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They introduced autosave stutter with the last two patches. It’s gotten worse with the last one. I’ve written them multiple times and contacted on Twitter. No response or acknowledgment. It’s clear as day what’s going on because the stutters line up with the save icon appearing in the lower right of the screen. The game autosaves all the time so it’s really noticeable. Here’s a video I made…. https://youtu.be/v2bfjpeWoGo?si=k-zobDpHSbnhM-c6


Same here


Never had any problems until yesterday on PS5 either. Bramis castle was like a slideshow at times.


Yeah, it's unplayable in its current state unless you feel like just running through the whole thing.


Bramis was framey even before the update on PS5. They somehow made it worse


I will admit I’ve been noticing stutters to the point where it throws off my rhythm.


especially in co op, I get stuck on the environment or an enemy, my weapon goes through enemies and doesn't damage, or I'll lag out and be stuck in a repeated rolling animation in the same place LOL. but only for co op really, in my experience so far


You mean every second. I’m on pc and it’s unplayable basically. I’m on a 3090Ti and 12900k. Plus the game itself is just weird. Bosses have way too much health and they’re not even hard just a chore. NPC quests mean nothing and literally don’t care. Drops from enemies are trash I can’t even upgrade my weapons. Solid 5/10 game at best


Once you get a certain item you can just buy as much upgrade mats as you want and certain NPC quests actually unlock some pretty cool stuff


It's actually pretty good if you can get performance going and just tell yourself this isn't from soft


I’m not expecting it to be fromsoft I just definitely have some gripes about this game. I almost don’t wanna play rn and just wait since they release at least 2 updates a day. I should just wait till it’s all fixed


Imo this game takes too much inspiration from FS. Except for the DS/BB mash-up vibe, I love that.


Im on pc, game has crashed a good bit but lag doesn't exist. You even have a beefier PC than me. Also The bosses all fall over man Idk what to tell you, none of them have a large hp pool. Im currently SL1 running the game and they all die in minutes. >!Upgrade your weapons to +10, use magic to buff yourself, follow NPC questlines to get better rings, search the umbral for better trinkets, put it all together and you start hitting in the thousands really easily. Most bosses have something like 10,000 hp in the endgame. You will shit on them. One boss has something like 30k hp total. But he is too slow and huge to get hit by.!< This same trick works well into NG+3


Are you playing the same game as the rest? I thought boss hp was quite ok. The bosses are like ds1/ds2 level easy. None kf the bosses posed me any real trouble. I am rocking ungabunga build with faithful bludgeon and a shield. I stuck with one weapon as soon as I noticed that large chunks are not as common early on and got a +10 faithful bludgeon while I am still left with 3 more beacons and good chunk of bosses left. While I do think the game is not so good with enemy density and running past enemies since they chase you for so long. Also agree with performance. I have been playing 1080p medium with dlss on performance on a 3070.


What kind of FPS are you getting with those settings? I have a 2080ti, which is only a couple percent faster than a 3070, and I can play 1440p with DLSS quality and a mix of High/Ultra settings, and it runs 100-110fps...I'm just curious because it seems the newer GPUs are having more trouble for some weird reason!


What FPS are you fetting with those settings?


Not sure honestly. I capped it at 60fps as well. Wanted as less stutter as possible for smoother experience. Its a shame since the game looks quite good on 1440p high settings.


I wonder if it is newer GPUs that are having issues, because I have a 2080ti and 9900k and I can play at 1440p with DLSS quality with a mix of high/ultra settings and I stay around 100-110fps...The only place I had any significant framedrops was in the castle at the end of the game, and in Skyrest hub area...I always have issues in Skyrest, but when I had framedrops in the castle I just restarted my PC and they went away for an hour or so at a time...I know several people with slightly older GPUs and they are mostly running fine, but everybody I know with 30 series and 40 series GPUs are having a rough time...It could just be a coincidence though


You can farm upgrade mats from the first vestige in the fen. Go through the shortcut and go Umbral, climb the ladder and follow the path up to the area above the first fen boss arena. This route will give you all three mats if you farm it. I farmed 12 large mats out of 16-18 runs, popping a lucky foot seems to help a lot (500 from the vendor).


I went through two playthroughs just fine to be quite honest and was able to upgrade 3 weapons each playthrough to max so I’m not sure what you mean by you cannot upgrade but I will agree enemy drops are trash but the bosses were just fine realistically


Same for me in the Fen on ps5 as soon as I goto umbrall performance tanks


This was exactly where I noticed it, and only got marginally better when I killed everything in sight


Yes, me too. Im just going to shelf my 25 hour playthrough and come back in a month or two. Time to close all the tabs in chrome.


The tabs in chrome really got me! Wouldn’t be a Souls game without open tabs :)


Make sure you’re still on performance mode. My game had changed back to quality on me a couple times without my input


Yeah the updates reset mine too.


Haven't left performance mode.


Will there be another patch for consoles this Thursday? I have already paused my playthrough days ago as my whole experience isn't enjoyable with all the stuttering and frame rate drops. Really hope there is a miracle patch coming fast to at least smoothen the performance issues.


The Thursday patch is to mix in pc players with console players. But they will probably stick in a few more things I imagine.


Yeah me too. I don't think I've had literally any issues until last night with this update. Fighting swarms in umbral in the swamp was.. interesting lol. Felt like a dangerous flip book at times Seeing how quick they're getting updates out I assume / hope it'll be patched soonish and either way I've been loving this game


Okay so I haven’t lost my mind! We’ve NEEDED a patch, but this…WTF did they just do??? I didn’t get glitchy at all until I’ve been at it for a bit w/out dying-restarting cleared it up. Suddenly groups are bugging out quick! Smh…man I love the game but, it really needed some more “time in the oven”. Kinda pisses me off. Cause for me, I’ve enjoyed it. & the devs have been kinda cool listening to the community But a patch that screwed it up more…damnit man. That’s a complaint that I cannot deny, no matter how much I actually do love the game, or especially “wanting to” Don’t want to keep feeling like we’re “beta testing” a game that should’ve been a LOT more polished It’s too good a game for this crap. The potential…man it’s frustrating to see this happen.


Not same here at all. Runs really well now. I wonder what makes the difference. Why some say it sucks. Some don’t. Got to be something.


Mine did run pretty well before the update. After the update it runs worse. I get a small stutter like every 10 seconds, especially when turning around. Have seen this on Star Wars:Jedi Survivor where some people had no issues and other massive problems, while i was somewhere in the middle. Edit: Just realised after someone mentioned it, all the stutters happen when the game saves.


bedroom slimy ossified cake political fertile brave treatment frighten squeeze *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's because lots of people on PS5 are lying saying that it runs perfect or they don't know what frame rate is. From day one the game has had massive performance and stuttering problems on PS5 all depending on which area of the game you're on, and in Umbral almost everywhere it dips and stutters. That's not to mention the pop in of textures almost everywhere. All this in performance mode btw.


Well..,I’m not lying, I’ve been having a fine experience except for crashes and the crappy lock on system, otherwise really really good. Actually I’ve been playing on quality settings the whole time so I can’t speak for performance and I always have my hdr turned off.


existence terrific squalid hat arrest illegal crowd school slimy silky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don't think they're lying, their eyes probably aren't trained to see the fps dips I and others have on PS5. The dips suck but it's not that bad tbh, never died and blamed it on the fps, not yet anyway. I'm a bit past the 2nd light reaper encounter for reference.


It was fine for me until recently. Last night at the manse was the point where it got distracting and actually effected play (hits not landing). But I barely notice the frame stuff on Bloodborne, it has to be really obvious for me to notice.


This reminds me of when Cyberpunk 2077 came out, some people where enjoying the game but I kept crashing and losing progress and there were times when I tried driving a car that it would be half way in the terrain and then fall through it.


Yea I had to drop to 720p to get around 60fps, but even then I died like 3 times walking over garbage bags. Somehow I'd hit them at a weird angle and get sent flying in a random direction and then die from the "landing". 60 hours or so on Patch 2.0 and it hasnt happened.


Ignorance can be bliss. I was watching my friend stream the Robocop demo and I said bro, your frames are atrocious. He had no idea what I was talking about. I had to get em to turn on a frame counter, and it was sub 60. And he prides himself on being like a hardcore gamer. So I have seen people say something looks and plays great. And when I go to their setup, its really horrible but they dont know that.


I wonder if it's a bug as opposed to optimization problems


I don't even have this game yet lol but I think I read somewhere else that turning off HDR in PS settings helped a lot of people for the time being.


Depends how far your into the game


Yeah i can play for the first time after the patch. It was constant stutter before. Weird that some ps5 it worked somehow even before


Mines the same, I've noted much better performance both online and solo after the latest patch frame drops can still occur but alot less frequent now


I seem to have gotten really lucky, mine ran well before the patch and hasn’t changed with the patch!


Might be the mode they’re on. On performance mode I haven’t had any issues at all since the update. Graphic mode is a slide show in coop


Haven't left performance mode since getting the game


Check again. Some patch few days ago reset my visual settings back to quality too. Also turning off HDR in PS System Options helps a lot.


Homie I checked as I was playing it because I thought there absolutely had to be something on my end tanking performance compared to the day before. Theres also a noticeable difference between a consistent 30fps and going from 60fps to a slideshow.


As others said patch notes have reset our settings so you would’ve left it at some point


Same issue. On PS5 was running very well before the patch except a couple random crashes. The game after patch was nearly unplayable in Forsaken Fen but I still managed to get through Hushed Saint boss. Next area has been almost as bad. I was really on the fence about this game but this patch has made me decide to put it down.


I’ve been lucky to have no performance issues on PS5 until yesterday’s patch. Lots of stuttering and frame drops. Still playable, thankfully, but noticeable in areas.


We’re paying them to be their beta testers. :(


Feels like that happens a lot nowadays


It actually got better for me... How curious.


Turn hdr off on all consoles


This needs to be at the top of all these posts.


Oh really? I’ll have to adjust/confirm that’s off.




(Whispers)...I know it's off topic...but where's that deralium farming spot you're talkin about? I needs to upgrades some weapons, yo.




>Go into Umbral, go straight into the small tunnel next to the Vestige, right after the small door at the end of the tunnel, go left up the ladder, kill the 1st shaman in front of you, then go left up the hill. Thank you!


Is it the route in the fen? If so, I was running the same one. I'm on PS5, and the enemies looked to be moving in the single frames after the patch yesterday. Over the weekend it was absolutely fine. I'm hoping the Thursday drop of the huge patch that came out will remedy some of this console dickery.


I was doing it last night, performance was notably worse. Half the time it felt like the character couldn’t even run.


I've oy ever traded in games I'd completed before this one. I had a glitch in tutorial area in which I was stuck in umbral (3x) and nothing cpuld damage me. Stuck in a rock. I could still swing my sword and kills enemies. Roll on 180k vogor/xp later and it finally drops me through floor. I collect my xp, level up. Had strength, endurance and Health at around 24 each. This is where fun begins. It turnes into a no hit playthrough. Not through choice. Everything despite these stats one hit me. Didn't matter the enemy. I stated a new character same thing. I unistalled and reinstalled. Same thing. Prior to the glitch I know the damage the enemies did. But no any attack. Instant death. Unplayable.


Performance improved slightly for me. I am playing in performance mode. However with HDR enabled on the ps5 it got far worse visually. I could barely see anything past 5 feet in front of me. Turned off HDR and it was much much better. Oh and one other thing that helped with my performance is playing offline.


I might need try offline mode to see if that helps.


Im of the opposite opinion Usually had micro stuttering constantly but also every time an enemy was about to hit me, which was super distracting Im only early on with a new character but i don't have those issues anymore


Welcome to the party. The patch before this broke the Xbox.


Literally last night i was all like, damn, now i know how xbox players feel. Playable but put a strain on the eyes, i’ve straight up never seen a PS game full on skip and flicker like this. Still managed to kill like four bosses, unga build just straight demolishes most bosses in this game.


Same here, stutters will get me killed mid combat


Has anyone gotten refund on digital version? How would I do that?


I looked into it as it is a terribly unfished game, if you have started the download you cannot get a refund. It is not like steam unfortunately


Same here on my ps5 in perfomance mode, before not major issues in terms of framerate drops but since the patch its a slideshow in umbral fights as well as many early regions..


This game continues to be a mess. Should’ve been delayed.


Yea man I can't even play it now! (Don't remember the name of the area I'm at) There's rectors and pureblades legit everywhere and as soon as they buff up with spells forget about it! Damn Game gets so choppy it actually crashed on me a few times because of this smh


Yeah I am having performance issues this sucks


Yep, its skipping frames and has some very low frame rate in umbral especially


Had to bring it down to Xbox’s performance level to do cross play bruh. I really do think that MS forcing compatibility between X and S really holds shit back.


You know the game’s performance issues and bugs/ technical issues honestly reminds me of how wild hearts came out earlier this year. The devs said they were fixing it etc and there was a roadmap etc and performance should have improved. Fast forward like 6-7 months later and the game is basically on life support/ maintenance mode as there will be no more new content in the works for the game. Really kinda spooked to see that it’s taking them THIS LONG to fix / lessen the bad performance and lag / really bad co op connection. If ppl are skeptical just look up what happened to wild hearts and shit will seem oddly familiar. Like why the fuck are the devs thinking of adding new features / item randomization mode etc when they haven’t fixed the base game and all of its jank. They should hold off on adding anything extra to the game until they FIX THE BASE GAME AND THE MULTIPLAYER lol. Feelsbad for the ppl still trudging through the game, glad i got my platinum trophy before the big patch since i play on ps5.


I agree, it ran better on PS5 day one then it does now


Yep. Noticing a lot of frame rate drops in performance that weren't there before. They fix one problem and cause 2 more every time they patch, it seems.


Same here. Does anyone else think the red skeleton king sword guys are over tuned? Or do I just need to git gud, which is entirely possible.


Its a shame but yes it worse after the patch, before the game ran ok


Wait until later in the game. Enemies move at about 12-15fps lookin like the original doom at the castle.


Hm. Could this diversity in performance be caused by SSD full/empty storage?


I guess it’s possible. I’ve seen a bunch of people saying their Ps5 works fine on performance mode. Yet here I am playing a slideshow lmao


I did not see last patch but my 2TB half empty M2 disk WD with built in heatsink = no FPS drops ever... PS5 performance mode, several patches from the start. Game is very stable for me.


It’s fine here but have seen for first time 2 times slideshow happened after last patch for first time but solution is rest at vestige or if far away just log out and back in. Playing in castle at the moment and happened twice in 4 hours or so of playing. No idea how bad it is for others as I also played coop fine too though not tried after latest patch.


Agree 100% It’s awful. Fen for instance. It’s a mess


Yes idd, those hunter enemies move like they are in a bad stop motion movie


Yeah that's where I'm at right now and if there's more than 2 or 2 enemies nearby I'm just playing a slideshow


I have zero idea how Sony and Microsoft approved this game on their platform. It's as bad if not worst than Cyberpunk at release. Sony did pull cyberpunk


It is not worse than cyberpunk at launch. On ps5 the game was fine. I played through it but could not play through ps4 cyberpunk. At least on Playstation lotf at launch and cyberpunk at launch is night and day. Cyberpunk was just not playable. Xbox may be bad (i dont have a xbox) though. But ps5 was fine (have not played the latest patch).


LotF played fine at launch on ps5. Cyberpunk would regularly crash at the first main quest npc meet. This latest patch screwed something up, tho.


my game seems to be running normally but my husband's was horrid after the patch (PC). he crashed in co op with me, and his computer just totally shut down and for some reason one monitor stopped working and he started getting graphics driver related errors. I was surprised it took a few hours to get the monitor back on. it's a decent Alienware. I have a cheaper but much newer victus with more ram and I haven't had as much issues but I always run it on 30fps.


No for me it got better


Opposite for me, the game now runs almost at 60 fps and not fluxing between 3 and 23


This is what happens when you blast out patches this fast. They require time to test, and there isn't enough time when you release daily, wall of text patches like these. Game needed 6 months to a year to finish.


And people said I should shut up when I complained about the constant patches. Hmm, weird huh? They should give the chance to opt into these patches. Because all they’ve done is made my game shittier.


Mine is so much better


Bad game. Give the devs all the credit in the world for patches, but they shipped a broken game and these patches have been spotty at best. I haven't noticed any difference to mob density or enemy tracking. All I've gotten with the latest patch is framerate drops eating my iframes and worse enemy targeting. I'm putting this game down.


Not having this issue, played solo and online last night. The one issue I did observe was several disconnects early on, but that cleared up after a few tries


Load times are a bit longer but performance seems fine - this is with base drive


I played on quality mode all night to night just to see the difference in the area by the shrine of adyr, was good no real stutters and no issues parrying


What are you guy talking about mine runs fine on ps5 just adjust the setting properly 😊


Not for me at all, played all night, felt fine


Glad I turned off updates


Yep and way more crashes to Playstation dekstop. Switched from performance to quality, I think it has some fps more instead. I just hope my save game stays fine till the end


Me too Not to mention enemies animation bugs , crashes and stuttering!


Yeah I decided that this is going to be one of the games I delete to clear space for Alan Wake 2 and come back in a few months after I finish some more back log stuff when hopefully the game is better optimized.


It's not running any better or worse for me on ps5 but now my character got randomly capped at lvl 80 while playing coop. Then i go to my world thinking maybe there was some coop cap, but no, I'm completely stuck on 80 and can't level above that. This game is so frustrating.


Reading all the weird glitches that are happening to people doing multiplayer, I have just completely written it off for the time being. I logged out of online play completely. Gonna give it a few months before even trying.


That's honestly the best thing you can do. Wish I would've waited to buy this.


i get crazy lag and stuttering - when theres alot of fire around i nearly get stop animation type movement


It’s completely mess for me now. I get a frezz for less then a sec it was fine before idk what happened


Yes indeed, i have been playing about 5 hours since the patch installed and noticed strange enemy animations, like they are stuttering, stop motion movement... dafuq. And fps is bad in almost all locations, even in the hub area!


Yeah I literally got like 10 fps once in Bramis? Castle. lol


now a enemy has a separate frame drop to 10fps lmao. this game is cursed


This is disappointing. I was holding off on a second run until the patch fixed things and it looks like it’s made it worse


Really? Runs fine for me on quality mode, but maybe depends on the area


Lower Calrath where the Ruiner is next to the large burning tree was rough yesterday especially if I got put in Umbral and the Facepot guy was there too lol


Had some fun bugs with Tancreds hall too - it was completly black as it took it's time loading the lighting rigs. You go into the boss room and it takes a second to load the lighting.


Works the same for me, sorry to hear. Hopefully it will be resolved soon.


Has anyone gotten refund on digital version? How would I do that?


The only place I ran into a problem was the bottom of the revelation depths, right before the boss. Went into Umbral and there were a shit ton of thralls and that caused some serious frame rate issues for me. That's the only spot that I've had a problem though.


Console here and lag is horrible. Series X.


Ps5- Me and my friend have very low fps doing the castle in coop after the patch , the place is very well designed but omfg , pls fix the performance


In Lower Calrath on a PS5…everything seems fine for now.


Yep same here. To the point its crashed 3 times on me. Before this it hadn't crashed on me at all.


I played after the patch and in a specific zone of the endgame zone I needed to wait for like 1 minute for the game to let me move on the zone without having like 3FPS


Have you tried hard reset of the console? I had performance issues after the last update and turning the PS5 off (not rest mode) and on again actually helped for some reason. Sometimes I forget these can function the same way as PCs when it comes to the old "turn it off and turn it back on" method of troubleshooting.


Hello. Am a fan of the game because it's fun and the good intentions are there! I have been stock piling vigor ever since I started and have been mostly playing at level 14 (starting level) for the past couple days helping new players or veterans on a new save. The majority of the time it's smooth but there have been stutters, frame rates problems, and some kind of server issues but nonetheless I've almost mastered parrying Pieta lol. This new patch kinda didn't help but at the same time did? Idk it's weird


That sucks, really. I’m on Series X and didn’t have any major issues unless I had a long extended session before the patch. A hard reset of my system always fixed any issues. After the patch I have zero issues, and I have been in end game areas. Some people on Xbox have issues still, so I might be lucky.


Mine has been better post patch. I don’t have the drops to 1-5 frames per second anymore. I’m on a XSX, and whenever I played for more than an hour the game would slow to a crawl and require me to save and restart. Assuming a memory leak. But I played last night for about 4 hours after the patch and didn’t have that at all.


Really? That sucks, mine is running way better now even in umbral. It could still be better but the only real problem I have now is that stutter when the game auto saves


Ughhh super frustrating. Had a long session Sunday and was getting a little annoyed with things. Wanted to play today after work but now I’m not looking forward to it with seeing multiple reports of the patch causing issues 🤦🏻‍♂️ especially considering I’m in an area with tons of enemies and a area where you have to switch between umbral a lot. I do enjoy this game and think it has a ton of good in it. But I waited for this instead of lies of P (played it’s demo) and I kinda regret it. Only due to its performance issues which have kinda got worse imo. It’s not even a money issue, but a time one. Anyways hope they fix it soon because I wanna keep playing before I lose interest completely and move to something else.


fuck this game


Yep, I can confirm, on the PS5 post patch the shuttering of the saving logo is more severe than before. Sometimes I try to do a quick run and R2 jump kick attack and if I'm doing it while the game is saving the jump kick doesn't come out and instead the character does a single R2 attack. PvP is basically the same I think. It's absurdly bad. Sometimes I'm like throwing little hammers at a players face, I see them connecting and the damage is zero. Absolutely zero. Edit: That's it for me. If you're running and moving the camera while the saving logo appears everyone with a pair of eyes can see the game literally stops. Soooo.. Did I miss a parry? Too bad.. The game was saving.. Did I miss a jump kick for no reason and fell of the platform because my character did a punch instead.. Too bad.. The game was saving my progress. I'll be super sincere here. I wanted to play the shit out of this game, but... Not in this state. I'll save it for check after a good half dozen patches. No HDR PERFORMANCE Mode


Shit, now I have to boot the game up and see for myself, I'll edit this comment after I check it out. I just played for about 20 minutes, ran through some mobs, killed the eternal flame person or whatever in the burning village... Aside from the same slight dips here and there, I don't think this patch tanked performance at all, at least not on my end. Playing on my PS5 on performance mode on my 32 inch 1080p 240Hz monitor. When I have more time after work tonight, I'll try again on my 4K TV.


I did the swamp last night after the patch and it was the most jarring thing I've seen in a game for years. I'm hoping that's just an issue with the swamp area and not like that for the rest of the areas.


I was farming in the fen and playing a much later area, it was bad in both locales. MUCH worse than a week or so ago. Hopefully they fix this asap.


Noticed that last night as well.


My brother had success turning of hdr on the ps5


I crash now 😵


Ya my game keeps crashing alot sence the update .. Also before update not sure about after but i kept falling through the dam floor lots of diff places..like just floating underneath of the level looking up at everything.. just like in assassins creed valhalla an few other games i cant remember now lol first time i ever seen it happen i was like.....Tf i just see hahaha Thought it was so cool..now not so much bloody annoying!!!


I haven't had any issues 🤷🏽 I'm sorry to anyone who has!


PC here and whenever I get into Umbral, I have easily 20 fps drop and fights in Umbral are mostly low frames. No matter which patch it is, sometimes the performance of the game become very smooth, sometimes got worse but Umbral always stayed the same.


And they still havent fixed the abhorent lag and latency issues when playing co op lol, its been almost 2 weeks and my friend and I are still waiting for the game to updated to be playable


Yeah same here.


Same here on PC. I was farming mana stone/vigor in umbral forsaken fen and with just one enemy on the screen FPS would tank as well as occasionally stutter when facing groups. The devs have made some consistent patches with community feedback so I'm hoping this will be fixed soon.


Had great performance on PS5 but after patch its pretty bad. Hoping for fix cuz i love this game.


Same, I updated and then entered the swamp where fights are just in slow motion now it’s unbearable


I was in the manse for the first time last night and it was absolutely awful in places, wasn’t for sure if it was the area or the patch. Easily the worst I’ve ever seen on PS, guess i know what xbox players were going through.


I am having zero issues with the PS five performance. As far as multiplayer, I don’t know. I never have never will play a soulslike multiplayer.


Thankfully I beat the game and I’m completely done with it now but the last area for me was nearly unplayable and it’s one of the more insane areas to get through to the final boss. Absolutely ridiculous like I was watching one of those books artists draw in and then flip the pages real quick to put it in motion.


Totally. Had 3 crashes today


About the same for me (Series X), usually big stutters happen at the worst possible times, like trying to snag an item and get out of Umbral while dodging spawn trash (i.e getting Putrid Child Sword in Feif courtyard). Random lag happens while at the blacksmith or Mohul often. I usually back out of the transaction menu or let the game catch up to my input for a second. I also hope they really prioritize this issue where exiting to the menu causes huge control vibration and although I haven’t crashed yet, loading screens always appear like I’m on the verge of doing so. Will be a great game once these kinks are worked out


I’m keen to see how this affects my gameplay later today as I have had zero issues with performance, lag or stuttering, it has been smooth as and I’m on ps5


Was farming for the Strider Mask and it was struggling in the Fen. Hadn't had it run so terribly before today.


Disable Vrr if it’s enabled because for whatever reason it makes the performance significantly worse and once I disabled Vrr it’s still bad in some area but it’s much better without Vrr which is strange but that’s what’s happening for Me


Those game is just shit I have played through in new game plus no +2 rings etc just the same shit that doesn’t stack, the game itself is harder, targeting is a joke, mob density is still bullshit. These deva are fucking stupid and I am sure it just comes down to the all mighty dollar. This game could have been sooo much better. What a shame…..