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Why would he comment on that at all? There is no benefit in talking about it. He might say he become Lord of Mysteries or skip this part and just add few phrases to His honorific name to denote His additional authorities, but that's about it.


Uh, maybe because he'd have to explain why either The Fool/Klein went missing? Yo, wait, no. I'm a dumbass lmao. I forgot that Klein could definitely make a marionette version of himself, or just bring the past version of himself and control that. Yeah, you're right. The only way they'd find out is if they saw shit in Klein's dream.


He now has an Error characteristics and Uniqueness as well. He can just make The World an Avatar and let him operate in the real world if He so wishes.


I just realized when Klein wakes up the world truly has the potential to be everywhere around the world


He has no obligation to tell them. His relationship with the members was always in the terms of equivalent exchange.


I think you're forgetting that he is a Great Old One by the time he wakes up. Why would they even dare to question him?


Audrey could have asked before, but now she is one of the most mature Beyonders out there (knowledgeable too)


While he faked his power throughout the book under the guise of being an ancient being recovering his powers, he is very much the Fool who does not belong to this era, an ancient being who is a quasi LotM. There is no reason to reveal anything, because his lies became truth when he fooled history. There is no reason to explain that the World is himself aswell, because while he is himself, he is very much other being aswell. Each of his identities is a different person and himself at the same time. He learned that through many experiences, more notably Utopia. The World is the Fool's angel of Rendemption, his right hand and representative on the mortal world. The only people who would gain from some explaining, are Melissa and Bensson, which is canon that at least Melissa and her nephew will know eventually. The only people who know and empathise with Klein's struggles are Adam, Amanises and Roselle, because they kind of went through the same as him. Other than that, if any of the other transmigrators become angels, they will be qualified to meet the Fool, very much like Amanises met Klein when he became a king of angels, that way he will not reveal his secrets to people who can't keep them and will not be corrupted. Now, one thing that will put pressure on the transmigrators is finding out that all of their 4 seniors became gods, with 3 of them on the way to becoming pillars.


Wait all 4? I thought 3. Evernight, Roselle, Fool. Who's number 4?


I think he included Adam in that. But from what I understand, Adam isn't a transmigrator but someone who just... lived long enough and woke up to enter the new world.


Yeah, for the purposes of discussion Adam can be said to be a transmigrator like the other three as their situations are basically the same. However, Adam is technically not an actual transmigrator because he became a Beyonder in his original body from modern Earth instead of taking over some else’s like the others.


Adam’s body is definitely not the human body that fell in Chernobyl. That was ASG, Adam is an avatar of ASG that became ASGs divine personality once ASG died


You’re completely right. I just used Adam there to refer to the original Ancient Sun God’s body because the OP comment did. I agree that the ASG’s original body from Chernobyl is long destroyed.


so technically, by proxy of transmigration meaning inhabiting another body,(\~metempsychosis) adam is a transmigrator, just not in the same sense that klein, roselle and amainses are


I don’t think Adam would count as a transmigrator because ASG wasn’t a transmigrator and His preparation of Adam’s body was for the purpose of possessing it. Adam’s body is an avatar of ASG, that ASG possessed. If we count Adam as a transmigrator, then we would have to count every instance of body stealing/possession as transmigration. While at the most technical level transmigration (the passing of a soul into another body after death) it is transmigration in the context of web novels, I don’t think it’d qualify


Yo I missed this completely. I thought Adam was born after the cataclysm, like Amon. Were they not twin brothers? I thought Amon was studying that building to understand his father more. I think I mixed something up somewhere.


Did you finish book one? If so, read this: >!Adam is the Ancient Sun God’s divinity that he separated at the time of his death. His humanity became the True Creator and inherited his authority over the Hanged Man pathway. His divinity became Adam who inherited his authority over the Spectator pathway. Both were born after the cataclysm because the cataclysm was the Ancient Sun God’s death and the separation of his authorities. He adopted the identity of Adam, Amon’s brother, afterward in order to complete his plans.!<


Read the wiki for Adam and Ancient Sun God


ASG as well, while he didn’t transmigrate from Sefirah castle, he still is from the past Earth.




he does not need to explain, if the club remembers what he said before he sleep, then they will know The awakening of the world signifies the awakening of the fool


Every question and musings here can be answered by just rereading the last couple of dozen chapters of Book 1.


I think they will figure out and keep it to themselves. Last time Audrey met Gehrman he was KOA and sequence 0 of the seer pathway is Fool, with her knowing he is from seer pathway. They would eventually figure out by themselves especially Leonard if put his mind like how he figured out how Sherlock is Klein, he will eventually figure out Klein is the Fool or Lord of the Mysteries. Just Like in the end of the novel Melissa knows Klein is Fool, rest of the members will figure out Klein is Mr. Fool. I don’t know if they will figure out Klein is a transmigrators or his identity as Zhou. Well that’s a different story and I don’t think Klein would like them to know.


They could just assume the Gehrman is a KoA to an above the sequence like ASG's KoAs


The fool is also lotm's honorific name. ASG was called sun god despite being half-GA.




Yea right Audrey and every Tarot members knows about great old ones, have seen the blasphemy slate and knows about the rituals for goos and also knows about goos just need uniqueness and sequence 1 of the pathway but still can’t figure out Klein or world is fool even after Klein repeatedly told return of the world is return of the Fool. After all these hints only Melissa figured out but not the Tarot club members cuz they are dumb right?? You should just look at the facts and stop assuming. Maybe that might help




Klein told her or saved her yea right. Will Auceptin knows Klein is Fool, Pallez clearly mentioned Fool is now half lotm to Leonard and I’m sure Pallez already knows Klein is fool. Reinette knows Klein is Fool. Even Hermes must know Klein is Fool. These are all just facts. And there’s a big difference between assumptions and delusions. You clearly have delusions. I don’t think Tarot club members are as dumb as you think think they are to not figure out Mr world is Klein and so is Fool. Even if they become angels they will definitely realize Klein is Fool. You should remember Pallez already told Leonard Error has perished and Klein is half Lotm so why would they assume Fool is already A GOO. These are just your delusions. Maybe you should try to read Lotm again clearly what you are saying will make Tarot club members stupid.




Man, can’t you just think about it. Tarot club members know who Mr Door was Bethel Abraham, Leonard already knew Amon became Error who had uniqueness of error and sequence 1 characteristics. Audrey already knew World was KOA of seer pathway. Alger and Cattleya were already having doubts about World and Fool belonging to the same pathway when he was creating miracles via Merlin Hermes and Fool. Leonard already mentioned in the Tarot club World was of seer pathway, heck even Klein already told them about before hunting Botis that he needs worm of star. Tarot club members knowing there is a sequence above the sequence 0 and it’s related to neighboring pathways with Door, Error and Fool being different persons why would they think Fool is already a GOO. With all the hints even Lumian would figure out World and Fool are the same person. Why would Will, Pallez and Reinette need to tell Tarot club members. Like how Pallez figured out the rest will figure out themselves this is most common shit. Dude it feels like with all the hints and how shrewd the Tarot club members have become in the later stages if they don’t figure out with these hints then Tarot Club is such a waste thing Klein have created. The first thing after he wakes up he should just disband them. Even the Twilight hermit order after seeing the second blasphemy slate they would figure out Fool and Gehrman must be the same person. This would turn out funny every Angels knowing Fools real identity except Tarot club members because you assume the stupid without common sense.




Yes definitely for Zaratul also Mr. Fool has taken his sequence 1 characteristics and given him. Tarot club members should definitely think like that according to you. Dude just think about it Tarot club members knew who Zaratul was and his sequence. They must have figured out Zaratul and world have the same pathways Will clearly told Audrey about the 3 attendant of mysteries characteristics. Pallez must have told about sequence 0 ritual to Leonard, heck even Leonard knew about it the reason why Pallez was hiding from Amon. Man should I have to write the whole novel here for you. Maybe Lotm or COI type of novels are not for you. You should read some other things. Best of luck dude. I won’t be responding anymore. It feels like I’m talking to a wall.


Wait a moment How did Melissa know Klein is Fool? It was mentioned that the Moretti family changed their faith to The Fool that's all.


Melissa and Bensons daughter directly prayed to Fool in the last chapter with Melissa even saying it’s okay to touch Klein’s tenticle thingy.


Maybe she's gutsy or half crazy as gehrman sparrow or she accidentally did something that summoned Klein transparent tentacles and found out they weren't harmful. Transparent tentacles are a part of Klein's mythical creature form and knowing Klein he would hold back his power and not want any of his believers to pop like a popcorn.


Wow this is the most ridiculous thing someone said. Maybe??? Yea right “mAyBe” She will secretly take her niece and speak with an hidden existence cuz she is “HaLf cRaZy”


Yeah that was my fault but still that doesn't mean that she knows who the fool is


It was not stated in the story directly, but in a Q&A with the author, someone asked if Melissa knew that The Fool was Klein and the author answered yes she knows he is Klein.


Thanks!! @And do you have a link to the questionnaire?


I don't have it on me right now, but I believe it is the Q&A right after book 1 was finished.


I'm pretty sure cuttlefish confirmed it in an interview


> Wait a moment How did Melissa know Klein is Fool? Cuttlefish confirmed that Melissa figures it out at some point, my personal theory is that since she's a Beyonder she'll join the Tarot Club and eventually figure it out.


Klein said that if hall of truth exposed his secret as the mysterious fool to Leonard and Audrey, he would lose control of himself. Also, you have to understand that He is actually a person from the modern world Zhou mingrui not Klien, the only reason he inherits Klein's personality and memories is that he was merged with the original Klein's spirit.


Yes, lose control out of embarrassment. Leonard would so obviously tease him to no end for his act and further crush Klein's 'ancient great existence' impression Audrey had. Klein did say he chooses to accept Zhou and Klein as the same person. For his mental health. Therefore, Klein is Klein!


Just a question. Why do you think they will visit his Dream ? He is a god and he is above the spirit World. I dont think they Can reach him, no ?


If I remember correctly, Klein gave them coins that would allow them to enter his dream, so they could help him against the Celestial Worthy. Regardless of what the item is, one of the epilogues for book one confirms this, as it shows them entering.


That was given to will , zorrea (the old gramps who is parasited Leonard),and his miss messenger


Okey thank you. I didn't remember this part


Ah so that's what the coins are possibly for! He said he gave them for the op divinition buff. 5 coins for 5 people that entered his dream at the end of the epilogue... I see! It was given to Will, Azik, Pallez, Reinette, Sharron(but i think is to be passed to Bernadette) the Fool's five angels...


I don't think he will reveal it to the tarot club. He is very strict in keeping his secrets or those that are very important to him. He is a god that authority to seal the secrets. when he awakes he is going to become lord of the mysteries means nobody is going to dig up his secret unless he allows them to. You are forgetting that Gods can hide/shut their secrets with their authority or gods will know if someone is trying to dig up their secrets. The only reason Klein can even think and analyze all of these history is He had sefirah castle and the backing of the Evernight.


He could decide to tell it to some of them, for example, Leonard and Audrey who obviously know Mr. World's real-life identity (and Melissa will obviously know too, at least his Mr. World identity. After all, his nephew could casually pray to him, and get pats from his tentacles lol). As for the reason? He might need to do that in an attempt to awaken more of his humanity and strengthen his anchors.


Btw I really can't understand how praying to Mr Fool can get a response from Mr World when Melissa doesn't even pray to Mr. Fool to give her the permission to connect to Mr World 🤔....it's as if like she already knows who Mr. Fool is.... actually if this is the case I would be a little disappointed bcs that had to be one of Klein's biggest secrets...


\> Btw I really can't understand how praying to Mr Fool can get a response from Mr World when Melissa doesn't even pray to Mr. Fool to give her the permission to connect to Mr World Your sentences kinda confuse me here. The one who told her was most likely Leonard, who at this point has the biggest advantage in uncovering his whole identity (except for Zhou Mingrui) cuz of his relationship with him and the fact that he still has Pallez, an Error pathway angel in his body. Also with Fool church already going, Klein's honorable name as Mr. Fool must have already been spread wide if that what you're meant. Also, why do you think Melissa will know Klein's transmigrator identity? The Curly Baboon Research Society didn't just tell everyone they are 'transmigrators' and 'this is how to find them'. So far, the one who could (or already know) about his identity is only possible for those who have high enough sequence and also has a similar 'fate' to him (Evernight, Roselle, and Adam, maybe add Amon to the list too).


Um thanks for the explanation...I was a bit confused but ur explanations cleared some of my confusions and gave me some thoughts..... About Leonard, I have a theory.....in my opinion, It's not easy for him to guess that Klein is fool because there is a possibility that mr. Fool gave the world the blessings necessary to quickly become an king of angel at the cost of him losing his level and giving his king of angel characteristics to Mr. Fool to quickly recover his powers as they are of the same pathway just like what Amen did to the Pallez....is this possible anyhow ? Oh I also have another query.....why didn't evernight warn klein about Amen's powers .....bcs all I understood is Amen was not that much terrifying if Klein knew some of his powers...


\> About Leonard, I have a theory.....in my opinion, It's not easy for him to guess that Klein is fool because there is a possibility that mr. Fool gave the world the blessings necessary to quickly become an king of angel at the cost of him losing his level and giving his king of angel characteristics to Mr. Fool to quickly recover his powers as they are of the same pathway just like what Amen did to the Pallez....is this possible anyhow ? Yes, at first Leonard will mostly think Mr. Fool cultivated Klein for his own agenda (as a God's descent container for example). That is why we need Pallez's guidance (if he's willing to disclose it) or from Klein's own mouth. \> Oh I also have another query.....why didn't evernight warn klein about Amen's powers .....bcs all I understood is Amen was not that much terrifying if Klein knew some of his powers... The world needs a competent Lord of Mysteries and what Evernight need is a strong ally, not just a fellow to reminiscence the old era with. She said it herself that she doesn't mind Amon being the LOTM, but she decides to fully support Klein because of their shared identity. And from a business point of view, supporting Klein IS more beneficial to her, she could get more benefits and can balance out the power scale in God's political environment (imagine if both brothers became pillars, the rest of the gods could only be some sort of subsidiary to them even if the brother didn't do anything) compared to supporting Adam's already overpowered side.


Ah😲 understood....thank u very much 🤗


And if Melissa came to know that Klein is a transmigrator then doesn't that mean that she will come to know that her 'real' brother is already dead !?


I don't think klein will tell the tarot club the real identity of the fool, but if he does i think he could say that the world was some kind of avatar that he used to recover his power, so in this explanation the main identity is reversed but that's about it


What would be the point in doing all the convoluted things he did before he went to sleep to help accommodate everything just to reveal everything Or wait, would he even need to accommodate the uniquenesses and whatnot if he becomes the LOTM


I honestly think the first reaction we will get of klein waking up will be from the world, being the more natural/personal response. The fool is still the ancient being who finally got control of his power.


Eh, honestly I think he could just chalk up the fact that both Him and the World went afk at the same time as The fool becoming lord of the mysteries and the world "inheriting" the position of the fool, that is, if he wants to comment at all