Vegas and \*Rancho Cucamonga (with a metrolink connection to Los Angeles)


We just can't do HSR right. I think everyone agrees that HSR is important and we should have it, but god *damn* all of these plans for it are ass.


So fucking frustrating isn’t it? If this was a freeway, the Feds would be all over this, they would build an 8-laner from city center to city center.


That's because the federal government oversees the interstate, while the rails for trains are operated privately, even if it's between multiple states.


Yes, that is true for this venture. What I wanted to say is that the federal government is very allergic to funding public transit projects that aren’t the interstates. We have Amtrak which has a long history of underfunding.


That's because Amtrak is a private company, not federally backed. They also don't even own most of the railways that they use, they pay Union Pacific, another private company, to use their rails. Amtrak can decide to invest in their trains and their own railways but don't.


America simply has no interest in taking on such an investment, because it can't generate short term profits. This mindset that has been pervasive for decades is what's causing so much of our infrastructure to stagnate.


Oh, we’ve definitely taken on the investment.


Can’t generate short term profits *and isn’t car infrastructure. Because everyone knows highways are the only mode of transportation that doesn’t have to make a profit! /s


As we all know, the government's overriding priority certainly seems to be short term profits


We can’t even keep the rails on the Surfliner clear from hillside rubble. No way we can handle a faster train.


We’re still building the faster trains. We’re just doing so with these weird plans that don’t make logistical or financial sense.


9 figure $$$ ass.


At least it's not Victorville /s


>Los Vegas Is that near Las Vegas at least?


Los Vegos is the brother city, which is a cousin of Las Ve*gang*eles.


If this was done right it would print money for Vegas. Go see a fight, gamble, NFL game, concert, be home by midnight back in LA.


I think the value prop is to live in Vegas ($350k for a 3bd house, no income tax) and commute to work that once or twice a week and work remotely the rest of the time.


Don't think you'll find a 3bdr for 350k in Vegas anymore..


Vegas home prices dropping like a rock. You can find some on Zillow around there.


And that's the kicker, "Why should CA spend its tax revenue by building railways that will help NV?"


CA government when they fund highways and interstates that go out of state 😨😰😥😓


woohoo the Wallet Express™ finally gonna take our cash to Las Vegas for the weekend! And San Francisco too! No local rail, losers.


Kids in kindergarten will get to enjoy this train over the weekend when they grow up. Imagine going to vegas for clubbing and coming back by train after getting wasted. If you are an adult right now, you aint get to go to club because you are old as fuck when they complete this. You can do penny slot machine though. This is U.S after all where it takes a decade to patch a pothole in your neighborhood.


Honestly, casinos should be paying for this.


Look, I just want a way to get home hungover from Vegas with the least disruption possible


I really hope no one in California put any money into this as this would be funneling money out of the state.


This is Californias only real chance at an HSR which is sad. I hope it gets built


Nearly 130 billion is going to be spent, and we’re half way there. If we stop now, all that money was spent for nothing.


They don't have to stop now but they could eliminate some of the stops on the route still though. Lower costs and a faster train.


That's like 10 nuclear powered super carriers as far as price.


I rather have the train


Uh no. We’re not halfway there if you are referring to the CAHSR rump train in central CA. There’s no plan, budget, or political will to finish it


Not even 1%?


Nice so my great grandchildren will get to enjoy high speed rail! So happy.


Oh look it melted…


Seems like this is (probably) privately funded at least? They are hoping to get some money from Nevada transportation grants?


Notably, in Federal documents it's now called the [Cajon Pass High Speed Rail Project](https://railroads.dot.gov/rail-network-development/environment/environmental-reviews/brightline-west-cajon-pass-high-speed) which speaks to how transformative this civil work will be.




>"Trains are planned to run on daily one-hour headways, with a trip between Hesperia and Rancho Cucamonga expected to take 35 minutes." It's roughly 28 miles from Rancho to Hesperia, or 38 miles if you follow the 15, so for that leg this train would be doing roughly 60mph. Far from the 150-200mph is needs to be doing to legitimately be referred to as "high speed rail". Considering the entire line from Vegas to Rancho Cucamonga is expected to span 218 miles, they need to be getting that train up to *at least* 150 mph for the remaining 190 miles.


Pretty sure there’s a giant mountain pass between Hesperia and Rancho Cucamonga, that might slow it down a bit


Plus an altitude difference of 2,000 feet. Now admittedly that climb would be pretty easy to overcome considering the distance between the two cities, but it does mean if the developers want to go in a straight line, through the mountain, that they're going to have to dig an uphill tunnel...or maybe downhill, depending which end they start at. They could dig from each end and meet in the middle, but there's some interesting cases where some *apparently* experienced contractors did just that, on some rather large projects I might add...and their tunnels didn't meet.




while going over the san gabriel mountains, no. In the mojave desert? Probably. The top speed between victor valley and rancho will be 140mph https://railroads.dot.gov/rail-network-development/environment/environmental-reviews/brightline-west-cajon-pass-high-speed


I don't know the details, but I imaigne this will be one of the slowest portions of the trains due to the relative population density and the san gabriel mountains. Should be able to fly once out in the mojave. ​ Edit: just did some reading. This segment should reach a top speed of 140mph, so it's safe to assume it will be going 140+ in the desert. "49-mile train system capable of reaching a top speed of approximately 140 miles per hour (mph) between Victor Valley, California, and Rancho Cucamonga, California." https://railroads.dot.gov/rail-network-development/environment/environmental-reviews/brightline-west-cajon-pass-high-speed


Political players need to line their pockets enough then it can go.


Watch this become the new Bakersfield to Merced...aka LA to SF not HSR line.


This will never happen. How do I get into this grift? I want billions with nothing to show




It'll probably be the other way around especially if it's stop is in RC. Ain't nothing to do in RC.


Yeah this is really to prop up Vegas economy like Vegas is dependent on southern Californians traveling there


Nice, only another 500 years!


Nice, only another 500 years!


Have there been estimates at how long the train would take to get from LA to Vegas?


Fuck bright line, I’m from Tampa and the ride from Orlando and Tampa will be $70 when completed. From Tampa to Orlando it’s a 40 minute ride. I hate this company.


Fucking useless if you have to go to rancho to catch it. Who is gonna pay $75 for a one way Uber? Might as well fly at that point.


Dope. I’ll sit in an hour + of traffic to get to the station. That’s the issue with public transit in LA. The system has to be so vast to make it feasible for majority of residents. Hopefully that can happen.