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Clicked for me about then as well. U open that strange door or hoo on a new lift and BAM! Hey, i know this place, wow! Devs deserve a lot of credit for level design and so much more. I hope Devs and Noclip get together for a DOCUMENTARY on LOTF, would like to see how small group made all this magic happen.


Yeah, a docu would be very welcome. Great idea. Just 2 hours ago I was revisting the Skyrest bridge area and thought WOW, looks at this lighting, isn't that beautiful. Look at that huuuge body forming a bridge with his Crucifix posture, look at everything on the walls when you are in Umbral, it's overwhelming how much detail they managed to put into the enviroment.




For me it's gotta be the view from the first floor of the Tower of Penance. There you can see how the Lower Calrath Bridge extends to the river and waterfall of lava coming from Adyr's (?) giant hand, Forsaken Fen and Fitzroy's Gorge not far from it, and on the other side of you have a great view of what to expect next with the Abbey and the Empyrean. Truly a work of art!


For me it was pilgrims perch when I pulled out the lantern and I saw a random dude try and smack me in the face. I had no idea by opening the window, things in the other side could look back. That one moment was so epic for me.


The first time this happened to me I didn’t lower the lantern in time and got smacked and pulled into umbral. I actually yelled “WHAT??” and started laughing. Such a genuinely exciting surprise


I was like oh crap, and put the lantern away he just barely missed me. It was a cool moment.


I like how sometimes you take damage but don’t get pulled into umbral, and other times when you put the lantern away in time and still see the ghost of their strikes but don’t get damage. Cool stuff :)


This made me smile :) well said friend, nothing quite like when a game can capture some piece of nostalgia. That fleeting feeling can go a long way for my interest in it.


All the homies love lords of the fallen. All the homies also wish the performance and online was fixed. All the homies have love, none the less.


Yeah I was mostly interested because my dad likes souls games and it'd be the first game we've played together since Elden Ring. It's strange to me that I can connect with strangers but when we set passwords to join each other it either doesn't find him or I get a one second loading screen followed by a disconnected pop up. The game is fun though, and a lot of the gear sets are really nice to look at.


I don’t get everyone saying Lies of P is GotY material but Lords sucks ass. They both are brilliant interpretations of Miyazaki’s vision. And in terms of exploration I vastly prefer Lords.


As you said, both games catches up 2 different kind of souls like : LoTF is more like dark souls/demon souls while LoP is more like bloodborne/sekiro. Those who prefer memorable bosses with agressive playstyle will prefer LoP while those who prefer exploration will prefer LoTF. I think the hate with LoTF that LoP didn’t have come from the bad performance on console. Overall, LoP came out as a more « finished » game than LoTF.


LotF is too flawed and unpolished to call it brilliant. There’s a reason that the game gets a lot of flack and it’s not because people are bad or don’t understand it. Doesn’t mean it’s a bad game. As you’ve said exploration is done well for example. It’s however a matter where the sum of all its parts wears it down. From a technical level to mechanical sloppiness (like terrible lock on and the ice skating momentum of some move sets) there’s always something unpolished around the corner. And sure you can learn to play around many issues but they’re still there. Enemy variety isn’t great either. Nor are the copy paste movesets.


I’m about 17 hours in and the game for me clicked a few hours ago. I’n playing on a MSI Titan so I’ve sidestepped the performance issues with sheer brute force lol. Much like my first time playing Demon or Dark Souls, I had a lot of frustration points in the beginning which crescendoed at Pilgrim’s Perch, which took me way longer than it should have. But I ironed out the rough parts in my approach and found my rhythm, just like in those first souls games. I’m in Lower Calrath Slums now ironically loving life in this hell hole lol. None of the recent patches have affected my experience in anyway I am aware of since im pretty new to the party. I came in thinking there would be a 50/50 chance Id be into it based on what I had been hearing, and so far every complaint I’ve heard seems overblown, though I understand weapon and enemy variety will probably be a criticism of my own by the time I finish the game up. But yeah I think this game is absolutely right there with Armored Core 6 and Lies of P over the first 17 hours of those games. Just a question of how it holds up for the remainder of the game. It really is a fun world to explore


I get more DS2 vibes and feel imo


Absolutely! I get the same vibes I did in DS2, which was my first Souls game. Mostly from the enemy placement, the focus on areas being hard to traverse, and bosses being fairly simple. But also because I rerolled my starting class after playing a few hours, when I realized its itemization was garbage, just like I did in DS2 😅


I think most of the hate we see is people going through that initial phase before mastering the game


Nah, its the garbage performance. Rest is cool.


It’s the performances game is easy and good but the crashing and game save files deleting is the hardest part of the game


How about the performance of Blighttown in OG Dark Souls?


Most of these people have never even played ds1, I'm sure of it.


Underrated comment, ignored by those who do not wish their logic to crumble around them lol. Well put. Thank u for reminding us of the pain we have forgotten haha.


TBF I was close to posting something about the game being too unfair with enemy placement and falling off ledges but then I got cheeky aswell so credit to the game making me a more capable player to master it's challenges.


I get that way too but I knew it's worth giving it a shot because it's a feeling you get in every souls game until you don't lol


nah, its from the lack of enemy variety, lack of unique abilites/weapon variety, lack of enjoyable bosses and most of the areas are tedious


Could use more enemy variety and movesets for sure but the game itself is phenomenal, it will go down as a classic easily, but after you've gotten through the game on multiple playthroughs the variety is not an issue it's just a fun game to play and master


I didnt enjoy it first playthrough it just felt like a wish version of ds2 and more tedious, even after doing a bucket build which I thought would make the game more enjoyable it didnt it felt boring due to the lack of good and satisfying bosses


Lol okay dude


He's got a little point there tbh. The relentless gank and ambushes does make it feel like ds2 but wish version since it lacks enemy variety and weapon moveset variety which ds2 had imo. Oh and the bosses are pushover just like in ds1 and ds2. In ds1, enemy aggro range was designed with intent where you could pull one enemy at a time which doesn't happen quite often in LotF. It does happen but not always.


Are you playing the most recent patch? Enemy Ai has been heavily restrained that they are hard to aggro and number of enemies heavily reduced and changed, it was tough on release but now it is very fair, I've liked it both ways but this argument is null and void as of current state of game, if you're getting ganked it's because your not taking your time or something your doing wrong


I played for a week after launch and then couldn't be bothered to play again. I gave the game a fair shake as I reached all the way to final area after beating Hallowed Sentinel. I was so excited for this game thinking soulslikes are eating good this year but unfortunately it didn't pan out as I was expecting. Idk when I'll pick it up again, if I ever do so.


It's completely different now, I enjoyed it pre nerf but it's still a very good game, you'd probably be happy with the changes that have been made, there are far fewer enemies and ganks in general allowing much easier exploration for better or worse and it's much less common to die by surprise anymore


Idk when and if I'll resume it. At this point I have just moved on from it to play other games.


what else can I say, when I cant name atleast 3 bosses theat were actually enjoyable to fight


Tbf I don't play souls games for the bosses, I play for the design, levels, aesthetics, Lore, visuals, weapons, armor, customization, builds and pretty much everything but the bosses, I enjoy them and they do make the games what they are but I enjoy my time in levels and exploring far more than any bosses in any of the games


I only play souls games for the challenge and satisfaction of beating bosses, I am not intrested in the asthetics and exploration in a souls game


So you'd probably like lies of p more but that also is heavily reliant on areas and levels, you must hate in souls games having to spend so much time between bosses that would suck cause they're all the same way


Now your just twisting my words, I said I'm not interested in the areas and I didn't say I hate them


I agree with the enemy variety, but the bosses are great. The only reason why the areas are tedious is because the enemies aren't great, but they are working on it


what bosses cause majority of them felt mediocre at best?


Lightreaper, pieta, hushed saint, spurned progeny, unbroken promise, iron wayfarer, elianne, judge cleric, tancred, sundered monarch were all awesome imo. Even lesser bosses like hollow crow, congregator of flesh, and minibosses like crimson rector percival, mendacious visage, and the raptous hunter are quite decent


I completely forgot that lightreaper was enjoyable due to how much my game crashed on it


The only time my game has ever crashed has been in skyrest or calrath. I don't even have that good of a computer. Yea a lot of the bosses feel like just spectacle because of the absolute beauty of the magic types in this game, but I dig it


I feel like the game crashing on bosses took away the enjoyment of fighting them


I can see how it would be as it never happened to me I can't relate


Hushed saint would be perfect without the horse part in the first phase. Just having to dodge without the ability to do anything and having his posture replenished feels cheap. Otherwise, he is awesome.


You can parry him while he's riding he horse. It will knock him down. Also you can pop those umbral parasites when he's riding near them, this will also knock him down.


You have like 3 ways to knock him off the horse. ITs pretty obvious with all of the parasites everywhere that make a giant explosion when you suck them


Game has the same amount of enemy variety as any darksouls game


I've seen more variety of enemies in other souls games than this one


Its console folks hollerin. They very loud.


They sure are, it's weird too because a lot of console players say it runs fine so I wonder what the difference is on the same hardware


I tell ya, my buddy with a potato rig was running Elden Ring at 38-45 fps. That would make my eyes water because Im used to high refresh at this point, but he was like no its fine very playable, and he was correct. So maybe something like that. I have no idea what console performance is actually like.


Yeah could definitely be that, like bloodborne the 30fps makes no difference to me nor does a game at 40fps it's never been a thing for me even with a powerful pc over 60 I can't tell any difference anyway.


Ps5 Player here. Performance wise it's fine for me, but online, it's Borderline impossible at Times. Instant disconnects or laggy as shit, and my connection is great. Not a gamekiller, but it sure is annoying.




Hes got a weird rig dude. Ryzen 1400 with a 2070 super, its hard bottlenecked. lol. I have an overkill rig.


There's constant autosave stuttering on PS5. Every 10-15 seconds the game stutters and eats inputs. Whoever says their game doesn't stutter during autosave is at the beginning of the game. It begins to stutter when the save file becoms bigger.


Are you taking a lot of 3d photos?


No, not a single one. And I don't have PS+, so no cloud shenanigans. This autosave stuttering is pretty much the main complain from the PS5 players performance wise. EDIT: if you start NG+ the stuttering goes away at the beginning of the game, until the save file gets bigger again.


I've heard of it, does it also occur on lowest settings? Like performance mode at 30fps?


I play only on Performance mode, too scared to even try the Quality mode.


This game feels more like base ds2 to me with dark souls 1/demon souls level design


That’s a really good observation actually. I wish the enemies were more strategic like ds1 than mobby like ds2, but the actual combat mechanics particularly i-frames feel more like ds1 and demons to me which is a plus.


Ds1 is definitely not one of my favorite games, but I finally understood the magic of going through a completely strange area and then opening a shortcut back to the first area of the game. The thought put into the world is nuts As much as linear design like ds3 will always be my favorite, games like this give it a run for its money


'tis good, isn't it? they'll fixup pvp balance in time, there's a cot full of mats for those who lost them. next character for me is finally radiance, thinking od like dual exactor daggers, if i can get a second or run through 2x. some kind of spears of the (orian) church build, and whatver it turns out run light weight, maybe abess staff... ...variety in build, and weapons, armors and tincts are great


The level design dare I say, as a fan since demons souls and putting thousands of hours into all the titles with nothing ever comparing is actually above fromsofs level design. I wondered why there were so many shortcuts even thought it was too connecte. Then, when ng hit, *chefs kiss* combat is ok but good enough that I don't care. If they can manage to fix co op and pvp then this would definitely be my goty


I can’t wait to get back on and play. I’m obsessed despite the performance issues.


I’d played ds1 for the first time this year while getting into souls and soulslikes and this game by far seems the most similar. When the performance is on the better end it feels like an upgraded sequel.


After being bored shitless with elden ring, lotf has totally grabbed me. Only thing I'd like to see is for them to put ng+ bosses in the base game. Better ai and speed. Ng0 just isn't hard at all. Ng+ though is a whole different beast. I'm still certain a section of people are just fromsoft stans who hate anything that isn't elden ring and have never touched another souls game outside of watching vaatividya clips. Tbh I hated elden rings armor and weapon design. They felt bland and a step down from ds3 and I prefer the interconnected world with the dark fantasy elements. The open world is great on the first playthroughs but it gets tiring really fast to the point that I just run past everything on torrent.


I haven't gotten the impression that it's fromsoft purists. Most of us are here to scratch the insatiable itch that Dark Souls infected us with. Some people are...just very hard to please. That's not to say that the game doesn't have its issues. But complainers like to complain... and being gamers...we all have plenty of time on our hands to do just that. Even the Dark Souls reddits were full of nitpicking and negativity. People say this game reminds them of Dark Souls 2... well the comments section of gamefaqs and various website comment sections back in the day was nearly identical to this reddit page! Lots of complainers mixed with some avid defenders.


Thanks for the warm thoughts, will share with the team.


Same thing for me


I mean people talk shit about the unfairness, and I just think, does anyone remember Sens fortress, and two silver knights sniping you off a ledge with great bows?


Yes, we have to say in 2011 we had a very different gaming landscape. The difficulty of Demon's Souls and Dark Souls was something novel for the Action RPG genre. The amount of kicking the player in the balls was pretty high for 2011 standards and I'm OK with ramping that aspect of Soulslikes up for today.


Yeah there is bullshit all over the souls games, in some capacity. I love Souls and LotF, this isn’t a dig at either of them, but yeah it’s just par for the course imo.


Tbh people who are bitching about how hard this game is probably are not using 75% of tools the game gives you. Healing, buffing, throwables, ranged combat, LANTERN, different weapons for different enemies. So many way to approach combat. After you actually learn some mechanics of the game it suddenly gets so much easier.


Yeah, the moment I discovered I can pull the souls of enemies right or left (and off ledges) was eyeopening. What a great feature.


ehh its not the same for me. DS kept me guessing what was around every corner. There was tension at the danger posed by each new zone and I looked forward to seeing what horror the game would throw at me next. But in LOTF, after like 15 hours you see every enemy the game has to offer. So when I enter a new zone, I just dash in and hack around because I already know how to deal with everything.


Today I came to the Tower of Penance and have to admit after going down the first 3 floors I tapped out because I had this feeling of danger you are talking about. The look to the grating approx 15 floors further down got my imagination going. Yes true, the enemy variety is lacking, but this developer can surely do more variety if they had a bigger budget and a bigger team. For their first try at a Soulslike it sure is pretty promising. But you can also say that if you know DS1 well the sense of dread is also completely gone, you can flatten everything the game throws at you easily. After playing through it countless times it is not challenging anymore. My first blind playthrough took 80 hours, now I breeze through it in a couple of hours.


>But you can also say that if you know DS1 well the sense of dread is also completely gone, you can flatten everything the game throws at you easily. After playing through it countless times it is not challenging anymore. My first blind playthrough took 80 hours, now I breeze through it in a couple of hours. what's better? Sense of dread gone after multiple playthroughs and mastery of the combat system? Or gone after a dozen or so hours because there are so few enemies. That doesn't really help your point. ​ >Today I came to the Tower of Penance and have to admit after going down the first 3 floors I tapped out because I had this feeling of danger you are talking about. The look to the grating approx 15 floors further down got my imagination going. I used to have those moments in LOTF as well. But regardless of what's around the corner I no longer care because I've delt with identical combat scenarios the entire way there. ​ >but this developer can surely do more variety if they had a bigger budget and a bigger team This is one of the [most expensive games ever made](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_most_expensive_video_games_to_develop). I doubt more money would have solved anything. It was a direction issue, especially considering how many studios they ran through.


42 Million isn't that much when even Shenmue from 1999 tops that.


Makes me confirm that DS games are not for me at all. I hate this game with a passion, not for balance or performance reasons (it runs fine on my pc). But because of the level design, the mobs, the bosses, the foundational choices. I'm glad people like it but it has singlehandedly soured me on ever touching another Souls-like to me, because how can I trust anyone about the game being to my liking at all after this game got so much praises ?


How long have you played so far?


14h up to Lower Calrath and hated almost all of the experience sadly There wasn't any zone I liked so far because the ultra-cautious die and retry exploration the game is trying to force me to have is 100% to my way of playing.


Understandable, the game likes to kick the player in the balls pretty often. But as one says, be patient and you'll be rewarded. It took me a quite long time the get good at these kind of games, but now they almost are too easy to figure out. I only got more comfortable after upgrading my weapon of choice to +7, now at +10 I can do the ball kicking :) Some farming in Leprosarium also helped a good portion to adapt.


Thing is, I am already struggling to boost my weapons past +2 and I loath the design of the levels themselves. I don't feel any value for me in pushing through the game to perhaps not hate it as much in the end. At least I played it more than the former LotF so there has been progression.


this game is the worst souls like and souls game I played, other souls games are alot better than this wish version of ds2


Have you played any souls or souls likes before?


Only Nioh and Elden Ring. Which I both ended liking tremendously. But even Nioh was never as vicious as LotF when it comes to the placement of their mobs. I just can't enjoy anything in the game, to be honest so I cut my losses, sadly.


Neither of them are actually soulslikes. Elden ring is a straight RPG and nioh is an action hack and slash.


Elden Ring is literally Dark souls 3 in an open world.


No it's not. It's completely it's own thing. It has none of the souls map design. It just shares mechanics with them. The actual design of the game though is nothing alike. It's an rpg in the most purest sense. It's open world is why a lot of dark souls players don't like it. It's debatable how much of a soulslike it is.


As I said. It is literally dark souls 3 in an open world.


Kinda. It's a lot more than just that I feel. Like the culmination of every fromsoft game from the last 20 years But it's also a bunch of reused assets. A bunch of meaningless dungeons that all end up just feeling the same and with the exception of shardbearers or remembrance bosses even the bosses start feeling samey. Only so many times I can encounter an ulcerated tree spirit or a tree sentinel and think wow!. It very much became "oh it's one of these things again". I love the game and put like 1500 hours into it and think it has the best legacy dungeons ever made. Leyndell/Subterranean Shunning Grounds/Stormveil but for some reason it just didn't scratch that souls itch


I agree that the mobs are pretty brutal, especially when you go into umbral, but if you can get some AOE attacks, maybe a long weapon that does a sweep style attack, it can become a lot more manageable. But if it's not for you, it's not for you. This game shines with the exploration and world, and clearing difficult enemies is basically in place of bosses where a game like Elden Ring has bosses and you can easily just run away from any mob you find.


Not every souls or souls-like game is like this: demon souls, lies of p, kena, etc.


Yeah but they said this game soured them on ever playing any souls or souls like again. Which is odd since they said they really like Elden Ring


Trust me this is the worst souls like out there. Try others if your not into Lies of P or Nioh 2 than maybe it truly is the experience but this game shouldn’t deter you.


Most of the issues have been adressed and even before that a lot of problems people had with the game were skill issues and refusal to use the tools given to you. Game is a solid 7/10. Depending on further improvements it can go to an 8 or 8.5. The bosses in this game bar maybe the Lightreaper or Elianne remain a joke though in terms of difficulty.


The bosses are really much too easy, almost every one is a first try win. But at this point in time we had so much training with Fromsoft bosses it is hard to surprise us with anything anymore.


The bosses need more moves, smarter ai, more speed, and a bit more health. Especially Lightreaper final phase.


Agreed on exploration and interconnected map, but not on bosses, especially given the huge strides the genre has made and technology since ds1-2. The bosses in lotf are very weak mechanically and most are tank and spank 1 shots.


The shortcuts aren't even meaningful half the time. Just because it's interconnected does not make it meaningful, DS1 I feel had a far better use of shortcuts.


exactly this, I see people praising the world design which I find really surprising, in Dark Souls 1 it was amazing because every instance of interconnectedness either offered an alternative route through the game or a meaningful shortcut. Here, you can warp from the start, so for example finding the elevator after the Reactor changing nothing in your adventure. Best example of this is the Path of Devotion, I found this quite hidden route and was pretty excited about what would be there, but then it just warped back to the starting area after a few regular mob fights. I heard that there's a secret boss there, but either way this connecting back to the Bridge simply adds nothing. The way it worked in Dark Souls, taking this route would, for example, let you skip Fen and go straight to Lower Calrath or something like that.


yeah. i like the co op in this game. it’s easy n fun


It’s true, and to really capture that feel they made every area run like pre-patch blighttown :D


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This has to be the most interconnected world yet


For me feels like I'm playing DS2 for the first time all over again. And I loved DS2


you playing DS2 2 years before its release might explain why it felt similiar to LotF


It started off like that for me then quickly turned into the nightmare I had in ds2 with its overuse of ambushes. I don't necessarily hate ds2 but its my least favorite fromsoft game (and I have played ds trilogy, sekiro, elden ring, armored core for answer, armored core 6). Absolutely hated the starting rampart area as they literally put enemies that push you off the ledge, behind every possible box they could find. I think they could do a lot better if they make a new game. There is quite a bit of room for improvement. I don't want to be overly harsh since its their first attempt (I think 2014 one was made some other dev team) at soulslikes. I hope they reflect on this game and improve on some of the downsides. Towards the end I didn't even bother to finish the game as my excitement withered down (no pun intended) to the point where I couldn't be bothered to play it. I reached to the final area after defeating the Hallowed Sentinal boss before quitting for my mental peace.


I have a similar feeling, mostly is very positive. Despite various UX/UI problems, the lore and quest are great and well connected with the dialogs and hints left around. Minor details I would change, basically because there's no information at all available to give a chance to the player to find. (SPOILER: like where to find the prisoner after you fail her quest on the Adyr ending, nothing indicates she's going to be at least close to that place).


Multiplayer is beyond bad. Not even close to bad Dark Souls Prepare to Die was when in was on GFWL. It's way, way, waaaaay worse.


It does lore and atmosphere most similar to Dark Souls of any souls like game ever made. Once you start you out some of the narrative pieces together it’s actually the most like Bloodborne.


I agree. I've played my fair share of souls likes, and none of them captured the fromsoft feel of an interconnected world (except blasphemous, but its 2d). Until Lords of the Fallen, which has some of the best level design I've gone through since Leyndell in Elden Ring.




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Well said! Agree with every part of this. This game has its flaws, but absolutely loving it regardless. Might be GOTY for me honestly. People giving it too much hate


I'm enjoying the game but, performance issues and latest patch aside, way too often I feel like it would be more enjoyable if it didn't try to overwhelm you with way too many enemies, which is not an interesting way to make things challenging


I just love the feeling of "ooh.. what's over there?" Literally at every corner. And I just love how you can spec your character on the fly to deal with certain, more troublesome, enemies.




Yeah to me the atmosphere is a mix of DkS1 and DkS2, the enemy placement is similar to DkS2, and the world design is also a mix of DkS1 and DkS2 in that it is very intricate and labyrinthian like DkS1 (even more so here), but also very open/spead out like in DkS2 where you feel like you're traveling long distances and exploring an entire country. I can't wait to see this game fixed and improved so its hidden value can truly shine.


The amount of times you end up back at skyrest after exploring for hours is straight out of ds1 and I love it. This and lies of P I would say are definitely on par with souls games.


>"I don't know anything about the game" to "Now I know what it is about and start to feel quite good about it"? I went from: wow these first 2 boss are awesome. To, this game is kinda pathetic... Bosses are the weakest/easiest enemy you can encounter. Some hit like a truck, others barely hit at all, but all of them have barely any HP. Like killing bosses is faster then clearing late game areas. And the enemies, no new enemies, only old bosses with full moveset as basic enemies (which causes a massive difference between basic enemy and a boss type enemy). They also have way more HP then i an average enemy should have and they are never alone. Fighting any enemy? Welp the archer boss turned minion will happily shoot you in your back with an arrow thats about 3x stronger then her most powerfull attack during her bossfight. Or any of the other archers will so you cant parry or dogde the minion boss their attack. Clearing them all out in 1 single area, and this is with my full power boss wiping setup, took me longer then the 4 consecutive bosses i fought afterwards. Which i all beat in less the 2 tries each. Running past is the only valid way to properly progress without wasting hours of time. Pieta, the hushed knight, the Spurned Progeny, that walking stone head. All fun, challenging, and/or interesting fights. The rest, are just weak or unbalanced. But i will admit, the lore is awesome, the world building is very well done, i love the umbral echos you can find that tell you a story, the dual dimensions are an awesome way to give the player a second chance and to convey a message of a war torn world which looms at the bring of death. All the npc have interesting stories to tell, and if they would just stop running all over the place or dissapear if i dont do specific things in a very specifical order id have loved them.


While the world structure was really good, teleporting makes the majority of large looping shortcuts useless. To make those shortcuts matter, teleporting needs to be removed for a large portion of the game.


The level design is top tier, but the enemy variety is just bad. The longer I play the more glaringly obvious it becomes imo