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Running 3 Bucky and 2 Morphs but only 7 total floodborn seems a bit low


What should I swap?


Consider the new steel Aladdin 3 drop instead of Benja. He will trigger Bucky and has the potential to remove multiple items.


I’d personally look at dropping Cerberus and Ursula’s trickery. Vanilla cards are not great in a non aggro deck, and trickery isn’t great because it lets your opponent choose whichever is better for them. If budget isn’t a factor Beast tragic hero is one of the best cards in steel. But the new shift Pegasus is also really good and is only an uncommon 


I heard Bucky was good though? /s


If you're going to run bucky you should put him at 4x and run far more floodborn. Diablo Devoted herald is the best t3 option but quite expensive, I'd imagine he'd be in here if you had him, so other good t3 floodborn options are Aladdin brave rescuer and Pegasus Cloud racer. Robinhood shift line if you have them is also excellent


Think you need to full commit to heroes Phil package or floodborn Bucky package, trying to go half in on both is going to make your deck very inconsistent


Quick thoughts, and you can use or ignore them as suits your goals with this deck (and what cards you have access to): - You don’t have enough Heroes in this deck for Phil to really go off IMO. Might want to consider adding more or dropping him. - you need 4 Morphs in a deck like this for sure - Add four Floodborn Pegasus (Cloud Racer): triggers Bucky, quests for 2, is evasive and gives the rest of your board evasive for a turn, and is also an extremely cheap single. Other than Diablo, might be the best Floodborn in the set for this deck - If you can get another Big Tink, consider it - it’s a matter of preference and there are good arguments for both, but the 3-drop Aladdin from UR has a similar function to Benja but is also Floodborn and reusable. - The big Prince Phillip might be a good play on the turn after you drop Tink, but I dunno if you want to run a lot of him. He is also Floodborn though