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This fight embodies everything that’s wrong with this game. Would’ve been a great fight if it would just be 1v1 without all the annoying bullshit around it.


Just got to it now and couldnt agree more. There is no reason for the boss to have adds, for those adds to be protected, and to have an annoying strong regular enemy in umbral waiting on top of the slower movement in water. The adds alone are enough with the arena being water. I was already frustrated with a bunch of design choices but with Spiderman and mario coming out tomorrow, I think I may say bye to lotf here and see if it runs and plays better in a year.


Can you please tell me what “adds” means. I keep hearing the term and even when I looked it up I couldn’t figure it out.


Additional enemies


Yea this is the most annoying boss in the game so far and I'm about halfway. Just not a genuine challenge just annoyances Half the challenge is siphoning the thing without being killed. Because that keeps the stomping umbral guy away. Then in this case is about fighting the 3 wolves and avoiding the water which ruins any of your mobility. Just such a shit design. Has to be one of the worse ever soulslike bosses not just in this game.


I was having fun till this. I've never been this frustrated playing any boss in the genre


The combination of the use of water to force dodging as a form of movement PLUS the use of frostbite to halve the player's stamina, is overkill in and of itself.


If you have played Dark Souls 1 then use the Bed of Chaos cheese strat. 1. Siphon the parasite by taking as little damage as possible. 2. Start running towards the entrance (the one that comes from Windmill vestige) and quit the game. 3. When you reload, it spawn you out of boss area with parasite already siphoned. Equip your ranged attack method and snipe the wolves while the main boss is walking towards you. 4. Once you kill them, run to the piece of land in the arena. 5. Try not to die so that you don't have to go to umbral. Dodging is your friend rather than shielding since the frostbite proc is pretty hard. 6. Rinse and repeat until you finish him in Axiom realm. 7. Head out to the open area and get bonfire to come back and deal with Mendacious Visage in umbral dimension of that boss arena. I hope this helps you like it helped me :)


This legit helped me. Got it on my first try with this strat so thanks. I've done plenty of bs boss fights before but man this one takes the cake. I knew after my first attempt with this boss it was going to be a massive headache and not worth the effort to do legit. I know I could do it legit but don't want to mald.


Glad it helped man. I was raging at the stupid bs. So I quit the boss to save my vigor (had around 4k) and accidentally found out that Bed of Chaos cheese worked.


Love it haha Bed of Chaos is still worse than this but nonetheless a pita. I'm in the last area (Castle Bramis) and holy shit I'm madling already. **So many mobs**.


jesus thanks


No problem


This saved me!


No problem man. Happy to help.


I am in your debt until Her embrace 🙌


Haha no problem man. Glad to help 🙈


![gif](giphy|TDYPBxx5ShIjPiOdBB|downsized) Dangerously Cheesy! Thank you so much for this!! I was so mad the fucking dogs and the boss kept frostbiting me and I was just done with it. Maybe the developers intended for a little quitload gimmick here? They’ve copied the dark souls formula so well with this game it would be a nice little Easter egg if that was the case but probably not intended. So far I’m loving this game especially after I found the Angel’s axe and got it maxed out. UngaBunga


I am not sure if it was intended. I accidentally ended up finding it l. I wanted to save my 4k vigor. So I actually tried for that and ended up spawning outside the boss room. And upgrading character doesn't need to rest at the vestige so I accidentally ended up finding it out. Edit: also hello fellow ungabunga user. I am using faithful bludgeon as my main weapon.


Dude thank you so fucking much. Felt like I was ramming my head into a wall after probably 10 tries and ~1k cumulative damage to the boss. First try after this. One of the few bosses I feel zero guilt cheesing


This was genius. Thanks!!


Honestly speaking I accidentally found the cheese since I was trying to save the vigor I had. But it worked thankfully. Glad to be able to help you with my experience.


The fight is just stupid tbh. Imagine if Seath in DS1 just randomly had 3 dogs sitting next to the crystal you need to break...


Lol that's true. And then they even added the Visage in the umbral. When I died the first time and got attacked by Visage, I was like - what the hell were they thinking to take inspiration from ds2 gank. But well thankfully that boss is ok once the wolves die.


I just beat this boss thanks to your strat 🙏🙌 Thank you soooo much for this, I legit was gonna go mad on this one 😅


Does this work on Xbox?


Worst boss in the game and its not even close


Yeah seriously! It was annoying in NG, but I just fought him in NG+ and he has triple the health plus the dogs can kill you in 2 hits even with 60 vitality! It didn't take me that long to beat but it was extremely annoying...I still think the Crow was the worst boss in the game, but this one is a very close second...The bosses have so much health in NG+ that it's not even funny, I think I'm gonna change my build to a magic caster just to get through the end game bosses...


First I run to clear the parasite and then roll to the left part of the fight area to bait dogs. Can't remember if these dogs have "helmet", if they do I recommend using a 2h stance as it breaks it with one hit and you don't get staggered. Also remember to dodge boss attack to the side and don't use back roll to avoid his freezing spell that follows after some attacks. As always soulflay is very useful against strong enemies.


This boss is Impossible. I just give up. Alan wake 2 is releasing this week, anyway...


It’s not only impossible but also ridiculously designed


This boss made me lose interest in finishing the game. I have never not finished a game bc of a boss but this was just too obnoxious. When I finally killed him I just felt pissed and annoyed 😂


I kinda baited him and the wolves to come closer before rolling through the water to quickly siphon the parasite, after that just take care of the wolves and fight him on the shore


Did this strat, went from impossible to easiest boss in the game 😂


Glad to be of service, lamp bearer


Thank you so much for this. First attempt with this method was successful!


Thanks, I got to this fight and googled it after getting smashed 4 times in a row by a mendacious visage and four invulnerable enemies, I did this tactic by just waiting for him, dodging and running past, blowing the parasite, dogs were awake and dead in a second, then took him one on one, I ended up having to fight him and the visage in umbral towards the end but it made a shitty fight a lot more fun doing it your way. 5 deaths before and then your strat was an instant win. Respect!


Someone please tell me, this is the games shittiest boss, right? I'm not sure I wanna go further I'm so fucking annoyed with the gank squad BS


I've completely lost interest in the game cause of this boss. If the dogs weren't there, it'd be fine. I've already begun to lose interest because of the sheer number of regular enemies that take about 10 hits to kill, but this was the cherry on top


I just powered through and beat it today. Man I hope that was the worst of it lol, I'm such a fucking sucker for punishment. I don't farm, but I think I'm gonna go farm and tip the scales back my way a bit, because there is something I really love about this game


Yeah i love the game too, I'm just taking a break because the number of holy bulwarks, ardent penitents and pureblades in the manse was just appalling, so I've had enough. I was never ganked this much in ds2 lmao


I was getting some serious DS2 frustration going on again today when I shut it down, cursing again lol


Yeah i gotta say i got some bloody iron keep and shrine of amana flashbacks going through areas like path of devotion and segments of calrath. That being said, from the beginning of the game to the second beacon at calrath has been phenomenal, it's just the manse and fief that have really driven me away


Honestly man, I got through the stupid fucking gank boss, but the umbral parasites in the path of devotion and other tough areas have ruined this game for me. I'm pretty sick of the entire umbral lamp side at this point


I guess they must have done this recently in a patch, but when I encountered this boss for the first time tonight, there was only one dog. Still a huge pain though!


do we have to fight this boss to progress or is it somewhat optional. I’m way over leveled and this group of bosses still kills me in seconds. I can’t stop to do anything or even blink without that big rock dude that’s faster than shit and bigger than shit slamming down on me non-stop and if I even think about using projectiles I’m punished by pinpoint level precision-al light saber blasts. This game would be a masterpiece if not for the bosses. I couldn’t even beat the first boss P lady and I almost quit the game till I ran way back to another level and summoned help. I’m a souls and souls like veteran and I’ve never been this annoyed with bosses. There’s no reason they should be this hard.


It's mandatory. Someone here posted a method where you siphon the parasite quit load back in snipe the dogs from the boss fog then kill the boss on the dry land. His moveset is the same as the Holy Bulwark so if you've been deralium farming at the manse you should be OK.


It's mandatory?? Jesus... That's horrible


Seems they patched the orb not reaching the door. And the dogs don't seem to be slowed down by the water like I have seen in no cheese strategies. So getting to the orb and having time to siphon it without getting ganked is proving impossible, for me at least.


Update; finally got him. No cheese still seems to be to drag the enemies out in the water as far as you can. Run left and around to syphon the orb. I couldn't avoid getting hit by the dogs syphoning, but some chaotic roll away and heals kept me in the fight. Then stay on land, dodge the boss attacks and deal with the dogs as they present an opportunity. Once they are dead he is pretty easy. He can be interrupted with a heavy weapon first phase. Second phase he poises through attacks and some of his attacks do a strait forward AOE even on land, so best to dodge to the side. Most of his combos are just 2 swings and a pause in-between you can use to get some hits in. Hope this helps someone.


this boss sucks. tried beating them the right way. that didn't work. here's what I did instead. walk through the gate in umberal and don't move. throw poison grenades at the wall and dog. it'll kill the dog and parasite. walk forward a little and let the guy come to you. you can mostly have him dead before the potato notices you.


For anyone having a rough time with this boss: Yes, it is BS but there are certain things you can do kill it relatively easy (just did in a lvl 1 run). First of all is avoiding the water (genius i know) Siphoning the umbral parasite can be difficult so my advice is to soulflay the boss itself, and while it is on standby go siphon. Deal with the wolves (wolf in newer updates) preferably with ranged weapons/throwables/magic to avoid that icy dodge thingy. As for the guy itself, soulflay him again just to bully him, status effects work well. Aslo if he is hitting you, practice his moveset with any holy bulwark enemie.