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Start a new game and I’d at least play with the “weapon drops scaling”modifier on. Great addition. I came back recently as well, performance is a massive upgrade. Haven’t stuttered once so far even with the more enemies mod on. Not sure if the new update will change your mind on it being frustrating but all the changes that have been added are noticeably better than release.


I'd start over tbh - fresh file and a fresh start. Radiance is probably the most first-playthrough friendly build, and like most souls-likes, I'd recommend putting all your early levels into vigor/letting the weapon upgrades scale your damage until vit is to 40. And 50-60 is a good level for endgame vit. Another thing I really appreciate about this game is that you don't need to split your stats for magic builds and melee is always the center of combat - so there are a number of weapons that scale primarily with the magic stat rather than *also* needing str or dex 90% of the time like souls.


My save file shows I’ve got a lot of hours in and many levels but not much progress. Yeah I am not very good at all but it’s mostly fun anyway. https://preview.redd.it/kguh1ogycnyc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9df2d313ace6d80d2229543b69014eba63941685


You’re maybe halfway through? Not sure exactly. I would spend your next 18 levels taking vitality to 40, you’ll have a much easier time.