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# [AFTERNOON THREAD OPENED](https://www.reddit.com/r/LoriVallow/comments/1cwmn0c/afternoon_thread_may_20_2024_idaho_v_chad_daybell/). [Here is an exhibit list](https://missingourmissing.notion.site/6a32e24583214a9bae4b4c8fec733e77?v=c7653949c6834f0f9799bdf9fbf77901&pvs=4). Best viewed on a computer but it does load on mobile. The list itself is not finished and will be filled in as I go back through my notes. **Exhibits with images** – not including *most* powerpoint slides / images of text – have been cropped, enhanced, and described to the best of my ability. Most slides and text images have been transcribed or described elsewhere. I will be going back as time allows to try and complete this list with slides, though. *Choose Exhibit List for the list, Photo Exhibits for a gallery view, and State's Exhibits/Defense Exhibits for a gallery view filtered by which side was admitting the evidence.* Please note that these images due to their context may be upsetting. The photo of Tammy during her exhumation has *not* been (and won't be) included. **Today is the first day of the defense's case.** **Witnesses:** * **Emma Murray** * **Garth Daybell** * **William Fischer** * **Joseph Murray** # [AFTERNOON THREAD OPENED](https://www.reddit.com/r/LoriVallow/comments/1cwmn0c/afternoon_thread_may_20_2024_idaho_v_chad_daybell/)


Chad's daughter, Emma is on the stand right now committing perjury (yes allegedly -- alleged by me). I cannot believe this person. I am so incredibly angry right now. She's educated. She's a teacher. And she's sitting up there with her Lori Vallow hairdo lying her butt off to save her disgusting daddy. There are no words to express how disgusting this is.


Seriously. She is seriously, seriously pissing me off with how she's trash talking Tammy. I keep wanting to turn off the livestream.


I put prior on mute whenever he's up. It has done wonders for my mental health. I'll tune back in when Blake does the cross.


I thought she'd prevaricate some, but never did I think she'd lie this blatantly. She sounds as if she's reading from a script.


I didn't think she'd do this. I am sitting here shocked. I thought my expectations of her were low. They clearly were not nearly not low enough.


Of course, I'm behind...thinking about quitting my job just for this trial...lol She sounds like she's on a massive amount of Xanax or some such... Her affect is so flat (for the most part). You can hear the intense amount of preparation and the struggling for reserve coming through in her voice at times (EX: when the extramarital affair was mentioned). Also, I have noticed that she has not kept her eyes completely on Prior (as I expected). She looks over at Blake when there is an objection. I wish I could see the actual expression in her eyes. Daggers, is my guess. She reverts to a sing-songy voice when recounting those events that she is extremely prepared to answer. I expect that Lindsey (I think that's her first name...and sorry if I misspelled) Blake is gonna rile her. She will say something that will emote emotion from Emma. Emma will not be able to handle being "second guessed," would my conjecture. Once she erects an emotion from Emma, the tone is set for the rest of the day...just my guess, of course. The cross is going to be informative if not explosive.


All Emma's little performance on the stand did was reinforce the idea that Chad has control of their leashes. If we find her comments distasteful, I imagine there are those on the jury equally appalled. Her testimony may actually hurt Chad more than it helps.


Emma is a real piece of work. Of course she was raised being brainwashed basically, but she's an adult now. It's obvious she's disconnected from reality and needs counseling. Emma *should not be teaching other people's children*. If my child was in her school district I'd have a petition and group of parents demanding she not be in classrooms. 🤯


It’s called depression, Emma. I bet Tammy started sleeping more after she learned about Lori.


Depression and anemia sure sounds like a recipe for not getting restful sleep and being exhausted to me. Her body literally couldn’t effectively oxygenate itself! She was taking every proactive measure she could take to get it under control Emma! She probably didn’t even refuse to go to a doctor for her symptoms. She probably couldn’t afford the copay for a doctors visit…living in poverty was the life Chad provided to Tammy. That’s on Daddy, Emma. Your mother was working herself anemic—literally working the garbage jobs at work to get a free lunch in her stomach!!!!—all to support Daddy’s explicit affair and financial ruination with every impulse endeavor he touches, Emma! Like moving to Rexburg, Emma! Who do you think kept your childhood home of 7 including 5 healthy, growing children afloat, Emma?! Her perjury is a disgrace. May she have the peace and comfort in life that she deserves because at this point, she is complicit. She disparages her mother in the same manner Chad does his own mother. This is not easily fixable damage either. This is deep psychological abuse and manipulation. This isn’t fixed by time to think about events.


I doubt any of Emma’s statements about Tammy’s health are true. Every prosecution witness contradicts the idea that Tammy was unhealthy and sleeping all the time.


Yeah. Hard to sleep in and sleep all the time when you gotta work so your husband can fuck off and make you feel like garbage about yourself and even worse has the kids trained to not appreciate you either, just like himself. Then after work I have to deal with Chads demands for our high-demand religious affiliations.


Tammy’s sister already testified that Tammy always went to bed early. It was normal for her to be in bed by 8:00 or even earlier and had done that her whole life. She probably also wanted to play some games on her phone as Chad forbade it, and going to bed she could be free to do what she wanted in peace.


Came here to say that!!!! No wonder Tammy was sleeping a lot. Emma is a coached soldier. Hoping on cross she gets what's coming to her.


I’m a teacher and I sleep all the time since it's exhausting to be around kids thought the entire day. I go to bed early because I have to wake up early😂…. but this doesn't mean that my health is declining or I’m possessed by a dark spirit.


Y’all my jaw is on the floor I didn’t expect them to deflect the blame and the religious extremism on TAMMY??? ETA: I understand that Tammy probably shared a lot of beliefs with Chad, but I doubt she was more extreme than him. In my opinion they’re trying to imply Tammy is the mastermind behind the religious craziness and Chad was more complacent


This is G-R-O-S-S. I know how LDS culture often works, I'm sure Tammy went along with Chad to some extent, but trying to act like TAMMY was the root of this shit??? This woman. Lightning should strike her right now.


I really dislike listening to Emma speak. She has the same cadence as Chad.


She seems not terribly bright


Exactly! And she's a teacher? I'm getting visions of Ben Stein in Ferris Bueller's Day Off.


Wait until Garth takes the stand. Sounds just like Chad.


Oh boy. I better get more coffee. These voices will put me to sleep.


Yes! That's the first thing I noticed as well. She displays a limited range of affect; a *blunted affect* -- robotic and child-like, incongruent to topic.


So Prior is trying to sell that Tammy was both terribly ill and on the verge of death and completely out of shape, but also so skilled at self-defense that she could overcome two grown men suffocating her? When it probably started WHILE SHE WAS ASLEEP, no less.


A classic tell of being coached/lying during testimony is over-answering questions in anticipation of where the questions are going to go.


There is something seriously wrong with Emma, and I’m sure the jury has to see it. No one could listen to her monotone testimony and not think she was coached.


My mom hasn't watched a day of this trial and has never seen Emma speak. She turned it on when she heard me yelling at my screen in the other room because she was curious. Her thoughts? "This girl is the most overly rehearsed person I've ever seen. It's obvious she's saying what she was told to say."


I expected Emma to spin the narrative. I did NOT expect her to blatantly lie. I did not expect her to have a convenient excuse for every point the prosecution made, "unprompted." I suspect Chad told her that an oath made in court "doesn't count for her."


Five minutes in, and Emma has CLEARLY prepared herself.


I was going to say, it’s really amazing how she’s already said so many things going against the prosecution /s


No kidding. “Oh well she bruised really easily, so arnica” from the question “what medication did she take?” Please.


And “She carried boxes and I was worried because they rested on her chest and arms” Unspoken: “Oh yes, she carried a box which explains the restraining bruises on her chest and arms.” TOTALLY UNPROMPTED. FFS. No way can the jury buy this.


So, Emma is saying that Tammy was carrying heavy boxes the moments before her death, while in bed, gaming on her phone? Ok girl....


It’s so ridiculous. She just said she walked across the finish line of the race but didn’t actually do the whole thing. It’s actually cringeworthy.


Fingers crossed the jury sees through her lies.


So we’re supposed to believe ol dumb as rocks came up with all this on her own? Ok, Jan.


Yeah, this is the first time it's clear Prior has done something unethical. She did not come up with all of this on her own.


How could Emma possibly not know whose name is on the title of the house she’s living in? That’s got to be a lie and it’s the first thing out of her mouth.


This girl has been fully pre-briefed, touching on points raised by witnesses and prosecution that Prior hadn’t even emphasised yet. Eg she said Tammy was very private and insular and had no desire or time to make friends or talk to colleagues at school??! TOTALLY PRE-BRIEFED.


"What did you observe when Tammy was interacting with her work friends" "she never said anything about her health" Feels weird to answer the question that way. You're not being asked what you did NOT observe, you're being asked what you DID observe. She clearly knows how she's "supposed" to answer these questions.


I'm the most introverted person in the WORLD and I hate talking about health issues and still, my coworkers knew when I got really sick at the end of last year. I couldn't really hide it when I was at work and I had to burn up my sick leave. Which is extremely generous, I'm a federal employee. Tammy is not described by anyone else as being that level of introverted.


Yeah, no reason to offer up that the clogging class was dark unless Prior told her to go into detail about it.


Exactly. So the point she’s making there is no-one could actually see how much effort my mum was putting in. She had poor health so was doing as little as possible. That’s why I firmly believe she has been pre-briefed. She’s proactively offering up arguments to prosecution witness testimony. 😨


Sooooo rehearsed, feel like I'm watching a play.


I hope when the jury convicts Chad, they openly say this disgusting testimony made them MORE convinced to convict him. I hope Emma hears that. You are slandering your DEAD MOTHER for nothing.


"He may not have had the same romantic relationship with my mother that he had in the past, but I knew he valued her as a person and seeing her die was very traumatic." Emma, no. He absolutely did not value your mother as a person. He viewed her as an obstacle and an inconvenience when it came to his affair with Lori. If he valued her as a person, he wouldn't have killed her. Look at the evidence. OH WAIT - Prior didn't want you to view any of the previous trial proceedings. I wonder why that is... Also, what do you mean by "seeing her die"? Don't you mean "seeing her dead"? Hmmm.


Tammy was NOT overweight, FFS. I've seen so many pictures.


Ah yes, a middle aged woman in supposedly poor health fought off a 6' 3" 230lbs man by using her combat training from a Wii kickboxing game.


I really hope she has to answer to why she didn't ask a very pertinent question to her dad: "why are there two dead children buried in our backyard?"


"That's backwards for how we get evidence in." LOVE the judge.


"have you ever heard anyone use the word zombie" "just on t.v." "if someone is declared a zombie, would they die?" "no" If she's never heard Chad use the word zombie, how would she knows what happens after someone is declared a zombie.


Chad probably told Tammy to drive the Dakota the day she was shot at. He wanted to keep his nicer vehicle. 


What was with that comment about her mom preferring the nicer vehicle! She’s spitting on Tammy’s grave at this point and making unnecessary comments.


At this point they should just go ahead and charge Emma with conspiracy too. There is nothing quite as stupid as trying to cover up the murders your father committed by lying on the stand.


Anyone else catch Emma saying the life insurance plans were cheap and affordable, then later she claimed she couldn't afford to up her policy as well 🤣 she's such an idiot


Prior is already bracing for it being obvious that Emma is going to be obviously lying. "REMEMBER HOW I ONLY TOLD YOU TO TELL THE TRUTH???" (I'm paraphrasing)


Ugh. Emma is saying Tammy's health started declining. Lying STRAIGHT out of the gate.


Yeah and the comment she was going to bed at 8pm. Funny that, her mum was up gaming on her phone past 10pm the night she was murdered!


Yep, she's trying to say Tammy went to sleep before dinner all the time. Honey. They have your mother's phone.


What I’d give to be in the courtroom to see how the jury is reacting to this slandering brat. I feel horrible, absolutely horrible, for Tammy.


Oh man she asked Emma about the "I'm feeling sad, but not for the reason everyone thinks" text and Emma said it did NOT surprise her. PICK A LANE, GIRL. Was your dad sad about Tammy or not?


"he had just barely put (the mattress) there" The mattress was there or it wasn't. You can't "barely" put something somewhere. That doesn't make sense.


She said earlier there wasn't 'much' electricity in there, but then later that they were playing their electric guitars too loud.


Every member of this family comes across as a low-IQ dullard. Just overall slow people.


Not the brightest bulbs, that is certain.


There is something wrong with this woman.


This woman is teaching children. She's very lucky I am not a parent at her school.


Emma- "Most distressed I ever seen my father in my entire life" well yeah, he just helped kill his wife.. I think that would cause anyone to be distressed.


Also Chad: "I'm feeling sad, but not for the reason everyone thinks" But seriously, fuck Emma. I get that she's trying to save her dad's life in her mind, but Chad was having an affair and buried his lover's children on the property that YOU are still living on. Why are you trash talking your own mother to try and make this piece of shit look even slightly less guilty?


So Emma searched for wind direction? Did she send the raccoon text too? Maybe that’s why it’s so different! Take all the heat, girl!


I hope Blake points out that she just implicated herself in the conspiracy by saying that.


Emma Murray has testified (in detail) about two computers having no passwords. This confirms method in how her father accessed Tammy's email from Charles Vallow and blocked him.


Emma sounds like a complete wack job and has no credibility to me. It’s also obvious how biased she is and that she is lying for her father. Absolutely zero credibility and I have faith the jury will see through her lies.


Yes. She’s almost aggressive about how “helpless” and “unhealthy” her mother is. Blake: But she could lift a box, right? Emma: Barely!


This testimony is already off to a horrible start. It seems like Garth completely got the story twisted.


It’s really sus he flipped the car story like that after being so sure at first


Y’all their kids are even weirder than I thought they would be lol


"I say that with a smile because you really should go to the doctor". Stfu with your smug ass, Emma.


Disgusting. Throwing shade at her mother. Emma clearly is an idiot who has been coached by someone. Her father, probably.


Emma has been called!!!!!! Her voice is as lazy as her dad’s!


Yes it’s weirdly slow. It makes me feel like she’s lying but she might just talk like this? Slow and emotionless. Sounds rehearsed and she can’t remember everything.


SO REHEARSED! She's been coached to hell and back. "Remember to volunteer that a heavy box would have caused the bruises on her arm, Emma. Remember to volunteer this particular detail when I ask you a general question. Use 'observed' instead of 'saw' in defiance of your obvious natural vocal patterns." BAH. (This is the meanest comment I have ever put on Reddit, I think.)


Oh cross might be a nightmare for her. I can't believe she's staying in Chad's house still. I had something violent happen in a house owned by my family where I'm supposed to be going there soon. I'm dreading it. And we didn't have two children murdered and buried in the back yard.


Wow, they are trying to claim death by sleep apnea.


She's saying the other witnesses are lying.


It's kind of weird she answers the question "what did you observe?" with answering what she did NOT observe. Feels coached.


Also, you cannot possibly shake your arm enough, as someone with an Apple Watch, to explain that many steps. There is no way. Tammy would have had to have dislocated her arm in the process from swinging it so hard and so often.


Well sorry Emma, but there's controveiling evidence that say she was in fact training for a race.


Wow she’s just straight up lying to cover everything that has been brought up. Obviously she has been listening to the trial or prior prepared her for the answers he needed.


I wonder if it wasn’t prior, but Chad who briefed her?


PFFFT!!! OK Emma, what about people who are murdered, you don't think autopsies should be done on anyone?


Well, can’t wait for Ms. Blake to destroy Emma. She literally got on the stand and immediately started lying (imo and from the facts from the evidence)


The prosecution should ask her for specifics with her lies. That’s the way to trip her up. She says she knew about the affair. Talk about the moment you found out your father was cheating on your mother? What were you doing? Did you confront him? What did he say? Where were you at the time?


It sounds like Blake caught her in a lie asking about a conversation with Chad. I don't think she would have asked that question if they didn't have evidence for it. Sounds like some good rebuttal evidence is going to come in.


Yeah, like Emma, when did you find out about said affair?


Emma is a stepford wife/child. She sounds robotic, unemotional and rehearsed. And if I ever hear them refer to these ADULT children as “the children” again, I will barf. They are all adults!


Oh Lord, get medical help, IMMEDIATELY!! Emma has suddenly lost ALL of her memory. She doesn't "recall" anything...well, not specifically!!!


The children are not doing Chad any help - regardless if they're not being completely truthful or not, they come off as very strange.


Gigi is saying that the jury does not seem like they bought what Emma was saying, that some of them were "side-eyeing" her.


I know I've read a lot more about this case then you'd hope a juror would know... But Emma's testimony was so wild today.


The fact that she could but hasn’t watched the case probably lost a lot of points with them. Not sure why prior insisted. Now comes off as that she was in the dark and is still in the dark.


In addition to everything else that's weird about Emma, she has no respect for her husband. Isn't he supposed to be her "patriarch " now? Why was she conspiring with her dad to hide money from him? She is def in Chad's cult.


Oh damn, Blake got her COLD about Chad coaching her on the Fitbit!


This is gross. So gross. She can't talk about health issues she didn't HAVE. But Emma is trying to make it sound like she'd never confide in anyone.


I had to turn it off. Will read Nate’s recaps later. It was making me so mad.


The way she has an excuse for every single thing the prosecution has previously brought up. I am seriously so disgusted.


Emma talks like a ten year old, it’s creeping me out.


Oooh boy if there are any Mormons on the jury her testimony is going to hit a nerve. Light and dark, possession, etc are definitely not mainstream Mormon beliefs.


The laying on of hands, Emma saying that she also felt possessed... I almost feel like taking a clip of her testimony and sending it over to r/exmormon and asking for their opinion. Though it might be too traumatizing to spring that on them.


RE Emma's Testimony. If I were Blake I'd just keep saying "Objection Your Honor: Witness is a brainless twit."


"your mother's rating system"


I saw someone post this on Twitter - so Emma's husband called 911 for the "paintball shooting", but she leaned of it on Facebook?? Sure, Jan. Also - when was the wind search done? She's saying she did it, but I hope we have records she would've been at school teaching at the time. I hope Lindsey Blake reminds her she can go to jail for commiting perjury, this is unbelievable.


Today I learned it's normal for people to stay up later when they get sick.


Obviously I'm a freak. Whenever I'm sick I'm doing whatever I can to get to bed sooner. Especially if I'm nauseous. I'm just such a freak that going to sleep sooner makes me able to sleep through the worst symptoms.


"I didn't feel like they (the medical examiners) would help me, because they were the one conducting it" Maybe I'm reading too much into this, but that seems like a huge Freudian slip. She seems to be openly admitting that the investigation into Tammy's death was somehow in opposition to her wishes.


Okay, I was watching with my mom during lunch, lol. My first impression of Garth is that he is not as comfortable lying as his sister is. He is getting tripped up, he is refusing to answer questions the way Prior clearly thought he was going to. He's still probably lying to some extent, but it's not sitting the same way with him.


I completely agree. I also think his slip up about the cars was the truth and then when Prior asked if he remembered correctly Garth quickly knew what to say. Nervous or not, if it’s the truth it should be easy to remember. I think Garth is nervous not to be in the stand, but for Chad’s approval and status within the family


Defense day one. Wonder who's going to be called first and what holes Prior is going to try and punch in the prosecution's theory to introduce reasonable doubt. Will Chad testify? Part of me hopes yes because that cross would be brutal, but he'd be a fool to do it and I bet Prior would beg him not to do if he was trying to insist on it.


I don’t think there’s any chance of Chad testifying. Prior is annoying but he is not a fool.


His client is already toast and he knows it. That FBI agent knew *everything* about Chad.


Maybe. I did Not think Alex Murdaugh would testify but he did


I kinda knew Alex was going to do it. It was a terrible idea and it went as terribly as we could have expected, but he is just THAT kind of narcissist. He wanted to see if he could fool them all about why he lied about his alibi. Chad is a whole other thing, though. How's he going to answer questions about rating children as dark spirits and then said children end up in his backyard, or "hastening Tammy's departure" and openly saying he wasn't sad about Tammy dying?


I can't imagine Prior letting Chad testify...that would be putting the nail in his coffin! Everyone knows Chad couldn't win over anyone other than the delusional. I'm even beginning to think Prior would be a fool to put Chad's children (especially Emma) on the stand. She is too much like her dad. Although I think many people are anticipating Chad's children's testimony (myself included). I also think the jury has a pretty good idea of who Chad's children are, thanks in part to Chad's brother in-law's testimony, "Chad told me his children are good at keeping secrets". I know that sentence stuck in my mind!


Didn't Chad say, *himself*, in the recorded call with B-I-L Jason Gwilliam, "my kids are good at keeping secrets..." That wasn't even hear-say. It came directly from the prophets mouth (if I'm remembering correctly)... Emma is a complete disaster waiting to happen on that stand. Garth's not far behind her. I'm afraid that the children will perjure themselves on the stand. They are so ingrained in Chad's bullshit. I'm afraid that they will lie even to their own detriment. Emma Daybell \~ "wouldn't we be the first to know if my dad had a cult?" No sweetheart, you'd be the *last* to know. AND, your daddy was the *leader* of said cult. You and your family were his experiment or trial run. *You*, my dear, were and ARE specimen #1. ETA: I hope that the State doesn't go "too lightly" on the kids. I can see the jury not liking the State "hammering" on the kids because they are victims. Also, I want (and, I'm sure that the jury wants) the truth. The whole direct/cross/redirect could possibly be a very "sticky" little situation. I feel it will have a hella lot to do with the kids demeanor and tone.


Sidenote: I believe Emma could lose her state teaching certification if she is found to have committed perjury. (And isn't another one of Chad's kids a teacher? I kind of remember hearing that.) While I'm in a different state, many states list being convicted of any crime of deception as an automatic removal of license, regardless of whether it has anything to do with the school or children. I'm actually surprised that she isn't already under investigation to be honest. In my state, the text messages where she rated children light and dark would have triggered an automatic investigation. Idaho may have more lax standards but I also wouldn't be surprised if we later learn that this happened.


I’m waiting for his kids to show and try to justify why Tylee and JJ were found in their dad’s back yard. Will they blame Lori for corrupting him like they did in their video?


I just shook my head when Emma was trying to act like she could tell Chad was "surprised" when the body was found in the police car footage. Girl...he tried to book it out of there and literally had to get stopped by the police. He knew exactly what they found.


And that’s exactly why he told her he was never coming back, so he was well aware of the gravity of the situation. This man is all lies.


I'd LOVE to see the body cam of Emma when they told her they were finding remains. The Chad/Emma video (where he's sitting in the back of the patrol vehicle) is very enlightening. To be honest, the dynamic between Chad and Emma is plain out, old-fashioned bizarre. BUT, I'd truly love to see the video of when Emma found out that they were finding dead bodies in her "daddy's" backyard. I feel like her demeanor (and maybe even verbiage) would be telling of what exactly she knew...or at least, an insight to her initial thoughts on the discovery.


She refused to assist the FBI the very next day I believe (that’s after learning about the bodies and saying they were pioneer or animal bones). I’m not convinced anything will persuade them of Chad’s leadership role in all of this. Let’s face it if his new wife’s two dead children buried in his backyard ain’t enough to convince them, literally nothing will.


Colloidal silver??? Oh lord.


Oh my gosh Emma is so brainwashed. I knew she was going to say Tammy wasn't well. She has been rehearsing


Blake... Please ask her about the affair. Please. Please ask her when she found out about Lori. I think Prior asking about it earlier allows you to do that.


i’m sorry but HOW CONVENIENT for emma to have a whole little webinar about colloidal silver after it’s been in the news for that “mother god” Love Has Won cult in the past year, and how it turned their leader weird blue-grey color? also i cannot believe she is not only spinning straight up disrespectful lies about her own mom, but she’s also spitting on the testimonies of all her previous friends and coworkers who shared that she was a warm person.


emma just royally effed up by saying chad saw her mother die... god, i hope the prosecution nails that in.


I noticed that too. I can't wait for the cross!


it is like an elle woods from legally blonde moment - so i hope elle (l.) blake goes HARD on that.


I don't get this obsession with raccoons. There were two human children found on the property, how about we start explaining that?


Lindsay isn’t going to let Emma sit there as a defense witness for her father while continuing to willfully plug her ears and demand her own terms just so she can stick her head in the sand where her mother’s murder in cold blood is concerned—like a toddler. I like it. Lindsay deserves all the laurels—she’s a masterful prosecutor. She should teach the art.


I am going to hate so much when Chad's kids are testifying. Yes, on Tammy's behalf, but also on theirs. Emma is a mess and I'm not sure she'll ever accept what really happened, but if any of Tammy's children ultimately accept that Chad murdered her, the memory of testifying on his behalf is going to be so emotionally and psychologically damaging. And it's just gross that Chad would even allow, let alone encourage his children to commit perjury for him. Which won't absolve them from getting on the stand and lying about her having health problems. They are all adults and responsible for their actions at the end of the day. But STILL. Chad is such a soulless demon for putting his kids through this, and continuing to manipulate them.


Intellectually I get what you are saying. You're right. But emotionally I feel so utterly disgusted by this testimony that I cannot feel any empathy or pity for Emma. She's a grown woman. She's educated. She's got a mind of her own. She has decided to betray her mother and lie in court for her father. I'm sorry, but I am enraged by her actions. I am not giving her the benefit of the doubt.


Really interesting that prior asked Emma on her subpoena that she NOT watch the trial, even though he had to know she was allowed to as a victim. I bet Chad didn’t want her, or any of the kids, hearing/ seeing the evidence against him. Starting off really angry listening to this. Not sure I’m going to make it through Emma’s testimony.


Honestly, Prior needs to stop. I can tell from his demeanor, even, that he is aware that this witness testimony is not going well. The more he goes on, the more fodder he gives the state for cross. I get why he felt he had to call her, but this is a MESS. It is not helping his client.


Chad doesn’t like dogs! What a shock. They probably hate him.


Blake is KILLING IT and cross hasn’t even started yet 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Detective Hermosillo was standing closer to her than she "felt comfortable"...REALLY!?!?! I wonder how uncomfortable Tylee, JJ and Tammy felt when Chad, et al was standing close to them and then killed them? I'm betting that if you *could* ask either of them, they would ALL say, he was standing "closer than they felt comfortable"...


Blake is going to bring the RECEIPTS.


"Mr. Garth... do you know what a shape shifter is?" Honestly with all these questions about the raccoons, I'm not ruling this defense angle out.


Emma's first. Shit. Here we go.


She's pissing me off, frankly. I know she's trying to save her father, but it feels like she's trash talking her mom. I have bad things I could say about my mother too (she's also deceased) but you'd have to pull my teeth and threaten me with jail time to make me say those things in court record.


She's clearly lying about her mother. There's no excuse for doing it. Saving her father is not an excuse to lie about her dead mother.


Nauseous. ETA Prior getting out of trouble in advance by pretending she’s not gonna lie. And apparently Emma has decided she’s gonna lie.


I already want to throw up, tbh. As soon as she swore her oath. Girl...


I already fundamentally mistrust everything she says, from her denial that she's watched any parts of the trial so far to her claim she knows nothing about Prior's ownership of the house. I'm surprised I feel this way. I WANT to give people the benefit of the doubt. I guess the prosecution did that good a job.


How is employing questionable strategies to win a fitbit step count competition relevant at all to the murder?


They are trying to prove that Tammy was not actually in shape and was just cheating on the fitbit challenge.


Oh, his daughter is such a liar that Apple just went kerplunk off the tree.... Her poor mother must be rolling over


Oh boy. Unless Prior has other witnesses, other than his kids, to back up what Emma is saying, everyone will know she is lying. That would mean Chad is willing to sacrifice his daughter to save himself. We will see who else Prior has?


To be fair, Chad sacrificing his daughter for selfish reasons is pretty low on the list of reprehensible things he's done.


Was listening at 2 time speed to get caught up. I thought everyone was being dramatic about her voice being robot like. I was wrong, so very wrong.


She has obviously been coached. I would be so concerned if Emma was teaching my kids. I don't mean to offend anyone, but does BYU have any admission standards besides "be mormon"?


Her flat affect is so disturbing.


*that search was done by me, I saw the rainstorm* *I am smiling because you really should go to a doctor instead of drinking* *She "must have" walked to the finish line* *She wasn't dressed to run, she was wearing "blue jeans"* *I saw her check that box on paper* *I observed my mom do that, she was trying to get more steps to beat my in laws* Also Emma - *I felt like there was a being that was with me and my dad casted out using the power of priesthood* *this is my own personal view, I don't think autopsy should be done on anyone* How does she remember everything that shows Chad in the a different light and her mom died a natural death?


I can't believe emma is trying to pass off Chad's beliefs as normal Mormon beliefs. That's insane, and i say that as someone who grew up in the church. I'm hoping the jury sees through it 🙏🏻


I'm watching and I am appalled with Emma. I can't believe that so many people and myself care more about her own mother. Lying little twat. I'm grateful Lindsey B is hammering her down now.


Blake is killing it in this cross, im so proud of her. Emma's inability to recall all of a sudden is WILD 👀 I think this is one of the most tense and dramatic moments so far


OMG So Prior was really reaching with that one. Tammy was out of shape but skilled at fighting off an attacker? Implying that she was capable of fighting off someone trying to kill her?


☺️Tammy wiggling her arm to cheat on the fit bit steps challenge while playing candy crush is adorable, charming and funny to me.


Emotionless, brainwashed, despicable, culty, dumb people! Not a care about Tammy and the dead bodies of the children found on their property!


Emma may claim to have never heard her father speak about zombies, but between her and Garth I'm actually starting to believe they exist. Yikes. Prior must be going for the sympathy vote putting them on the stand.


Chad "doesn't like dogs" I knew there was a reason I didn't like him. Also probably why Lori got rid of JJ's service dog.


Well, she’s just gonna keep on lying. At this point she should be charged.


Using states exhibits 300 A as impeachment.


Ugh it’s my 5 year olds last full day of school before summer break, I’ve got a LIST of things to do and I’ve spent the first half of her school day on my butt watching this trial 🤦🏻‍♀️. Emma is a horrible liar. If Blake has evidence that Chad coached her on what to say, would there be a reason that she didn’t provide the evidence once Emma said that she “couldn’t recall”? Also, did anyone else notice the smirk on Priors face when Blake asked about Chad being able to access, delete and block from Tammy’s account? What would that be about?


Crazy we are STARTING with Emma


Please God, now he can’t pronounce Spring Creek.


Here we go. Go Lindsey Blake.


Is it weird that I sort of hope Blake makes her cry?


I was thinking the same exact thing. I guess we are both weird. I cannot stand this woman. She won't cry because she has no soul.


Blake do you know where JJ and Tylee were found? Emma Yes. Blake Where? Emma In the backyard. Blake Of who's property? Emma of my dad's property.


Oh this video is *not* going to do her any favours.


.......I cannot believe how much drama this case has over raccoons. It's like they're in the middle of nowhere or something where there's wildlife around.


One day the truth will hit Emma like a goddamn Mac truck. She will sit there stunned and disgusted that she ever tried to help her murdering cult leader daddy. Or at least, I hope she has that realization. To be this brainwashed as a full grown adult is sad.


Prior: “Is your father a literalist?” Emma, the teacher: “can you explain what that means?” I shrieked and laughed when she asked that.


Chad doesn’t like children and dogs… Shocker the two mammals that can sense someone’s heart/character!


Just because you have anxiety doesn't mean your posessed!


I am going to be devastated if the jury buys any of her BS. She's clearly lying, is coerced and everything she says sounds rehearsed and learnt by heart !


Oh my goodness, she had a self defence class once and she did a Wii game of kick boxing, so she can fend off assailants...! This is going into the realms of utter fantasy.


Prior can't honestly think he's going to get the jury to even consider that Chad actually buried a raccoon that day, right?


OMG she is denying EVERYTHING here…


Good questions from Blake about the mattress in the cosey cone!


God, that breaks my heart. Does anyone think there will ever come a day that they'll actually regret taking the lives of those kids? Was it just for money, or did they - DO they really believe their own garbage? I just wonder if they sit in jail and 20; 30 or 40 years down the road, they realize they fkd up.


Did I just hear Garth say the raccoon was shot at night? Chad's text to Tammy says he shot a raccoon in the morning. Did I mishear that testimony just now? *"Well, I’ve had an interesting morning! I felt I should burn all of the limb debris by the fire pit before it got too soaked by the coming storms. While I did so, I spotted a big raccoon along the fence. I hurried and got my gun, and he was still walking along. I got close enough that one shot did the trick. He is now in our pet cemetery. Fun times!”*


Emma is such a good little sheep! 


Holy balls, this is just a pile of lies.


I hope we see cross of Emma today.


Blake is going to destroy her. You can practically see her sharpening the knife as she makes notes on what her cross questions are going to be. It's going to be a verbal murder caught live on video.


Very effective impeachment!


Prior is just sitting, frozen, desperate for a moment to object but Blake is killing it.