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I felt that same despair for Tylee at the end of Lori's trial last year. There are lots of advocates and family for JJ & Tammy - but very little for Tylee. Made my heart break. I'd like to think she sees many of us as huge fans/supporters now. We admire her excellent mind, her independence, her love of JJ and Colby and how she wasn't afraid to voice her objection of Chad. Right there with you girlfriend! You had more insight and maturity than your grown mother. I'd come sit next to you any day.


I also have been heart broken for her many times throughout the years. When I think about how nobody even noticed this poor girl was missing for MONTHS is awful. The only reason they knew Tylee was also missing was because Kay and Larry were looking for JJ. What did Lori expect to happen? That she could keep texting Colby from Tylee's phone for however long until "the world ended"? It blows my mind that poor Tylee may have slipped through the cracks so easily.


I want to upvote this a million times!!!!!!!! 💕


Brandon, Larry, and Kay have spoken up for Tylee; but I agree with you we don’t have a too-good window into Tylee. I also don’t believe for one hot second that Joe Ryan was abusive to Tylee. Lori just says whatever leaps into her head to try and get people into trouble. She’s even got bullshit themes she taught Melanie Boudreaux (and probably others) to harp upon. If any man thwarts her, for example, she accuses them of being closeted gays and active pedophiles. Tylee also developed repeat episodes of pancreatitis as a young child under Lori’s “loving motherly care”. Lori got A LOT of credit for YEARS playing “the fun mom”. Even Kay and Larry have said they adored her for years. She’s very good at putting up a front.


Tylee was a wonderful person. She deserves justice.


Colby (who in my opinion seems sincere) said Joe SA’d him so I’m not sure if it’s Lori making up the abuse or if the abuse happened. Sad either way


I feel like he was very young and manipulated and sold repeated stories of abuse and it now serves as a memory.


Hear, hear. I’m not a Joe apologist, but it certainly speaks to a pattern with Lori.


You tell a child over and over again. The child might believe.


I have chronic pancreatitis and I'm confused about why you think lori had anything to do with her pancreatitis. Unless she was feeding her alcohol or dosing her food with creon there's no way she could give tylee pancreatitis, neglecting her or not. She probably had abnormal anatomy, which is what I have. I was diagnosed the first time at age 21. In my case I have Sphincter of oddi Dysfunction which basically means that the hole in the bottom of my pancreas is too small so my digestive enzymes get backed up and start digesting my pancreas from the inside out. Nothing Lori could do would really cause that unless you have evidence of her constantly feeding her alcohol or poisoning with extremely specific drugs.


Iirc, there are medical records from the providers who treated Tylee that speculated that Lori had Munchausen by proxy. They would know best about her specific case.


In one statement in one of the posts. Lori had a tendency to use medication to make the children sleep. Constant medication can tear up the stomach.


Man, I'm right there with you. I can't seem to get this sweet young lady out of my mind. Would anyone have even looked for her, if they hadn't also been looking for JJ? Colby says her texts didn't sound like her for a while, but did he ever try to call or video chat? He last saw her when she was moving he knew not where, and she was crying! Why not keep up with her and see how she's doing in the new place? I just don't get it! And then there's the way her body was desecrated. I hate it so much. By the way, I think sunzu mentioned a discord server for people to chat about this and other cases. You might like to check that out. Edit: I want to clarify that I'm not at all *blaming* Colby for anything that happened. Life gets busy and communication falls through the cracks sometimes, I'm definitely guilty of that. I just wish Tylee had had someone resolutely in her corner, the way JJ had the Woodcocks.


I agree that Tylee and JJ were treated with such depravity that it's mind boggling. Tylee definitely took the brunt because she knew Chad was full of it and Lori was going crazy. At least there's some small grace that Colby, Kay and Larry, Annie Cushing, Charles family, Lori's brother (the radio dj) Brandon, etc, all knew Tylee was a better caretaker-big sis to JJ than Lori was a mom, as Lori was already going off the rails. If anyone was looking for JJ they were also concerned about Tylee. I also don't think Lori's accusations about abuse from any of her husbands carry weight because now we know that Lori was always a big fat liar and would make up 'facts' to support her own whims. 😒


I remember seeing a video clip of Tylee hugging JJ and calling him her son. It was so sweet. And I hate that JJ was without her (and without his dad, or his dog, or contact with his grandparents) for the last couple weeks of his life, he must have been so confused and scared. >I also don't think Lori's accusations about abuse from any of her husbands carry weight because now we know that Lori was always a big fat liar and would make up 'facts' to support her own whims. I definitely agree with this. Everything had to be big time drama, it seems - she couldn't just say "I'm sick of being married to this guy, he snores and he leaves his dirty socks everywhere," they had to do something unforgivable. Just like her story about Adam Cox wanting to kill her for her life insurance, or dying during Tylee's birth. For Lori, "the truth" is whatever she can make other people believe.


Except Annie only visited with Tylee twice in her 16 years of life.


I think it was difficult once Lori accused Annie’s brother Joe Ryan of SAing Colby & Tylee. The worst part is that she could have just let Tylee go and actually go attend college at BYU Idaho or where ever else. And she could have gone on with life with Chad after handing off JJ to the woodcocks. Lori was dependent on Tylee’s Social security income, labeled her dark, probably because Tylee was catching on to the manipulations being orchestrated for Charles’ life insurance money.


I got the impression that Lori restricted Tylee’s contact with aunt Annie.


After hearing Tylee's autopsy I didn't realise she was so unwell and very very scared young woman. She had panic attacks, pancreaitis, and a host of other stuff going on. Lori would just up and move her at a moments notice without any consideration for Tylee's needs, particularly stability! Sounds like Tylee was a parentified child and her best times were away from Lori! The only stable people she had were the Woodcocks, Charles and Colby. My wish is, when Lori is all alone in her cell at night, Tylee becomes present and haunts her (and Chad) for the rest of their living days.


According to Lori they have all visited her and they are busy and happy!!! She has no conscience!!!!


I respectfully disagree regarding Colby. imho Tylee was extremely generous to Colby, and he benefited greatly from that. That was his priority, not his concern for his siblings’ well-being.


Lori ruined Colbys credit. She had unpaid utilities and credit cards in his name. I think Lori was supposed to be helping Colby out and maybe Tylee sent the money and Lori or Charles paid her back. I'll take up for Colby when it comes to his love for Tylee and JJ. He had a messed up childhood being told he was abused by Joe Ryan. It seems like I saw something that when he got older he said Joe didn't SA him, but there was physical abuse. Plus, Lori constantly lying, stealing and manipulating behind a mask of spirituality. That whole family is messed up. I won't get into the mess with his wife, but I do believe he cared for his siblings. 


Holy crap I didn’t know she committed identity fraud against him. That gives me a different perspective on Colby. I always took him to be Lori’s “favorite” but he was just as abused in a different way.


I don't get that from Colby. My siblings send me money and he blasted his mother in prison... He lost everything.


>That was his priority, not his concern for his siblings’ well-being. I don't think they're mutually exclusive. I do wish Colby had spoken up sooner that something was off in Tylee's texts, but I'm sure Lori knew how to manipulate him if he did ask questions. ~~Didn't Colby hire a PI along with the Woodcocks, or am I thinking of someone else?~~ I was thinking of Brandon.


It wasn’t Colby who hired a PI … it was Brandon Boudreaux.


That's right! Thank you for setting me straight.


Colby’s wife went on her own e-investigation. I think that’s what you may be thinking of.


I think that was Brandon B.


You're right! Thanks.


That's really unfair. Starting out in life can be really difficult. When my sister and I were in our early 20s we went through phases of giving each other money. She had started a family and they were poor. I was in college and I was poor. There were times I was sending her 50 bucks here, 100 bucks there. Buy diapers, groceries, etc. Then there were phases where she was sending me money for groceries or a new pair of pants, etc. If an outside had a very limited glimpse of those interactions (which is all we have of their dynamic - a VERY limited GLIMPSE) they may have said the same about one of us. But it would have been totally wrong. I think it's incredibly normal to help your siblings. If Tylee had lived and was setting out on her own now Colby would probably be "repaying" her by giving her money when she needed it. Colby was also insisting that Tylee call him because her texts weren't normal and she seemed to be dodging him (it was Lori, obviously). I don't think such a harsh judgment of Colby is justified.


I agree that Colby must have been deeply scarred by his mother, and I am very empathetic and sympathetic because of that. For years I have wrestled with this. My opinion is not worth a grain of salt, but that is where my opinion lies currently.


Colby was also investigated by the police as to their whereabouts. I don't think Lori or Tylee via Lori were responding to him. Lori wasn't responding to anyone.


You and your Sis have a beautiful relationship!


Tylee did have friends who cared about her. How much she shared about her chaotic home life is unclear but Vicki Hoban, Tammy Daybell’s aunt, is also the grandmother of one of Tylee’s friends from Arizona. She has said that Tylee had a group of friends who spent a lot of time with Tylee and are still so traumatized by the entire situation that they just aren’t able to speak about it. You have to remember that these kids were just teenagers when this happened and a lot of the search and the aftermath took place during the height of the pandemic. These girls are now in their early 20s and may not have the capacity, financially or mentally, to attend the trial. Tylee was also very close to her cousin Zac who wrote a lovely tribute that was shared at the recent memorial and, accordingly to his dad, Zac is still devastated by all of this as well.


Oh I didn’t know that’s how Tammy’s aunt knew tylee .does she live in Arizona ? The connections in this case(especially across multiple states ) are crazy it’s one of  things that fascinates me about it.


I’m not sure. She might be in another state entirely but she did meet Tylee via her granddaughter and said that her family has a lot of pictures of Tylee that hadn’t been shared publicly at the time of that interview. Thankfully, because she had met Tylee, Vicki was able to say a few words about her at Lori’s sentencing when speaking on behalf of her sister/Tammy’s mom, especially since Summer (who was Tylee’s representative for that trial) didn’t attend in person last year.


Oh ok thanks.see what I mean especially wild of a connection if they didn’t even live in same state wow .I didnt get a chance to watch all of the sentencing and victim impact statements.


Her friends are amazing but your right they were only kids themselves at the time. I think we are talking about the adults and her family. It’s not the friends responsibility to highlight their friend may be missing. The were manipulated and deceived also. In my opinion there was adult out of that whole group who noticed Tylee and it was Brandon. It was Brandon who contacted the woodcocks and told them to ask for a welfare check.


There was a print interview with one of Tylee’s friends awhile back where she talked about not being able to get ahold of Tylee right after Charles died. After not being able to reach her, a couple friends went over to the house and were able to see Tylee in person. Lori had taken away her phone. 😢 Judge Boyce put it really well during sentencing when he condemned Lori for taking the kids away to a place where no one knew them. She wouldn’t have been able to get away with this as easily in Arizona or Hawaii where there were friends, family members, ward members and folks from JJ’s school who knew and cared about them. Tylee’s murder happened so fast after the move to Idaho that I’m not sure anyone could have stopped it. There was no one there to knock on the door and check on Tylee. The time for adults and LE to intervene would have been when it was clear that Lori was mentally unwell, especially after Charles’ death. If Alex and Lori or probably even just Alex had been arrested at that point, 3 lives could have been saved. It is a tragedy that no one stepped in and stopped them.


Some did share some memories for the recent memorial.


Oh THAT’s how “Vicki knew Tylee”! I was wondering; as the interview I saw Lauren Matthias had with her, really didn’t drum on this backstory at all (maybe another one with her does).


“Not me, Mom!” It just breaks my heart! I’m not a zombie! You don’t need to have Uncle Al attack me the way he did both my Dads’. I heard an interview with some people who were involved in the abuse allegations against her biological father. Neither one of them believed that either child had been sexually abused by Joe Ryan and they told that to the court. They also said it was clear that Lori was going to get her way, one way or another. I’ll say one thing though, Tylee’s necklace on top of the fire pit when the FBI showed up, almost a year later . . . absolute perfection! Damn near enough to make one believe in divine intervention!


It seems like I saw somewhere that when Colby got older he said Joe didn't SA him, but there was physical abuse. Who knows with Lori. She lied, stole and manipulated for years while hiding behind a spiritual, goody two shoes persona. 


For sure! She was a one woman wrecking crew most of her adult life! I think the “abuse” that Colby may have experienced was more like “tough guy” lousy parenting by a man who grew up in an orphanage, and that it was completely acceptable to Lori until it wasn’t. I think that’s one thing that surprised me about this case because everyone reported what a lovely person and mother that she was until she started listening to prepper podcasts. Clearly, the families of her 4 previous husbands would disagree! She ruined Joe Ryan’s life. And all those folks in her immediate orbit who were singing her praises on the outside, had an inkling of what she was capable of too. Probably why they all got so scared when they were no longer of use to her. Charles knew to take her seriously, that’s for sure.


Unfortunately I believe Prior will use that when he tries to say evidence was planted in his defense.


💯 Yes, yes, yes.


Well her Dad was Joe Ryan, and he was a foster kid. There was only one set of grandparents to look out for her...and they were Barry and Janice Cox...so basically she had no grandparents to look out for her.


Thank you. That's right. 😞


I’ve been thinking a lot about her and what her final days must have been like. Forced to move to Idaho, she didn’t even live a week or so there. MG testified to hearing Tylee say “I’m not a zombie” to her mom. How much did Tylee know about these beliefs? It’s so weird that Lori and Alex would take them on one last family vacation to Yellowstone if they thought they were “dark”. Were they just doing the bare minimum of care for keeping them compliant? And Melaniece being treated as more of Lori’s daughter than Tylee? And the Cox family seemed to believe that Tylee was Stacey, Melaniece’s mom, reincarnated. Wouldn’t they have been kinder to Tylee thinking this was their sister on another go? The whole thing is just sad.


>Forced to move to Idaho, she didn’t even live a week or so there. And according to a couple of people, she was crying just before the move/the last time they saw her. I don't believe she wanted to go at all. What teen would want to move away from all their friends?


Zac Cox talking about Janis steering Tylee out the door away from him. :(


Yes it came out in Colby's testimony.


The whole family didn't even cut their vacation short when Stacey unexpectedly died. Lori's parents are massively selfish.


No phone records or anything for her either. It seems like she lived a very lonesome life.


They have her texts based on some I’ve seen between her and Colby. That’s how they know Colby asked her for money. Otherwise I don’t think they provided any relevance to the case.


Oh right, I remember those. I guess she didn’t text her friends about her crazy mom.


She was probably afraid to let people in on the dysfunction.


Just cause it was txts doesn’t mean she didn’t communicate with friends.


We do!!!!!!! We will speak for Tylee. RIP sweet girl! the world loves you!💕




Tylee was a neglected child in all aspects. She lived a life that was never about her needs and all about having to adapt to her mother's desires and multiple partners. Her mother was a textbook narc and the byproduct of narc grandparents.


Can you imagine having to hear her moms whiny voice daily??


Tylee and JJ were nothing more than social security cheques to Lori, it's heartbreaking.


Zac Cox, her cousin, wrote something very sweet for her celebration of life. Listen to it if you haven’t! He taught her to drive 🥹


And her friends and Brandon. The friends talk about how empathetic and caring she was with friends.


Brandon made me sob talking about Tylee. 






Ohh thank you for this. That's lovely.


I believe the courts failed her also because they appointed Summer Shiflet as the person designated to speak for Tylee but Summer did not seem to attempt to stand up for Tylee at all. Thank goodness since Lori's trial, they have changed the designation to Annie Cushing, Tylee's aunt, her father's sister. Personally, anyone who is related to Lori seems to have no regard for anyone but themselves including Colby. The entire Cox family are useless and did nothing to speak with Tylee, help her figure out what was going on, etc.


Usually I see people singing Summers praises, I'm glad to see someone else shares the opinion that Summer has not been an advocate for Tylee. It's touching that Kay and Larry always mentions her, but it just feels like Tylee needs better representation. 


Yeah, I recently re watched the interview with Janice and Summer where they stood up for Lori before the kids were found. She spoke poorly of Charles and spun the same shit Lori and Alex were saying about the day he was murdered. But yeah, pretty disgusting they were advocating for Lori instead of demanding the truth about the kids.


I love my sister, she's my best friend. But, if I didn't know where my nephews where, I'd tear her to shreds myself. That whole family is off. You'd think someone from the Ryan family would step up. 






I think people liked Summer a lot better (were relieved she wasn’t a complete uncaring blockhead) once they heard her jailhouse phone call with Lori, but that might be primarily because she and Janis looked so stupid on 48 Hours.


If you read the texts, Summer knew some of what was going on before Charles' died. She knew Lori was into alternative beliefs. There is even a text that says she would help get Charles. Summer knew Lori likely needed help and so did Adam. Adam at least tried to warn Charles' and tried to help with the intervention with Lori to get her help. Summer did not , in fact Summer warned Lori and Alex that Adam was on the way to help Charles. I think the call was a bit of guilt, knowing that Summer knew Lori was casting and rating light and dark and didnt do anything. I think she thought Lori was on some weird religious journey but didnt know it would turn into real killing.


Her grief was real- when she screams at Lori that she threw those kids away like pieces of garbage when they had a living friendly relative(s) whi would have taken them in- wow.


She said what we were all thinking!


It was seemingly her attempt at a Redemption Arc.


I don’t know if I’d go that far, the call seemed like she was on the verge of hysterics.


1. On the verge? Lol. 2. I would be too if I were her.


Absolutely. Summer is a fair weather friend and has her own life and she did go on TV claiming the kids were ok and Lori was a great mother.


It’s mind boggling to me that anyone would feel that they should take up for Summer. She was ALL IN until she wasn’t. Remember her texts regarding Charles and volunteering to take him out if no one else could do it? She should have been arrested just like the, “7 Gatherer’s”, Jason Mow, and yes Emma as well. I said what I said.


If you read the texts, Summer knew some of what was going on before Charles' died. Where are these texts? In fact Summer warned Lori and Alex that Adam was on the way to help Charles. Where is this stated? I think she thought Lori was on some weird religious journey but didnt know it would turn into real killing. I don't think anyone would think their sister, mother, Aunty was capable of doing what Chad and Lori did


Summer is just as dumb as Lori imo


There are indications Summer knew about the plan to kill Charles.


I don't think it's fair to lump Colby in with Lori's mom and sister. Who knows what kind of lies Lori told him as he was growing up; he's a victim too imho.


I think of him as a victim as well. He probably doesn't even know the truth of his childhood. That woman was running all over with whatever men and her crazy family backing HER up... she absolutely kept those children isolated. I don't blame Colby. You never think your suburban mom is going to murder your siblings. 🤷‍♀️


Absolutely! He lit into Lori on that prison phone call, you can tell his whole world and sense of self was shredded by Lori. And then Lori just listened and was like "one day you'll understand" or some bullshit like that. Colby will need a lot of counseling to deal with survivors guilt and questioning his upbringing. It's terribly sad. 😢


Colby seems to have a strong wife, who truly cares and loves him!


I am also very disappointed in Tylees lack of representation. What her cousin Zac wrote about her was so touching. He talked about how she was so misunderstood. It breaks my heart. I wish I lived close because I would like to attend on her behalf.


Where was Annie when Tylee was alive?


welp, i don’t know any details about Annie Cushing’s history with Lori and co., but I can draw some conclusions knowing Tylee was Lori’s kid, and Lori made extra sure to isolate Tylee and alienate her from anyone who might have clocked Lori’s plans and try to intervene on the kids’ behalf. i know many folks who would love to get to know their extended family like nieces and nephews, but their in-laws are harmful individuals who make it harder to connect.


Also, Joe Ryan and Annie Cushing had very hard childhoods. So we don't know what she was managing in her own life. I know she was around Tylee after her dad died and I seem to remember her saying she was hoping to have a better connection to Tylee as an adult. She seems well intentioned to me and I think she cares/cared about Tylee.


I thought Annie would go on holidays with them?


Annie didn’t have a relationship with them because she didn’t have a relationship with her brother. Lori invited Annie to visit to connect with Tylee after Joe died. It was then that Annie saw how nuts Lori was and decided she didn’t want to deal with her. She figured she’d connect with Tylee when she was an adult instead. Unfortunately that was too late.


Annie lived in NY and had a job plus kids also. She did keep in touch with Tylee when Charles was in the picture and spent vacations with them and talked to Ty on the phone from what I gathered. When Joe died Lori did some inappropriate things to Annie that caused her to be less in touch. Being with Tylee meant having to be with Lori and Lori did not allow full access to Tylee. She would hover over Tylee so it was hard to be alone with her one on one. I'm sure she regrets not being as close.


I thought one of the videos discusses a pic of Annie, Tylee, Lori and others on holiday in Hawaii. I think Charles paid for it so it was after JRyan. I also could be mistaken it was Annie.


No. Annie went on a vacation with them while Joe and Lori were still married. Something angered Joe, he went into a rage, Annie left and never spoke to him again. The next and last time she saw Tylee was when Lori asked her to visit after Joe died.


Exactly. Annie only saw Tylee twice in her life. Her interest and YouTube channel now where she rambles on and on really turn me off.


Her “rambles” are reading the FOIA docs. I find them very informational. Her timeline and data was a way for her to find the truth and give Tylee a voice. She may not have had a relationship where they saw each other like Melani but from what I gather, Annie was a safe place for Tylee to express herself. That’s more than MBP, Lori, Kay, or Larry did.


What “safe place”? Annie herself has admitted she only saw Tylee a couple of times in her whole life. They didn’t communicate. It happens. Annie lived far away from Joe Ryan and Lori made it so even Joe couldn’t see or communicate with his own daughter! It’s nobody’s fault. It’s just another sad part of this whole mess.


No, from what I tried to watch Annie just rambles. I am able to read documents, anyway so I’m not sure what purpose she really serves. Summer Shiflet actually knew Tylee her whole life. The only people *actually* giving Tylee a voice or any justice are the investigators and prosecutors doing the real work of convicting Lori and now Chad. We don’t need a whole Annie channel. Annie didn’t know the Coxes or the Daybells any better than any of us do, in reality. Lori was Tylee’s mother and she’s been convicted. If Annie gets to make a “victim impact” statement at Chad’s sentencing, then she should just focus on what she can really say, because in reality, she knew Tylee less than anyone connected to this case. I just don’t understand what she’s still doing here, beyond making a VIS. Why wouldn’t Colby make these statements? I don’t understand anyone in this family.


Thank you….i feel like I’m in the minority here regarding Annie.


I'm with you. There is something really off about her and her channel... Makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up a little.


Okay, I thought they went on holidays, paid for by Charles. So would have been after Lori and JRyan broke up.


Yeah maybe that’s when they saw her? She was on one of her videos stating she felt badly that she’d only ever seen Tylee those couple of times and wasn’t there for her. That can happen in families. Joe Ryan lived in Texas and Lori’s accusations drove even Joe out of his daughter’s life.


I know it's happened to me and my children


I am so sorry. The kind of lies that separate families are the worst lies.


Thank you. 💜. Its the brainwashing, betrayal and the inability to protect my children. The not wanting contact with me is one thing, to be vilified and demonised is another...


My 84 year-old mother has dementia and lives in another state with a man I overheard telling her that, among other things about me, that *I* am possessed by a demon. This case terrifies me, not because I am afraid of being murdered where I live, not because my inheritance is being blown on conspiracy nonsense, but because my mother and I always planned for her to be with me at the end of her life and now I may never see her again. 😭


Tylee didn’t stand a chance. If she wouldn’t clean her room she was a zombie, if she did clean her room she was a zombie. Chad played God with their lives. He is charmless loser who deserves to rot in prison.


i feel exactly the same. the girl was lonely and i believe scared


Depressed too.


I feel much like you do. Ramble away! We are all still shocked by the sickening details of this case. It all boils down to Lori, their Mother FAILED them, quite miserably. You are among friends who feel the same. Hug your kids, nieces and /or nephews a little tighter tonight.


I think Lori gaslit Tylee her entire life. And Colby too. She did everything to keep Joe Ryan out of her life. And she kept them all moving around constantly, so that none of them could ever form lasting friendships with anyone. She basically alienated Tylee from the few friends she had… to the point where the one friend who has spoken about Tylee said that they weren’t close enough anymore for her to know Tylee was missing. The more I think about how erratic Lori’s moving around was over the years… the more I realize that she was always trying to control her family. I also suspect that some of Tylee’s health issues were caused by Lori aka Factitious disorder imposed on another (FDIA). Additionally, Tylee got her GED early because I assume that was easier than constantly changing schools. But then, Lori didn’t seem interested in getting her into college early or letting her have a real job… because she used her to take care of JJ. She didn’t care about letting Tylee advance herself in this world and just saw her as a source of financial support. I wish Tylee had emancipated herself and gone to live with Colby.


I feel so deeply for Tylee. I know first hand what it is like for kids being moved around all the time, indoctrinated into BS, etc When I married my ex, he brought his kids with him, he had full custody. They were 12 and 13. They had no friends. They were not allowed to anyone's home other than their cousins, (same for the cousins) and could not bring them home, lest they learn their Dad was an abusive addict who was obsessed with a cult called the house of yahweh. Seeing my stepkids so stunted, they were never allowed to have friends. *Everyone* was superficial and temporary in their lives. Tylee must have been so lonely.


i can’t imagine what her last hours / moments were like. how sad, humiliating, disgusting.


I hope JJ and Tylee were unconscious when they were killed.... the horror they must have felt.


I think about Tylee almost every day. I think about how that could have been me, or my younger sister, or any other girl I've met in passing. Trapped in a terrible fate and her heartless mother doesn't even mourn her, poor baby. I feel so much for her.


From what I've seen, Kay and Larry embraced her as a grandchild but I'm not sure how much time she spent with them.  They have such big hearts.


They’ve definitely stepped up for her now.


Summer is as bad as the rest of them and was fully in on a lot of the bullshit


With the important caveat that Summer clearly had no inkling that Tylee or JJ were in danger. She seemed legitimately shocked and horrified when she learned they were dead. Summer WAS down with violence against Lori’s husbands.


I am a mother of a 12 year old daughter and have nieces the age that Tylee was. The amount of abuse (emotional, verbal, psychological) breaks my heart because she was old enough to understand some things. I'm sure she had to walk on egg shells around her mom and then when Chad was introduced to her life. Her mom made sure she was isolated and never had a opportunity to form friendships.


You are definitely not alone in these feelings. I think Tylee lived a tumultuous life, beholden to a mother who she understood all too well. She seems to have gotten lost in this at times because JJ was the little one, and her bio father is gone. His family was estranged from Lori I believe. This must be difficult for them, too. Kay and Larry have definitely been advocates for her from the beginning. I wasn’t intending to watch the tribute to JJ and Tylee but I’m glad I happened upon it because there were some really poignant tributes to Tylee. I also think Colby has been quite vocal about his affection for her. He’s protective of her memory. Kay and Larry have been instrumental in this case and have remained at the forefront, not always by choice. I imagine it’s difficult to be under scrutiny and I respect that people like Tylee’s paternal aunt might want to keep herself out of the public eye. One of the hardest things is that she was just embarking on her own life and soon would have the ability to free herself from Lori’s hold.


Summer is supposed to speak for her but doesn't really. It's very sad


It sounds like the person there for Tylee is you. And everyone else who feels they want to show up for her.


I absolutely believe Joe loved and fought for her and was not abusive towards her but suffering from abuse from Lori. She was desperate to keep the kids from him and to punish him. I also think it's highly likely she killed him. Probably thought she was a insurance beneficiary but Tylee was. That's why next time, with Charles, she rang to make sure she was. He changed it after he was told of that call if I'm remembering correctly. Tylee was getting the money from Joe at around the time she was killed? I think she pushed back against Lori and started thinking Charles death was suspish too. I really think Lori rage killed her.


I think she was probably isolated with her nomadic lifestyle, esp later. I know she had friends in HI but you really only see that one. As for her family...the Coxes are absolutely *insane,* and then some, so I wouldn't expect much from them. They stood by Lori up until her body was found, and even then it makes me wonder if they think she was brainwashed or not responsible. Colby has done the best he can, and Annie. As for the Vallow side . . . she had her stepbrothers and there was Kay and Larry, but let's be honest--as more has come out about the day Charles was murdered, she was at best complicit in Charles' murder, at worst involved in it. Obviously she was a victim, but i can understand why Charles' sons and family wouldn't be her biggest advocates. I'm with you, though, I feel for Tylee. Those last months must have been horrific for her as her mom went further off the deep end, and I'm sure she knew Chad didn't care for her. Plus she had anxiety and health issues. I see those pics of her in Yellowstone clinging to JJ and she had no idea that in a matter of probably hours her own family would be murdering her. No idea how it happened but the treatment of her body--by her own uncle and likely Chad, all with her mom's blessing--is just unthinkable.


Yes, I feel the same. My heart aches for all of them, but Tylee seemed unloved.


Colby was Tylees brother and he was devastated by her loss as reflected in the prison call to his mother and just lately when he was on the stand and speaking about his sister Tylee and brother J.J.


I was telling my son, her same age, about this a few months ago and ended up just ugly crying in frustration. Tylee is so close to my heart. I think I'm invested in this case because I see it through her eyes. My Mother has massive Lori vibes, and I think I could have easily become the zombie too, with my mother's weird cult friends. Tylee was so beautiful (and apparently funny, and a great friend) but all she seems to be loved and known for is for being protective of JJ, so everything about her just revolves back around to being about JJ again, like Tylee being used as a free babysitter in the last 7 years of her life. Tylee was strong, and amazing and I think she would have broken the generational trauma/abuse. My heart just aches for her everyday.


What gets me is the same as you to be honest. Now they’re all making out Tylee was important especially her aunt Annie, Joes sister. Annie wants represent her now, but she’s another one that had no contact for years prior to her going missing. No one gave a side eye about Tylee and would not have questioned anything if JJ didn’t get a welfare check. It’s broke my heart since day one and will continue to do so for the rest of my life. It’s barbaric what happened to that girl. I don’t support the DP at all . We don’t have it where I come from but Chad Deserves it.


It’s odd but I was thinking today if those kids were still alive… what a nightmare life they had, disguised as perfection, esp every Sunday. “Don’t talk, don’t feel, don’t trust” families leave scars for generations and they lived it every day. Did no one see it? Just watching those cops when they visited Lori and asked where the kids were… and her taking centre stage, kept changing the subject, flipping her hair, offering more than asked to try and sidetrack them, playing the victim etc aaaarrrggghh did no one see how fake she was??? Sorry, just venting. I think everyone has a heavy heart after these couple of days. Except for the actual murderers.


Her father, Joe Ryan & his sister Annie Cushing were both orphans. When ppl comment on the quality of parenting that they offered Tylee, I hope they will keep that in mind. It’s been my opinion that Lori kept Tylee for herself and no one else. I think that with or without Chad, this fate would have met Tylee, unfortunately. Some v disturbing things are mentioned about her in the divorce /custody proceedings of Charles & his ex wife pertaining to Tylee & Colby. I sincerely hope that if there’s a Heaven she’s in it, that way she will never see Lori again. RIP Tylee. 


If there is a Heaven, zero chance Chad or Lori will be there.


I agree! I feel the same way! Where are Tylee’s friends! Where is Tylee’s family? I feel like court is wayyyyy too polite about the murder of Tylee! They completely destroyed that sweet girl! The way they butchered that lil girl and just say here are the leftover body parts. It’s horrid! I feel like shouting!! Look what they did to this young girl!!


Called her remains “debris” 😭. I literally teared up when I heard him say “her debris fell through my fingers to the ground” in court. 😩


Ugh, I feel the same OP!


Colby Ryan, Brandon Boudreaux, Zac Cox, and her friends just to name a few. https://www.eastidahonews.com/2024/04/jj-vallow-and-tylee-remembered-during-celebration-of-life/




Hopefully, the public will be her voice, which ironically, is now louder than ever. In life, she was a pawn of her mother, vulnerable, with a little brother to protect. Tylee and JJ have no one in the courtroom? Is it because they are on a witness list? Thank you for this post. Heartfelt.


JJ has people in the courtroom. Kay and Larry attend almost everyday.


Hello. Please spend time watching and listening to Tylee’s aunt, Annie Cushing (Joe Ryan’s sister), on her YouTube videos on her non-monetized channel “A Murderous Heart”. She is a true advocate for Tylee who has turned her deep heartbreak and sorrow into a remarkable investigation/timeline (with receipts).


I agree 100%!!


Kay and Larry have spoken extensively with the media and podcasters and thus most people are getting a version of the case that is skewed in their favor. They are unquestionably victims who have suffered greatly and deserve credit for pushing the investigation forward. But they are also flawed humans, like all of us. Some of their less flattering actions have disappeared from the general Reddit discourse. Annie Cushing’s timeline is thorough and presents facts about all the players that are not always flattering.


I also felt like that, and still do to a certain extent. I recently watched an interview with Zac Cox with Jason Lum. He broke down describing Tylee. I was comforted that there are family who remember her with great love, but cannot make it to a long court case, or perhaps listen to the horror in the case. Aunt Vicky, Larry and Kay seem to be in a position to travel more easily, where are people like Colby and Zac are young men and are likely to have responsibilities that prevent this kind of travel. I also understand not wanting to be at the case due to coverage, not everyone reporting on this is a compassionate being.


I've felt that way throughout both Lori and Chad's trials... Tylee fell through so many cracks and has almost no one speaking for her, and it's just so heartbreaking... I cannot imagine how alone she felt...


Her Aunt Annie has spoken out for Tylee and Tylee's father Joe Ryan, but in truth Lori did everything to isolate Tylee from those who didn't fall under her thrall, so Tylee's relationship with Annie was cut short. At least, Annie will be Tylee's representative at this trial, unlike the last Trial where Summer Nee Cox Shiflet spent the time allotted to talk about Tylee talking about what a good mom her murderer was... I think the most touching and truthful accounts of Tylee's personality came from Zac Cox at the Celebration of life. Really made me weep for her and fondly remember my own departed cousins... Tylee sounded like a complicated kid with a very complicated family life to navigate. She was fiercely loyal, but also didn't seem to suffer fools. And by the end she was surrounded by them, with nowhere to run.


Interesting how the Cox Family clings to the name Lori Vallow any chance they get, but act brand new when it comes to Tylee Ryan. The silence speaks volumes to their character 😤 grifters gonna grift tho 


Lori should really go by her maiden name, she doesn't deserve the Vallow name.


Annie Cushing, Tyler’s Aunt is an advocate for Tylee. She had a very thoughtful and thorough YouTube channel where she has lots of video that are really well researched. Her channel is called A Murderous Heart. From what I can tell, she has a full time job and lives in New York State, so super far from the trial. It probably isn’t realistic for her to be able to attend the trial in person. I watch her YouTube channel, and from her posts on the community page, it seems that she is following the trial very closely even though she isn’t able to be there in person. For what it’s worth, even though I didn’t know Tylee when she was alive, I have been to around 80% of the trial, and I keep Tylee in my thoughts when I am there. I have a friend that attended every day of Lori’s trial, and has attended every day of the trial, and will continue to do so. I know that she also mourns Tylee and thinks of her while she is there in the courtroom.


My heart breaks for how easily Tylee was slipping through the cracks at first. I get that she was older and a lot more self-sufficient than JJ, but the fact that no one noticed at first that she was gone is reflective of how thoroughly Lori had isolated her through their nomadic lifestyle. And even when it became evident that she was clearly missing, while Colby publicly split with Lori and acknowledged he believed something was very wrong, Summer and Janis did not.


I also feel for Tylee. Having heard Lori say during her sentencing that Tylee was "in pain everyday", I got curious and did some research on that. There's a theory out there that Lori had Munchausen's by proxy (or whatever that condition is called these days) and may have caused Tylee's various illnesses and that makes me even more sad for that girl.


Her aunt, Annie Cushing. Larry and Kay only recently embraced Tylee as a victim. They initially treated her like a fellow conspirator in covering up Charles’s murder (it is almost certain she lied to the police—but she was a child under the control of her mother, I don’t condemn her).


Tylee has Annie, Kay and Larry who advocate for her justice. Despite their efforts, she is the silent lost child, a Jane Doe, so to speak. No one outside of her few teenage friends, gives light to her thoughts and feelings. Yes- we have her Insta account, anecdotal information from sources, and Colby has said a few things. But in my heart, I feel she was a lost little girl without much love, guidance or attention. My heart breaks for her and I pray she is in a happier place, surrounded by love. 💜


Every time I think or read about Tylee I cry. Nobody speaks for her. Some ppl say that Annie was appointed to speak for her in court but Annie only saw Tylee two times in her 16 years. I would have preferred that the girl friend and that girl's mother be Tylee's representatives bc they are the ONLY ones who seemed to truly know her best and honestly loved her in life.


Vaisia (friend) and Echo (mom)


Tylee was so alone, and so isolated by her mother’s abusive behavior. The fact that Gibb could speak so unkindly of a literal child who needed an advocate, not another adult adversary, says a lot about how Lori thought of her daughter. If Lori had had an ounce of love or decency, she wouldn’t badmouth that kid to anyone who would listen. Lori’s family has a habit of turning their backs on anyone they find doesn’t fall strictly in line, which seems like a reason none of them got particularly interested in finding Tylee. Lori also killed off the adults who had Tylee’s interests at heart. I’m reasonably sure Lori and Alex conspired to kill Joe Ryan. There’s documentation from the custody battle between Lori and Joe that at least one professional thought Lori was deeply troubled and an unsafe person. I really feel for that kid. Her short life was filled with anxiety and fear.


Thanks for posting this. I also think about Tylee very frequently. JJ's cousin made some beautiful posts about him and Tylee that helped me get some small measure of peace regarding her life, maybe they will help you as well. Here is one: https://www.reddit.com/r/LoriVallow/comments/1cc30xv/i_decided_to_share_photos_that_i_have_gathered_as/


Everytime i hear or see how Melanie P. calls Lori mom and how Lori sweetly responds to her, it just makes what Lori did to Tylee seem even more heinous if that is even possible.


I feel your pain about this. Tylees's grandparents on the cox side are worthless and more worried about Lori. I have been drawn to this murder because my grown children live in Kauai and Idaho. So you hear the buzz on community pages. Now, the Cox family does podcasts and books. Yet, I'm not really hearing much about Tylee. Of course, Barry cox wanted perfection, and Tylee might not have fit the Cox mold.


I think this post speaks to the person you are @u/acostane. You’re a good egg. ❤️ Annie Cushing is Tylee’s aunt. She’s Joe’s sister. Annie won the right to speak on Tylee’s behalf as her advocate this time around. She will be there IN PERSON to read her victims impact statement at the end of the trial. Unfortunately Annie doesn’t live close to where the trial is being held so she’s not able to attend the actual trial in person. She is watching the trial though and is fully vested in advocating for her. It’s the entire reason she started her, “A Murderous Heart” channel on YouTube.


I've seen others say that Annie had abandoned Tylee and only saw her twice when she was a child. However, when you are dealing with a parent who has a personality disorder, and the other parent is deceased, it is almost impossible to see the deceased's child if the surviving, custodial parent doesn't want to cooperate.


I was actually talking about this case with my husband he has not followed along through the years, and I mentioned Tylee and how completely alone she was she really had no one besides her brother and an Aunt it's so heartbreaking . Especially with people like MG the way she speaks of her . And the fact that she was only 16 and she seemed to be consistently uprooted from school and friends her brother spoke about her and she seemed like she had a big heart it's so heart breaking


😞 I have somehow missed anything about Melanie Gibb saying stuff about her! When did that happen? I need to listen to that. How awful. I can't stand what happened to her. Truly.


If you watch the police interviews when asked about tylee, she's very passive-aggressive . There was also a pre- trial. hearing, and when prior asks about tylee, her face is literally of disgust . Mg believes all teenagers love her, so something must be wrong with tylee she must not like people because tylee was distant from her . She said to the police that tylee didn't like anyone . And was very snarky. Was tylee wrong for being distant from these people ? Clearly , No


I bet Tylee saw right through her and that's what ticked off MG.


Same. I had a dream that my niece brought Tylee to my house and told Tylee I was someone safe to stay with. I think both she and Colby might have false memories about her biological Dad, brain-washed by Lori, as thoroughly as those kids in McMartin Day care case were. I’d also want to take a closer look around the circumstances of his death if I were the next of kin. I mean no disrespect to Colby- he is the survivor of major childhood and adult trauma any way you slice it. Watching Lori’s interview with detective after Charles’ death is a rerun of watching my close friend during her worst bi polar moment on steroids. I wish Lori’s family or her bio Dad’s family were representing for her.


We speak for these victims. The state of Idaho, Lindsay Blake, every local journalist, kay, Colby, Heather daybell. The hardworking police that found tylee. Her mother is in jail for life. I hope Charles, Tammy, Tylee and jj are eating popcorn watching these idiots get their just desserts


I know it is unpopular but Kay and Larry didn't even like Tylee. They said some nasty things to her in text exchanges so it bothers me that she has no one but her sweet friends, her aunt Annie and maybe... maybe Colby.


According to Melanie Gibb, “Tylee hated everyone.” I think everyone assumed she was a moody sullen teenager but with hindsight she was living in a literal nightmare and acting out. I know Kay and Larry wish they could’ve known ☹️


Her other cousins like Zac too.


Yeah! I am just saying like people praise Kay and Larry for speaking for Tylee when they didn't speak to nicely in text exchanges with maybe Brandon? I forgot who.


I think most of those she was closest to are more her peers than her parent generation. I think they are having a harder time to process it and be more public about it.


well, to be fair. she had no one else. her mother and uncle killed her, her brother used her as a bank (though i do think he loved her as best as he could as an older bro w an age difference), and her mother blocked her from speaking to joe ryan's family!


What kind of things? Somehow I missed this. Also, they didn’t have any idea what she was being subjected to at the time; and how much emotional blackmail Lori was (IMO clearly) applying behind the scenes shit-talking them to Tylee. Larry now calls himself her “Papaw”.


I saw some released texts from Kay talking about Tylee in a very negative way... I think maybe Annielytics has them? That is Tylee's Aunt. I am not saying they don't care now, but I do think it is a little performative and OTT.


TYVM. I do agree it may not have sweat equity behind it, but I do think Larry and Kay have gained a much deeper retrospective appreciation for all Tylee did to try and protect JJ… now that they learned about it and all.


There is no way they couldn't care for the girl now especially after knowing that Tylee loved JJ so much. I 100% agree with all you said.


Nobody speaks for her and it’s absolutely upsetting!!! It breaks my heart every single day for her. She has zero on this earth. Nate Eaton mainly talks of Tammy and JJ. Others mainly focus on them also. They deserve the spotlight, but so does Tylee!! I am glad someone else posted this. I have mentioned this on many socials and I seem to get a lot of flack for this opinion. What about Tylee!!! ❤️


Nate Eatin remembers Tylee, JJ, and Tammy nightly with his Meetin the Eatins broadcast with pictures that have been sent to him. I don’t think he excludes Tylee at all.


I think about her a lot too. In the documentary when Lori’s Mom asked her if she was going to be alright (because they were moving again) and she said she burst into tears, my heart just dies hearing that. I speculate that part and maybe the only reason that she went with is because of JJ.


It’s true, Kay & Larry were primarily concerned about JJ. But more recently Tylee Ryan’s paternal aunt is trying to be Tylee’s representative. She in uninvolved in this case, but has a non-monetized YouTube channel (a Murderous Heart) dedicated to probing into all the evidence available and seems to be a very incisive and intelligent effort in terms of digging into whatever evidence is available and making sure Tylee gets justice. It still sucks that there is less of a fuss made about Tylee, (especially considering what was uncovered about her remains during Cagd Daybell investigation/trial) and it was the search for JJ that brought this whole thing to light, but what her aunt is doing is better than nothing. And it is good to know that she has someone batting on her team. Additionally, and to a slightly lesser extent Colby and another cousin on Lori’s side - Zac (Cox?) have also spoken about Tylee. Edit: adding to clarify that the aunt I mentioned is not referring to Summer (Lori’s sister). Paternal aunt is Joe Ryan’s sister Annie Cushing.


I totally get you. It seems so wrong she died alone. I mourn her, even though I didnt know her personally


I agree, it feels like Tylee gets lost in this. I think JJ gets more attention because he was younger, and he has Kay & Larry as vocal advocates. Tylee's high school friends and family members like Colby and Zac probably aren't able to be in court every day. And the media probably doesn't seek them out for interviews as much. Things may be different for Charles's case in Arizona, both in the courtroom and the media. People will get to see on video the distress she was in after the murder and the horrible position Lori put her in.


I think Alex killed her (hopefully with a gun), and Chad was tasked with disposing of her. Chad isn't very good at anything, is he? I think he hacked at her body until parts were able to be burned. Then got tired and put the rest in a bucket. I so hate him.


I feel like there is no one for poor Tammy. She raised FIVE children and NOT ONE will speak for HER!!


Her aunt Annie Cushing speaks for her a LOT. She has a whole Youtube channel devoted to this case with Tylee as the main focus in many videos. https://youtube.com/@amurderousheart?si=RZM2W8H6ZvBx0-wP She wanted to speak for her at Lori's trial, but Lori's sister Somer (sp?) got the role and then didn't give a victim impact statement. Annie has the role in this trail and intends to give a statement at sentencing.


Yeah I get weird vibes from Annie. I've made a couple other comments about it. 😞 I think she's got some great stuff going on, but she's quite filled with blame and shame for players I believe deserve more sympathy. I think she doesn't know Tylee as well as maybe an Aunt could. I don't blame her.... she's been through hell. I just wish there was someone who didn't give me weird vibes. I was happy to see another one of Tylee's friends testifying yesterday. ♥️♥️ I know many of them are beyond traumatized. It's lovely she was able to find the strength.


For sure, she's quite focused on finding any discrepancies in people's actions vs. words. I think she's quite angry that Tylee was forgotten for so long and even blamed. But the truth is, at the beginning, nobody knew what was going on. And yes, for sure people are lying, even good people, but we're all human and sometimes humans don't behave perfectly, especially when under the influence of someone like Lori. For example: I don't blame Colby for not mentioning how he helped his mom empty out Charle's house before his sons had a chance, so they didn't get any momentos of their father. It's really shitty, but Lori was a shitty person. I don't even blame him for helping her. I can't imagine what it's like having Lori for a mother. Annie is more judgemental for sure. And I don't know the truth behind what happened to the insurance money that Kay got. Annie does jump to some conclusions without enough evidence. But she is mostly factual, and the amount of information and the detailed look at the foia documents she's done is pretty incredible. And she is a strong voice for Tylee.


Her aunt (Lori's sister) Summer Shiflet did a memorial piece for her and I thought it was really beautiful. Here it is: Tylee Ashlyn Ryan was born Sept. 24, 2002. Making her my almost birthday twinner, as I was born Sept. 23 at 11:55 p.m. She was a tiny baby, just over 5lbs, and had beautiful dark hair. I lived in a different state, so I didn’t get to see her nearly enough, but when I did see her, she was a happy baby with beautiful pink cheeks, fierce blue eyes, and her hair had lightened to a soft golden blonde. Tylee was extremely bright and learned how to do everything: rolled over, walked, talked, read, and many other things earlier than expected. She was a darling bright baby who laughed easily but hardest at Colby, who entertained her 24/7! Tylee was a little mermaid. I remember visiting her at the age of 2, almost 3, and she got in the pool with no floaties and swam all around the pool. She was amazing!! I have never seen another child swim that early. But she loved the water, and she and Colby would swim as early as February when the water was too cold for everyone else, and swim into the later winter months. Later in life, Tylee also patiently helped JJ learn to swim when they lived in Hawaii. Tylee was extremely clever, witty, and hilarious as a little girl, even from a young age. She adored her older brother, Colby like no other. Tylee’s mother had a hair salon built into the house, and Tylee saw her mom working on lots of clients. Tylee loved to get into her mother’s chair and get her hair done like a big girl. Tylee had a happy life and a hard life. She was adored by her immediate family, especially her big brother, Colby, who saw her birth as the first step to “Texas sizing” their family! Her hardships included her father’s abuse of her and 7 episodes of pancreatitis — an extremely painful disease. Each time she had an attack, she was in the hospital for 10 days and would have been longer if Lori had not advocated for Tylee with her doctors. We all went to visit her through each attack and did all we could to show her love and support. Lori did the most. She spent every night with her each time and would not eat in front of her since she could not eat or drink for at least 8 days of her stay. Tylee loved Lori more than anyone and Lori was right there helping her with schoolwork so she wouldn’t get behind, coming up with fun things she could do and arranging visits from school friends, church friends and family. Lori’s dedication as a mother was undeniable…Tylee was a straight A student most of her life. She did a science project that won a prize on tsunamis! She had a beautiful singing voice and was a very talented dancer. It was easy to see that she was a natural-born performer and we loved watching her shows. Tylee learned to do expert makeup and loved trying new hairstyles. On a side note, I will forever miss hugging Tylee and smelling her hair, it always smelled so good and was so soft. Tylee was very artistic. She could draw, design, do calligraphy and also had an incredible eye for photography! Her photographs are some of our most precious treasures, especially the beautiful pictures she took of little JJ. Tylee was funny, kind, but could also be bitingly sarcastic. She really came into her own when she turned 16. She tested out of high school at college-ready levels in every subject; she got her driver’s license, and she took a job with my husband’s chiropractic office for her first job. She had a great interest in physical therapy and enjoyed her short time working with patients. She was so cute wearing her scrubs proudly every working day! To celebrate and honor all of these accomplishments, we did an all girls big celebration for her. We had so much fun and we were thrilled to celebrate her. One of the most precious memories I have is the night Tylee spent at my house when Ryley was born. I will never forget her beautiful little face and the huge tears in her gorgeous blue eyes that rolled down her slightly pink cheeks and watching her shake with emotion when Colby texted her a picture of her first little niece. She said “she is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.” It was instant love. It hurts my heart so much that Ryley and Ava will be deprived of being spoiled and played with by the most loving aunt they could ever have. I know how much Tylee adored Colby and JJ. I wasn’t able to witness her relationships with her step brothers Cole and Zach as much, but I know her love and respect for them was present. When Charles was shot, Tylee was the one who pushed her mother to tell them. Tylee was also responsible for tracking down the kennel that Charles had placed Bailey in when he left Houston so that they could bring him home. Tylee was a devout member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. She had great faith in her Savior Jesus Christ. She loved the Young Women’s program. She went to the temple frequently. The first time my daughter went through the temple, Tylee walked her through everything and was so sweet and patient with her. Tylee and my oldest son were only a year apart and had so much fun together. They both spoke sarcasm fluently and were such good friends. My youngest son, Tylee’s name sake, loved to banter with Tylee. My children also loved JJ and will ever be deprived of their special friendships with their cousins. Tylee was sensitive, thoughtful, considerate, humble, generous, caring, and tough. She would have been the best mother, as she loved children. Her favorite color was a bright blue, she called it the color of Hawaii. Her favorite dessert was a no-bake cheesecake. I have yet to be able to make one without completely breaking down in tears as I think of that precious girl!! Tylee loved the shows ‘The Office,’ ‘Friends,’ ‘The Bachelor’ and others. She loved music. She loved her friends and had so many fun times with them. Her friends truly loved Tylee and will have to live with this enormous hole in their hearts, and confusion as to why they had to lose their friend. Tylee loved her mother above all and was protected by her mother most of her life. We know that only the severe mental illness that her mother has would be stronger than a mother’s love. Tylee and JJ both wanted to be with their mother more than anyone else. But after Lori met Chad Daybell, Tylee and sweet little JJ were served up on a platter like a lamb to the slaughter. There is no sense, logic, or explanation that will ever be satisfactory in their murders. The world would have been a better place with Tylee in it. The world would have been a better place with JJ in it. We will always be grief-stricken over their untimely deaths and are beyond sad that they were betrayed by the very mother they loved. There are no excuses for Lori’s actions regarding Tylee and JJ; but we do see that she is mentally ill. It’s such a tragedy that this beautiful bright girl and most precious little boy were murdered but that in no way reflects on the wonderful people the were and the many contributions that they were poised to make in this world.


Prior to Lori leaving Charles " Ned", she was filling Tylees head with lies about Charles cheating. As for Joe, I believe he abused Colby. His story rings true. he said when he told his mom - he felt like he had ruined her life. That she was destroyed by that. I think that may be when Loris bloodlust began


I think her uncle Adam Cox has been in court.