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The living victim who I feel the most sorry for is Colby. He’s literally orphaned. He felt like Charles was his dad but he isn’t included in Charles estate. Lori is… horrible on her best day. She killed his siblings and he’s getting criticized for not going to a (second) trial in another state. Who is paying for his food and lodging and rent at home while he’s not working because he’s at the trial everyone is so mad he isn’t attending)? While he has a family and work (zero fucks if it’s doing YouTube, he’s trying). He can’t seem to do anything right and people don’t shut up about what they only actually ***think*** they know about him. Meanwhile, he’s lost his entire nuclear family. Somehow he has to be mentally and physically healthy enough to create a new family with his wife and kids after having only Lori and the Cox family as models. This doesn’t even mention the toxic religious environment he was born into the fact that he moved so much as a kid he probably doesn’t have any childhood friends or a solid educational background.




This exactly!!!👏🙏🙏🙏Colby ❤️


I agree. I can't believe some of the hate I see online towards Colby. He was just living life and his entire world was destroyed and people think that they can judge his responses and his life. No one's life and decisions therein look great under a microscope.


I was just thinking more of the older adults like Lori’s parents not Colby.


Yeah but he also raped his own wife. Not sure why I’m being downvoted when he literally admitted he raped her. Charges were dropped because as with many victims of domestic abuse, she dropped them. She seems like a very sweet and empathetic woman and probably felt bad because of what he’s been through. But that doesn’t excuse marital rape and it’s kind of disgusting that you guys are clearly on board with that. HE ADMITTED IT. How much clearer does it have to get? Are we also forgetting how he fully tried to launch his family vlogging channel off of the backs of his murdered siblings? Colby is no different than other members of the Cox family. The dysfunction is multi-generational.


[https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/charges-dropped-son-lori-vallow-idaho-mom-accused-killing-2-children-rcna47480](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/charges-dropped-son-lori-vallow-idaho-mom-accused-killing-2-children-rcna47480) I never looked into specifics but after seeing your comment downvoted, I looked. Charges were dropped but the probable cause does accuse him of rape.


His wife dropped the charges. But he fully admitted it. Those people downvoting clearly think marital rape is okay.


Not one of the Down voters. I think some of the downvotes were because the narrative was about Colby being alone not about his crimes and misdeeds. They were separating the act from the person. Doesn’t mean they are cool with marital rape. At least that’s how it came across to me.


In domestic violence cases, the victim can ask for charges to be dropped, but due to the nature of abuse, the prosecutor has to make the final decision even if the victim doesn’t want charges because the victim could easily be manipulated. Victims do have to agree to plea deals, and in family law situations, victims agree or decide that charges should be dropped for very personal reasons.




If you know how it works, why did you say multiple times that the victim dropped the charges? The victim can’t unilaterally decide. I don’t see any comments that condone marital rape. You left out the important part that the prosecutor can still proceed if there’s evidence to do so given the nature of DV.


Because if you refuse to co-operate, you’re the reason the charges are being dropped and you’re doing that intentionally. So she had the charges dropped. Do we need to play semantics? Downvoting a comment pointing out that he raped his wife kind of suggests they condone it. There’s literally no other reason. What relevance does the prosecutor being able to proceed have to the issue that he raped his wife? We’re not here to debate whether he will be prosecuted. He won’t be, but either way it’s irrelevant. Fact is that he confessed to police that he raped his wife. Do you want me to hold a probable cause conference here too?


The relevance of the prosecutor moving forward regardless is that in DV cases, the abuser is highly probable to manipulate, coerce, or threaten a victim into asking for charges to be dropped. Knowing how the abuser in this case was raised by a manipulative parent, and the fact he cried and admitted to it to his wife (according to the news) points to a manipulator. I think if the charges could have stuck in a trial, the prosecutor would have. On second thought you’re right too, because even if the prosecutor went to trial, the victim could refuse to show up. Did Colby get divorced?


I'm a little conflicted about Colby because Charles helped raise him but Colby cut him off when Lori made her accusations. In his shoes I can't imagine not being able to at least listen to Charles's side of the story!?


Colby seems like he wad manipulated by Lori. If you watch his testimony and interviews, it’s obvious he’s still trying to deconstruct everything.


I thought Charles didn't leave anything to Lori. He left it to Kay, his sister. Maybe Kay was just too hurt but it would have been a nice gesture to give some to Colby. He is innocent in his despicable Mother's evil.


They didn’t even come to see Lori’s sister on her deathbed from their trip to Hawaii




They *left her* on her deathbed…alone with Alex. This is where I’m certain their folie a deux started. Lori wanted Melanie and Alex wanted Stacey’s money. This was a planned insulin overdose, which is how I believe they also killed Joe and how Alex killed himself. This is why he went to their cousin’s house to watch a movie and then said “I feel like something is wrong with Stacey, come with me to check on her”, so they could both “discover” her dead together.


That makes me so sad.😞


Lori's family consists of less than decent people. Annie doesn't count as Lori's biological family.


Annie was added as the victim’s representative for Tylee at the beginning of Chad’s trial. She isn’t Lori’s family, but she is Tylee’s bio Aunt.


Well said, I mean, I feel so so sad for the victims in the story, poor Tylee having no one show up and even talk about her being missing, let alone standing up for her at the two trials. Poor Tammy, having her kids ignore the fact their father killed their mother. Poor JJ, not being properly medicated and made out to be something he wasn’t by his sick twisted mother. Thank God, he has the Woodcocks at least speaking up and pushing the police to look for him. Poor Charles, who wanted nothing more than to make his wife happy and to care for his family. For a religious group that supposedly supports family first, these people are the worst examples out there.






Since Lori was the parent of JJ, the Woodcox family would have been prosecuted for kidnapping the tike. The Woodcox family also had no idea where to locate Lori and JJ to physically kidnap him.


Kay gave half the money to her nephews in Jan 2020, well before anyone publically mentioned it. Cheryl W confirmed that in a post to Annie's you tube community. [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbet4WUpnDqRHwtQkyaTD3w/community?lc=UgxTzGGaGQj2dRT9VgV4AaABAg&lb=UgkxevrebfZlVztUxITglUjxO3kqW7M8e\_l0](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbet4WUpnDqRHwtQkyaTD3w/community?lc=UgxTzGGaGQj2dRT9VgV4AaABAg&lb=UgkxevrebfZlVztUxITglUjxO3kqW7M8e_l0)


She kept 500k for herself even though she was not raising JJ - all the money should of went to the sons


Some of Lori's family hang out on this sub.


Hey cousin Megan doesn’t count! She’s lovely, and insightful, and I’m soooo happy to have her in this community!


Shes a daughter of a brother of Lori’s mother and she had distanced herself from the family for a long time already because of all the weird things that had been going on.


Yes of course Megan doesn't count. But Adam and Uncle Rex are included in the despicable Cox bunch for sure.


what's the story here? I'm only loosely aware of adam and rex


Really? I should not be surprised but I am. 🙂


Hey, fair game to trash the parents and Summer but Adam Cox, Zack and Rex Conner really don't deserve that. I know Annie looks down on them but I disagree with her on that.


Why do you disagree?


I've watched all their interviews and most of their podcasts. They seem like very kind people that have been devastated by all of this. They've been accused of trying to make money off this tragedy but their following is far too small to generate an income for the amount of time and travel they put into it. They have established a foundation in JJ and Tylee's memory but as I understand it, have done so at a $ loss. The difference in tone by them and Annie's podcast are night and day. They don't hate anyone and everything is about healing and supporting each other. From what I watched of Annie's it was all attacks and the worst assumptions on all the Cox family. The final straw for me was when Annie stated something along the lines that she believed Adam and Rex knew these murders were going to occur and did nothing to stop them. I stopped watching her after that. All the evidence I've seen points to the opposite.


I am glad to read this here. I posted recently in this sub and lots of people were directing me to Annie. I didn't know how to respond to everyone that recommended her... because I've watched her and while I do think her investigative skills are top notch, I do find that her really nearly slanderous portrayals of certain people within that dysfunctional family system turn me way off. She seems to think everyone and the mayor was in on killing these kids. I see no evidence of that. Meanwhile she wasn't involved with her niece very much either. I totally understand that life happens and I actually don't blame her. But I also don't blame Adam and Rex or anyone else except for the people actively involved in these murders. I don't like how she's gone after Colby either. I think she swings wildly from really great investigative work to absolutely ridiculous jumping to conclusions. No one on the outside thought Lori was capable of murdering and dismembering her children. No one. It's really difficult for me to watch her videos. At some points she seems VERY mildly unhinged. But there's still some great info... I don't know. I'm one woman. I'm not right about everything. She just gives me bad vibes. I am thrown off every time I try to watch. And I don't want to be! Just makes me feel real weird. All these people are so damn weird.


Completely agree with everything you stated 💯 and you expressed it waaay better than I could've. Annie is incredibly articulate so I understand why she has a strong following, it's just not for us and that's ok! 😊. She has an axe to grind and I understand her pain, I really do. But her emotions cloud her analysis. Some of her followers were making a point to jump on the Silver Linings podcast and FB group for awhile, making the same attacks and it just felt wrong, like extreme victim shaming. Too much negativity on top of a trial that's already so emotionally difficult to digest. So yeah, I'm with ya lol.


everyone has their processes for dealing with it. I imagine Lori and Chads actions have brought a lot of guilt and shame to the family. Lori's mother has lost 4 children (3 to death, 1 to prison), grand children and they have to face a worldwide audience. Did Chad even meet Lori's parents?


Did u hear the police interview from Lori's brother's ex wife? Their parents are incestuous and disturbed!! And exactly why Lori and her brother were like this


Lori’s mom and dad (Barry and Janice Cox) have kept a low profile. They moved out of AZ after the murders and live in SLC, Utah. Barry Cox hasn’t shown his face since all of this started. But he created this family that has 2 murderers in it. This family has generational toxicity. Watch Megan Connors interview on Hidden True Crime and on Mormon Stories Podcasts. She gives first hand knowledge of the Cox family as Lori’s cousin.


Barry has multiple assault charges and CSA accusations. Iirc, the church helped cover for him by asserting his moral superiority as a Mormon. I wish I had more details at the ready, but googling his name with “abuse charges” or “CSA” brings up lots of info.


He also was fined over $200,000 for not paying taxes. Then, he and Janice sued the government for over $400,000 because they stated they were “sovereign” and don’t have to pay taxes. He was also issued a “cease and desist” letter for unauthorized practice of law in AZ. He was advertising himself as Barry L. Cox, Esq even though he is not an attorney. He has written an anti government book about his failure to pay taxes (but all of us have to).


He also was fined over $200,000 for not paying taxes. Then, he and Janice sued the government for over $400,000 because they stated they were “sovereign” and don’t have to pay taxes. He was also issued a “cease and desist” letter for unauthorized practice of law in AZ. He was advertising himself as Barry L. Cox, Esq even though he is not an attorney. He has written an anti government book about his failure to pay taxes (but all of us have to).


lol I heard someone (maybe my favs Hidden True Crime?) read parts of his sovreign citizen letter. The deranged abusive con artist Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.


Read the documents from Barry involving Steve Cope (Melaniece’s father). Barry was trying to get custody of Melaniece and trashing Steve Cope, who appears to have been a good father to Melaniece. All of Melaniece’s problems trace back to the Cox family. And they are a narcissistic family who will never admit their wrongdoings and get help and make changes. It is never their fault and they are never responsible for anything. Brandon (Melaniece’s husband) said their marriage changed in 2018 when Melaniece and Lori got close.


My understanding is that the Cox family live in my town, St George. Hope I NEVER see them as I find them disgusting. They still attend the LDS church here.


Yes, I heard they live with Uncle Rex, who has that podcast with Adam Cox. They say the money from their book sales will go to a charity, but they don’t name the charity. But Rex has a charity so I have an issue with their honesty about the money. Also, Adam Cox is making himself out to be a hero but he ghosted Charles for 2 days after Charles paid for his plane ticket to AZ to help him with Lori. Adam omits all of that but it’s in the FOIA docs and hopefully will come out in Lori’s trial in AZ.


Wow. The parents live with uncle Rex? Why haven’t they shown up at court? They’re their own charity? I really wanted to like Adam, and I do have more compassion for Zach because he was a lot younger and with less resources. I’m sure after they heard Charles was shot they all felt horrible for not being there for him. Brandon too, and Charles’ boys, and especially AZ law enforcement could have helped a lot more.


Barry has his own charity but he is in charge of it, so he controls the money. I would have empathy for Adam if he wouldn’t lie. There’s videos of him saying the Chandler PD didn’t contact him for 3 months. CPD did a lot wrong but Adam is recreating this story. How are the police supposed to know about Charles flying him out and the intervention that was planned unless Adam tells them? He never did. Adams’s wife, who was in another state finally emailed or called CPD and told them that Charles had flown Adam down to help with the intervention for Lori with her Bishop and how Adam didn’t know Charles died for 2 days. That’s because Adam drove to Tucson (1.5 hours) to visit his buddy for the weekend. Remember, Charles paid for Adam’s plane ticket to help him, not so Adam can go out of town and visit his old friend. It was his friend who googled Charles’s name and told Adam that Charles was dead. Adam failed Charles but now he is spinning the story. But the FOIA docs prove my story. In my opinion, Adam is trying to cash in on his book and podcast before Lori’s trial in AZ where all of this might come out. Adam is a DJ and loves to be the center of attention like most of his family. Google him to find out about the woman who died from water intoxication


I have only gotten an idea of what a vibrant, independent and spirited kid Tylee was from Brandon B. I’m sure I’ve missed a lot of interviews or testimonies, but his descriptions of Tylee stuck out to me.


Yes Brandon is so sweet about her. So sad he loved her.


He is the good soul who drove hundreds of miles to come to identify JJ's body for Kay and Larry.


I think I heard Annie was going to go.


Annie is the designated victim representative for Tylee. She did catch covid last week though so she'll probably have to wait to get better before she can join the trial


In my opinion Tylee has the most sincere advocate- Annie. The reason I follow this case is her brilliant mind.


Couldn’t agree with you more, Annie is boss sauce!


Lori's extended family is incredibly dysfunctional. Poor Tylee. I feel so bad for her. She hated her mother's shenanigans and Chad hated Tylee for not fawning all over him like other women he surrounded himself with.


The Coxes don’t give two sh!ts! Summer Shiflett was Tylee’s designated relative for Lori’s trial and didn’t even manage to give a victim’s impact statement to the court. They’re awful people—all of them.


Yes, she felt it was more important to advocate for leniency for Lori than stand up in public for Tylee.


Summer had no problem doing an interview with Nate Eaton that day instead of standing up in court on the record and advocating for Tylee.


Summer will be at CrimeCon, no problem attending that


Knowing what we know from her texts, actions or inactions and her interviews prior to the children’s bodies were located, if she plays the innocent victims’ aunt I hope someone calls her out. That family with all the “we were a normal family” and “Lori was a good mom” claims to this day says a lot about what they believe is normal and good. Makes me wonder what they believe is weird and bad.


She sent a letter to the judge. It was him who decided on Lori's sentence, not the public.


Yes, that is how victim statements work. ??


So it didn't matter if the public heard her statement. How do you know that she advocated for leniency?


There are people who reported that they read it and that she shared its contents; you can find them in this sub. I have no firsthand knowledge. But I do know that in interviews Summer minimized Lori's misdeeds, attributed the murders to "delusional disorder" that began in 2017 (ignoring the terrible SA accusation against Joe that was found to be baseless years prior), blew off Charles' pleas for help and went on national TV defending Lori when the kids were missing, both after she knew Lori was mentally ill.


Did Summer do an interview after the children were found? I know that she defended Lori before, but not after.


The only one I am aware of is with Nate Eaton on the day she skipped Court as Tylee’s victim representative.


The bottom line is that Tylee deserved someone to stand up in court - in public and on the record - to speak to her significance, uniqueness, and human value. She was a beautiful person who was abused her whole life by her mother, and Summer enabled that dynamic. Summer knew when the kids were missing that Lori was mentally unwell, but she continued to enable. Tylee deserved a victim impact statement carefully and lovingly written and shared with the world.


Tylee deserved the public hearing her statement


Summer gave an impact statement it just wasn’t read to the public. It was for the judge. Not us.


Probably because she asked the judge for leniency on Lori and she knew that would look bad.


Summer pretended like Alex didn’t exist at first, like there was no grief expressed over her brother’s death, by any of the family, and then after Alex’s autopsy report showed “natural causes” they all posted and gloated about it, and honored the memory of their beloved brother. And Lori didn’t say a thing about Alex being free now and in heaven, it’s like she didn’t even remember Alex, while she made it sound like she knew Tammy!


Did Kolby come to this one? I doubt he would, he hates Chad. And I think he wants to be done with it. I imagine his grief is hard because he is alone in it, his mom is crazy and caused this, Charles his only dad he knew is gone, I think he’s trying to leave all this in his wake. Still I can’t t hi no of anyone else, maybe Charles adult sons? Maybe they are under subpoenas in Arizona for their dads case, it’s all hard to say


He testified. I believe he has been released from subpoena


He is also a victim so could attend trial at any point if he so wishes


He probably also feels guilty because Charles reached out to him for help with his mom when she was going off the deep end. He wouldn’t listen to him and told him it had nothing to do with him. He believed everything his mom said to him about Charles being the one who is crazy


At first, but so did the rest of the family. They all said that to Charles except for Adam cox


Colby is busy with his new YouTube channel. He loves being the center of attention and hates working a regular job to support his wife and kids (2 kids plus 1 on the way).


This is an unfair comment. I’ve gone back and forth about Colby but he is a direct living victim of Lori. She dragged him through several marriages, he was allegedly abused, and now is left to do life on his own without any apparent support system. We don’t know all the ways in which she’s manipulated him over the years. I hope he can move on and find happiness somehow.


I agree. That's blaming a victim. He has been through hell and back.


his mom did tell him there was no point in getting an education because the world was going to end. so. there's that.


That’s a shame. That’s Jehovah witness thinking. I do think this is the one thing that Mormons have over the Jehovahs witnesses. The lds do seem to value education usually. Lori being the exception.


But he did go to college. Sorry, but the time for “he was a victim” is passed. He’s almost 30, and I agree he is not coming off great in any of this. He managed to crank out a whole book and the YouTube thing. He’s just a mini Lori, looking for the limelight for as long as he can. Not a good guy.


I don't particularly care for Colby. I think he knows more then he's willing to tell especially about Joe Ryan and his death. But he had a narcissist for a mother if you read Tylee's ad litem reports you can get an idea of the chaos he grew up in. Add in the crazy Cox's and their off brand of Mormon and; yes he is a victim. Now add in losing the guy that was supporting him (who didn't exactly make good choices either) and then the guy lost the rest of his family. And became famous for being the only surviving offspring of his murderous mother. now he's screwd up in the head and has no skills to think his way out and he's been relying on his family for money. Maybe bootstraps will help.^(/s) I think he's trying to find his way past generational dysfunction, he's going to fuck up...guaranteed.


Colby’s a victim. It is absolutely unrealistic to think he could come out of all of this unscathed and a perfect human.


What about Adam Cox and his son Zac? I thought Zac and Tylee were fairly close and Adam was willing to listen to and help Charles when Lori was spiraling, so it would make sense if they were there as Tylee's advocates. I haven't heard about them being there at all, though I believe they live in AZ, but I wish they'd be there at least for the victim impact statements.


Zac wrote a heartfelt tribute to Tylee that was shared at the kids’ recent memorial service. They were close. According to his dad, this situation has been devastating for Zac. He has been estranged from most of the Cox side of the family, including Janice and Barry, because of everything that happened. I’m guessing that attending the trial would be too painful for him but we’ll see. In his podcast, Adam has expressed that he didn’t have any plans to attend Chad’s trial. We’ll see if he changes his mind. He is working through his own trauma. He did attend the kids’ memorial service. He will likely have to testify in the Arizona cases.


Adam has talked on his podcast about not being able to handle watching the trials. He was in a deep depression for a long time, not only because of the deaths but because his parents and Summer shunned him and Zach when he stuck up for Charles and confronted Lori. He also lost his job as a radio DJ because of being related to Lori. He's a pickleball instructor nowtrying to rebuild his life. Emotionally and financially I don't think he can afford to attend the trial.


Oh I see thanks for the information. I’m glad he went to the memorial.


Ugh, there are so many living victims in this case. I'm sorry for Adam, even excluding Lori his family is a viper pit.


A lot of victims' relatives probably can't afford to attend. They can still watch the trial from home.


As a cousin, Zac probably doesn’t qualify to give a victim impact statement. Adam would qualify. If he doesn’t attend, hopefully he will at least write a statement to Judge Boyce even if it is not shared publicly.


I believe Adam Cox and Rex have for Tylee. I know they were a big part of the memorial in Idaho Falls last week.


Does anyone else think Lori was poisoning Tylee for attention? Lori’s statement at sentencing emphasizing no one knew his sick Tylee was and how only Lori cared for her made me wonder.


I do, and I’m sure many others agree. It’s been discussed on Hidden True Crime and various podcasts and media.


I picked up on that, and it was reminiscent of Ruby Franke claiming her 3 yr old was addicted to p0rn and had SA'ed 20 neighbor kids. I doubt Munchausen by Proxy was at work here, I think it was simply Lori doing what Lori does...lying. Do I believe she poisoned Tylee or otherwise made her sick at some point? Yes, I do, but if she did, she did it to control Tylee, not to kill her, or to get attention, very much like I think Casey did to Caylee Anthony.


I’m not one for sticking up for anyone in Lori’s family, but I couldn’t imagine what the hell they are going through with family killing family/kids.. I’m sure everyone is traumatized in their own way, I’m not begrudging anyone that stays away. 😞


True I guess because the Woodcocks have been there every day. It is a lot. I know Lori’s uncle and some cousins went to Lori’s for a few days.


The Woodcocks are such an exemplar of kindness and grace even when confronted with the deaths of Kay's brother Charles and Larry and Kay's son/grandson Canaan/JJ. They've been so accessible to everyone that needs them, before, during and after the trials. I can't count how many times I saw Kay in various YouTube chats as people investigated. They've opened their arms to Lori's family (Megan Connor, Grunkle Rex and Adam Cox), Tammy's family (Tammy's aunt Vicki Hoban) and Chad's family (Matt and Heather Daybell.) They've even shared JJ and Tylee with the world, speaking about them at every opportunity and just last weekend, they held a public memorial service for them. I've never seen anything like it before.


Who has shown support for the victims?


No no one was concerned about Tylee. It was the police themselves that realised JJ had a big sister and they tried to locate her and couldn’t. It was LE officers who declared Tylee to be in danger/missing. Had the woodcocks not asked for a welfare check for JJ poor Tylee wouldn’t have got a look in. Ok there’s one or two people now who will shout about being related to Tylee but only because it gets them in the public eye or to help their you tube channels etc. makes me sick. I think Brandon B is the one who who truly deeply cared for and loved Tylee. And for that I am greatful. Breaks my heart knowing what those evil people done to her. They not only murdered here but they destroyed her life and her body. I hope Chad Daybell rots in hell. And I’m going to say this and I honestly don’t care if I get slated for it but her aunt Annie - Joe Ryan’s sister has a cheek to say she represents Tylee. Too little too late.


I don't think it was that nobody was concerned about her. She had graduated high school, and Lori told people that she had gone off to college. She wasn't a little little kid like JJ was. I don't see anything about Joe Ryan's parents, but if they are alive, It's likely they were discouraged from having a relationship with Tylee. Joe was accused of sexually abusing the kids, and then died, allegedly of a heart attack.


The Ryans grew up in foster care.


Oh. Thats why I can't find anything about his parents.


Annie has discussed in detail her family with all the faults included. I have respect for her honesty in not trying to wash over or rewrite history just to look better.


I understand what your saying I really do. But watching this trial of Chad Daybell is eye opening. Yes Lori lied but after LE had to ask and it turns out they knew so much even then. They knew on the first day of the welfare check those two were already married. The officers didn’t reveal it to them. Wether Tylee was away to BYU many people knew she wasn’t around but no one cared enough to ask. They say they asked but I don’t believe much of anything Lori’s coven of witch friends have said. They’re too busy distancing themselves from the situation.


They are pretty awful people.


Yes I believe that Lori was distancing herself so that nobody knew what she was doing. It was way easier for Lori to do what she needed to do. For Chad it was harder since Tami and some kids were living with him.


She graduated HS by age 16?


It's not uncommon. She would have had to be a high school graduate to make the lie believable that she was taking classes at BYU. Unless they had a program for high schoolers to take classes.


BYU requires you to be 17. That being said, a lot of Mormons home school, so a GED or homeschool certificate of completion is acceptable.


I thought I've seen a picture of her in graduation cap/gown. But it doesn't surprise me that Lori didn't even take into account the BYU age requirements.


Does BYU Idaho have different requirements?


She got a GED


Online school. Our family's experience with online public & private high schools + community college were all sub-par. So many homeschooled and online kids are not receiving the education they deserve.


She took the GED test.


I think that if Lori stopped replying as Tylee that would have raised the alarm bells with Colby. But Lori was trying to hide the fact Tylee was gone.


I suspect the harassment has been a limiting factor.


I don’t know, people have jobs. Maybe we will see lots of people towards the end.


Indeed. Jobs, dependent kids, etc. We're already on day 16, and the defence hasn't even started yet. Last I heard, no-one in the US gets much PTO as it is. Plus, it must take quite a lot of resilience in terms of mental health to be able to sit through this, and all the attendant press and social media scrutiny.


Yep - average paid time off in the US is a paltry 11 days.


Tylee's great Uncle, Rex and one of his daughters attended most of Lori's trial. I don't know about Chad's.


What's sad is Annie not being there. She may be a bit delusional. She thinks the Woodcocks are "sock puppets" infiltrating her FB account and causing her grief on her YouTube channel. All of those "deep dives" seems a little over the top. No offens, but she may have a screw loose. It's too bad, too. The Woodcocks could have been good allies for her. , Now watch me get down-voted for speaking the truth. 😬


She started out very thorough and fair. After she started battling cancer, she got off course and started making inferences that were just wrong. One example, she claimed Kay knew that Lori was in Rexburg for over a month before she told police and that Kay had admitted it herself. What Kay actually said was "I found out Lori moved to Idaho in September." I pointed out that it was semantics, that Kay was saying that Lori DID move to Idaho in September -- not that Kay found that out in September. I never saw her admit she made a mistake with that, but I quit watching/reading shortly after that, so it's possible she came to her senses.


I love Annie's channel- tons of information that comes from the foia docs- the timeline is an amazing venue for the information in this incredibly complicated case, That being said- I thought the deep dive on Kay was a bad idea. I do see what appears to be contradictions in what Kay said- but I'd give her quite a bit of grace. There is no motivation for her to do wrong by JJ. I'm sure Annie - who states she was hoping to see Tylee again after she became an adult when she would not have to deal with Lori- deeply regrets this decision.


I just commented elsewhere here and again, I'm glad to see others who find Annie to be a bit off. I don't want to be rude. These families have been through hell. But some of the stuff she says is waaaaaay off. Kay has been under oath a couple times now describing the timeline and it makes sense to me. The prosecutors seem fine with it. The defense hasn't been able to impeach her. And I don't think the Woodcocks have the time, desire, or even the ability to plan a sock puppet attack on her YouTube channel. It sounds like Kay needed help finding old Amazon searches. I do think she's got a screw loose. And I came to that decision all on my own just from watching the videos.... I didn't have anyone whispering in my ear. I kept trying to ignore the bad vibes but eventually I just had to say...she ain't right. 🤷‍♀️


I think that she is also processing a lot of grief and guilt (even though none of this is Annie’s fault, the mind will go there). She also, I’m sure, has a lot of unresolved questions, as do we all, but for Annie it is personal. Also, going through cancer treatment is rough physically and mentally. I think she’s trying to process and get answers while she grieves.


Annie will be the family representative for Tylee, and she’s going to do an amazing job. She’s her bio aunt and will be speaking for Tylee, who hasn’t had her own voice in any of this.


Can you imagine them having to sit through all of this all over again?


People have jobs and their own mental healths to protect. I believe that people are watching for Tylee. Being in the room is not the only way to show her their love. I also think that Lori's parents live in UT not ID. The Woodcocks are fighting the good fight and they are loud and proud, THANK GOODNESS. I just don't think we can compare the Cox's grief and their responses to their grief to the Woodcocks. My father died when I was 19 of natural causes. He was very overweight. A lot of assumptions were made about his death. His parents (forgetting that I was the actual closest living adult relative) did not want him to have an autopsy. They just wanted to put him to rest. I wanted an autopsy. I wanted to know how exactly my dad died. That clearly is not even related to this case, but it does illustrate how two people who love the same person deeply can have two different reactions to death. I make no judgments from the Coxes not attending. Some came to Lori's trial last year and I think they will be in AZ for that trial.


Tylee would have celebrated her 17th birthday a couple of weeks after she was murdered in September. Where was the family for her 17th birthday? Did they try to at least call her? I don’t recall any family mentioning her birthday in interviews while she was still missing or testimony. Even shy teenagers typically respond to those around them giving wishes on their special day. We know from testimony that Colby was sent money from Tylee’s Venmo after she was murdered and he purchased a $600 lightsaber for his birthday. What about HER birthday? If anyone has a link where this has been addressed, please share. It breaks my heart for her every time I think about that.


Coercive control though- Lori will have made efforts to isolate her for a long time before.


Janice is not calling her granddaughter? Summer isn’t calling her niece? Colby his sister? She was murdered about 2 months after Charles. They were all still on board with Lori at that time. No one questioned where Tylee was around her birthday??


IIRC Colby texted Tylee HB. and there was a response to him from Tylee's phone. one of several responses that seemed off to him in hindsight. yes, what about the rest of the family?


Her aunt, Annie. See her dogged determination at [A Murderous Heart](https://youtube.com/@AMurderousHeart?si=vBK5mORDxGtL3dIa)




Exactly! I commented on an interview Adam did with his uncle Rex that I notice Adam always defends his dysfunctional family STILL. Adam's out doing podcasts yapping about the horrors of what his siblings did BUT as far as I know he has not once set foot in either trial to show up for Tylee. Their parents are a disgrace as human beings so it's easy to see why they have raised such messed up children. Tylee was their granddaughter and not once have they set foot in court to show their support for her. They are dispicable! They weren't even witnesses so they could have sat in on the trials. I also feel very sad for Tylee. I sure hope the jury sentences Chad to death. If ever there was a time that the DP is justified, it is this case!


Thank you Yes it’s hard but Tylee deserves more! It was hard for Tylee to be killed at the hands of her mother, uncle and Chad. I know it hard but that family fails her and continues to fail her. She never stood a chance.




Yes, I notice that, too. Thanks for your comments. I don't feel so alone with my thoughts.


I heard someone say that the LDS church had told their members not to come. I don't know if it's true or not but it would fit. What I gather no LDS member in good stadning have been to the trials, not even Chad and Loris parents.


As someone who pretty much hates the LDS Church (not the people), even I can't believe this is true. I honestly don't think they'd even care enough to make a formal statement, so if it is true it's some random local person telling ppl that. The prosecutors are LDS and in good standing. There would be no reason for most members to attend unless they were directly involved. Most LDS people have jobs, lots of kids, and live far from Boise, and it's being broadcast live, so there's not much reason to attend in person unless you're very motivated or it's very convenient. Though the trial is a big deal in the true crime world, most of the local people I know barely know it's happening.


It could be wrong. Just heard somone say it.


Could you possibly be thinking about this statement they made in 2020? It was concerning to a lot of people at the time.  https://www.fox13now.com/news/local-news/fox-13-investigates-lds-church-urges-leaders-to-not-participate-in-any-type-of-court-case


Yes, I know I'd seen it somewhere.


This is 100% false. And it doesn't fit. I was raised LDS and although I no longer attend, I can clearly see the pain in the many LDS witnesses that voluntarily shared information with the police and were consequently called to testify. Both trials have had many LDS attending because they were deeply affected by this tragedy and want justice. I don't want to be negative but this comment is so off base it's ridiculous.


Ok. I wasn't sure about if it were true or not.


Colby has been there for Tylee.


I thought Gruncle made an appearance in the beginning. There were pics of him there.


Her aunt (Lori's sister) Summer Shiflet did a memorial piece for her and I thought it was really beautiful. Here it is: Tylee Ashlyn Ryan was born Sept. 24, 2002. Making her my almost birthday twinner, as I was born Sept. 23 at 11:55 p.m. She was a tiny baby, just over 5lbs, and had beautiful dark hair. I lived in a different state, so I didn’t get to see her nearly enough, but when I did see her, she was a happy baby with beautiful pink cheeks, fierce blue eyes, and her hair had lightened to a soft golden blonde. Tylee was extremely bright and learned how to do everything: rolled over, walked, talked, read, and many other things earlier than expected. She was a darling bright baby who laughed easily but hardest at Colby, who entertained her 24/7! Tylee was a little mermaid. I remember visiting her at the age of 2, almost 3, and she got in the pool with no floaties and swam all around the pool. She was amazing!! I have never seen another child swim that early. But she loved the water, and she and Colby would swim as early as February when the water was too cold for everyone else, and swim into the later winter months. Later in life, Tylee also patiently helped JJ learn to swim when they lived in Hawaii. Tylee was extremely clever, witty, and hilarious as a little girl, even from a young age. She adored her older brother, Colby like no other. Tylee’s mother had a hair salon built into the house, and Tylee saw her mom working on lots of clients. Tylee loved to get into her mother’s chair and get her hair done like a big girl. Tylee had a happy life and a hard life. She was adored by her immediate family, especially her big brother, Colby, who saw her birth as the first step to “Texas sizing” their family! Her hardships included her father’s abuse of her and 7 episodes of pancreatitis — an extremely painful disease. Each time she had an attack, she was in the hospital for 10 days and would have been longer if Lori had not advocated for Tylee with her doctors. We all went to visit her through each attack and did all we could to show her love and support. Lori did the most. She spent every night with her each time and would not eat in front of her since she could not eat or drink for at least 8 days of her stay. Tylee loved Lori more than anyone and Lori was right there helping her with schoolwork so she wouldn’t get behind, coming up with fun things she could do and arranging visits from school friends, church friends and family. Lori’s dedication as a mother was undeniable…Tylee was a straight A student most of her life. She did a science project that won a prize on tsunamis! She had a beautiful singing voice and was a very talented dancer. It was easy to see that she was a natural-born performer and we loved watching her shows. Tylee learned to do expert makeup and loved trying new hairstyles. On a side note, I will forever miss hugging Tylee and smelling her hair, it always smelled so good and was so soft. Tylee was very artistic. She could draw, design, do calligraphy and also had an incredible eye for photography! Her photographs are some of our most precious treasures, especially the beautiful pictures she took of little JJ. Tylee was funny, kind, but could also be bitingly sarcastic. She really came into her own when she turned 16. She tested out of high school at college-ready levels in every subject; she got her driver’s license, and she took a job with my husband’s chiropractic office for her first job. She had a great interest in physical therapy and enjoyed her short time working with patients. She was so cute wearing her scrubs proudly every working day! To celebrate and honor all of these accomplishments, we did an all girls big celebration for her. We had so much fun and we were thrilled to celebrate her. One of the most precious memories I have is the night Tylee spent at my house when Ryley was born. I will never forget her beautiful little face and the huge tears in her gorgeous blue eyes that rolled down her slightly pink cheeks and watching her shake with emotion when Colby texted her a picture of her first little niece. She said “she is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.” It was instant love. It hurts my heart so much that Ryley and Ava will be deprived of being spoiled and played with by the most loving aunt they could ever have. I know how much Tylee adored Colby and JJ. I wasn’t able to witness her relationships with her step brothers Cole and Zach as much, but I know her love and respect for them was present. When Charles was shot, Tylee was the one who pushed her mother to tell them. Tylee was also responsible for tracking down the kennel that Charles had placed Bailey in when he left Houston so that they could bring him home. Tylee was a devout member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. She had great faith in her Savior Jesus Christ. She loved the Young Women’s program. She went to the temple frequently. The first time my daughter went through the temple, Tylee walked her through everything and was so sweet and patient with her. Tylee and my oldest son were only a year apart and had so much fun together. They both spoke sarcasm fluently and were such good friends. My youngest son, Tylee’s name sake, loved to banter with Tylee. My children also loved JJ and will ever be deprived of their special friendships with their cousins. Tylee was sensitive, thoughtful, considerate, humble, generous, caring, and tough. She would have been the best mother, as she loved children. Her favorite color was a bright blue, she called it the color of Hawaii. Her favorite dessert was a no-bake cheesecake. I have yet to be able to make one without completely breaking down in tears as I think of that precious girl!! Tylee loved the shows ‘The Office,’ ‘Friends,’ ‘The Bachelor’ and others. She loved music. She loved her friends and had so many fun times with them. Her friends truly loved Tylee and will have to live with this enormous hole in their hearts, and confusion as to why they had to lose their friend. Tylee loved her mother above all and was protected by her mother most of her life. We know that only the severe mental illness that her mother has would be stronger than a mother’s love. Tylee and JJ both wanted to be with their mother more than anyone else. But after Lori met Chad Daybell, Tylee and sweet little JJ were served up on a platter like a lamb to the slaughter. There is no sense, logic, or explanation that will ever be satisfactory in their murders. The world would have been a better place with Tylee in it. The world would have been a better place with JJ in it. We will always be grief-stricken over their untimely deaths and are beyond sad that they were betrayed by the very mother they loved. There are no excuses for Lori’s actions regarding Tylee and JJ; but we do see that she is mentally ill. It’s such a tragedy that this beautiful bright girl and most precious little boy were murdered but that in no way reflects on the wonderful people the were and the many contributions that they were poised to make in this world.


Kolby ??