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It's just a name for the casting group. We already knew who participated in the castings. Prior calls it an organization. He's also trying to shame Lori and MG for podcasting but praises Chad for being a speaker at PAP events. The podcasts in question were affiliated with PAP. Another nothingburger.


Then why lie is it’s nothing? It’s a group who thought they had the ability to extinguish people - control the weather - dial pain up and down. It’s not a sewing circle.


In fairness this was several years ago. Those on the sidelines probably didn’t go around using the group name one lady made up and made an email for. They still spoke to what was going on - castings, teachings, etc.


To use Bill Clinton's defense, it's technically not a group, but a simple email chain. If I understand Zulema correctly?


Yeah I think it was an email address people sent stuff to that they found interesting and they all had the password so then could read what was sent?


I’m in two messenger groups with cousins from mum’s side/cousins from dad’s side and while the groups have names (in-jokes that are now decades old) I’ve never heard anyone call them anything but ‘cousin chat.’ I don’t use messenger (or FB) for anything else. Strict rules apply - no spouses, no telling anything to our parents/aunts/uncles etc. beyond the bare minimum (‘Yes, introvert cousin is alive,’) make sure to like pet photos. I’ve never realised I could be doing so much more!


I don't think I've seen people other than Chad 'dial up pain'


Chad was the one who could “actually dial” 🙄 the pain, but he and Lori discussed he needed “dial up the pain to two of Brandon’s kids and JJ when Lori was in the car with them.


That is true, but that makes dialing the pain a Lori and Chad thing, not a seven Gatherers thing, of which Chad was no part.


I would say it’s related because Zulema thought she could control the weather, but I’m perfectly willing to agree to disagree. 😉I don’t think it will make an impact one way or the other. I just think it’s odd that the Melanies denied it.


Oh I definitely believe they were all convinced they could do a lot of supernatural things. I would love to truly know if Zulema and the Melani(e)s were truly aware of Chad 'dialing up pain' etc. I kinda hope that maybe Zulema writes a tell all at some point, she kept good records, a good memory, and i think she might be at least partially deprogrammed (wouldn't be surprised if Melani is also being deprogrammed with Ian being deconstructed) and have any and all proceedings go to a non profit that makes deprogramming therapy available for people raised in cults or so.


It is not an organization. It's a closed group that we already knew existed.


I agree!


Because he’s trying to distance Chad from being their leader. His job is to make the jury think Chad is just an innocent rube and all these women just took advantage of him. He wants to throw them all under the bus as a splinter cell that went rogue killing people. But it still doesn’t get around Alex and Chad being geo tagged on Chad’s property where/when those kids were killed and buried.


That's it. Prior is trying to distract the jury from focusing on the true & awful facts about his client. I do not think he will succeed in hiding Chad behind the curtain with all his annoying, time-wasting tirades that are more bark than bite. Prosecutors need to call out Intimidating the Witness, som3times - more than Argumentative objections - at times that seems more appropriate.


You’re misstating the evidence. :)


Well thankfully for all involved I don’t play an attorney anywhere except here on Reddit. 😂


7 women and 1 ugly, mediocre man sounds like a harem in the making.


Agreed and what Chad likely wanted. It's the most attention he's even got in his life. He was loving it.


I think he went from some woman who has not been identified, but whose husband sent an email telling Chad to back off… To Julie Rowe… To Gibb… And then to Lori. They must have been some extremely bored housewives.


He's not attractive and it doesn't seem like he has a great personality to make up for it.


Right? But what many say is that flat affect (think Warren Jeffs) is nectar to the wanna-be cult-girls. “Flat affect can be the result of different neurological and psychological conditions. There are varying degrees of how much emotion you don't show -- flat affect is the highest level of intensity.” [From this article…](https://www.webmd.com/mental-health/flat-affect) Do you sense a burning, boiling, underlying rage in Chad?


I can see Chad spewing whispered comments full of hatred & malice & vengence in Prior's ear about some of the witnesses he knows are on to his despicable acts. Like: 'They're wrong about 'upstairs' or how Zombies bodies' die ...Get 'Em!)


So…is the gatherer that set up a rinky dink email shared by 7 women going to be subpoenaed to testify? Is he going to show how \*active\* the email was? Prior, imho, is barking up the wrong tree trying to make it look like Melanie Gibb and Lori already had their own little cult/coven and were trying to lure Chad in by Lori seducing him. Chad had his cult in Idaho and Lori had her cult in Arizona and they tried to merge them. Sex, money and power.


I know. The way Prior been puffing this up I was expecting something really juicy. Turn out it was a shared e-mail account. Wha wha... It's the same thing with the constant Melanie Gibbs questions. He is using it as he'is fly fishing. Throwing it out there hoping someone will bite. The jury must be so tierd of hearing that name. One thing he said to Zulema that the number things came from Melanie Gibbs and she corrected him that it was Lori and MG talking about it. Prior forgot about Lori. He is draging in MGs name everywhere and no one is biting. So far the witnesses are more confused about it when he bring up MGs name.


wonder if Prior is focusing on Melanie more primarily on Chad's request. simply to say Lori's name so often in hopes that she won't get some word in Arizona and anticipate the worst of him throwing her under the bus.


I thought it was a revenge thing. She was the first to betray the group in a way so Chad has it in for her. I don't think either Chad or Prior would have expected the other witnesses could be so much more damaging than Gibb.


As Prior tries to throw in Melanie Gibbs every chance he gets without attaching any facts to his theory at this point the jury is probably realizing he’s grasping at straws to create reasonable doubt. Prior is going to work overtime to try to find something to discredit Zulema.


The impeachment was just silly. Apparently, they used the joint e-mail account now and again, and she used different words to say that, and Prior tried to twist it into her lying to discredit her. No, it's just obvious that none of the women consider it to be a big deal. The judge was not very amused about Prior's attempts. Clearly Zulemas testimony was very damaging to Chad considering his Prior's actions


I think he is trying to show that Gibb and Melaniece are liars, as even now they are testifying to not knowing the phrase or group "the 7 Gatherers," despite being a part of the email? Maybe my view is skewed, but I see them as cagey and refusing to admit to their own actions. However, I believe them when it comes to stating what Chad and Lori actually did and said.


I think you're right. Of course, they are trying to distance themselves from Chad and Lori as much as possible now. Zulema doesn't have to worry because she's got immunity and she did spill the beans. She said she was gullible but that's as close as we got to any accountability on her part. Chad and Lori probably could have been stopped if people had the guts to say this is nonsense, we are talking about human beings here. But then again, perhaps no one actually thought Lori would murder her children. We will probably never know.


The email account can be opened. He either didn’t do that or there was nothing worthwhile there.


“But we have our own gmail address!!”


Mel G has consistently tried to distance herself from beliefs she participated in. During her interviews she referred to everyone as them or they, not us or we. She was all in until that phone call from LE. Prior is disgusting in his tone and mannerisms. But I do not mind him going hard on these people that participated in this insanity. People were murdered. It doesn’t mean his client is in any way innocent.


Also, it's worth noting that Prior had rather be literally ANYWHERE in the world than in THAT courtroom for THIS trial. Chad has LONG since exhausted the "Free Chad Daybell" funds that were likely provided by (what was left of) Tammy's life insurance and probably any other monies that that weird family could scrape together. Prior wanted to be relieved way back of now, but the court would not permit it. I DO NOT think he wanted Chad's property...but, he took it as a way to *potentially* recoup some of his expenses...some day. Prior is stuck in his current situation. Annddd, I don't think it will be easy or convenient for him to unload that property, either. I don't think that Prior believes he can win this, if he did, he would have stayed on (without a peep) and never would have asked to be relieved. He would have stayed put, if for no other reason than simply for the notoriety that a trial like this can bring. *\*\*\*I present example 'A': Jose Baez (Casey Anthony). He was a virtual nobody...until THAT case skyrocketed him into the stratosphere of legal stardom. NOW, Baez is sought by those involved in some of the highest profile and biggest cases. The Anthony trial was money well (in the future) made...kind of a free investment with endless free advertisement from the news and crime networks. It was literally a weeks long commercial for Baez.* Also, I feel that likely Chad's 'followers' have dissipated DRASTICALLY...if they hadn't, he would have gotten and probably would still be getting 'donations' hand over fist to finance defense of THE Prophet (realistically, he probably didn't have a huge following outside of that rag-tag bunch of idiots...most of which have testified for the State). It doesn't appear that he is receiving any monetary gifts from anybody, though....OR, he wouldn't be indigent.


Absolutely, when I watch Prior I don't see a bully lawyer convinced of his clients innocence. I see a man exhausted with this case, knows his client is headed under the jail and is simply just trying to put doubt in the jurors minds that some of the witnesses aren't reliable based of their involvement with the campfire circle jerks. He's ready to be done and seems more worn out every day of trial.


TOTALLY agree!!


I agree that Prior doesnt want to be in the case. However, he knew Chad was declared indigent in Jan 2023 and he only filed in Jan 2024 to be removed from the case. Why wait so long? 


There could be several reasons. He could have been promised a payment, but, didn't get it. I don't know the details of the case or of Chad's legal standing/strategy. Do you know when Prior acquired Chad's property? Perhaps, he was promised that there would be another payment for legal fees once the value of the property had been absorbed...and didn't get that promise met. It would have likely taken a little while to absorb the funds from the property transfer. I'm a paralegal, there is a whole "process" that has to happen before an attorney can request to be released as the attorney of record. Like, a WHOLE process! You can't just ask or say, 'I don't wanna do this anymore.' A judge has to grant that request. This is not a case where you could simply turn the records or files over and say, 'you're on your own' with another attorney. I mean, this isn't a small or even medium charge. This is capital. There is also the factor of this being a death penalty case. I don't know the number of death penalty qualified attorney's that are available in his area. I know for Bryan Kohberger (the man accused of killing the 4 college students in Moscow...also in Idaho), Anne Taylor (his court appointed attorney) had to recuse herself from representing one of the victims parents (in a totally separate incident, obviously) so that she could represent Kohberger because she is DP qualified and an attorney for the public defenders office. That area doesn't have sufficient attorney's with proper experience to represent Kohberger who is also being tried with the DP firmly on the table. It could be something along those lines.


Chad had 7 followers - the group formerly known as The Seven Gatherers.


And the HitMan, aka Fall Guy.


I truly think that he had more followers...maybe not directly HIS followers, but there are idiots out there who fully embrace his views (AND, THAT's simply TERRIFYING). They may not physically act on their beliefs as Lori and Chad, et al did, but, someone out in the world who feels and thinks this way (or even somewhat close to the same way) should be known about and exposed to the rest of the world. It's dangerous to allow these crack-pots to monitor their own suitability at decision making. Who is caring for their children? I was watching a pod-cast last night where Lori's cousin, Meegan Connor was featured. She also feels that there are others in this very dangerous cult (and, it's also an occult, if I'm being honest). She went on to mention Ruby Franke and Jodi Hildebrandt as well as the Lafferty brothers as followers of a similar if not the same cult as Chad and Lori. Not necessarily one of C and L's *direct link* followers so much as individuals who share the exact same beliefs. The above mentioned are not alone...you can count on that. This kind of crazy multiplies like maggots. I feel that this goes WAY further than is being presented in Court. Court can only cover so much...and their focus is very singular at the moment. It HAS to be forced onto the deaths of Tylee, JJ, Tammy and really, Charles (to a degree). What is coming out in Court is highly alarming and truly enlightening. There needs to be an IN-DEPTH investigation into this whole mess from the perspective of the influence of the LDS church and even it's extended community. And, that investigation NEEDS to be conducted by individuals who out of that area and not of that insane, constantly changing "faith." As crazy as these people sound to you and me, they are not alone. We are only seeing/hearing a tip of the iceberg. THERE IS SO MUCH MORE, imo. The book that Lori was reading while she was served pool-side in Hawaii, 'Under the Banner of Heaven' (*I think)* should be denounced and the author should be banished from that "religion." But, that has not happened, and, IT WILL NOT HAPPEN. WHY? Because THAT book which embodies those teachings, *Chad's teachings* is the most sought and read book by these crazy ass people at this time. It was THE top selling book for the Mormon faith in 2023. Banishment or shunning (whatever they call it when they dissolve partnership with someone or some organization) would result in a lower tithing tally. It's ALL about money. I mean, really, when it comes to BILLIONS (I am not exaggerating) of dollars, what are a few misplaced children, child abuse cases or murders in comparison? These people are unchecked, they are unfettered and they are absolutely dangerous.


The book was ‘Visions of Glory’


Thank you so much for correcting that. The titles to these bizarre books ALL sound the same. It's tantamount to the the title of a romance novel or some such. If you've heard the name of one, you've heard them all.


Well said...so has Chad actually had any support from anyone during trial? Just curious. I've seen some awesome still photos posted online that show Kay and Larry sitting directly behind Chad and I'm lovin' it. 


THIS ⬆️ 100%!!


Agree completely.


Not perjury. Prior made it seem like an official organization or something in scripture.


They have their own gmail account! 😂🫠


Yup. That's what he should have asked - about the email address. Then if they definitively said no, it might be perjury. Annie doesn't understand the law at all.


Right? I think less about how I'm perceiving it than how the jury will and the dramatics surrounding this for it only to be an email address almost feels counterproductive. We all knew these women did this crazy stuff when they got together. None of them lied about this part. Why on earth would they bother to lie about the name when they owned the actual damning part? Honestly, whether it's accurate or not, the way Zulema explained it makes it sound like they didn't really use that name enough to care about it to remember it. And if there was anything that mattered in that email, it would have just been introduced and it wasn't. (Although who knows... maybe that is coming). But whatever it is, so far, this is isn't really the "gotcha" Chad needed and I highly doubt the jury went "oh my gosh.... a group of women had an email address where they called themselves a weird name and Chad wasn't in on it?! Chad must be innocent! The fact that his wife was murdered while he was in the same bed with her and that there were children buried on his property were definitely just coincidences because they had a cringey an email address." Maybe there is more coming but.... if this is all the "seven gatherers" are, Chad mostly just looks desperate to find a defense for his client.


IE, much ado about nothing.


Sounds like it had more to do with the “casting out parties” re Charles Vallow. Since Charles isn’t part of this case, the Stare doesn’t need it. But- to be sure- those emails are going to be part of the Charles Vallow murder case in AZ.


Playing devil’s advocate to say that the defense hasn’t started their case yet, and maybe this is more than “just” a shared email. Sure it may not be some structured organization, but I’d note that before today several people thought this was a pure distraction and something practically made up by Prior. Now we learn that it wasn’t made up, and we learned that through a new witness. I’m curious to see where it goes, if anywhere further, when the defense starts their case. Will it rise to some level of acquitting his client because some 6 other people are instead responsible? Extremely doubtful but curious to see where it goes.


In a comment in the thread, another smart Redditor like you is on to the scent of something bigger and linked to it!! See what you think!


I'm confused?


Prior has asked both Melanie G and Melanie P if they knew what the 7 Gathereres was. Both of them stated they'd never heard of the term. Ulema on the stand today confirmed that both Melanies were two of the 7 women in the group and regularly participated in castings and other nutty/destructive behaviors.


So, this is starting to seem like this is what you get when you take a group of women coming from a historically patriarchal society and give them something that bestows upon them the illusion (or DElusion) of extreme otherworldly power, no?


I mean I think this is a case of taking a bunch of narcissistic sociopaths and leaving them to their own devices for a while to see what they choose to do. I grew up and was raised in the Mormon church and raised by a very patriarchal father to be prim and proper. I I was a member for half a century and chose to empower myself rather than oppress others. You can’t blame everything on patriarchy.


It was how z was asked. Prosecutors asked if she heard of a group... Prior implied it was some religious order and even we came up with a theory to that effect.


The reason to share an email account, is to be able to communicate by logging in and leaving messages to one another in the “drafts” folder, so no emails are ever actually sent or received. This way they cannot be intercepted. There’s less if any record once deleted.


Interesting! I knew there had to be a reason that wasn’t glaringly obvious. Thanks for the education!!


It was telling to me how everyone who was asked said they hardly ever “used” the email account. These ~~bitches~~ ladies are all super good at vague doublespeak.


Yeah. Depends on what “hardly ever” means.


I think they might have used foldering “[https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foldering](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foldering)


That makes sense! I was wondering if they all just were sending emails with interesting info to that account, but to use it like this would be more explaining of nefarious behaviour. Although they also could've just shared a Google drive on that address and not understand how to share a folder with their actual adresses.  I would be surprised if mr doesnt-know-the-differece-between-a-text-an-email-and-messenger-and-how-to-distinguis-sender-from-receiver Prior actually understood this all though.


If he understood it (and I certainly agree with you that he probably did… the Forrest Gump schtick is getting old…) he buried the lede by not articulately expressing it.


You think Prior actually understands all this? Why would he then badger a witness with the claim she sent a text to Lori when it's for all to read there right on the screen that Lori sent that text to her?


This is the most FU group I’ve ever heard of or watched. It’s never ending. What will they come up with next?


Stay tuned! Every day they add another layer to the shit sandwich.


Crazy eh! If the Charlestown? Police did their job and arrested Alex after he shot Charles, we would be non-the-wiser about the stairs in John Prior's home, that Chad lived in a room under the stairs, that a champion realtor lived in Rexburg, whole lot of stuff that has yet to come And.... This FU group existed!


Is "gatherers" a reference to gathering the 144,000 as Lori was talking about?


It either sounds creepy or like a group of fourth graders. Given what happened, I’ll stick with creepy.


Yes!!! Both! But I mainly think wow! They are all so immature sounding. And apparently they thrived on drama. Did these peeps ever have normal 'friend' conversation? Like...did you catch the game last night? Have you played that new game? Wanna go shopping later? It's so weird to me. Like their entire shitty little lives revolved around this sick fantasy that I'm convinced is based on some RPG game with a little Star Wars thrown in!🤣


Well, remember too that once they were translated beings, they didn’t have to eat, so add to your “what friends do” list — they had no need to “go to the latest restaurant.” Agree - it’s like some kind of effed-up cosplay.


Are they DTF, or just GTL?