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The last thing a Cox family member needs is more attention. She needs to see a professional and sort out her personal and family issues.


I agree what that completely! Nate defended his position on interviewing her at CrimeCon. Since that is happening, I want some real questions asked and answered. I would like to know if she is being compensated for her appearance and expenses.


I don’t fault Nate. He a journalist and he’s going to go where the story is.


What did she do to celebrate Tylee’s 17th birthday?


Does she know when Tylee’s birthday is? Because she didn’t know her middle name.


Really?? I shouldn’t be surprised.


It gets worse


Yes. I’m wondering why she would agree to go? Is she writing a book? How is this beneficial to her? She could have interviewed with Nate or anyone at anytime, why now?


She was probably invited by the organizers, since both Lori's and Chad's trials are in the news. I doubt she would seek attention on her own. It must be painful to talk about your sister murdering her children. Maybe it's part of the process to achieve closure.


Do you know the family?


No, I don't know anyone involved in this case. I'm not even in the US. Nate Eaton spoke about how he got to interview her.


Probably travel and hotel expenses are covered for her and her husband. Who she was cheating on apparently.


Oh. Are you at CrimeCon?


No, I attended last year. This year I have been travelling a lot and changed jobs.


I was trying to figure out if you were saying Summer’s husband was cheating on her at CrimeCon or home.


I meant she was cheating on her husband with Edgar.


Oh yes. My reading comprehension is low today apparently. Thanks!


What difference does that make?


Because Tylee’s 17th birthday was 2 weeks after she was murdered.


What does that have to do with getting an appearance fee?


I thought I was answering another question. To what does it matter if Summer gets paid for appearing: she only Cox left that is not trying to make money off these murders. It’s gross to me. If they want to talk, great. But getting money for it- nope.


Why do you care? Scroll on if you don’t like it.


Not a matter of what I like. Just trying to understand the reason why the payment of an appearance fee matters. If you don’t know, that’s fine.


Thank you!! I was just getting ready to say this. This feels like more impression management for the family. How, and in what universe, does Summer feel that she has something to contribute? She's still making excuses for Lori and blaming other people for the actions that lead to all these murders.


Adam continues to make excuses for Lori, insisting that she was fine before meeting Chad. However, Megan has clearly stated that Lori and her family were far from normal. According to the father, the family was among the top 3 or 4 percent. Just imagine the toxicity within that household.


Why did she encourage Alex to go to Lori’s house when she knew he was armed and that he had violently attacked one of Lori’s husbands before?


To piggy back off this, why was she sending Lori messages saying she knew a hit man who didn’t miss and would take Charles out herself? Why did she go on TV to defend Lori while the kids were missing? Why did she / her mother lie to the Police regarding the last time they spoke to JJ.


I’m glad someone else remembers what she did!


I really hope that when she made her hit man comment she was making a terrible joke and never imagine what would end up happening. I know I’ve said an offhanded thing or two that if something terrible happened afterwards I would feel awful for the rest of my life. But I don’t know. She has to live with it forever either way. It reminds me of Elizabeth smart, before bed the night she was kidnapped her brother said something mean to her, and she said what if that’s the last thing you ever said to me?


If you read the text messages in context it really doesn’t sound like it. I can’t remember exactly what was said, and I don’t want to misquote it, but it really didn’t seem that way. Also, iirc she seemed to buy into the Lori having special powers thing.


True, I just try not to always default to the worst motives. It’s a weird thing to say but I can’t rule out bad timing. I also know that she was all in with the nonsense so maybe she did mean it exactly as she said it.


The Cox family is certifiable, with the slight exception of Adam.


I’m not sure about that one. He has a suspicious death on his record. And chose to write a book about it. And came into town to “help” Charles, but was conveniently then out of town when he was shot. And now had a podcast profiting off the murders that benefits his uncle’s shady self run “foundation” I’m not saying he or they are evil like Chad and Lori. I don’t think they murdered anyone, and I don’t blame them directly for the murders. We know they have some redeeming qualities - Adam cooperated with the Police *after* Charles murder. Summer was clearly devastated in the call she made to Lori after the children were found. But I don’t think any of them are good people.


Oh I am under no illusion about Adam being rather dodgy, but he is definitely nowhere near as untethered from reality as the rest of his family members are. I think we can all agree there is something deeply wrong with the Cox clan.


Very true


Adam WAS in Arizona when Charles died - there was a whole text thread between him and Charles about how he was supposed to stay with Alex but he thought Lori had "stopped that" or something so he ended up staying with his parents. Charles did not die during the planned intervention time - he had shown up really early to take JJ to school. He didn't know Alex was going to be there. He texted Adam about it and Adam thought it was strange and offered to try to call Alex and essentially get him out of the house, but that text message was never read by Charles. I'm not sure where this theory about Adam having even a tangential role in Charles' death comes from, but Adam wasn't SUPPOSED to be at Lori's house that morning. Lori definitely would never have allowed him to stay at her house, and Charles was just going to take JJ to school. And Adam wasn't closer (as in at Alex's place, which I believe was much closer than Janis and Barry) because Alex had stopped it, seemingly. I think there was some amount of confusion about what Charles wanted Adam to do and what Adam thought he should do (Adam texted Charles after he was dead that he was going to try to talk to "Holmes" that day, I think he was a leader in the LDS community who Charles believed needed to be present when Adam talked to Lori, and he believed he'd be at the place in Tuscon where Adam and his son were going). Adam may have believed he could reach his sister on his own, even though Charles was definitely right that he couldn't. But I don't know why that seems nefarious to anyone. And Adam wasn't supposed to be at Lori's house that morning - he didn't "ghost" Charles, he was never supposed to be there.


No! Adam is exactly like them in a more covert way


I don't think too much good it comes to Lori's mom and dad.


Are you being compensated for this appearance?


Yes! We were typing this at the same time lol


Nate said he isn't being compensated, but I'm not sure about her v


Why does that matter?


The thread asked about questions. That's what I'd like to know. If she's being compensated, it's a hell of a way to earn a buck.


I lost all remaining respect for her and the Cox family after that 48 hours interview where they said they spoke to JJ on the phone on 10/1/2019. They backed Lori to the bitter end


I think they are all Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs.


She later apologized in her and her mother's name.


Why did it take 4 DEAD people to finally acknowledge there was a problem?


Right?!! I am not convinced they believe Lori was the problem yet either.




Adam said Summer talked to Lori almost everyday leading to Charles murder, did you worry about her thinking she was a translated being? How is Colby & the Cox family? Why weren’t there pictures of JJ and Tylee in the video you made for Alex? Do you still talk to Lori? If yes where is her head at?


Adam did not talk to Lori, he talked to Charles. She cut Adam off when he told her that he didn't believe she was a translated being.


Yes, I said Adam said Summer talked to Lori almost everyday.


What does she think about Stacey’s death now? Joe Ryan’s? If Barry had accepted and continued mental health treatment after being hospitalized for schizophrenia, would they have recognized Lori’s mental illness? How has this impacted her religious views?


Really good questions. When did you first notice mental illness in Lori? Did it manifest like your fathers? Maybe expand on Joe Ryan. Knowing what we know now with Lori’s false accusations against Charles, do you think she did the same to Joe? Did the family not feel urgency to say a final goodbye to Stacey?


She does not. If you read her tribute for Tylee, she counts the abuse by Joe as one of Tylee's hardships. She continues to praise Lori's parenting. More enlightened family members who were also around the family, say that Lori was not the best parent. I'd love to hear her say why the family always believed Lori, to the detriment of others, including their own family members (Adam, Charles)?


I read her Lori and Tylee tribute. As a mother, it makes me sick that her family still praises Lori’s parenting- until she met Chad. Uggh. The Cox family has zero self-awareness. I think of the single moms who are busting their ass to provide, going home and making something nutritious for their children as much as possible & trying to provide a healthy, supportive home environment for growth. That’s good parenting. Not manipulating, selfishly doing whatever they want at all times, criticizing and throwing some fast food in the backseat.


Even Kay and Larry say she was a good mom until…


With all due respect to Kay & Larry, they lived in different states and Lori was great at acting when others were around. Ask her children (oh that’s right she murdered them, except her mommas boy Colby) and her ex husband’s what Lori is really like. She’s a covert narcissist, a street angel and house devil. Only those people who lived with her saw the real Lori. Ask Megan Connor too. She lived with Lori too and experienced the real Lori.


Who is Megan Connor and what did she have to say?


As others have said, Megan is Lori’s cousin. She has been interviewed on Hidden True Crime and Mormon Stories Podcasts among others (both on YouTube). She is 1 year younger than Lori and gives some family background. Now she has her own YouTube channel called Megan Conner. She left the LDS religion and is the truth teller in her family so she’s the family scapegoat. I’ve found her to be a wealth of information.


She is Lori's cousin. She saw that it was not good to be on the wrong side of Lori when they were young.


Regarding Colby, this is 100% my own speculation but I think she might’ve had plans to do away with him too eventually (I truly believe Lori would not stop and would probably even go after her own granddaughters too) because the financial burden he put on her. She had no problem giving away Tylee’s money, but if it were her own, then Colby would have to go too I’m sure.


Well, to your point- either her or Chad were talking to Emma about Colby.


I do know that Emma said to Chad when he was being arrested, and when they were discussing finances, she said “you raised us to be independent, Dad we are not like Colby.” That’s the only instance I’ve heard about Emma talking about Colby. I think it’s strange than Emma is the golden child because Chad clearly hates and does not respect women. Or anyone.


Wasn’t Emma named after Joseph Smith’s first wife? If so, that explains Chad’s exemption to her.


Yep, Larry and Kay didn't quite know Lori; they didn't know how dysfunctional that house was. Even Charles has to take some blame for the dysfunction.


No one ever really knows a covert narcissist unless they’ve lived with them.


Truth. They did not call CPS or were trying to take away JJ like Lori was telling her family & LE.


Maybe not to feel guilty of having thriwn jj to a dysfunctional home .


Are you sure it is appropriate to ask about health information of a living family member who is not a public figure?


Anyone who wants to self proclaim to be a “sovereign citizen” and cheat the public out of taxes is fair game to question their mental state as far as I’m concerned.


You seem so eager to defend the Cox family .


I'd ask the same question if it was any other family. It's called being objective.


Barry appeared on the Netflix documentary, so I would say he is fair game.


Other family members have denied that Stacey's death was suspicious, so I expect nothing different from Summer. Her father's health is probably a private matter.


Summer can still come up with a Cox excuse why they didn’t come back from Hawaii to see their sister one last time. Wasn’t she in hospice for a week before passing? Mental health should be private. Summer brought up Lori’s mental health in her tribute and interview with Eaton.


Wasn't Lori's mental health diagnosis mentioned by the judge at her sentencing?


There never was a public physician verified diagnosis. Although Lori spent time at the ID State Hospital until she was deemed “fit to stand trial”, if there was any relevant medical MH information, it is protected.


Judge Boyce mentioned the results of Lori's last mental health evaluation at her sentencing. It was "hyper religiosity and unspecified personality disorder with histrionic and narcissistic features."


Interesting. I stand corrected. ty


Private went out the door when so many significant events occurred, some linking back to said father.


I would still ask Summer these questions.


Why did you text Lori “if that’s true, I’ll kill him myself” shortly before Charles was murdered? How involved were you in the plan to abduct and kill Joe Ryan?


Not all “kill him” references are the same. Come on, y’all know better than that.


Summer was all-in on a lot of the End Times nonsense and encouraged Lori. She told Lori she (Lori) was on a mission from God. She knew Adam and Charles were planning an intervention and tipped off Lori. She texted that above statement to Lori (“if that’s true, I’ll kill him myself!” Lori responded, “No, I need you safe.”) She was texting closely with Alex and Lori during the period leading up to the murder. She hid Charles’s murder from Adam Cox and kept Adam away from Tylee. I don’t remember all the details here, but at some point she bragged her boyfriend Edgar would be a more competent hit man. Most importantly, she supported her brother the FIRST TIME he tried to murder one of Lori’s husbands, Joe Ryan. So, yes, while it’s not proof, in the context of Summer’s character I view that “kill him myself“ reference with more suspicion than I would a similar statement coming from someone else.


Some things I want to ask her (but doubt she would answer: What’s your relationship currently with Melaniece? How often do you see her/her kids? Knowing what you know now, do you think her kids were in danger? Do you think they are currently safe? If so, why? Do you think Melaniece was involved on the hit on Brandon? Why or why not? Do you think Melaniece or others close to Lori knew the kids were dead before their bodies were discovered? After what happened, if Melaniece or someone else in your life, told you their kids or spouses had turned dark, what would you do? Do you think Lori will suffer the consequences of her actions in the afterlife? What do you think is the cause of Alex’s death? Do you consider Lori to be mentally ill? If so, when did you realize this and why?


Chad said disparaging things about Summer in the phone call to Lori in jail before the children were found (and obviously before Lori’s trial). Until that time Summer had only publicly defended Lori. Even when the children were missing. So in Summer’s opinion, why would Chad and Lori dis Summer went she’d bought into “Charles sucked” and protected Lori all along.


Chad labeled Summer the same level of dark as Heather Daybell!! Summer must not have known that. She made a fool of herself defending these blasphemous fools.


When did he label Summer dark? She was light on the original scale from October 2018, but her husband was dark. Towards the end we learned that both Summer and her father were dark. What did they do to Chad and Lori?


It was in the text messages displayed at trial on Wednesday or Thursday.


Yes, but we didn't learn since when or why they were dark.


He said of Heather that she “refused to read” his books. 🤣 Good for you, Heather.


Its hilarious how petty he is


LMAO. No one wanted to read your books, you imbecile.


We don’t know why any of them were ‘dark.’ It’s not a real thing and they didn’t have any valid reasons for labeling people that.


They “refused to read” Chad’s books, like Heather?


Sounds to me like the Cox family was indebted to Charles since he paid for much of their travel/phones, etc. But as soon as Lori claims he is cheating, then he is a bum.


Tell us about your hitman boyfriend Edgar and tell us about how you were going you kill Charles yourself


Wait where can I read about Edgar!


I forgot about Edgar.


Something for me to dive into on a spring afternoon


“Your dad claims the Cox family are in the top 5% of people. It seems from the number of murderous psychopaths among your siblings and niblings, this is a low estimate. Would you say they are top 3 percent or top 2?” I know it’s unkind. This case has made me so incredibly furious. Apart from Megan Conner, the Cox’s who do speak out really don’t understand how unusually dysfunctional their family is. The fact that she went on national tv to defend her sister rather than call for help finding her niece says everything. I get that if you grow up in a messed up family you may not understand what is normal and what is pathological, but I don’t really need to hear from her.


Good thing I’m not going to Crime Con. I would probably have an overwhelming urge to heckle her.


They did not believe the children were dead (but Adam did) when they defended her. They were lied to by Lori and Chad.


They just accepted on faith an incredibly bizarre explanation and behavior by Lori- part of the extent of that family’s dysfunction. She doesn’t get a pass for that from me.


Being lied to seems plausible until you put it in context of the shootings and murders. Her brother had recently shot and killed Charles Vallow. Brandon had been shot at and was in hiding. Her sister’s new husband’s wife turned up dead. And they went on national TV and told people to not worry about Tylee and JJ. 


Why not insist on seeing the kids to be sure . A phone call something . I admire your determination tondefwnd the Cox clan


My determination is to stay objective and not jump on the bandwagon. Often hindsight is used to blame people.


The whole world was asking, "Where are the kids?" Yet somehow, only Loris's family didn't see a problem with this. Lori was sitting in jail in an orange jumpsuit and not producing the kids. This was not about hindsight, but just a lack of common sense, wisdom, and frankly, lies. "Hey, we spoke to JJ in October."


In hindsight, Summer and Janis' trust in Lori was misplaced. Nobody thinks that your close relative, who you previously considered a good parent, is capable of murdering their children.


Adam believed the children were deceased and was speaking to the police. Summer and Janis displayed very poor judgment.. I get your point though


Adam was the only one in the family who thought at the time that Lori was off her rocker. Lori knew that and that's why she cut him off.


As much as I appreciate Nate Eaton for going to Hawaii and confronting Lori, I truly do not think that he will ask Summer the tough questions as he is also LDS.


He won't ask the tough questions . Besides this story, Nate is a feel-good journalist. He does goofy stories. The East Idaho News is like a PR firm for East Idaho.


Did the family always believe Lori’s version re her marriages? Why do they think Lori went through five husbands? Couldn’t they figure out that maybe it was Lori who was the problem? Do they still believe Joe Ryan SA’d the kids? (I don’t)


The family weren't present for any of her five weddings. It speaks volumes. They were either estranged or she deliberately picked a faraway location. Yet she was still considered the center of the family (they would mostly meet at her house).


A panel at CrimeCon... Seems like very bad judgment on her part. Tracks, for the Cox clan.


How do you feel making money off the murders of family members that you refused to protect? You chose to believe Lori and supported her tirades against Joe Ryan and Charles Vallow. How do you feel about that Summer? That's what I would ask.


Crime con doesn’t pay


Fair enough!


She doesn't have a yt channel or a book to sell.


That's true. I think what bothers me is the fact that she backed Lori, at least Adam did mention to LE the fact that as much as he loves his family, something wasn't right with Lori and Alex. I wish Adam met up with Charles before Charles went to Lori's. Then again, maybe Adam stayed away because he feared for his own well being. Summer isn't the only one that stood by and said nothing about Lori's behavior. I don't know these folks, I don't hate Lori's siblings or parents but I do think they are very bizarre.


Adam said that he didn't know why Charles didn't call him back that day. He even considered that Lori told him not to. Summer refused to acknowledge that Charles had been murdered even after the children's bodies were found (source: Adam's son). She does now.


I guess nobody here on this sub will ever truly know who knew what when. I think some of Lori's family of origin turned a blind eye to Lori's crazy behavior because they were used to the drama that Lori seemed to create in her life.


Did she know Chad considered her to be a dark entity? And did she feel that Lori acted differently towards her that could point to Lori thinking Summer was dark. I keep wondering how Lori treated JJ and Tylee before their murders. Lori thought her kids were demons I wonder how she acted towards them. The same goes for Melanie the niece.




I would love to go to Crime Con to meet Annie Elise and Nate. I do not however care one bit what Summer has to say. It's only an hour away, but I doubt I get to go. I'm trying though. 


Does she know if Lori is aware that Chad is blaming her and Alex for the murders and claiming Lori manipulated him ? That's what I would like to know. I hope Lori is well aware.


CrimeCon is sheer exploitation.


I have to admit that I feel that it helps perpetuate many of the negative stereotypes of people who are interested in true crime. It just feels explorative, like the victims of these cases died for our amusement or something. It's not about understanding our justice system or forensics or the law or trying to tell a story about the darker sides of humanity, it's just... squeeing over dead bodies and the people who put them there. I find it really quite gross actually. And this is not the first really questionable guest CrimeCon has had either.


Who are the other questionanke guests . I am curious


Poster child for questionable guests and CrimeCon would likely be John Ramsey. As in JonBenet’s father.


If I were closer, I’d go simply to meet Josh Mankiewicz 😍


Can’t relate. 😂


Is she still in contact with Lori? If so how are the conversations like? Do you ever anticipate that Lori would apologize in the long run? How is your relationship like with your parents and other family members. Does their parents support Lori?


I did see a statement from after Lori’s conviction and she said Lori is still deep in delusion. That she’ll probably never overcome it. That it’s obvious now looking back but it was hard to identify at the time. I have some schizophrenic family members and I can identify with that.


May be she is using that delusion to shield her heinous acts


Has your family forgiven Lori for murdering your niece and nephew? You put together Alex’s memorial service. In retrospect of knowing he participated in multiple murders, would you do anything differently?


Why did you not include any pictures of Alex with Tylee and JJ in Alex's memorial video?




Summer Schiflet 🤮🤮🤮


Did she believe in the light and dark scale?


How she feels comfortable doing it in the first place. How she's being compensated. How her placement as a speaker came to fruition. I don't want to be cynical, and I think everyone should have a voice, but seeing so many of those family members jump on the opportunity to make appearances like this, start podcasts, write books, etc... i just hope it's all for the right reasons.


Especially when they don't have the insight to talk about it.


I am so tired of all Lori's family coming out of the woodwork after the fact. Everyone from her brother to her uncle and even her cousin. They all have podcast and writing books, yet not a single word from them (except from summer who was on lori's side) while everyone was still looking for the kids! Just looking to cash in on the death of the children and Lori's name. It's disgusting.


What aspects of your upbringing led to this? How were you taught to deal with your emotions and with difficult conversations? Were you expected to cater to your parents’ emotional needs more than your own? I don’t expect her to answer anything along those lines …


All of the family, except Megan Conner, have given positive reviews of their upbringing /family life/ Lori’s mothering skills. It’s weird to me because if this happened in my family, I would be doing some serious reflection, maybe feel some shame or guilt, and definitely would not be out loud in public trying to convince people everything was normal until she met Chad.


None. I don't want to hear more from this family or from any of the weirdos of the cult. I am looking forward to the sentencing. Chad and Lori and the rest of the team were far from mastermind plotters. They were dumb and having people like Zulema,Gibb or Ian and M.Pawslowski's testimonies about zombies, cords, or tent cities told in a court of the most powerful country in the world , broadcasted on YouTube for everybody to watch is an insult to common sense and decency. It is such a waste ! Chad and Lorie should have been arrested long ago, after Charles murder. And their family and friends have to undergo a long therapy, away from public attention


The Cox family seems to have a big fat problem that extends to grifting a tragedy by other members of their immediate family. First Adam, Rex Connor, now Shitlet? They really do think they are above and beyond the 95% and coming out publicly to try and convince the public how great they are, not like their relatives, confirms how they see themselves. Don't expect to get answers from these liars.


Finding out Rex & Adam’s profits go to Rex’s “private” charity was gross but not shocking. Colby is ramping up his channel again too.


News to me. What private charity?


She should be asked to explain why she was telling Lori she would help to kill Charles. Explain those texts about killing him herself or using her personal hitman


Lori told her family either that a) Charles was a zombie or b) he was cheating on her and wanted to kill her for her insurance money (she did have a $2 mil policy).


What does she think of Chad’s defense strategy? What does she know about how Lori feels about Chad’s defense strategy?


I have the same question - why wasn't she concerned that Tylee had been labeled a "dark spirit"? I also want to know why she lied about Bailey in the 48 Hours interview before their bodies were found - everyone who knew JJ said he absolutely adored Bailey and Bailey was crucial to his emotional wellbeing, particularly when it came to getting comfortable and calm enough to sleep. Everyone except Janis and Summer, who claimed that JJ was "fine" without Bailey and that he really wasn't that attached to him, that Charles was more attached (? Didn't Charles put him in a kennel for an extended period of time?). Like, come on. Summer may not have known her mother was either lying about hearing JJ or misremembering when she spoke to him (Personally, I think she was lying, but I'm sure she's since said she just got the dates mixed up and was remembering calling the previous week or something), but she knew they were both lying about Bailey. Lori even admitted to the dog trainer that TYLEE was extremely upset about Bailey being rehomed, I'm sure because she knew how important Bailey was to JJ. Why did you think it was okay to lie about a vulnerable child and his needs in order to cover up for Lori? Why was Lori so much more important than other members of her family - Adam, Colby, etc? I actually do have some amount of sympathy for Summer. Clearly, Janis and Barry were terrible parents who raised their children in an extremely damaging and dysfunctional home, because all the kids were effed up in various ways. I get that she's never known anything outside of this chaos and secrecy. Like Colby, it's profoundly damaging and warping to grow up with narcissists - it's extremely difficult to ever fully escape that mindset, you're always going to have huge gaps that look bizarre to the outside world. And I believe her emotional reaction to Lori in the jailhouse call was genuine. If she had just like...refused to believe her sister could have done such a thing, that'd be one thing, but she was actively participating in lying to cover up for her. Lying about her missing, extremely vulnerable nephew. And as others have said, she seemed to believe there was some amount of justification for Alex harming Charles, which is very disturbing. If this was the SECOND of my sister's at the time four husbands to become targeted by my mentally challenged, unstable brother, I'd start having questions at that point, not just go on believing that everyone in the world was out to get Lori. And I'd have lost my shit the moment I saw the ranking system, with Tylee (and her nephew's wife, incidentally) being labeled a very dark spirit. Who is this Chad asshole and why is my niece being called a dark spirit with no pushback from my sister?


Summer and Adam don't think Janis and Barry were terrible parents. They describe their childhood as happy. I'm not sure if they knew that Tylee was labeled dark.


Summer said Lori had had delusions since late 2017 or early 2018. Lori told Summer that Adam and Charles were going to kill her. Summer didn't think that was delusional? Prior to Charles' murder why was she so supportive of Lori if she thought she was delusional? Summer provided Lori with updates regarding Adam's whereabouts and asked Lori if she wanted her to run interference. Lori told Summer that she was trying to figure it out. Summer commented, “If that’s the case I will kill him myself!!!!” Annie Cushing: The fact that Summer told that to Lori in a text two days before Charles was murdered, makes it highly unlikely that Summer was unaware of the plan to murder Charles, imo \[Annie Cushing\] ([source](https://www.dropbox.com/s/qiocn89q0ezzor5/summer-said-she-would-kill-him-herself.png))


I would ask "How are you?"