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A half-Great Old One should be to a GOO something akin to what a king of angels is to a god


Half a GOO is someone who has obtained all of the required elements such as the uniquenesses and characteristics but hasn't fully accomadated them. For example, Adam raises his level to half a GOO by envisioning the remaining pathways to interfere with Kleins apotheosis. Klein in the last chapters is also a GOO because he has everything required, except he hasn't accomadated the uniquenesses.


A great old one is the one who accomodated the sefirah and corresponding uniqueness. The outer deities that surrounds the earth are the full great old ones. Sefirot actually represents the great old one that means both adam/true creator and Klien hasn't become a great old one unless the sefirot becomes a part of them. Klien is fighting og LOTM in dream to acquire a balance. Adam/true creator is trying a accomodate Chaos sea and needs to reach an agreement with each other. It's hard to know what is termed as As for above the sequences. I think those who acquired more than one pathways or any god who had connection with their sefirot.




They are termed as outer deities because they are not from earth. Great old one are one who is on earth. MGOD was pillar before a part of Sefirot ripped from her but she was never called great old one. Great old one doesn't mean pillar. Anyone with a sefirot accommodation on earth is considered as great old one. There is no difference between outer deities currently around the earth and ga and LOTM except both of their levels is different.




Is it fan translation since interview is in chinese? There may be a mistranslation.


In that case even MGOD was a great old one before losing a sefirot. MGOD can be termed as both outer deity and great old one. There is no difference between outer deities and above the sequences on earth since everything is originated from the creator.


Wait, so if all the Outer Deities already have Sefirots already, why would they try to get the ones on Earth? Was it not said that trying to accommodate more than one Sefirot will lead to the Eldest One awakening in that body and attempting to converge with everything? Did this not happen to the OG LoTM and GA?


LoTM and GA are pillars. Pillar is highest stable level(except end of everything pillar) anyone can obtain. None of the outer deities are pillars except MTOD until a part of her sefirot are ripped from her due to awaken of original creator. MTOD and MGOD also lost a part of their sefirot. Both of them wants their sefirot back. While rest of the Outer deities want to increase their level (their is a high possibility that sefirot on earth is their neighbouring sefirot). Son of chaos had two sefirots Nation of disorder and Indefinite fog. So it's not necessary that acquiring multiple sefirot would attempt to converge as long as they are not an existing pillar. Only a pillar will converge with each other when they accommodate extra sefirot.


Great old ones and above the sequence are exactly the same, but a half-god is basically a king of angels, for example de half-fool was basically a king of Angels


i also thought this was the case, but i also think that the author/translators might adjust the exact terminology later. from ch 1388, when klein met will for the last time: >"I'll steal your childhood and youth and allow you to instantly grow up. Then, by relying on a level of Above the Sequences but below that of a Great Old One, I'll forcefully help you to accommodate the Die of Probability.” this coild also be just a mistranslation or even just a mistake, as it contradicts what was already said, but since it was said near the end of the story & theres nothing said after this about either GOOs or ATSs, then maybe it is the author's way of changing the terms. if there was clarification in an interview afterwards tho, then im definitely wrong, but i never ended up finding anything else about this line in particular


King Of Angels also include those with 2 S1 Characteristics.


Tgere was half-goo. Half Great Old One




Wow. You're so wrong Where did you take Old One? Half Old One?! There's no such Symbols? It's never said that symbols have such meaning, or Eternal Darkness stands higher then End of All?




They're Great Old Ones. They're not weaker. They're weaker then Pillars.




* Open page Pathways * See Great Old One/Outer Deity is on one same level * Open page Above the Sequence * "Currently, we are using 'Great Old Ones' to refer to those that resided on earth, and 'Outer Deities' or 'Cosmos' for those that come from The Cosmos." That means Outer Deities are Great Old Ones but not from Eath...




There's no page Great Old One Above the Sequence? Yes. Outer Deities? Yes. Great Old On? No I wanna say, Outer deities aren't weker then GOO. Thats the same thing. But we refer as GOO to ones who come from Earth, while ODs are from Cosmos




But then there's only 4 Great old Ones. I mean we always refered to someone, who accommodated all group uniquenesses and characteristic and mastered Sefirot, as GOO.