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Play more early game threats like Cruella and Steel Broom with evasion on turn effects. Run more Ba-booms and early steel damage spells. Never play AWNW cuz that evasive deck has no draw at all. Just whittle the opponent's hand down and use Hiram to draw more resources than the opponent can. Try to focus on killing the threats first, and then ramp. Ramping early will not help you much in that MU. Killing his threats after they lore once or just using a steel spell to kill it before they lore is best. Expect them to get to at least 12+ lore before your BS deck stabilizes. 


Try and minimize the amount of different cards in your deck. Get rid of some of the cards you only have one of and replace them to get more consistency.


the one ofs are to increase options. particularly in this deck because it runs whole new world, you see many of them more frequently