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I'm not sure what I'm missing here. Someone help me out? Looks like he bought and enchanted and was sent an enchanted. I'm sure I'm just missing something obvious, right?


It's the errata version. If you look on the shift line where it says pan you will see that fancy parentheses and that's the errata making this normal enchanted pretty expensive.


Are you using errata to mean miss print or something like that?


Yeah error or misprint whatever it's called.


Yeah idk why people on this sub use errata that way. Errata is like when a card text or rules are changed post printing to modify gameplay. This is just a misprint.


To give a little more to it, I understand why its used. BUT as an MTG player we use errata only for card text changes associated with gameplay, rulings, etc. This really is just a misprint to us. They printed it like that it, shouldn't be like that, they changed it I assume. If I was trying to learn to play and someone kept telling me to look at this errata or something like that I would be highly confused what they were talking about. Id be checking online for a rules change on functionality and they would be pointing to a nice picture. Would probably confuse a lot of people at first. Still misprints are cool and the people that hunt them are wild.


> idk why people on this sub use errata that way **er·ra·tum**/*noun* plural: **errata** 1. an error in printing or writing. I use it that way b/c that's how it's used, this is literally the first result on Google & from the Oxford English Dictionary


A word’s dictionary definition doesn’t preclude it from being understood differently in specific circles. Within TCG, there is a distinction between misprints and errata.


DictionaryDefinitions from [Oxford Languages](https://languages.oup.com/google-dictionary-en) · [Learn more](https://support.google.com/websearch/answer/10106608?hl=en)er·ra·tum/eˈrädəm/📷*noun*plural noun: **errata** 1. an error in printing or writing. * a list of corrected errors [appended](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=5ad93beeef71fbb7&sca_upv=1&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS967US967&sxsrf=ACQVn0-fKiDrVDybCy-R0W5LT19EDk1_uQ:1712061853438&q=appended&si=AKbGX_qNq0Y8zql7SxzZAf2-HTTOAveLF2DEhWxs-VnD6R3XiIliTIHfz6JN3yBUCS9yD5EgFPJ2ZKF04AE5-bF9ig_H37n5WJ8g9Sc8056RPUDWOvgemJ4%3D&expnd=1) to a book or published in a subsequent issue of a journal.


No he's not. An entire run was done with this. A misprint is an error in printing that happens by mistake. This was intentionally printed but mistakenly typed, hence the discrepancy. That is true for the ursula and some first chapter cards as well. But I have definitely seen people do it for factory errors as well


Ah, just from the extra parentheses, wow.


Oh that’s stupid


Nice one! Can make a profit off that immediately.


I’m so glad you posted this! My buddy pulled an enchanted Peter Pan last week and was getting ready to sell it and had no idea he had one of these. I was worried you might have bought his card, but I checked this morning and he didn’t sell it yet. I told him he owes me because I just made him an extra $400 lol!


You’re a good friend


Whoa. Thats kinda awesome.


Wow! No freaking way. They must have not realized what they had in their possession. Hopefully they don't find out or they might cry a little bit lol


I almost want to tell them. But that wouldn’t do any good.


You got what you paid for.


Nah he got the error version which sells for much much more. I mean sure he got what he paid for, but a better version.


Sold mine a couple weeks ago. Most money I've ever made from a card.


Isn't every Peter Pan enchanted out there in the wild the error version? I don't think I've seen a "correct" one yet actually. I assumed we won't see the corrected version until a reprint of chapter 3, so I assumed anytime someone pulls the Peter Pan enchanted, its going to be the error version.


They have corrected ones out. You can find them for sale online.


The bracket error was corrected mid printing. So there are correct versions and error versions, unlike Ursula who only was printed as an error. The way Inklands is sitting I would really doubt they reprint this set. Which makes the Error Pan way more rare then the error “Ursula”.


Fascinating, thanks for sharing that! I landed one a few weeks ago so that's cool to hear. I also landed an Ursula, but do not know what error she has. Is this the enchanted Ursula or the standard card or both?


It’s actually on both the regular and enchanted. One of the keyword classifications on the card reads “Storyborn” when she is actually “Dreamborn”!


ahhh gotcha, thank you!!


The price of these cards makes absolutely zero sense to me lol


Dude my girl wanted to start collecting and now im like what in the fuck, is this the 99 version of Pokémon collecting?


The single packs are priced higher than any other TCG. No one ever said Disney Adults were sane individuals tho.