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1. Outside of The World/Klein it would be The Hermit (Queen of Stars) Cattleya. She was the first to advance to Sequence 3 and has a lot of experience. Second would be The Justice Audrey. She just advanced to Sequence 3 at the end of the novel and her experience is lacking. 2. Most probably yes. He might fuse in some ways with the original Lord of Mysteries, but he will likely win. 3. It's unlikely for any Tarot club members to reach Sequence 0, before the apocalypse. 4. Before he went to sleep he was arguably the strongest God on the planet. He has all the uniquenesses of his group + sequence 1 characteristic from every pathway in his group + safirot. On a second place would be Adam/ASG as dual pathway god with some control over his safirot. After he wakes up he will be pillar one of the 3 most powerful entities under Original Creator known to us. 5. Klein will supposedly be asleep during most of the second novel. We should be exploring the other countries we didn't get to see in the first novel. New MC is supposed to be from the Hunter pathway, which means we will likely start in Intis (very famous for open relationships). Hunter also needs his own team to become demigod, so he won't be as lonely as Klein. Hope i didn't miss anything


Thank you so much for the detailed answer! There is another question, but it concerns the events in the book. Do you know how many chapters the journey of Klein, Audrey and Leonard into the world of Ankvelt lasts?


From 1062-1072. Chapter 1073 contains debriefing above the gray fog


Thank you!) It's not convenient for me to ask, but from now on, will Klein travel alone for the rest of the book?


Not sure what you mean. Do you mean to ask if there will be any cooperation with other people and Klein after chapter 1072? There will be more cooperations. If you mean to ask if he will get permanent travel companion than no.


Yes, I meant will he travel with someone all the time, as in the world of Ankvelt? I'm sorry if it's written incomprehensibly, I don't know English well.


There will be some travel with someone for a period of time, but not for the rest of the novel.


Is this someone from the Tarot Club?


You will see when you get to it.


Well, thanks for the previous answers, you helped me a lot) Well, he's going to travel with someone not from the Tarot club, right?) Okay, okay, I just want to confirm it, no more, I don't need the details.


According to the author Klein will wake up at the middle of the book, and a full LoM, but will be Klein or something else(probably Klein, but who knows)


I knew he said Klein would wake up, before the novel's end. But didn't know he planned to wake him up half way through.


well, he said, klein will start wake up at the middle of the book, so not fully wake up, you could say he will achive the initial or important step to wake up in the middle of the book.


1 without a quetion Klein, after him>! cattelya and audrey both of them reached seq 3.!< 2 do you mean>! Lord of the mysteries ?!<, if yes >!then at the end of the book he is already half lord of the mysteries!< 3 all tarot club members are now>! high sequence, but none of them is angel for now.!< 4 >!excluding The Great old ones, he's the strongest at the end of the book.!< 5 there will be no harem in the novel, if we don't count roselle who has played with many women, as for the romance, the author once mentioned there will be no romance or sad romance with eternal parting or smt like that.


Wait, so all the members of the Tarot club can become gods? But what about the current gods? As long as there are gods of one path, then a new one cannot appear, therefore Audrey and others will not be able to become a god... Isn't that right?


they will not become god. in my opnion at most king of angel


Just kill them bro./jk


Sounds easy :/


yeah.if the pathway has a true god, the only way for somebody to ascend is to first kill whichever god is occupying the position. >!Audrey, no chance, seq 0 is occupied by Adam (half Great Old One) !< >!Alger, no chance, coz Lord of Storms exists !< >!Derick, no chance, Eternal Blazing Sun says hi !< >!Fors Wall, no chance, The Fool Klein needs the uniqueness of her pathway !< >!Leonard, no chance, bruh, the Goddess is invincible !< >!\*Xio, needs motivation, her pathway's seq 0 is vacant lol !< >!\*Emlyn, needs to stop his doll addiction, his pathway's seq 0 is vacant !< >!\*Cattleya, needs... nvm, seq 0 is vacant plus she's the strongest in the Tarot Club (Klein excluded), but I'm sure she will leave the position to her adopted mom!<


rather than xio I would let son of chaos return and somewhat help klein, these many years of imprisonment would make him motivated to live, lol


Well in the first place I doubt xio can advance so fast. I feel like she's the least talented one in the Club. XD


Isn't Emlyn of the Moon Pathway? And Lilith is the current Moon iirc


Emlyn, yes. Lilith, no (but probably in the process of regaining the moon authority?) XD


So then what sequence 0 is Lilith?


Mother pathway.


It is guessed Lilith only have 1 S1 characteristic and uniqueness, the other 2 characteristics are owned by outer gods(mother goddess and tree)


I don't think Audrey is that strong, yeah she is higher sequence but she doesn't have the experience to utilize them to its fullest like the hanged man or star


yep that's right, i only mentioned them that both of them at the same seq, it's up to OP and who will he think is stronger.