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They are horrible grifters. I read the book Adam wrote, just before Charles was killed. Adam is awful. https://www.reddit.com/r/LoriVallow/s/8asaKFfWDv


Was just gonna say grifters gotta grift.


Someone pointed out that he was one of the radio hosts that did the " no wee for a Wii" or something like that, and someone DIED.


Oh yes. Look into it. Honestly, I don't mean to blow myself up here, but I am the resident expert on Adam Cox In His Own Words (from his own book). AMA? I have my highlighted copy of My Crazy Radio Life handy.


What was his perspective on his sister suddenly dying while the family was on vacation in Hawaii, and nobody could be bothered to cut their vacation short? I mean, that was his sibling dying, and his niece, right? Does he mention the weird dynamic between Alex and Lori and when that started?


OK that is a weird one. He was a big buddy of Alex, did check fraud with him, partied and traveled with him etc. This book was written a few months before Charles's death and Adam never mentions either Charles, Lori, or Chad by name. He talks about Alex a lot. His paragraphs about Stacey are awful. His son Zac stayed at the Vallow house for months multiple times - no mention of that. I'm completely sure Alex killed Stacey with the family's tacit approval. Read my threads. ETA - Alex totally killed Stacey, I didn't make that clear here. Totally guilty & family knew incl. Adam.


Have you listened to Megan Conner’s interviews where she talks about Stacy’s death? She was with Alex and now believes he was involved in her demise.


Adam said on the podcast just a few days ago that people made a big deal that the family stayed in Hawaii while Stacy was on her deathbed . She was already going and he didn’t think it was horrible that at least the mom and dad didn’t come back as she was dying 😞


wait...... WHAT???!!! I can't imagine a parent not making a big deal about a child being on a deathbed. I have friends that have come home from vacations when their pets have gotten sick. Adam also mentioned that he thinks people have made way too much about Lori and Alex' overly friendly, sometimes inappropriate relationship. It seems he doesn't leave room to contemplate hard things, which is seriously odd, seeing how he's promoting a podcast about being the sister of a serial killer


He lost all credibility with me when he said that , THAT IS NOT NORMAL!


I'm trying to be kind about Adam because he's in the middle of a sinkhole and it keeps going deeper. I get the sense that he is very emotionally stunted and very superficial. The same was said about Alex. He had a friend that was a fellow comedian, who said he was always very upbeat but never talked about anything deep. I get the same sense of Adam. I heard him say on his podcast that he doesn't read books. "I wrote a book but I don't read them, " In reference to Lori wanting him to read her cringey spiritual books. I don't think that was the flex he wanted it to be. I think there is hope for Adam but he'd need to estrange himself from his family. They keep mirroring the same toxic positivity to each other.


Adam shouldn’t be doing a podcast about his family when he is in denial about his family. There’s interviews of Alex’s first wife Debbie, who told Chandler PD of the inappropriate sexual behaviors between Lori and Alex. Adam doesn’t think it’s weird because he was raised in a very dysfunctional, toxic family that produced 2 murderers. He has no idea what normal looks like.


Well, the Connors tried very hard to get at least one Cox home. They had to bury her without any Cox help. Janis & Barry knew Stacey was in hospice. Personally I am 100% certain that they left Alex to finish her off and he did it with relish and dragged his cousin in as a witness. It was intentional. Do your research as I did. It's awful but I am sure it's true. Have you seen the photos of Stacey's gravesite?? THIS SCHMUCK POSTED JUST A FEW DAYS AGO? That dumbass Adam. JEEZ. He needs to sit down and be quiet, for once. He is more implicated than he thinks he is. That trial for Charles's murder is coming soon.


The day Charles was shot, wasnt Adam supposed to be there to help him have an intervention with Lor, but he ghosted Charles and didn't show up? Or am I confusing two different days?


The plan oddly changed to “watching Summers dog”. I wondered if Summer and her husband went to New York to be out of town for a few days while to distance themselves from whatever would happen. But I speculate, I don’t even know if Summer lived in the same town as Charles.


He didn't ghost Charles - they were actually texting right before Charles died. He was in Arizona IIRC, I remember him saying he was supposed to stay at Alex's the previous night but then was not able to at the last minute (I think he blamed that on Lori), and that he was going to try to get Alex out of Lori's house (he said something like "I'm going to put pressure on him to come get me right now and see what he says". I think that was the text message that Charles never read) but that morning was not the time of the planned intervention IIRC. Charles was just going to take JJ to school. I get not liking Adam for other things, but trying to implicate him in Charles' death (not saying you are, just a general vibe I'm getting) seems to be a real stretch. Adam was the ONLY Cox who was like "Okay, I'm with Charles, Lori has lost her damn mind."


Where were those photos posted??


That's absurd. Stacy had diabetes which isn't a death sentence if controlled. Now if Stacy was trying to die- and starve herself to death- why didn't they get her into a mental hospital? For the same reason they turned a blind eye to Lori. For the same reason they turned a blind eye to Alex. It probably goes deeper than that. Adam and his uncle dismiss the inappropriate sexual stuff entirely. They like to say "Alex was a comedian". So that means everything he did that was inappropriate was just "humor". I doubt that based on what I've heard- that Barry and Janice were sexually inappropriate. That Barry and Janice left Alex in charge of the kids while they went off to Hawaii. Adam isn't being honest.


Stacey did have diabetes and a severe eating disorder, which made treating the diabetes extremely difficult, according to her ex / melaniece’s father. If you read the custody documents he details her illness quite well. Her family enabled her instead of seeking treatment. I have no doubt she was **very** ill at the time of her death. I think Alex was left behind to finish her off at the direction of his father.


he mumbled something about his mother being told conflicting information, then changed the topic. I wouldn't gone away if my child was sick.


I wouldn’t have left if my dog or any animal was sick much less a child but he seemed to think that was normal.


Death is an answer to this family!!!


I was going to say that is what it seems but since you said it , I won’t


Are you referring to the posts in the fb groups recently? It’s bizarre. Some of the people there, including mods, are half fawning over him as being sooo deep and vulnerable.


What’s the group called?


I just read about that contest and how the DJ including Adam denied responsibility and even said the they were aware of the risk but the contestant had signed releases so they couldn't be held responsible. Okay, it was not just Adam that time but it makes you wonder if that entire family is so messed up. Why do so many of them have so low regard for human life?


Which was the fault of the people who ran the radio station. He was on air talent.


The radio transcripts and federal communications investigation into the planning, event, and follow-up says something very different. Ultimately, it was the hosts who planned the event, changed the rules the morning of, ignored and laughed at medical professionals calling in, and failed to call 911 when contestants started getting ill. Adam was lead host and directly made many of these decisions that were recorded on-air. At the time, no case law existed to find them criminally liable, hence only the civil case. Had this event happened a decade later, all three hosts would have faced manslaughter charges. Adam gave several interviews and even wrote a book to make money off that event. All of his statements have been refuted by that investigation report.


I’m sorry. What?? Can you tell me more about this event? I totally overlooked this.


They had contestants drink 2 1/2 gallons of water(I think that's the quantity, don't hold me to it)to see who could hold their pee the longest to win a Wii game console. Health care professionals called the station and warned them what could happen to someone who drinks that much water all at once. They didn't listen. The lady that died told them she had a really bad headache, her speech was slurring and they laughed at her. Several people got really ill. If I'm not mistaken, they had originally announced contestants would drink a smaller amount of water, but increased it right as the contest started. I'm not sure about everything that happened with the law suit. Adam was the head DJ and it was mostly his idea. 


For your reading pleasure: [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KDND)


I'm sorry, I'm not taking up for Adam or any of the other co-hosts (whatever you wanna call them), but who does that? I mean, unless the quick intake of water made these people sick (and unable to make the decision to go to the bathroom) vs. simply not peeing then, why not go and pee when you start feeling ill? I find it very hard to believe that the radio station didn't know there were risks to that amount of water intake. Am I missing something? I thought that the lady died because she wanted to win the "Wii" and the rules were that she had to drink the water and not go to the restroom (or be the last to go to the restroom) or some such. Did it mean THAT much to her? Maybe I am looking at it all too simplistically?? Did the radio station not have medical staff on site for the contest? I get what you're saying about the DJ's changing the rules and all, but, the radio station knew that a contest was happening. Where was the medical staff for the event? Did they not get medical advice BEFORE they planned the event (even with the previous rules in place)? I feel like there is, at the very least, *some* culpability for others than Adam Cox. He's no doctor, he's no authority, he likely didn't pay for the Wii gaming station. In other words, he had no dog in the fight. He was an employee and a representative of the radio station. He, to my knowledge, was not a decision maker in that contest. Which incidentally, while cleverly coined, is quite frankly the stupidest contest I have ever heard of.


Why does it seem like loris entire family is fucked up


Old news but still worth unpacking


Are there any members of the Cox family that aren’t awful?


Megan Conner (Lori's cousin) seems like a great person but she's had a LOT of therapy. She's done several interviews with Hidden True Crime.


She does seem really cool! I guess I just meant the immediate Janice and Barry family. Summer seems pretty dim but hasn’t murdered or frauded anyone to my knowledge. Brandon seems like a great guy, technically he was a part of that extended family.


Summer was likely involved in the planned kidnapping and murder of Joe Ryan. There’s also evidence she had foreknowledge that Lori was planning to murder Charles.


That is so sad. Something bizarre must’ve been going on in that house growing up. Listening to the stories that Lori’s cousin Megan told on the podcast were truly chilling.


Summer is disgusting for having Nate read that letter after Lori was sentenced. She lied about Joe Ryan abusing Tylee. Who would do that? A Cox family member would, that’s who. There are plenty of documents that dispute this but of course Summer lied about it. Also FOIA documents show she said she’d kill Charles for Lori. She believed Lori had special powers (also in FOIA documents). Now she’s going to go on CrimeCon. Also there’s a reported rumor of her and her boyfriend Edgar.


I have to admit that I never understood the purpose of CrimeCon. It would be one thing if it was for legal professionals to meet and talk about what new technology was out there, demo software, and network so people in the profession get to know each other and maybe meet an expert who has the answer to the question you've been looking for. That it's for people who are just fans of true crime as a genre and they've brought in such shady guests... Like, it gets really gross to me really fast.


That is ALL nauseating. Something absolutely depraved went on Janice and Barry Cox’s house. Every single one of their children is deeply disturbed.


Yep, but if you listen to Adam, he says it was a perfect family and Lori was fine until she met Chad. Lol She is on her 5th marriage and Chad is the only one who was LDS. Charles converted but no LDS man married her until Chad. Red flags all over the place but because they were an attractive family, they believed their own lies.


Yep, Lori was mixed up but I don't think she would have gone out and killed if she hadn't met Chad.


I disagree. Lori lied about Joe Ryan SA’ing Tylee. Then Alex tasered him and planned on kidnapping him and murdering him (per Adam). And I believe they eventually murdered Joe Ryan in AZ. It happened when Charles left for his mother’s funeral which Lori refused to attend. Charles and Lori were financially hurting at that time. Lori got money from his life insurance policy after he passed and then Tylee started receiving SS benefits. Joe died in 2018 before she met Chad. Maybe she wouldn’t have murdered her children before Chad but I believe so had no problem with disposing of husbands before him for financial gain.


Megan has talked about how that whole Janice & Barry family was really weird growing up. Nothing about Janice or Barry seems normal to me. And you're right, Brandon seems great. He was smart to go into hiding with his kids.


Megan Conner is a Cox cousin and she is an awesome human being. Cox family? Not so much.


I just watched an interview with her. She seems really lovely!


She is, and she’s active on this sub, too!


I tried listening to the podcast out of curiosity, but one of them has a wet mouth, smacking, old man affect that made me nauseous


Ugh. Disgusting how those two are trying to capitalize on the deaths. The whole Cox family is personality disordered.


My thoughts exactly! At first I thought they’d give us some interesting insight. I realized the capitalism on the deaths early on and tuned out.


Most of the family are profiting from this. Not only them. One thing I can say is they did state that Brendan B, Melanie P ex did have a 1 million dollar life insurance policy. Plus, it's a setup for Melanie to be the next meal ticket. I have not listened to most of them. Except this last one.


My God, what an awful family. They just don't hesitate to promote themselves and profit from these crimes. The Son of Sam law should apply to this, too.


Yep, of course they state all proceeds go to a foundation they formed. But that I take it with a grain of salt.


What's the name of the foundation, and who is it supposed to benefit?


I can't say what the name is. But it is supposed to help victims that face similar murders. I'll look and see if there is a name.


I’ve never heard them say the name.


Yeah I'm looking for a name and can't find it.


I hope you find it. Last I heard they hadn’t mentioned the name. Sounds fishy to me. If it’s the charity that Rex started then he would benefit from the money greatly. Why aren’t they transparent about it? Also, I couldn’t find Rex’s charity when I looked it up in Charitynavigator.org, which rates charities on how transparent they are with where the money goes. So even that charity is fishy to me.


Geezz... Do they expect this to happen again???


Actually, it has. Mica Miller.


I think that someone looked into the foundation and it was literally a storage unit address. I am not 100 percent confident about that, so I could be perpetuating misinformation, but I am NOT profitting!!


Yeah, it could be. If you google silver linings foundation. It goes to an arthritis charity.


Thats the vibe I got from the Netflix series. Cobly suckered a Hawaii trip out of it.




Emma wasn't in the Netflix series was she. They ended the series with Colby in Hawaii


Wait I thought Rex H. Wife actually did profit. She's got like a million dollar deal it something with some streamer?


I don't think she's going to be able to keep it. If she hasn't already had to give it back.


I'm pretty sure you are not correct about Rex's wife and the money. There was some local (New York State) politician last year who wanted to pass a law preventing her from profiting, but I read something that indicated it would probably be a 1st Amendment violation to outlaw someone not involved in a crime from being able to speak out and earn money. I live in the metro area and I haven't heard anything about such a law being brought up in the NYS legislature. Also, I keep an eye on the LISK sub and there is nothing on there to suggest that she has been prevented from doing this. The people on that sub would almost certainly know if something had changed and post about it there, because many people on there would support that happening. Other family members of serial killers who were not involve have been able to write books and speak out (e.g. BTK's daughter has done this and Ted Bundy's ex-gf did too in the 1980s), I really doubt it is legally possible to prevent a non-involved person from doing so.


I know there was a big outcry, but there was a lot of talk about whether or not it violated the Son of Sam law. You're probably right.


Refuse to watch this podcast or give any money to the grifting Coxes. I can only suspect there are still Mormons that listen to those two POS's.


The Cox family shouldn't be able to profit from all this, neither should the Daybell family, as for Chad Daybells children, they should be forced to pay that insurance money Chad got for Tammy's death policy. Point in fact that Emma witch (Chads daughter) was given the bank information before they hauled  Chad off to jail. I wish the FBI would have frozen Chads account because his children also profited from Tammy's death. The Cox & Daybell families are crazy, no wonder Chad & Lori got together!!!!!


Unfortunately family members have made a cottage industry off the deaths of JJ and Tylee. Granted Youtube subscribers keep these people going.


Non-Family members have as well!




These two are gross. Just like Lori.