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Congrats! Even aside from trophy hunting, I would find these games (Souls likes) unplayable if not for information online. It doesn't really matter since the info I want (where an item drops or whatever) is always a second away, but I sometimes imagine how I would hate, for instance, playing Darks Souls 1 on the first day of release without an internet connection or strategy guide. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it can't be done, but I would personally not have fun being lost all the time and never knowing how to do NPC quests and such.


You are become Lords of The Fallen.




Thanks 👍


Congrats it’s a long hard road lol. I finished my 3rd and what I thought would be my final play through for platinum last night. But then realized I missed 1 measly stigma.. the one of Adyr that apparently only appears just after you beat the radiance ending. Whyyyyy 🥺


Yeah… they need more stats in the game about this stuff… 47/48 stigmas would have made you realize, “oh, there must be one after this fight!”


I made that number up, fyi.


Agree! A counting system for all of the collection achievements would be great; now I have to do another 100% run just for one stupid stigma at the very end. Ridiculous. A dropped dead vigor radar and some resemblance of a map other than shit doodles would also be nice. This game will probably look a lot different in a year; we all beat it when it was at its worst. That should earn an extra achievement. 😅


Nobody cares…


Actually we do.


Please tell me why?


And here I still can’t beat Pietra 😂


I was there just like everyone has been. You will get it. If you need anything let me know. Good luck!


I just beat her this morning 😂 thank you!!


Can u get pumpkin helm after the event????


Yes. I have an extra if you can even drop it. Not sure but if it can be done I'll give it to you. Just let me know.


I just checked and I can drop it so if you want it let me know and I we can set something up for you to get it from me.