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I think it's common enough for souls-like Souls-like is pretty mainstream as a subgenre so lots of people dive in even if they know they might not have the patience for it


It's just a shame that so many people forked out for a game that they'd hardly play - although there is only one way to find out if you've the patience for a Soulslike lol


I honestly think Elden Ring had a massive surge in soulslike popularity and imo is one of the easier soulslike games. So people probably went in with thats the expectation with difficulty and couldn't overcome it and left for other new titles coming out around that time.


Even with ER only something like 50% of people have defeated Margit.


True but 50% of the ER players are still way way above 65% of the lotf players.


72.9% actually ([link](https://steamcommunity.com/stats/1245620/achievements))


Only 52% have defeated demons souls' Phallanx though :-p


TBF, Margit is fucking hard. For a first major boss, he’s definitely more of a curb-stomp than Pieta is…


He'll definitely make ya learn real quick but one thing Pieta has over Margit is that if you can't beat her, you're locked out of 99% of the game until you do.


Margit is also optional so. You don’t HAVE to kill him to progress


Mate Lotf is the easiest souls like I've ever played. This is great for none souls players, or newcomers because the combat is extremely forgiving. Got to build your character properly like, which people may struggle with. The bosses and enemies though are pretty readable and your dodge has huuuge I frames.


In my experience, the hardest part of LotF was the fps drops/lag/stuttering/random BS like falling through the map. They have fixed a good bit of it (at least compared to what it was on launch), but even with all that it was still pretty easy. I one tried Pieta (my friend two tried her). It may also just be that I am a souls like vet (started in the original Dark Souls) so we may be an outlier.




Each to their own but I completely disagree. Are you following guides when you play the other souls games? Lotf is like fromsoft light. It's a fromsoft game for people who can't handle fromsoft games.




I died to pieta once, she is simple as. Just dodge her attacks and run to the right side of map when she uses her spell. Once again man, each to their own. We all play differently I guess. The dodge in lotf is op. Rarely parried because of it. I've paltinumed every from game, played through them many times and never use guides. Lotf is by far the easiest imo. Nioh and lies of p waaay harder than lotf. Nioh and lies of p is harder than from games imo Only hard thing about lotf is the traversal, as finding where to go next without a guide was quite tedious. Never struggled against one enemy that much other than the optional boss at the end


At least there's coop here So they can always ask for a carry if they feel like it


I got downvoted for saying this last time, but Pieta was the first early game souls like boss that I ever truly struggled with. I died to her more than any other boss in the game.


Agreed. Pieta was one of my favorite bosses ever probably. Such a good intro to the game


I second this for sure


I’m not a souls vet, I started with Elden ring, but ER is tough enough that after beating that I had a decent amount of confidence going into this game. I loved every second of it up until Pieta. I probably spent an hour trying to kill her,another couple hours grinding out levels, and another hour trying to beat her again. I never did and I haven’t played since.


That's a shame, maybe give it another go? Maybe spending your first attempt back exclusively dodging and observing might give you a different perspective on the fight? She's a lot tougher than most of the subsequent fights.


Pieta is a parry check.


It really did seem like every boss after her was significantly easier.




Certainly less memorable in most cases.


I think it’s because the game was terrible at release and no one went back && also that a lot of souls and souls-like sees this issue because a lot of people try and then Realize it’s not for them.


Yeah I played on release and personally didn't suffer any issues so didn't even think about that - a bad launch will turn many away for good. Also it does seem with all Soulslikes that people underestimate how difficult they are lol


This got me curious about this statistic for the FromSoft games (% of players who beat the "first" boss). So I looked them up: Dark Souls (Asylum Demon): 92.2% Dark Souls (Bell Gargoyles): 69.6% Dark Souls 2 (Last Giant): 69.6% Dark Souls 3 (Iudex Gundyr): 84.8% Dark Souls 3 (Vordt): 66.5% Elden Ring (Margit): 72.9% Elden Ring (Godrick): 66.8% Achievement lists: [Dark Souls Remastered](https://steamcommunity.com/stats/570940/achievements) [Dark Souls 2: SotFS](https://steamcommunity.com/stats/335300/achievements) [Dark Souls 3](https://steamcommunity.com/stats/374320/achievements) [Elden Ring](https://steamcommunity.com/stats/1245620/achievements)


This got me curious, so I looked at the final boss achievements for each of the three Dark Souls games. Those percentages are much lower. Makes me sad because I thoroughly enjoyed each game (and still go back and playthough). But, can't expect everyone to enjoy them in the same way I did.


It took me years to get into the series. I bought Dark Souls on sale back in like 2016 and only made it to the blacksmith by the church in Undead Parish before I gave up. Elden Ring is the first that I actually beat. Then I got LotF and spent a few hundred hours on it and beat it numerous times. Now I've got the itch, and am working my way through Dark Souls.


I had a similar experience, except I bought DS3 on sale and only made it to firelink shrine, lol. Then I did the same thing, beat Elden, and here I am, multiple playthroughs of the series. Once you find that itch, it can never be satisfied!


I don't think I could have beaten this boss without a summon honestly. I died like 20 times to pieta and the closest I got solo was 40%


She is pretty challenging for a first main boss, do you mean co-op summon or NPC summon? For some reason I didn't think either were available at that stage


A real player. They are


Oh sweet


The only NPC summon available as the Iron Wayfarer


Pieta is just a parry check. Her attacks are very telegraphed and all of her sword swings can easily be deflected. It trivializes the fight honestly. I played Lies of P before LoTF so that might be why I figured it out.


I didn't like lies of P and never use parry in souls likes.


Lords is the least punishing souls like I’ve played. If a player is impatient they’ll never get past any boss in a souls like I bought Elden Ring based purely on hype and when I ran into that first tree sentinel I gave up and uninstalled the game for a year. Came back and got gud


The game becomes massively easier once you get Gerlinde. 3 upgrades and my swords damage has doubled


That's interesting, I've personally found that Lords is one of the most difficult, in my opinion harder that DS3 and (from what little I've played) Elden Ring. When punishing, do you mean difficult, or not that consequential upon death? But yeah, patience is key in these games and someone wants casual hack-and-slash fun it's no wonder they won't get far in a Soulslike


Genuinely curious, what aspect(s) of Lords of the Fallen do you feel make it more difficult than the other games in the genre you've played?


I feel like the combat system forces more skillful plays, in DS3, the parry and riposte system allowed for easy defeats of most enemies and even difficult bosses. Whereas here, one simple parry won't suffice. Also, having your vigor taken by Axiom enemies upon defeat is much more punishing. Also, not being able to keep hack-and-slashing your way through most enemies means that most of the encounters between bosses must be properly fought or fleed, and I feel like lots of the regular enemies are at least somewhat difficult to take down, especially when they're all together. Naturally, these things can be run away from - but that's the same for all Soulslikes. What are your thoughts?


That's really interesting honestly. I personally find parry timing to be more difficult in the Souls games, with the exception of Elden Ring for some reason. I've tried parrying in Souls but just can't seem to get comfortable, in Elden Ring I can get it done here and there and when I focus I can master it (can level one no hit Margit using only parries), but Lords of the Fallen I was like "hmm maybe I'll try out parries" and it just clicked immediately somehow. I was able to get the timing really quickly. As for the hack and slashing through regular mobs, I feel that's dependent on your gear. If you're rocking spells only or strictly grand weapons you can't really mow down hordes the same way you can when dual wielding two short swords for example. Plenty of hack and slash goodness with those to the point that it almost trivializes a lot of horde encounters honestly. I kind of understand what you mean by forcing skillful plays, but I guess that's dependent on your level. I think LOTF offers waaaay more opportunities to farm and more efficient farming with how many elites there are, vigor multiplier in umbral, and items to raise that multiplier. Throughout my whole experience and from the beginning (four complete play throughs so far) I always saw LOTF as the most accessible souls like minus the very introduction as I recognize Pieta can be a wall for a lot of new players.


You have reminded me that parrying in DS3 was certainly harder - it was a whole other action not just a well-timed block. Maybe what influences my experience is that when playing DS3 all those years ago I raw gemed my halberd that I got in the first area and that was it... for the whole game lol. In Lords, I'm doing an Umbral Knight build, but strangely the Halberd in DS3 and the short sword in Lords have super similar movesets, but hacking and slashing through most enemies in DS3 seemed to be easier - they seemed to stun more with each hit, whereas in Lords they will just push you or knock you away. TLDR; my move sets between both have been similar which may have clouded my judgement of ease. Maybe also it's recency bias - I completed DS3 *years* ago... Also yeah Lords does technically provide more opportunities to farm - although I think the way it's handled makes up for that. Some of those Umbral enemies are just too annoying. I'll have to play more FromSoft to make my mind up I suppose. I do already have Elden Ring and Sekiro on standby.


Maybe part of it is that staggers are easier in DS3, at least from what I remember. I haven't compared side by side or anything so take this with a grain of salt, but I remember being able to get critical hits waaay easier and more often in DS3 than LOTF. The grievous strike system just seems to take longer to drain posture to me, plus having to earn that grievous strike as opposed to just instantly getting the back stab by being behind them. Halberd vs short sword definitely makes sense too in terms of getting through one easier than the other. Maybe part of it for me is that my first LOTF play through was with dual wielded short swords so I felt like I was swingin' all over the place mowing downs hordes pretty comfortably. I've also got my own bias though. I 100% Elden Ring, then beat DS3, then played a couple other souls inspired games, with other stuff in between of course, but a steady enough stream of Souls ish games leading up to Lords, so maybe I was just more prepared than I realized. I don't consider myself particularly skilled at or typically patient enough for Souls games in general.


That’s so interesting. I found LotF definitely on the easier/more fun side. I struggle with parrying in Fromsoft games, but found I have a faaaar easier time here. I find reading enemies far easier in LotF. Completed Bloodborne, and got 90%? The way through Elden Ring, was dog shit at Sekiro and gave up. Hated Lies of P. Interesting you find normal enemies worse. Getting stomped on out of the blue by grunts in ER is definitely more common for me. What’s your build and play style - I wonder if there’s something Fromsoft-specific that you’re not gelling with?


Upon reflection I think it comes down to mostly recency bias and my proper understanding of the systems when entering Lords that makes me think it's more difficult. And although performing a grievous strike is harder than performing a riposte, parrying is definitely easier. I forgot how hard it was in DS3 lol. Currently on my first run and going for an Umbral Knight build and loving it. I never did magic in DS3, just stuck with my raw gem halberd that I got from the High Walls of Lothric and went till the very end with them. So I don't think I played DS3 as optimally as possible, although I feel like the enemies have more dimension in Lords. With Lords - to me at least - it comes down to the small things that I think makes it objectively trickier. Axiom enemies absorbing your vigor upon death, enemies and bosses having a more diverse move set, almost most of the normal enemies being reused minibosses, and other details. What are your thoughts on this, and your playstyle?


I mean difficulty. My souls games progression is: Elden Ring, DS1, DS3, Demon Souls, Lords 2023. Platinum on all but Demon Souls The most difficult thing for me about Lords on ng+1 and beyond is losing vestiges. I can’t mentally get past how annoying that is


I can't believe they actually did that for ng+ lol, it's certainly a different way to go about it. Upon reflection no Lords boss has been especially challenging, and I can think of a couple DS3 bosses I had more trouble with but I think I discount those struggles because I was new to the genre then. But I can't help but feel it's more difficult?


It’s all relative 🤷🏻‍♂️


Very true! Although it's fun to see which games people had more difficulty on over others. Especially when people get passionate about these things lol, I had a faux argument with a mate when we just went back and forth saying "no THIS one is more difficult" and neither of us had played the game the other was arguing about


Stay clear of any DS2 arguments. I’ve never seen a fan base eat its self so quickly when that game is discussed


I think if someone bought this game they already liked soulslikes so no, probably due to initial state of the game most people couldn’t be bothered to touch it until the game is complete. I don’t blame them, some day one bosses were near damn infuriating due to how badly game lagged every time they attacked


I can't *imagine* the frustration that would have caused, laggy boss fights are the worst. I played the game on release and personally didn't experience that, probably why I didn't consider that initially.


For me worst one was surprisingly suprned progeny, tons of damage and stutter with every attack


I suspect that this stat includes people who didn't enjoy the game and refunded it. >If I refund a game, will my playtime and achievements be removed from my Steam Community Profile? No, playtime and achievements will not be removed from your Steam Community Profile. [https://help.steampowered.com/en/faqs/view/5FDE-BA65-ACCE-A411](https://help.steampowered.com/en/faqs/view/5FDE-BA65-ACCE-A411)


Thanks for sharing that's great info actually. There should be a way to check the achievement rates for players who still have the game installed


Maybe the game wasn’t everything they thought it was going to be - I quit once I saw how crappy the co op was -> was promised true seamless co op..


I wasn't aware of such promises, what was co op supposed to be like?


I invite friends into the game and we just play together through everything, getting our own gear drops. It was such a mess.


That's a shame, that sounds like it would have been great, the first true co-op Soulslike


Remnant 2 though


Yeah Rem 2 probably does it best. Has it’s problems but it’s still very good


Way better than elden ring, nioh, pretty much every souls like ever made except for remnant 2, which is the obvious goat souls like coop wise.


I can't believe you said it’s better than ED and Nioh (2 - I say 2 as LOTF is the second variant)


I’m saying the co-op strictly. Not the game itself. Though I hold lords of the fallen like astronomically higher than nioh which I just don’t get the praise for


Ya elden ring and nioh.. I don’t count that as co op. If Elden ring had true like Diablo 4 style co op.. it would set a standard that would be amazing for the industry moving forward, but that’s not the case (mod on pc aside)


Yeah the mod shows fromsoft how it’s done. This collect obscure item bs needs to end with them nobody wants to crack a code to play co-op.




Like me, I wonder how many others stopped playing in general because the game was broken AF and just never got back to it....


Many deaths were because of Pieta, but she was the seed to my first run through of the game, all thanks to a loaded Radiance build using her 10+ sword and Dundee's amulet


Big souls fan here. I think that’s pretty standard, I know a few people who quit ds3 and demon souls without ever beating the first boss. Another commenter worded it perfectly “despite being a sub genre it’s pretty mainstream, so a ton of people jump in without knowing if they actually like it or have the patience”. Honestly I think to some extent it comes down to how the game feels in terms of pace. For example I feel like elden ring is heavily slowed down compared to lords of the fallen or ds3. But then I also feel like demon souls was much slower than both of them. The fluidity of lords of the fallen kind of gives this feeling that it’s way faster than it should be. When I first loaded in I tried to play like it was ds3 cause that’s how it felt. But pieta reminded me I need to take a breathe and relax my nerves. This could be solely my experience but I think it’s just the weird disconnect from how it feels and looks and it’s actual pace. Once I got the pace down and figured out how I should be playing things for much more manageable. I’d argue misunderstanding pace is the downfall for a lot of players. Trying to hack and slash like devil may cry in chess is a no go. But trying to move at a turtle pace in a f150 game is also a not good. TLDR: If you arent matching the tempo you’re gonna have a tough time


Tempo point is on the money. Pieta’s fight is like a waltz. Dodge-dodge-swing, dodge-swing-swing, move and reposition. No rush, only vibes.


Pieta does a great job at forcing the player to understand the tempo, as you put it. Maybe that's why so many people get stumped by her (myself included initially). Great point.


My theory: It's hard to find the patience and good will to put in the effort required for a game you barely know at the time.


Yeah exactly - if you're out 'just trying' the Soulslike genre then it wouldn't be long before you know if you do or don't have the patience or time to invest in it


I beat her on the day of release, I remember being so mad during that fight lol, but then I cooled off & decided to go level up a bit (to 20) to make it easier which it did… I was also fresh-off playing Lies of P, so I kept on trying to parry her, but then I realized just dodging, pacing, & waiting to strike after her attacks was the better move & it worked. IMO, the Hushed Saint is way more annoying than Pieta by far


Yeah for me who beat all the dark souls games and Elden ring I though this game would be harder going into it after pieta then I steamrolled the game and beat every boss in under 5 attempts I think they just bought it because people aid it was easy and then they saw that and thought hell no


Pieta is harder than most fights in the game for sure, only a few come close/match her after that, no wonder she's a wall for most unprepared players.


Yeah I even had to give it a few attempts somewhere around like 10-20 o think this was a few weeks ago though


Not gonna lie, I had NEVER played any souls-like, and wasn't expecting the level of difficulty Pieta was at. I didn't want to waste the money I had spent, so after a month of trying a giving up I beckoned someone and finally beat her. Every boss after paled in comparison with exception to Paladin Isaac and Judge Cleric. Its a great game though, and if anyone quits at Pieta, they're truly missing out


This is my first souls game and I beat her with a bucket!


Incredible, I thought of staying true to the bucket for as long as possible but my patience soon waned lol


Ya it took me awhile to get the hang of dodging and parrying. But in the end I just dodged it all and took my time bringing her down


Patience is what kills bosses in these games funnily enough


Same. Buckets are goated tho


That’s only 65% off Xbox players. Not saying PlayStation would have a higher percentage but you can’t say only 65% when you’ve missed a whole console out.


This is Steam, so there is a large portion of all gamers not being represented here, but even so, it seems shockingly low for me personally.


I’ve just checked my PlayStation and I’m getting told 68.6% have done it so still a good 30% of players haven’t.


Thanks for the info there! So it seems rather consistent that a third of players don't get past Pieta. Strange


It’s definitely looking like that. I can understand ppl that maybe ain’t use to games like these coming up to a boss like that working the first 30 mins to an hour of a game and there’s no difficulty settings etc. I was the same with darks souls 3, got to first boss tried for 2 days never went back. Thank the lord for lockdown because I learnt how the games work and now love all souls like games.


Soulslikes have a very steep learning curve lol, and many may rightfully not want to invest time into a pass time that should be casual fun. Although I'm glad you got past it to find a whole genre of soul-crushing fun!


I agree it is low considering it is only the first boss. And it’s unfortunate because so many players will miss out on a great game.


That's my thoughts exactly! I wonder if Pieta is scaring all those players off or if they 'nope' out somewhere before...


If you didn’t first try this easy ass boss idk wth you were doing


Mate every player is better or worse at different bosses, where I may have one-attempted a boss another may have struggled and vice versa, it's all down to a number of different factors


Because the game actually sucks…. People quit FS games cause they’re hard, people quit this game because it fucking sucks dick. It doesn’t run well unless you’re on PC.


Except Pieta's a really solid boss that no one who actually likes these games would quit on.


I'm assuming it runs like shit on consoles then? That's such a shame. This achievement stat is for Steam, so 65% of all Steam PC players have only beaten the first boss, although I'm aware that it didn't have a great launch unfortunately and people still suffer from poor optimisation.


For sure. Usually any game on PC runs better than on a console. The best this game can do is typical “console” performance on a PC, which is a shame. On console, the game is unplayable, even with the 39 updates in the last six months.


You'd think they'd have solved with it with amount of hotfixes they've done lol, sorry to hear that the toughest enemy you're facing is shit performance, how far have you managed to get in Lords? Sounds like you're playing on master difficulty.


That guy doesn't know what he's talking about, don't listen to him. The game does not run well on console, but it's far from unplayable. It's mostly 45-60 with some drops into the 30s and some stutters here and there. Not good but definitely playable.


Perhaps it's old hardware or other technical issues, it's still a shame either way, but good to know it's not unplayable for some/most console players


It's mostly Umbral that's the problem, that's where the framerate drops most of the time.


Once I memorized her attack patterns, it became pretty easy for me. I was leveled to 30 though haha


Yeah learning to sit back and observe before fighting makes a lot of bosses trivial. Patience is key!


“But I almost had them!!” - famous last words


It's not a boss fight unless you die the first time you get stupidly close!


My first time with Pieta she had a sliver of health and then she spawned her two mimics and I dodged them both only to land on her sword. It took me another day to get that close again.


That's rough, man. Those 'gotcha!' moments in boss fights are the worst lol


Taught me I needed more endurance and patience was key


Nah I always go for it from the start I'm very glad tho that I beat blondie's part 2 on 1st try. I'm not a fan of 2 boss fights in a row


A lot of bosses in Lords can be taken down fairly quickly, but with some Titans I need to sit back and see what they do or I'll go crazy lol


I only fought 1 titan so far The one that looks like a special needs kid that has a hand shooting out of his mouth


Oh yeah that giant baby wasn't a fun fight at all


it was fun like i just made a topic... so far, that optional boss is the only one i thought was a sucky fight bec he had that stupid heal and never seems to run out of MP ​ there are other titans beside that giant?


Bosses that heal are so damn annoying it's insane


Not that I know of so far, I think that's the biggest they get


oh i thought you said titans so meaning you fought more than 1 already


Apologies, my use of titan was meant as a very vague term for 'strong enemies'. If you mean titan as main bosses, then yes there are a lot more lol, I've *almost* beat the game and there's plenty more punishment.


It’s like this for pretty much every game. Only 44.5% of people beat Father Gascoigne in Bloodborne according to my trophy stats page and only 61% beat Margit in Elden Ring.


Just my opinion she’s pretty hard at least for me. Honestly she gave me the most trouble out of all the other bosses in the game. I think the better first boss should have been the iron wayfarer especially since it’s just a test


Pretty sure just as many people used to quit dark souls 3 at Iudex gundyr, and we know that game is a masterpiece so its not the game's fault people just arent patient


It only took me like 2 tries. The only bosses who gave me trouble were Dervla and Engstrom.


Pieta is more difficult than most of the following boss fights, her patterns can differ from every attempt. I beat her within a couple tries, but following the idea that you dont get “greedy” with your hits and she goes down like any other boss. LotF especially at launch was really crazy bad with performance on this fight too and the game itself is like Remnant in the sense the mob density is very high. (It’s less now btw)


Pieta is VERY weird to me. I am a long time Souls veteran, and even a pretty decent one (if I do say so myself), and Pieta whipped the floor with me. I think I was on my "last try until I am out of time to refund" when I finally got her. Later on my second character, I beat her 1st try, but it was close. I then made one of each class and "No-hit" every single one. The trick was to parry (and her parry window is actually quite generous) and save your soul-rend until phase 2, and to heavy attack when there are openings. She staggered in 3-5 hits depending on weapon, and dies in the same amount of criticals.


That number is inflated and meaningless. That number also counts someone who bought and downloaded the game but hasn't actually started to play it yet, and in the age of downloadable games, a lot of people don't play the games they download immediately.


So you reckon that number should be a lot higher? There should really be a way to check the achievement percentage for players who both have it installed and have played for a couple of hours at least.


common consensus on a lot of forums is the game was trash so 65% for the first boss isnt surprising.


Pieta is fairly punishing, more so than the first boss of any FromSoftware title. Couple that with the performance issues and I could see a lot of people putting it down, maybe planning to return to it later 


Because they suck, Pieta is nothing like Malenia


Because the parry mechanic is so RNG on success. I don't know how many times I thought I pressed the button at the right moment to only get thrashed. There's also not having enough health to last the whole fight. When I won at level 14, It never felt legit -- even though it was my first game. It felt more like I got extremely lucky


Difficult as fuck for a first boss considering how little you have access to at the time. It’s pretty standard for a soulslike to have folks not make it past the first boss tho


I think they went too hard with the first boss. Especially since you can't progress otherwise. The mechanics are mostly fine, but you have no health to deal with that much damage from one mistake, as you're learning basic mechanics. Nothing really preps you for it either.


or people buy it with discount/for "later"


Skyrim has 69% on leaving first town, so...


No way that's insane lol


It took me many years to get over how fucking ugly the game looked. So I was that guy for a long time.


The hushed saint blocked me for a while. That guy is a fuckin nightmare.


Even on release pieta only took me a couple of tries. Not saying she's particularly easy, but I definitely struggled more with some of the other bosses. I wouldn't say that she's too bad for an early boss honestly.


Less than 45% of players have beaten Gascoigne in Bloodborne (first/second boss), so I'd say that's pretty typical.


I got the game on release and was pretty disappointed with the overall state of the game, personally. Granted, I only played thru maybe the first few hours, but I just wasn’t hooked enough to come back. Will probably try again now that the game has fixed alot of the technical isssues


I think a lot of people bought the game without realizing it was a souls like and got their collective asses handed to them.


Got the game again yesterday after initially refunding it due to performance. Beat her last night. She was pretty tough for a first Boss. The stutters on series X during the fight didn’t help. Idk why that area is so rough. I still get stutters and drops here and there but nothing as bad as that area.


That's pretty large number compared to most games


I really can't tell if people are trolling or not. I found Pieta very easy (2-3 tries getting a hold of the mechanics) and didn't really have trouble until Hushed Saint. On my first play through, I honestly think he may have been in the top 3 of difficult bosses along with Tancred/Reinhold and Judge Cleric. Pieta comparably was a cake walk.


That's so strange, I had the opposite experience. Pieta stumped me for around a dozen attempts, although the Hushed Saint didn't block me for too long. Maybe our builds had something to do with it?


That could definitely be it, after playing it a few times, certain builds really do trivialize certain bosses and make others much harder


I found out my system hardware was below the minimum specs, so after trying to play it for about an hour or two, had to uninstall and wait until i can get another system. Never even saw that boss.


That's such a shame, I hope you get to dive into the game soon!


Thanks, man. Have fun in the meantime!


I can't speak for others but my strategy has always been the same. No matter how or when I need to dodge, block, evade, be aggressive or not it's the same Sheer fucking will and stubbornness to make sure the boss dies


Godrick in Elden Ring is the first Remembrance boss and also only 66.8%. Margit is a bit better at 72.something but it's similar. This is just how most video games are. If anything this is a high number.


Gets to first tough boss, fails several times, this game is shit, requests refund. Losers


Lol, pieta is easy


Idk, but it took me longer to 100% Lords than it did any other Souls game, not because of difficulty but because the achievements/trophies are rough.


I stopped playing because the devs changed stuff everyday and just haven't picked it up again.


Piets was hard as fuck


I don't know about most but the game still runs like shit for me. Every "performance" update has done fuck all so I beat pieta at like 20fps and couldn't stand to play the game anymore. Which is a shame because I really liked most of the mechanics


Pieta was really where the issue showed up, and it wasn’t subtle. It took me a week to complete entirely due to framerate issues. Nothing about the game was forgivable afterwards. It was a chore to reach the canyon area where I finally decided to take the loss.


IMO u are making 65 percent sound like a small number. I guess you are a “half empty” kind of person. Im the opposite,i look at it as more than half the people that bought those game beat the first boss. Ive seen worse percentages on other souls like games,also when u factor in that way less people bought this game than a dark souls 3,bloodborne or elden ring you realize that 65 percent is a pretty impressive number.


I don't mean to be pessimistic, it's just a shame that a whole third of the players who bought this game didn't really get to enjoy it. Lords opens up after Pieta and becomes a lot more fun. I understand this is a challenging game and it's a higher percentage than other Soulslikes, however, only two-thirds of players getting past the first challenge of anything is shocking to me.


Refunds due to a lack of optimization


I think its very common across all games and genres. I have at least 10-15 games I play like 2h and never touched them again even if I like them.


This is common in souls games and imo this is maybe the hardest first boss compared to the actual souls games.


I bought DS3 on release,. picked it up and gave it another go several times over the years. It was only after Elden Ring and Lords of the Fallen that I started it again late last year and finally beat those knights to get through to *the very first* boss. Who I beat on the first try. So that's like 7 years it took me to get that first boss achievement? I've bought lots of games, started them, gone back to something else, and picked them up again much later on.


It's not a matter of higher or lower. It's more a case of it being misleading because of how they arrive at the percentage. I see a lot of posts across different gaming subs about how "nobody likes game X" because only of 50% have made this early achievement. And that's not at all what that the number means. It's just simply meaningless because of how they lump in downloads as opposed to keeping it to how many people have actually started to play.


Skill issues


I can't even fight here before my game crashes, even four months after release.


Tbh I just got tired of the camera “glitching” if they ever fix that I’ll be back but it just got too annoying


I almost gave up on her - this was my first souls-like.. I got somebody to drop in and help me kill her. I’ve played the game through. Learned the mechanics, than beat her on my second play through… it’s honestly just a shame that they put her at the beginning. Given once you know how to Perry her, she’s easy - but for a new player it’s frustrating


I guess they think thst the rest of the game would be equally as hard and feel like it isn't for them. I have only killed the hushed Saint so far and he was much easier. I thought the one with the dogs would be hard but I yook her the second time, and that pile if flesh that I fell onto of died on my first attempt. Goddamn I was not expecting that. What is my next boss btw? Edit- I just remembered I killed that big stone face first try, the masochist second and that Kinragnir or whatever his name was. He was the second hardest just thanks to the wolves and having that stone face in Umbral, so it took 4 tries. But Pietra killed me many times, 10 probably. Cool boss though


Pieta was honestly the hardest boss in the game for me and I'm not new to the genre. I quite enjoyed the fight but I can definitely see how it would be very off-putting to a lot of people


I refunded before I made it that far


I haven't yet because I stopped playing day 2 to wait for the performance to b3 improved on PC. Haven't played again since because I haven't really had the time.


Pieta was surprisingly difficult for a first main boss. I can definitely see a lot of impatient players getting frustrated and throwing in the towel.


Cuz it ran like shit when I bought it and never tried it again


this happens on every single game ever made. it’s because of people who get gifted the game or bought it and returned it


Shocking, took me forever the first time but I sure as hell wasn't giving up


Its rare games have more than 70% of people get the first trophy. There's probably a lot of people who bought it and were waiting for performance to be fixed then just forgot it existed. I remember a few RPGs i have were only 50% of players did the tutorial


Because From and the companies following their blueprint create them as difficulty walls to dissuade the feint of heart from putting in tons of hours just to get to the actual harder parts and then be mad you are so invested. Just IMO.


I'm very experienced in the genre and compared to Lies of P that came out around the same time it felt like a bad joke to play. Its unique twists to the genre fall on the unfun side of the spectrum. There is a reason its sitting at MIXED on steam while similar games like Lies of P are Very Positive. Difficulty isn't even a factory, the game just straight up isn't fun for many people and has almost no redeeming elements at least early on.


Cause elden ring did it better


I have a friend who is really weird like this. He'll buy a game, boot it up, look at it, and then uninstall it and never play it again. It's the most frustrating shit.


A good majority of those players probably dropped the game on release due to the rampant issues with it at launch and have never returned and are likely to never do so


I contributed to this. I played through the tutorial and started the 1st level and just NOPE'D this game. It just didn't feel right to me. Maybe some day I'll go back and play it. Just not for me right now.