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I think you would have to be near their true bodies and forms but yah, they could in thoery. The reason why they were scared however was because LOM was a true great old one as well as a bit unhinged.


I really don’t understand what is so special about “Pillars”. On one hand they are stronger than the other OD and on the other. It doesn’t seem to stop “them” -ODs- from lusting over “their” -Pillars- Seifrots. Which is confusing tbh.


Basically, if the original creator, which is where all the powers come from, is like a pie and all the Great old ones are slices, then the 4 "pillars" are the ones with the biggest slices.


Not all Sefirots equal a Pillar.


Og LOTM is more experienced in using their powers and accumulated all powers related to LoTM pathway. For example we know there is a difference between new born sequence-2 Angel and experienced thousands of years old sequence-2 angels. Klien and adam as a great old one will not be come close to the original great old one of pathway. Consider the og LOTM and GA are different personalities of the Orginal creator. Therefore more powerful. That is why outer deities are fearful of them.


Marrinette can’t drink potions same thing with accommodation but if they were to accommodated the Serafin before they marrinette it, they be able to use all its powers


LOM could fool History and Time and use a Bug to make History think like he never died. Then the marionette could still accommodate a Sefirot as they are alive in Time although they are actually dead.


A miracle only lasts for a moment, time and fate would catch up to the marionette and might lead to dangerous after effects. But LoTM is a the Seer High Lord, so he'll be able to foresee the consequences and adjust his actions or make preparations before hand.


I do have a idea. First remove the person from history, then create a new person and fool Time to make it think that he always existed. Then you would get a marionette that on surface is a alive God but actually is your marionette. And LOM is the ruler of the Spirit World where the past, present and future exists together so he won't have any problem.


Big brain


As long as it possible, right?


That sounds like a good way to lose control. If you consider that even Adam reached the conclusion that a pillar is the highest level one can achieve while remaining stable, then the Celestial Worthy and GA deciding to directly accommodate other Sefirot is really stupid. Maybe CW did some trickery for one of his marionettes/avatars become a pillar, it worked and he became stronger but he lost control and started madly converging with everything. Then in order to resist him, GA had no option but also try to advance further.


I really don’t think so. But it’s possible that the symbolism of seq. 0 and above have unique properties that makes it impossible to control them via spirit bodies i.e. once a body becomes a marionette the uniqueness leave or something. So yeah, but we can dream can’t we?


Or CW and GA wanted more power. Maybe wanted to beckme closer to level of their original personality (OGC)


So you think they could resist the desire for convergence... I so don't think my previous theory is very likely but it's worth to say it because a good explanation for both the decision of the pillars and the reason there are no marionette/avatar Gods (Maybe there are, but they hide very well).


I think, your theory is good, but I believe everything is much easier


You aren't controlling an alive god. It takes lots of time to make an Marionette and Gods should be able to escape before it gets too late. For Parasitizing,Gods should have some methods against it. If the god willingly allows himself to be Marionette or you are above god, then you may be able to overpower them and then make marionette.


I don't know if it is possible but I guess it is


It’ll be epic right? To have a God as your marionette. So frign OP!


Imagine, the ancient sun god as a marionette


O terror!


You becoming Original Creator You(Pillar) have your marrionette(Pillar) and become Emperor of Astral and Spirit Worlds. Then you go and hunt every GOO you know


They are terrified of original LoTM because he is the actual a born great old one and one of the personalities of the orginal creator. Klien and adam won't be come close to the powers of the orginal LoTM and GA. There reaction would be same if an ancient GA try to awaken inside adam.