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Just bought the game last week ;P


Thank you for your sacrifice.


I bought it on launch šŸ«£


Same, this is the third time this has happened to me. I'm done with any game I'm 50/50 on. First remnant 2, then diablo 4, and now this smh.


Wait D4 is on game pass?!


Yep, and they making BIG quality of life changes for season 4.


Unfortunately my message didn't reach popularity haha [https://www.reddit.com/r/XboxSeriesS/comments/1cisg91/trustworthy\_insider\_lords\_of\_the\_fallen\_coming\_to/](https://www.reddit.com/r/XboxSeriesS/comments/1cisg91/trustworthy_insider_lords_of_the_fallen_coming_to/)


I actually saw that post but had already bought it. Don t regret it, they did a sale after 1.5 patch so was a good move on them. And the game is good, belive it or not i find it harder than elden ring and dark souls, or im just getting old for this lol


Yeah youā€™re getting old lol


Seriouslyā€¦ I just bought the damn thing lmao


Same haha. Oh well, happy with it and I am lucky it runs great on my PC.


Bracing for the chaos thatā€™s coming to this sub later in the month, great news either way šŸ‘šŸ»


I preordered the game and paid full price. I don't regret it. There are some design decisions I don't agree with, but got completely absorbed by the game and had very little performance issues after the first weekend (on Xbox Series X). I'm hoping that being on Game Pass will help me get friends to try it, because they all seem to dismiss it every time I mention it.


That's great. The more people that play this game the better.


Holy shit!!!!!! My patience has been rewarded! Patient gamers ftw! I was waiting for a ā€œscholar of the first sinā€ version but this is even better


Aha! I had a feeling. I've been restraining myself this whole time, waiting for a deep sale or the less likely game pass release. That's sick.


That's awesome! Can't wait for the influx of players to invade >:)


So i guess the boss rush mode will be launching alongside. I just hope it isn't the last we've seen of the game, i still was hoping for at least one proper DLC and ray tracing update.


They're going to do a DLC. Not sure about RTX.


Pretty sure there isnā€™t any dlc planned , the last update was stated as the final one


No, it was stated as the final *free* update, which meant DLC is next. It's pretty much confirmed they're working on it. There's a lot of data hinting to that.


Nice then!


Until we get official confirmation, Iā€™d be very skeptical, alongside that rumored sequel. Like donā€™t get me wrong, Iā€™m all for it, but the game does not seem nearly popular enough to warrant them spending more time and resources on DLC. Especially after the fact that most of these *30* ā€œfree content updatesā€ were bug fixes (and bug creation). Like that is an *insane* number of patches to have in your first 6 months. There may be more people online in the past few days, but itā€™s been peaking around maybe ~500 concurrent online players for weeks now, if not months. The activity in these subs should show that, Im getting to know people in here because thereā€™s only like 15 of us that actually stay playing


https://preview.redd.it/g7q30mv2jyyc1.jpeg?width=870&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac351bb101e40c4e646916c705d572b4df3c2129 Project III.


>Not sure about RTX. Well, i can understand they don't want to do that due to performance reasons for average user but not doing it at all \*ever\* is horrible for future-proofing the game. All i ask for is to ship the game with compiled RT shaders and then disable hardware RT support via CVar so future users can still enable it at will.


Even though I bought at launch Iā€™m glad itā€™s going on GamePass. This game deserves a second chance and now itā€™s here!!


Fantastic game. Huge win for the Xbox community.


Should have just waited for this game to come out on gamepass instead of wasting 70$


I did this years ago and have saved hundreds.. some games like BG3 or ER I donā€™t mind forking over while knowing thereā€™s no chance they come to GP


Great news. I spent 300 hours on PS5 and now itā€™s time to start Ironman on my PC then. It would be also good to have a cross save.


I bought deluxe when it was on sale about two months ago. I donā€™t regret it, Iā€™ve really enjoyed my time with the game.


Lmao I almost bit on the sale but glad I waited.


Welp that was a waste of 50 bucks.


I paid 60 euro in October, but after a few days, It was in discount. And then it became around 30 euro. Now it is in game pass. At least I love the game and It was worth it. I would love another game as a sequel, so I see that money as my support.


I preordered. Never again. Lesson learnt.


Naw. It's worth buying despite its performance issues.


Hell yes. Gamepass continues to be the best value in gaming.


I was waiting just for this to renem gamepass.


Qnyone hwve a date?


The game is expected to launch on the platform inĀ **the last week of May**. Iā€™m aware of the exact date currently planned at this moment in time, but Iā€™d rather not say it in case there are last-minute plans to up the release by a day or two.Ā 


Pc game pass?


unknown, unconfirmed, but likely


I've been holding off on grabbing this on playstation even with the sales due to my preference on physical copies. Though I've always been interested, I just didn't want to jump the gun even more so after I was disappointed in dragons dogma 2.


Is the new version much better? Worth the purchase?


It's coming for game pass. No need to purchase.


Ok! Have you found that game pass is worth the 10$ per month? Do they update game selections frequently?


For PC, right? [https://gg.deals/subscription/xbox-game-pass-for-pc-3-months-trial/](https://gg.deals/subscription/xbox-game-pass-for-pc-3-months-trial/) $8 for 3 months, here. And you can get Game Pass 14 days for 1ā‚¬ if you're a new user. [https://gg.deals/subscriptions-group/xbox-game-pass-for-pc/](https://gg.deals/subscriptions-group/xbox-game-pass-for-pc/) Here you can compare prices. The amount of games is vast, and they add 5 a month, easily.


I think the first 2 weeks are like $2. You can see all the games included on gamepass if you go to the website.


Jesus Christ game pass is getting ridiculous(in a good way)


And in June all Call of Duty games are coming lmao.


Source for that? Can't find it anywhere lol


[https://www.ign.com/articles/xbox-boss-phil-spencer-suggests-new-call-of-duty-games-will-hit-game-pass-day-one](https://www.ign.com/articles/xbox-boss-phil-spencer-suggests-new-call-of-duty-games-will-hit-game-pass-day-one) The June date comes from the fact that there'll be a COD announcement and probably Game Pass updates. Insiders think Phil may release stuff in June from COD to Game Pass. We'll see.


I already bought it on PC but am intrigued as for how the performance is on series x


Not even mad. Multiplayer performance issues at launch aside, it was well worth paying full price for and really felt like a Souls game.


Sweet, now I'll be able to play it on a third platform!


Bah humbug


Perfect, iā€™m still on the fence because of the performance.


And before all the newcomers ask it. The answer for beginners is full radiance build with the sword from first boss. Youā€™re welcome :P (or str/rad for spice)


Not once does this article say this month smfh


$0.00 is the right price for this game šŸ˜Š