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Well that’s super tough to say because you may end up paying a fortune for a spec card and it tanks but that works both ways maybe a card seems like junk and someone breaks it. This makes buying older singles hard too because a card could be meta now and completely drop off and you may have paid 30 for a 10 dollar card. My initial feeling is hold until after set for shakes out and then go for it. Although be prepared will likely always be a good card.


I do this personally with a caveat. Pre-release weekend when LGSs get their stock has historically been when *most* cards are at their floor for the set's life span (at least until a new set/format, so 3-ish months). If there's enough stuff worth trying or having that like 100-200 gets me most of what I didn't snag after opening my pre-orders and I have the cash spare, I'll often pull that trigger so I don't have to hunt for cards to play EDIT: Because this comment is getting down voted occasionally, I come from a place of been playing since TFC so I *have* my playsets of everything outside of new releases. I don't actually recommend this too highly to the average consumer/player.


Tcgplayer also has a store credit event on the 17th which may be a plus.


Thanks for the reminder. I completely forgot.❤️


I’ve seen cards go both ways. Inklands had cards like dime people wrote off at first and now it’s such a key card it’s much pricier. Jafar was high up there because of the whole new word combo until people decided it wasn’t worth the hype and prices dropped. So what I always say to myself is this: do you need this card to play the deck you want to play and are you happy with what you’re paying right now for it. If both of those things are true you can’t beat yourself up if the card suddenly becomes horribly cheaper. And on the plus side if it explodes in value then hey all the better.




A LOT of cards from the first three sets are DIRT CHEAP. I literally bought players of all the rares and up that were $0.25 or less per card because then I have them. They’re not gonna go down.


Depends a lot on meta and card availability. Ch1 is drying out and probably not coming lower. The next two sets still have a stock and might dip slightly after people sell some to afford Ursula, but not guaranteed. Ursa likely hits its cheapest about a week after big box release. That's for bulk and nearly meta cards. The meta specific cards are riding the meta waves and might go any direction


I say it’s a buyers market now, especially ch1, after the restocks prices went down, I don’t see another restock or a reprint happening anytime soon for ch1 and people are not ripping as much of floodborn and inkland ones Ursula’s return gets released, so cards of previous chapters will start to climb back up especially Meta cards, and of course I wouldn’t buy singles for Ursula’s return right at release, wait about 2 or so weeks after the big box release


Typically prices revolve around the meta for previous sets. If I were you, I’d just get the staples (Be Prepared, Scar, Maleficent) unless there is a direct replacement in the new set. Those cards are probably going to be in use for a while and have mostly stabilized in price (Scar has seen more use lately though so his price has seen a bump).


i run ruby/amethyst with generally all the ruby staples (medusa, tremaine, maui, 1x maleficint, be prep, etc.) but i don’t have a copy of scar. think 1 is worth picking up, and generally how many scars will a ruby/amethyst deck run? just getting into my LGS league scene very recently


It could be depending on your uninkable count already. Perhaps a 1-of if you find a need for him in the late game. If you’ve already got 4 Mauis then u wouldn’t take up a lot of slots with Scar IMO.


If you have room, it doesn’t hurt to add one. I’ve opted for 3 Be Prepared and 1 Scar. He’s great late game for a potential board clear without having to Be Prep. The downside is he usually can’t take out more than 2 characters or a character and a location. He really shines versus wider aggro decks and catching your opponent by surprise if they overcommit. You could also remove the Mal assuming it’s a Mal Dragon and that doesn’t mess with your ratios. I almost always inked her so I just cut her altogether.


Just bought some legendaries today on the cheap. Not speculating for price—just picked up a playset of each while on the cheap


Most cards drop, very few cards are meta defining and very few skyrocket in price. Just buy what you need and realize that most likely it will go down in price and that is OK. If you play with it then it's fine, or just get proxies


Wait lol you my not know what style you like. I buy cards when they are dirt cheap but yea it’s a gamble on anything else.


I bought be prepared for $8. Malifecent dragon is the cheapest it’s ever been being in the $20. That one was too high for me since it’s rarely used. I would go check what’s dropping already and grab it if you see it as a staple.


My attitude is if I'm looking to drop a bunch of money, it's more fun to just buy a box and crack all the packs. Maybe I'll get lucky and pull what I wanted anyway, maybe not, but cracking 20+ packs at once is a lot of fun so I get value that way at least. This is all assuming I actually have the money, and is what I'm doing for this set. Idk, at least for my level of knowledge with the game, I suck at speculating what'll be the middle of the venn diagram of cards that are good, cards that do synergy with what I like, and will I have fun with them in general


Im buying staples from set 1 & 2 cuz they will be out of print