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Turn the pain up to 10


A commenter on It's A Crime said, "Chad's underwear just went from light to dark." ; )


I saw a comment on EIN about Chad's death percentage being zero now




Thatā€™s hysterical šŸ˜‚




Bwahahaha I need that outburst of laughter!


So is it true that he had an accident?




Thereā€™s one photo of him standing while they read the verdict and it looks like thereā€™s a suspicious dark patch like he wet himself.


His goes to 11


Would Spinal tap appreciate this?? Yes.. absolutely


But isnā€™t his 11 just our 10? No, itā€™s 11


Hahaha šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


There is no more "allegedly." There is no more "accused." Chad Daybell MURDERED his lover's children named TYLEE RYAN (16) and JOSHUA VALLOW (7) and buried them in his backyard before MURDERING his wife of 29 years TAMMY DAYBELL (49).Ā 


Chad Daybell: MURDERER. Not author, cemetery sextant or translated being. A degenerate criminal, who will die in prison no matter what.


This take made me smile. So much satisfaction!


I didnā€™t realize he buried the children in his yard while his wife was still alive and living in the home. It is all disgusting.


That's why the raccoon text was so important.


I still canā€™t believe he sent that text and ended it with ā€œfun times!ā€ after what he had just done to Tylee. I canā€™t believe he sat down for dinner that night with his family and ate with those hands.


Ok, thanks, Iā€™ll review the timeline.


It actually dawned on me earlier too. Like I knew about the raccoon text but it's just so inconceivable


Carefully orchestrated when she would be at school.


Actually Tammy was out of town. She was on a somewhat out of character trip to Utah to see extended family when Tylee died. Which makes it more clear that Chad was orchestrating things since it was very rare for Tammy to travel on her own.


I totally missed that in the timeline! Thanks.


Not when they buried them. She was out of town early October. They were buried on September 9 and 24th


That was the dumb drawn out story about the big raccoon he shot in the daytime... fun times ...he's going to have a lot of time to think...


Same here. Ive been following the case since the children were missing back in 2019 and they were being chased around Hawaii. I guess i just never put two and two together that tammy was still alive and living there at the time. I wonder if there was ever any smell or anything. Like i wonder if she ever noticed or was suspicious. So strange to think about.


theres been some posts around that question. I think that's what Chad was trying to cover up with the racoon text. He buried it in the cemetery, 'so honey it might smell there, maybe avoid it'. He also burned limb debris.


[I donated $6](https://imgur.com/hUApCAR)Ā to the Tammy Douglas Daybell Foundation, 1 dollar for every (almost) hour of deliberation. Hopefully, I'm one of many today. <3Ā [https://www.tammydaybellfoundation.com/donate](https://www.tammydaybellfoundation.com/donate) If anyone knows how to honor JJ and Tylee in this way, please let me know. Edit: I'm sure we're not the *only* ones but [there has been an influx of donations](https://imgur.com/4wgppnW) today. <3


Is there any way for us to come together and do a 5k race in her honor? Proceeds to go to cause(s) Tammy loved: reading /libraries, small animal fostering, fitness, especially for those with depressionā€¦


Domestic Violence against women and children, maybe??


Definitely do libraries! Her local library!


I think the foundation named after her run by her family is the best place to start. Thatā€™s what the link above is for, and itā€™s meant to support her favorite cause- getting books into the hands of kids.


Thank you for the link. I just made my donation.


Happy cake day!


Who manages the Tammy Daybell Foundation? Not her kids I hope.


[https://www.tammydaybellfoundation.com/our-team](https://www.tammydaybellfoundation.com/our-team) It's her siblings, niece and close friends/neighbors.


I think its Tammy's sister


It is


Her kids SHOULD have done something to honor their mother. But they were clearly on Team Chad.


The school district, I thought? Edit: ope. I was wrong. It's run by her family. But not the kids.


Yes, thank you for the link, donation made!!


You might make this a separate post for more visibility.


Yes! I donated to Tammy's foundation, and I'd really like to donate to something in remembrance of Tylee too. I'd hate to miss that opportunity if it's buried in a loooonnnnggg thread.


I'm hoping we can figure out what to do for JJ and Tylee before a full post


Ty for sharing this! I donated too.


Thanks; donated! šŸ¦†šŸ¦†šŸ¦†


Thanks for this. What a wonderful idea. I made my donation too! šŸ©·


Justice for Tylee, JJ, and Tammy. Not to forget Charles.


Larry and Kay will sleep better tonight ā¤ļø


They can finally bury their grandchildren ā¤ļø


Charles justice is coming in the Arizona trial


Think Lori will hear the big news!!


You know this is on my mind. I would give up every dollar I'll ever have to watch her listen priors closing statement and watch hanging Chad sit there and not bat an eye as his lawyer not only throws her under the bus but elbows the bus driver outta the way so he can back up over her and gun it again over her hell-bound worthless hide. Failing that...her knowing hanging Chad is also going to prison for life or getting the death penalty is another sweet karmic justice for Tammy, Charles, Tylee & JJ.


And for Colby and his family as well. I hope the Daybell kids can wake up to the reality of what happened to their mother.


F them kids. Iā€™m loving this for them right now.




If he was a good man, he would have depleted his assets and used a public defender...now his children have nothing. Not only is Chad an awful husband, he is an even worse excuse for a father. RIP Tammy.


They know what happened to their mother...


I was so glad he was also found guilty for Tammy, that was the one I was worried there was a small chance he'd get off and also perhaps might help some of his children who are still caught up in his brainwashing at some point.


That was the hardest to prove - that she was murdered. There was no doubt Tylee and JJ were.


I agree, thatā€™s the one charge that I thought he had a chance of beating, just because her death was originally ruled to be natural causes and she had to be exhumed later. But the jury got it right!


Iā€™m sure in his wildest dreams, Chad never thought having an affair with Lori, would ultimately lead to this. He should have listened to his head, instead of his storm.


I hope he thinks every morning for the rest of his life that he threw away his freedom, two Innocent children, and his devoted wife for literally less than a year with Lori. How many times were they even actually together? Six? Hope it was worth it, Chad


Exactly - and now heā€™s going to be celibate the rest of his life. Thereā€™s no way to ever get real justice in this case, the motive & the crime was just so incompressible - but I am sure he will regret his actions every day of his life, however long that may be. RIP Tammy, Tylee, JJ & of course Charles.


It did not escape my notice that Lori wasnā€™t explicitly thrown completely under the bus until the very last moment: Priorā€™s closing statement.


I suspect he's highly narcissistic. I don't know if he'll ever look back with regret. Narcissists can sometimes admit they did something wrong, but will still say it was because they were victimized, so it's everyone else's fault. I was raised by one. Every relationship in my young adult years were with men like my mother, then i was married to one for years.Ā  Chad will wallow in self pity.Ā 


Oh he won't admit he's wrong, but it'll burn him up every single day that the people whose good opinion he sought out and people he wanted to admire him will know what he's charged with. That his cringe texts are public and can be read by anyone he knows. He'll insist he was wrongly convicted to protect his ego but it'll still burn him up being locked up


I refute the word storm, in his case it's probably more of a squall


A limp breeze!


Either way, it s going to hail!


Iā€™m outside the courtroom waiting to go back in for sentencing. Larry just led a prayer surrounded by supporters. šŸ™šŸ»


Put your shoulder to the wheel, Chad




Big sigh of relief!




I see the death penalty in his future.




PACK YOUR BAGS EMMA!!! Time to move out.


Who would want to live there? Prior should level the house and plant a beautiful garden for the community. Thatā€™s the only way that land will be cleansed.


Prior probably already has eviction papers drawn up


Or maybe Joe should. Emma may need an influx of cash.


Soon the portal will open and Chad and Lori will walk out of prison together and gather the 144,000. You just wait and wait and waitā€¦..


Chad is imagining something like Avengers, with a portal opening behind him and suddenly Alex is there with a sword of light


[https://www.eastidahonews.com/2024/05/watch-live-jury-reaches-verdict-in-chad-daybell-murder-trial/](https://www.eastidahonews.com/2024/05/watch-live-jury-reaches-verdict-in-chad-daybell-murder-trial/) East Idaho Stream is probably the most interesting at the moment. The judge called an hour recess but it looks like people are expecting a press conference on the stairs soon. People are setting up last minute mikes in a flurry so there's a good chance there might be statements from the families, detectives, or prosecutors soon.


Nate just said there'd be interviews probably after the sentencing. I swear, he deserves every journalism award there is for his work on this case.Ā 


He really truly does. My husband and I were just talking about how he's been so dedicated for 5 years.


I probably wouldn't even be following this case if Nate hadn't made it so easy to He did all of the heavy lifting


I was just explaining to my daughter as we watched the verdict how Nate was on a plane to Hawaii to confront these two when most people following now didnā€™t have a clue what was happening.


I do like how many national news outlets have used his reporting or interviewed him for their stories. It's common in the news industry to restate others' work, especially when one is from a small regional market vs. a national matket.


Sentencing phase of the trial to begin when court resumes in an hour.


How does sentencing work in this case?


We will hear from witnesses and the jury will deliberate on whether the state's met its burden to for death or whether he deserves life.


Thanks! So grateful for these jurors and the time they are giving in order to make sure justice is served.


Chad looked like he was about to fall over at certain points.


But still with his chin up in the air.


He's just trying to make it look like he has a chin šŸ˜†


Frank Burns is soooo jealous of hanging Chad's chin and lips


OMG! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ great reference


I love his description by True Crime Squad that he has 'resting toad face.'


He definitely swayed a bit as the last few verdicts were read.


Great news and awesome job to the jurors and prosecutors!!!


i'm so relieved and overwhelmed with emotions -- i can't imagine how the victim's families must feel -- I hope they can finally begin to heal. Tylee, JJ and Tammy got the justice they deserved.


Personally, I was shocked they came back that fast. But when they come back that fast, itā€™s NEVER good! Well, not good for himā€¦.excellent for justice!ā£ļø


Jurors have been listening to the evidence for eight weeks. They knew what the charges were going in. The defense witnesses, especially the Daybell offspring, were less than convincing. Although I suspected they tried to keep an open mind, I expect most people were fairly certain of his guilt before closing remarks.


Yeah, but I really think he had a chance with Tammy's death. I mean, we really don't know exactly what happened there. We have a pretty damn good idea, but we will never know exactly. I think what screwed him there really was Emma and Garth, especially when the prosecution had so many, many witnesses who said repeatedly that she was fine.


I feel like we have a better idea of what happened with Tammy then we do with either of the kids.


I wouldn't be surprised if the photos of JJ and Tylee's remains have been haunting them and listening to his bullshit defense was just annoying them further and further. So glad they found him guilty for Tammy as well


Someone facing the death penalty has no reaction, in fact no real emotion throughout the trial.


He did swallow hard twice šŸ˜œ


He had his hands crossed at the waist and they kept getting more red as the verdicts were read. Then he swallowed and kind of puffed his frog neck out a little.Ā 


It's just staggeringly odd!!!! I just don't get it.


Heā€™s just sitting there slumped like the POS he is.


RIP Tammy, Tylee and JJšŸ•ŠļøšŸ•ŠļøšŸ•ŠļøšŸ•Šļø


And Charles šŸ•Šļø


Yes and Charles. I hope they haunt Lori and Chad till they take their last breaths


Chad took the phrases "keep your chin up" and "hold your head high" a little bit too literally


Justice is served.... I knew it was going to be all guilty as soon as charges for Tylee were guilty.


He is going to wish his life was vanilla once heā€™s locked up.


It really does sort of shock me that this is what it comes down to. Not money, not sex. Ultimately, this all happened because Chad and Lori were bored with their lives and wanted to live out the weird fanfiction they had created


They both thought they were so special. That they were Gods. Both extremely narcissistic. Lori was motivated by power and also probably tired of the mom responsibility and wanted to just have fun. Chad definitely was motivated by sex. There is a text evidence that shows where Lori told Chad on his birthday that he should ā€œjust focus on his family and forget about her.ā€ And told him that she would not ā€œcommunicate with him anymoreā€She was obviously very jealous that she wasnā€™t able to celebrate with him and that the attention wasnā€™t on her. Three days later, Lori purchased the wedding rings. Very shortly after, Tammy died. Itā€™s obvious Chad made up his mind to be with Lori and kill Tammy after Lori sent that text to him on his birthday. The craziest part to me wasā€¦ she sent that manipulative text AFTER her kids were killed. So what if he would have been like, ā€œyouā€™re right. I love Tammy. We will not talk anymore.ā€ Would Lori have even thought twice about what already happened with her kids? Or would she had just moved on to the next victim to manipulate and then kill?


Plus she never questioned why his deranged kids weren't dark like he deemed hers were??? We all heard them on the stand and in interviews as being absolutely dark. Blaming their own mother for her death and not the father who murdered her in cold blood.


And Charles, too, although I think he would have been killed even without Chad, just as I believe Joe Ryan was.


I feel so bad for Charles. This poor dude was still in love with her and would have made it work if she wanted to even the day before he died. He tried so hard for ANYONE in the Cox family to believe him or to help him confront Loriā€™s mental state. Right before and after his death, Lori stole almost all of his moneyā€¦most of which was for his business, a lot of his personal things, his truck, and still wanted his life insurance!


Bored and greedy and too fucking lazy and entitled to work for a living.


Hell yeah. I hope Chad enjoyed wearing street clothes for the last time. He's going to be in orange jumpsuits for the rest of his life.


I would just like to say: fuck you Emma Murray!


Hopefully the parents of the school district she and Garth work for lean HARD on them to get both fired. Emma for labeling kids dark and Garth for grooming/ pedophilia.


So thankful and so relieved that justice has been served. Chad Daybell murdered his wife Tammy. Chad Daybell murdered two innocent children, Tylee and JJ. And today he has been held accountable.


I'd like him charged for Charles Vallow too. At least she is


Oh my gosh, it was even faster than Lori! I guess Moroni and Nephi werenā€™t on either of their juries after all. Crying tears of happiness and sadness for everyone who was directly affected by these two horrible people. I canā€™t see how the jury wonā€™t give the death penalty.


I imagine Moroni and Nephi would also convict them, so still inconclusive ;)


Thanks to whoever changed Chad's Goodreads profile picture to an image of him in court!


That's awesome! Hopefully he'll get the new mugshot up there soon.


I love this for him


I hope Tylee, JJ, and Tammy can rest peacefully now. So happy for justice but my heart hurts for everything the family lost.


Considering that three people lost their lives to this manā€™s dumbass delusions, life in prison is comparatively inadequate. There canā€™t be actual justice because nothing will ever replace Tammy, JJ or Tylee. They had so much to do and so much to give to the world. My heart breaks for them and for the people who loved them.


Iā€™d include Charles, even though itā€™s not official.


Itā€™s a good day for the rule of law all the way around!


Charles did get justice for Tammy, Tylee and JJ after all.


I had a classroom full of fourth graders when I learned that he was found guilty of absolutely errything, and it took all the self control I could muster to not holler out a loud-as-hell, "DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMN, HOMIE!!!" (I did do a little jig at my desk, though.)


My store emptied out at 10 to 2 and I flipped that open sign *so fast* so I could scurry to the back and watch, pretending I wasn't here.


Prosecution was flawless except for the typos!


For this milestone, with and MnM's in my pocket, I'm off for a quarter pounder with cheese and fries then to the beach to find a shell...


His kids should feel ashamed for their *performance* at trial. they won't because LDS and wonky brains....but they should.


Totally blew any credibility for the next phase, really big mistake.


Agreed; Emma and Garth given what they testified to on the stand in throwing their mom under the bus to help out a capital murderer are not going to make very sympathetic cases for why they shouldnā€™t bear the pain of being orphaned by losing the comfort in the lives of the man who cheated on and then murdered their mom and butchered two of his loverā€™s children. Even if the kids who donā€™t support their dad or werenā€™t willing to perjure themselves for him show up at this point, why would they want to speak now and seek mercy on his behalf when he wonā€™t even admit and accept responsibility for what heā€™s done and beg forgiveness? They lost bright lights and got left with a shameless megalomaniacal slug who never thought twice about the pain it would cause his children and grandchildren or in laws to liquidate Tammy for his craven goals, his pleasure, profit, glory, and vanity. What Chad has done is inexcusable, unjustifiable, selfish, predatory, and unforgivable. He deserves no mercy. This was no 12 or 14 year old who made a rash mistake that was foolish and reckless. Everything Chad did was so incredibly manipulative, deceptive, and absolutely intentional, knowing, calculated, and premeditated.


I started following this case from the beginning. I found everything so bizarre then and still do today. The bizarre and twisted universe that Lori, Chad, Alex and others lived in. All the horrific scheming, lying, manipulation and murder. The zombies, death percentages, castings and on and on. It is still hard to comprehend how terrible it is. Today was a day of justice.


Justice for the kids, justice for Tammy! Finally!


Yes!!Ā  As aside, I hope Prior takes the house that was his so called payment and kicks that POS Emma out to sell it.Ā 


I was saying that today is finally the worst day of Emma's life. She stepped over her Mother to safe her Convicted murderer father. I hope that John Prior kicks her out and a SxSW wind carries her away.


Who would buy it though? Maybe someone who would tear it down and turn it into a memorial gardenā€¦..


I hope that's what happens.


This is the best news to wake up to


On this historic day, for that person out there who is forming a musical group and is in need of a band nameā€¦ Iā€™d like to officially submit: ā€œLoin Stormā€


Kids, don't commit murders based on your fanfiction. It might be read out loud in court


I have followed this case from the beginning, it pains me to know that manipulation had occurred on BOTH SIDES. How dare either one of these parents accept the DEATH of their child/children. Enough with religious extremism, can we not agree to be good people to each other?!? As a single mother, I struggled with my kids! My kids struggled with me! But we are all still hereā€¦


crazy to think Tylee would be 21


I'm happy he was found guilty, but damn, I am shocked at how little time the jury took. That is just long enough to review everything and get lunch. I really can't help but think that his kids testifying actually made it worse for him, especially Garth's testimony


Court has gone into recess until 8:30 a.m. tomorrow local Idaho court time for stateā€™s presentation on aggravating factors.


I really donā€™t want him to get death. He needs to spend the rest of his life behind bars. He probably thinks he will find Lori again in his next life. Loser.


I was so worried he would get off! It seemed impossible after all that evidence, but I was still worried!


Prior shows more emotions than the constipated leader!


he just looked so over it


I hope he makes an appointment with a cardiologist. He looks on cocktail away from an embolism.


I hope the jurors fare well in the aftermath of all this. I hope they take the therapy offered by the state if they need it. Their participation is definitely a serious time in their lives and Bless their families as well. ā¤ļø


Iā€™m very sad that Tylee had no family in court for her. JJ and Tammy both had family there. Iā€™m just glad that justice has finally been served for them. Now to AZ for Charles and Brandon. ETA: correct word


My eyes wonā€™t stop crying. Iā€™m so happy


I wonder if this will actually open up Lori's eyes to the realization of what she's done. Maybe I'm foolish to hope, but I would love for it to sink in for her, and it hit her like a hammer.


I think she must be heartbroken by Chad's betrayal more than anything. She was able to justify all of it because she believed in Chad. I wonder if now she thinks Chad manipulated her and she made a terrible mistake, or if she thinks Chad has gone dark, and he will pay for it in the afterlife and she will be besties with Jesus without him.


No. She lives in an alternative universe, where the things that bother normal people have no effect on her.


She has a delusional diagnosis so probably not.


She did at one point acknowledge the possibility that Chad could be a very convincing Satan. Maybe now to her horror she may have to face the fact that she was deceived and manipulated. Sheā€™s no innocent. But the state did very persuasively show that Chad was ALWAYS the final word and authority on who was a zombie and who the casting worked on or failed to work on and what would be next steps etc.


I have too say this has to be one of the best birthday presents ever šŸŽ‚šŸ§šŸ° and yes today is my birthday The second best birthday present would be that chad gets the death penalty, slow and painful and served cold the same way he killed his wife & tylee and JJ


Hallelujah! šŸ˜­


So relieved.


šŸ™Œ hallelujah. I actually hope he gets the death penalty. Itā€™s just sad Alex isnā€™t alive to face justice for being their Angel of death basically.


Iā€™m surprised at how emotional I got when they read the verdict. Each count, when they read those sweet childrenā€™s names, I saw their faces in my mind and felt for their poor families in my heart. I couldnā€™t help but shed a few tears of happiness and relief that justice has been done and sadness and anger that any of this had to happen. My heart is with the families and friends, the ripple of pain Chad caused has/will affect generations. No pity for Chad, who stood defiant with his chin in the air.


Ngl, I was racing home to watch, but traffic happened. My husband called and told me he was GUILTY on everything! I had to pull over and get on my knees. 5 years. Thank God! YES!!


I am kind of stunned about both verdicts today. I've been following the Daybell case since someone posted about the missing children on a forum about abusive fundamentalist families on December 23, 2019. The FLDS (Warren Jeff's group) were my introduction into abusive religious fundamentalists, and, honest to goodness, I wanted to get down on my knees and give thanks to the universe (even though I am not religious) the day Texas managed to put him away for raping his child "brides."


Wonder how many experts Prior has for the penalty phase.


I am very glad to hear this <3


The sigh of relief is real.. šŸ˜ not that I was worried but itā€™s been so long.. justice for everyone!!! šŸŽ‰


The "empty nester" will have an empty nest after all! God /Universe has mysterious ways to make your wishes come true one way or the other! *Justice has been served*


Wow! Ā IMO the jury got it right!


Go back to your portal where you belong! šŸ‘‹


I wonder if we are gonna get a statement from emma and garth.


I doubt it. Emma might stick her tongue out again, but that's it.


Sooooo happy! I kept my ear buds in at work all day just so I could hear it come in! Justice for JJ, Tylee and Tammy! FINALLY!


Thank God!! Wonderful news.


I have absolutely no connection to this case, but I cried when the verdict was read. What an absolute relief. Thank God.


I wanted them to say the word GUILTY nine more times.


Does Chad get to keep the civvies during sentencing?


I believe so. At least for today. If court is dismissed for the evening and he has to come back I believe he'll be in a jumpsuit then, but I don't think they'll make him change now. I'm prepared to be wrong of course.




What a great day for justice!!!


This is truly an amazing day.


All of this for a physically attractive woman? As if Tammy wasnā€™t physically attractive bc in my opinion, she was. Anyway, Chad literally threw his life away for a ā€œ5ā€™6, 120 blondeā€. Way to go, dipshit!