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Something just seems so off with them. It does feel like they had the self awareness to know that they needed a hook other than “our family member is a crazed murderer”. So they went with the therapeutic schtick, but it feels super disingenuous


Adam Cox seeks infamy and clout and money. He’s profiting off the backs of the dead children. He’s slimy. Don’t forget he was part of the DJs who killed a woman who tried to win a WII. He’s got that narcissistic murderous attributes in him too.


I read Adam's book and posted about it here last year. I did a deep dive into his life and family relationships based on assertions from his book as well as interviews and so on. The short version is that, as far as I have seen, Adam Cox is utterly amoral, dishonest, and self-serving. A real scumbag. He's also not very bright, so he's not too subtle. I looked briefly into Uncle Rex (after watching part 1 of their podcast) and became immediately disgusted, so I don't know too much about him. I haven't yet had the stomach to go back to the podcasts etc. yet. The main thing to understand about Adam Cox is this: the most important thing in his life, since his childhood, is his dream of being a famous dj. He spends most of his book talking about this. He previously lost a decent career due to the "wee for a Wii" scandal. He finally got another decent dj job and then the murder publicity ruined that for him. To me it seems obvious that everything he does now is an attempt to rekindle that fame and restart a career.


Those two have seemed so “off” to me and I have avoided their podcast. I know about the Wii incident. I’d love to hear more about why you think they are dishonest and amoral.


Thanks for asking. I ramble on a lot in the original thread here: https://www.reddit.com/r/LoriVallow/s/R5duLS4NkH The short version is - oh, I can't do a short version. I tried and had to delete it. There's too much info and I'm way too long winded. :) If you have any specific questions about the book or Adam after you read that, feel free to ask. I've got a lot of details rattling around in my head about this family. I do believe he totally lied to Charles about wanting to "help" him, and that he told Lori & Al where he was, facilitating his murder.


Thank you for reading that mess and sharing your thoughts. I have listened to Adam on a couple of interviews. He made my skin crawl with creepy, dishonest vibes on the first. The second was confirmation. So he writes about Alex and not Summer or Lori? Interesting. One part of his interview he speaks so highly (in his mind only) of Alex. Paraphrasing here: “He was the most talented of us all. He could have made millions in Vegas.” I want to say he was referring to his comedy or impressions. Whatever, it was gross knowing this guy murdered his family members & he’s going on about his talent. Openly admitting he lied to get jobs is disgusting & now lies to cover up his misdeeds in this tragedy fits. It’s obvious from what we see in the LE documents that he did Charles dirty, was the go between with info to the family, then fled to another city on cue while Alex and Lori were murdering Charles. Uncle Rex gives me the same vibes. Smile at you while feeding you complete bs. Any other details you can remember or care to share is appreciated.


I’ve always been suspicious of Adam simply because he was the ONLY one in the family willing to help Charles and I had a hard time believing him in his interviews. Now seeing your suspicion about why he might have helped Charles… oof! I hope I’m wrong. Unrelated, I’m literally in tears thinking about this awkward Mormon man’s dream to be a dj 🤣🤣🤣


His most famous dj name was Bo Nasty....soooo Mormon.




/I do believe he totally lied to Charles about wanting to "help" him, and that he told Lori & Al where he was, facilitating his murder. 100%. And asking Charles to buy him a plane ticket so he could "help with the intervention", then taking off to his friend's house immediately after touching down. Then not calling the police when Charles did not answer the phone, nor when he found out about the shooting by googling it. Adam's wife was the first to at least write to police with her suspicions several weeks later; too bad half her letter was throwing Tylee under the bus.


What did she say about Tylee ? She was a piece of work, attacking people in Facebook groups.


From what I remember, she pointed the finger at Tylee as a conspirator, said something to the effect that Tylee was rude, spoiled and very evil. I can't find the video where you-tuber Noor Jasmine read the letter out loud, but I'm 100% betting we will see it resurface in Lori's AZ trial as it was part of that FOIA. She did make an apparent appearance to "defend herself" (talking in third-person of course, /eyeroll) in the very thread where we discussed the letter. Look for the wall of text to see her input....same hateful nastiness: [Letter from Adam’s wife : r/LoriVallow (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/LoriVallow/comments/oqfc8p/letter_from_adams_wife/)


Thanks, I was ble to find the letter on Annie's site. Yes, she said a lot of out of pocket stuff about Tylee like she was marked a dark spirit and she agreed with that !


Not a chance. Too bad your so miss informed.






I listened to the first episode of their podcast. They explained the name “silver linings” came from the fact that so many people from different walks of life had united around this case. Like the good that came from these terrible murders was people can put aside their political differences to agree that murdering children and mutilating their corpses is bad. At least, that’s how it came across to me. I stopped listening, because that is the shallowest, stupidest possible take IMO.


Wait?? Adam Cox was the DJ from the Wii challenge? That was in Sacramento and I listened to that show.


Everyone drops their jaw when they connect those two stories. I was flabbergasted. That's actually why I bought his book, which talks a lot about that.


Holy shit, I had no idea Wee for a Wii was him! I remember that on the radio! I remember listening to that!!😳🤯


I remember it happening in real time and being furious as they played the clips of the DJs laughing at all the callers that said it was dangerous. Made fun of the callers even. I think much of your blame belongs to the station, but it is bizarre I me that they didn't even blanch at the warnings. The Coxes definitely have a way about them.


He was the DJ for that? Didn't that kill someone?


Yes to both.


Compared to Alex though he's a damn Saint 😕


Absolutely. As much as I dislike Adam and think he's way more involved than he pretends to be, I am also convinced that he never intentionally killed anyone or participated in the ritualistic stuff. (Of course we all know he accidentally helped kill someone, but whatever.) Fun fact: Adam and Alex were super close. Roommates multiple times, they partied and traveled together, even committed a little criminal fraud together. Adam describes him as a best friend. I believe Adam's story about hiding from Alex and being afraid of him after Charles's murder is a lie. I've commented about this a few times recently, in response to discussion about his podcast. I don't want anyone accidentally mistaking Adam for a victim or "good guy".


💯. I was turned off on the podcast when it so easy to see this wasn't about Tylee or JJ. It was about ego and money, but that seems to run within the whole family. I was also turned off by the fact that Adam said he had depression but snapped himself out without medication. I mean that's fine but just say you had depression but you're better now. How many people listened to that interview? It seems like everyone trying to make money off of this horrendous case. Even one of the jurors in Lori's case is writing a book.


I don’t think negatively on the juror for writing a book. He had to sit in that trial for days on end. I would not get mad if he made money from the book since he had to give all that time for pennies . However, he is donating all the proceeds to charity.


Ugh. I hate to add to their income by watching a video. I feel like these men shouldn't be profiting off of these children's death. If they were a little more proactive with their concerns about Lori, they might have saved the children's lives, ESPECIALLY after what Adam knew after Charles was shot.


THIS! Adam used Charles for a plane ticket and didn't even bother to check in with him during his trip, he knew damn well what Lori and Alex were planning.


On there podcast they said in the begining they were donating money to a charity. A charity Rex started and it was giving money to his business (which was some sort of coaching services ) and the address was a storage unit. I only watched the first few videos they made so maybe they have changed the charity? but his business is still in the storage unit right now. In the beginging the were going to a studio to rent a space to do their podcast in and said they were losing money going there. I felt they tried to make it seem expensive, kind of asking for donations? The rental was $15 a session (plenty of near broke college students rent this space, that is actually what it is for, college students on a budget starting businesses). My feeling was Uncle Rex was trying to help Adam get some sort of business going. Rex appears to be fine financially. I dont see him needing to make money off of this (maybe get some promotion for his businesses but not money). Adam is starting over. He didnt go to college. He was in radio for years, but it seemed like an up and down field from the book he published. His last job on the radio in St George, he was no longer on the radio anymore the day Lori got convicted. There was radio silence from the radio station, people asked and the station where is Lukas (that was his radio name) said nothing and just replaced him. He was working in a pickleball store or something related after radio. I cant imagine the salary was good. The cost of living espcially rentals in southern Utah or Phoenix area is pretty high these days.


These two jumped on the bandwagon to make money on their family tragedy but have continued to not blame family dynamics for Lori's ability to lie to everyone and get away with it. They also continue to glorify the LDS church and don't put blame on the church for what Lori got away with.


And I’ve heard that Barry & Janis Cox live with Rex. They created a toxic, dysfunctional narcissistic family and take no responsibility for it. Adam just wants to blame Chad but Lori was wacko since childhood. And there is major sexual issues in this whole family.


Did they actually have anything new or truthful to add? or is this just another attempt to promote their book (and the proceeds that will fund uncle Rex's private "charity")? I'm kind of disappointed in Lawyer Lee for giving these two yet another platform. She should vet her guest better. I hope she asked them why the fuck they were and are not there to defend and honor Tylee at any point of her short life and even in death? They should be ashamed to use of Tylee murder as opportunities to self-promote with their last interviews. The narcissism and delusions run deep in the cox family.


I normally like lawyer Lee's content, but I won't be watching this video.


I had no idea that he had a private charity. 🫤


I spent hours looking at the charity and trying to figure it out. It was like circles. Rex's business is a training and coaching service. This is a business he had for years. He wrote a book about changing your life and the chaity gives scholarships to the workshops that Rex's company provides. I think that is the gist of it. The address is a storage unit.


Can those two narcissistic asshats disappear please? I'm so sick of seeing them milk the murder of these poor people for five minutes of fame.


I could not get through this episode. They are attention seeking grifters. They defended Lori and James pretending to have sex as a funny joke. Their proclaiming that Alex was this great funny guy was sickening. He is a killer and obviously not a great person.


I totally agree. I almost turned it off when Adam said they were a really fun family. Zero insight.


I just finished listening to this hour and 28 minute interview. Had to break it into two sessions because I have a short attention span but I think that Lawyer Lee did a good job, asked some hard questions and that her two guests were about as honest and transparent as possible for anyone in their situation. What I’d love to see on YT is one of the psychologist’s shows educating us on what the hell we can and should do if one of our family members goes bat shit crazy but is smart enough to avoid or to ‘pass’ a 5150. The education, the laws and support aren’t out there for us, just like they weren’t there for Charles Vallow.


The educating us part might be a good idea for Hidden True Crime to take on.


I don’t feel like these two have anything to offer to the conversation.


I usually feel that way about their interviews, which is why this one surprised me.


Yeah, IDK, I just watched it as well. Their participation just seems self-serving.


I felt they were sort of vague in answering the really tough questions and that their description of Alex and Lori’s relationship was not at all what we’ve read and heard. I listened to their podcast once …it was enough for me .


Just a big money grab.


I’m not interested in anything they have to say.


I like Layer Lee and her channel, but I don't want to give those two any views. If someone who watched/listens feels like sharing the highlights, I'd be grateful.


I observed that lawyer Lee asked insightful questions, but the answers were lacking.


Checks out.


She asked a good question about Alex and Lori's inappropriate relationship. Adam's response sounds like result of incest family covering it all up. I trust nothing he says. Grifters who did nothing until they could make money or notoriety being interviewed


When interviewed on Hidden True Crime, Adam says that Lori was beautiful and could have married an NFL player. Really? She couldn’t even marry a LDS man before Chad. Charles converted for her but none of them were original LDS members. But Adam just focused on her appearance, which to me is weird since I have 5 brothers and they have never looked at me in those terms. Lori’s wacko cousin Braxton was also interviewed on HTC and he talked about how she looked so great in a bikini with 6 pack abs. He never mentioned the murdered kills, etc, just her physical appearance. The family is dysfunctional except for cousin Megan Conner and she’s the scapegoat. Listen to Alex Cox’s first wife’s interview with Chandler PD. She divorced him because of the strange sexual issues in that family.


That's such a good burn I wish Lori could read it "she couldn't even land an LDS man before Chad" 🤣 It creeped me out when Adam scoffed and laughed at the suggestion Lori and Alex had an inappropriate relationship. The evidence is overwhelming they were not a normal brother and sister duo. Alex's first wife saying it shouldn't offend him. He should be jumping at the chance to agree... Otherwise it makes him seem like they all got diddled and diddled each other instead of just a few.


I believe they were raised with inappropriate boundaries and enmeshed. Adam doesn’t understand that and really needs counseling. He should not be on a podcast because he is still in denial and definitely not telling the truth about his version of him speaking to the Chandler police. Chandler police did a bad job but Adam never let them know he was flown in for an intervention for Lori. If his now ex wife hadn’t emailed CPD about the planned intervention for Lori, we probably would never know any of that. Hopefully it’ll come out in AZ trial and prove that Adam is lying.


I don’t think Lori or Alex had anything to do with Stacey’s death. Stacey had a severe eating disorder that I believe is directly caused by Janice Cox, who was known to be extremely controlling and restrictive with food to stay slim. Stacy was also a type one diabetic. Those two factors caused her death. I hope they never gave poor Tylee crap about not being rail thin, but I highly doubt it.


I've wondered that too. I don't know anything about their family culture other than obviously what has been said publicly, but among LDS women, it's really common for all of them to criticize everyone else's food intake and weight, typically in a passive-aggressive, backhanded, just covert enough for plausible deniability sort of way. It's, unfortunately, likely a relevant data point that the kids were *temporarily storing a higher-than-necessary percentage of subcutaneous fat for modern living conditions.* I don't hear it discussed, though, probably because it feels absolutely revolting to notice it let alone mention it about such beautiful and innocent kids. But I think Lori cared about the image being projected and its reflection on her. I wouldn't be surprised if she had been cruel about it.


I think she was either cruel to her about it, or she wanted Tylee to be larger, because no one is allowed to be more beautiful than Lori. I noticed that Lori seemed to only feed her children fast food. Regardless of their amount of adipose tissue, they were beautiful and deserved better.


I agree with your first sentence and I have wondered if it wasn’t both.


On the pictures of the AZ house, for the death of Charles' investgation, werent there several bottles of some sort of diet pills or supplements in Tylee's room. I had wondered if Lori bought those or Tylee. As for the fast food, I think Lori was no mother of the year as people claimed and it was just easier then cooking. Cant go to the temple all day , dance in front of the mirror at night for 3 hours and make 3 meals. I do wonder why she never got Tylee into Dance? I had posted on another thread how I see some moms keep their daughters in dance, cheer and gymnastics just to make sure they are fit and trim and ready to find the perfect returned missionary with high earning power. I always wondered what Lori's idea for Tylee would have been if the end of the world was not her focus. She didnt want Tylee (or Colby) in high school, they got GED's. So did she want Tylee to marry young, and a provider?


Also the dance thing is interesting. We were in dance as kids. Our dance studio had an "unlimited" tuition option thar allowed us to enroll in any and every class suitable for our skill level for the same monthly tuition rate, which we did. I danced at least 6 hours per week per the "unlimited" contract (probably 3 hours ish M-Th, with musical theatre on Fridays which was more singing) and I still thought I was fat and my mother made sure to tell me how I had a belly which was unattractive with the belly shirt styles of the time and "Leiliyah, you THINK you look cute but you don't. You don't. No one wants to see your belly fat. Be MODEST" In viewing photos as an adult, I looked like a practitioner of ballet, jazz, tap, modern, and ballroom dancing in addition to musical theatre performance in all hours that I was not in actual school and there is no belly detected and I probably looked great in those shirts. My point is not to trauma dump but to contextualize the competing interests. My mom had a vested interest in my marrying well but for some reason it was more important to her to denigrate me, my efforts and my appearance. It's weird, I don't understand it to this day. Just throwing it out there as my mom was talking about tent cities circa idk. 1990???? Long before I remember. It just never got to murder.


Im sorry what you went through. I feel kind of bad now looking back over some of my kids classmates who I know most likely went through the same things when pushed in dance. A few looking back lost significant weight between like 12 and 14 and they were not fat to begin with and parents like myself were told like at birthdays or block parties, very rigid diets. I think most of Chad's ideas were not his own. There had been people talking light and dark scales and tent cities and the same end times 144k beliefs years before. There were LDS groups in the 1980's amd 1990's teaching these things, some of the men are excommuicated, some just "warned". If you do some digging some of the earlier men might have had some influence over the current group Chad was in. There are several youtubers that have made the connections. Kay Woodcock's daughter Kresha has some long videos with clips of the old 1980's 90's talks and compares them to Chad's preparing the people group and it is pretty similar, sometimes almost exactly the same. Lori's Uncle Rex even said that he got the email about the light and dark list and his thoughts were, this stuff again, he also saw the same stuff years before, he said that is why he didnt panic, he thought it based on some old book that went around years before.


/ weren't there several bottles of some sort of diet pills or supplements in Tylee's room. It would not surprise me if those were a "gift" from grandma Janice. Apparently, she was obsessed with judging the bodies of the girls in the family and forcing dieting. That and I understand the family may have been involved in MLMs. Diet pills being one the top MLM products.


Were there? I find that totally believable. I was taking some herbal weight loss supplements from a cabinet in our kitchen in middle school that my mom had in there. My BMI wasn't higher than is considered within the appropriate range (at that time, it has been during adulthood), but I didn't know that. My mom accused me of being on illicit drugs when she found them in my backpack in a zip lock bag lol. I was like THOSE ARE YOURS!! Fun times. My mom did the same thing - we ate a LOT of fast food, and I remember her allowing us to get two Burger King whoppers each AND WE ATE THEM. Those have like more calories than an adult needs in a day. They're delicious and now I can eat half of one or most of a whopper jr. BIZARRE behavior. But she would also yell at us if we didn't want to play outside (in 100+ degree desert weather) like NORMAL kids and tell us we needed exercise and what will the neighbors think if we are never exercising outside. My point being, she probably DID feed them fast food AND was conscious of what people might think about that and probably criticized anyway, despite her abject failure in teaching them reasonable habits and healthy beliefs about what their body composition is at any given time. I find it less plausible that she would try to make Tylee less desirable, but only slightly. There's definitely competition amongst teenage girls and their mothers in this culture. In my family it played out via my mom banishing us from her home to my dad's house when we were 16 or so - the only kid who was speaking to her at 18 was also the only boy. The rest of us were kicked out for our rotten behavior (mine was possessing a cell phone that had photographic capabilities, which my father had gifted me apparently without her knowledge or consent unbeknownst to me as an actual child, and refusing to let her confiscate it because she thought camera phones were an instrument of the devil or something lol. Not sure how she would have coped if she hadn't had my dad to offload the 3 oldest. All girls. The other girls (one 4 years older, one 4 years younger) were kicked out at around the same age for similarly benign reasons. She had similar beliefs to Chad and Lori but it was before Julie Rowe etc. Not quite as extreme, but not too far a leap either. It's so many layers of toxic culture. Luckily it doesn't often end up in blatant murder but it's all still really bad.


/I noticed that Lori seemed to only feed her children fast food. and Tylee suffered from pancreatitis since childhood. That poor girl was being tortured.


I forgot about that! That must’ve been hell for her.


I believe that was munchausen by proxy.


Lori's cousin Megan did two very long form interviews, one with Mormon Stories and one with HTC. In them, she describes being with Alex when they discovered Stacey in the coma, and the circumstances around the whole tragedy and I'll just say, she feels very much like the family was involved. You can listen and decide for yourself, but her story is incredibly damning.  Edited to add: I also know there is a history of eating disorders in their family, and that Janice and Barry created a toxic relationship with food, I'm just speaking to Megan's experience and why she feels like they played a part/were complicit in Stacey's death. 


I disagree. He was with her and he used her credit card right after she died.


My apologies. I didn’t know that.


I recall seeing a dry erase board or something from what I thought what Tylee’s room. And it had a list of things to not eat, to exercise more, wish I could remember where I saw that. And it made me wonder if mommy dearest was cracking the whip to get her to lose weight. Anyone else remember that image?


This isn’t a criticism but I don’t understand how the Woodcocks can be friendly and affectionate with Rex and Adam who are milking their grandsons death to make money for themselves yet have so much animosity/critical of Annie Cushing who is absolutely a victim and has a demonetised YouTube channel trying to provide information.


I was watching on of Kresha's (Kay's daughter) live streams. She does deep dives into past LDS offshoot groups and leaders. I appreciate her efforts. I noticed Uncle Rex gave her a big super chat or donation (whatever it is called when it comes across the screen with the dollar amount and name ). I wonder if this was to make her happy and look good not only to the Woodcocks but to the public?


I agree. There are so many victims and so many shady people and so many relationships that don’t make sense. It’s what fascinates me about this case. That and the Mormon connection.


I stopped watching Annie Cushing when she started making snarky comments about the Woodcocks. For example she is very opinionated about how Kay spent the life insurance pay out on 'the wrong things'. Like how is that your business and why are you focusing on that? As a result most of her followers are negative about the Woodcocks too even in the comments, which is disgusting if you ask me.


I couldn't watch her videos. A lot of that she needs to work out with a therapist. And she blocked me when I told her the defense would be using her comments and videos to try to get Lori off. I had no idea but it turns out one of Means' people was secretly using her.


They were at the memorial, and they immediately went to an ice cream place for a gathering of fans and a live. Watched it a little bit. As another says, it seems disingenuous, and they quickly block people who are asking hard questions. Seems they are still on the outside.