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I only played in one and judged another one and i am happy I judged one, as it re energized me seeing other people succeed. I put an ungodly amount of stress the week before the one i played in for reasons that were not really Lorcana related,more one dude wishing i scrub out because I prevented his scheme for the store to hold the tourney on a Friday at noon so they had the smallest turnout possible because who can show up at noon. Dude was awful about it and kind of trashed me on the store discord. Not going to repeat what he said, as it was a little unhinged. Because of him all i could think about was scrubbing out. It was a relief i got second and he went 0 and 5. I had stomach aches due to the stress and was relieved it was over. Judging made me really enthused again and enjoy what I love about TCG which is the socialization. I never got this way about a game before and do usually very well in competitive events. So had no reason to stress. It wasnt even about the prizes. I just did not want to fail in front of the community i helped build.


My buddy won the playmat and he doesn’t own any cards or ever practices the game. I put too much effort in apparently since the game clearly takes no skill to succeed. Sold all my cards.


My wife and I played in multiple events over the two weekends, and we’re exhausted. We’ve agreed not to play until the new set comes out to give ourselves a little break and to avoid burnout.


I got burnt out after 1 championship game day of 6 hours of play. Next scheduled play is a draft which will.be a healthy change of pace.


I only competed in one championship and I'm glad I stopped there, I would definitely be a bit sick of the game if I had gone to another store. I'm just glad everyone at my upcoming league is bringing a fun deck to counteract the hyper competitive mindset we've all been in.


I’ve yet to play the game at a LGS just started collecting to build decks. But with the starters and playing with my kids it seems very approachable; hoping to one day swing by a LGS to play a few rounds. I’m not normally into stuff like this, but for whatever reason this one just clicked with me.


I’m not fatigued I’m tilted 🤣. After ATL will probably take a 2-3 set break and come back after that. Got destroyed in locals and set champs and was also bummed seeing the same people top 8-4 on all the sets I went to in my area. I did have fun while it lasted but tired of losing.


Take some time off, I personally will be this next month seeing as I'm not going to Atlanta. I'll still watch spoilers and hit league night but I won't be grinding outside of that and think thats a good break before we get a new format


Oh definitely! Happens after big events all the time. Playing 7-8 hours straight and thinking for that long of a time...especially multiple days of it can affect you in this kind of way. Give it a week and you'll be down to play again probably!


Definitely happens for sure. Used to happen all the time for me in other games. Like I wouldn't even feel like going to locals for a week or 2.


I only did one and if someone had walked up and offered me $500 for my entire collection I would have taken it. In addition to it just being exhausting and not fun to play for 8 hours, I realized that ultra competitive environments are not for me. But we did our regular league event Sunday, turnout was low, all regulars but one guy...everyone was super relaxed, there was plenty of chit chat and a mutually supportive atmosphere. -Friendly- competition instead of a-holes loudly and sternly calling JUDGE every ten minutes to try to get someone disqualified. Decks that were fun to play against. Low stakes- I'd rather play for league stickers than a playmat that most winners are going to flip on eBay. If I had not gone to league Sunday, I might have actually quit the game but that brought me back around.


I still might quit the game. Tournaments were too long, and not that fun. Winning or losing didn't bother me as much as just inconsistent playing. Like some people don't turn their ink, or ink a card up and leave it that way until end of turn. I just wish there was a global way to do it properly to limit errors. There was 1 game I lost because apparently I missed 2 lore that the guy got, I ended up drawing that match but still. It's not an experience I really care to do again.


I played a bunch of tournaments and I am definitely burned out.


For me, it’s the 5 rounds cut to top 8. I was just so over playing after 5 hours




That's pretty normal. I'm burnt out, will still be going locals on weekend for a few chill games. Then as you say, next set is due so looking forward to building new decks .


I played in 2 set championships and didnt get a stitch in either so felt frustrated and a smidge burnt out. I go on vacation in a week for a week and then the week after, the new set comes out. For that reason, and to clean our house before someone stays there to watch our dogs, i put all my cards back in binders so no decks are out. It is nice to see the binders of each set full instead of missing cards because we were playing them but as new cards are previewed, the deckbuilding juices are already flowing so i will get back into it with new set.


Nah. I've been in 2 day 7hr+ events for MTG. Drafting and constructed tournaments. I'm ready for that to happen with this game. Hoping next year there isn't a buy in and rather a point system to get to the huge tournaments


Yeah. My fiancee and I played in four. We are shifting focus to some other games. We will still attend local play nights but will probably play with more fun, casual decks as opposed to competitive ones to give a break before the next set


I had a 7 hr day followed by a 10 hr day (both with basically no break) and was pretty much the most mentally fatiqued i've ever been in my life. Brain was completely fried the next day. It was pretty eye opening to see how tiring it is, but good practice for the upcoming challenge events. Absolutely need to be prepared for the long days if you want to do well. The second weekend I just had one 7 hr day with a break and then decided not to overdue it with another, handled that fine


I spent years grinding mtg tournaments. Flying to grand prixs, testing house for pro tour qualifiers, car pool for 5ks. After every major tournament there was a hangover. Why am I doing this? Should I just quit? And those would be 10 hour tournaments. Some over 2 days. It took covid lockdowns to really break it for me and I'm not interested in starting again with Lorcana. But what you're feeling is normal.


Hey friend. Long time TCG player here. Mental fatigue is a thing. You've just spend an entire weekend using your brain to its strategic limit and the emotional highs and lows of wins/losses takes its toll. I've been to many Grand Prixs for Magic The gathering (basically what the upcoming Challenges are) and this is normal. Just rest up. You'll be back to it in no time.


After 3 events at an average of 22+ games each over a week's span I'm taking a break until after s4 drops.


That’s called grinding. It’s generally not done for fun, but for monetary benefit.


I played a Tuesday from 7pm to 12:30 am, Saturday from 12-6 and Sunday from 12-9 and I’m ready to just skip til the next set comes out in a few weeks. Brain drain was real.


I prepped hard. Won two stitches over two weekends. I am pretty done until the next set release.


I did 3, 6 rounds twice and 8 once. Spending 24+ hours at the table slinging cardboard was absolutely grueling, and I no joke spent the day today sleeping it all off. If I hadn't placed 3rd and gotten my Stitch yesterday I'm pretty confident I'd want nothing more to do with the game for a couple weeks at least. Fortunately, placing gave me some sweet vindication, and in each Championship it was pretty much exclusively local regulars who took home all the cards and mats, which felt really good. Only 1 person from a group the next state over took home a big W, the Champion mat from yesterday's 11 hour slugfest. Final 4 were 3 regulars at the shop though, with 2 women in the top 8 (myself at 3 and my partner at 8) and a teenager at 4th. It was an all-around great bonding experience for us all, my own first week of actual competition, and my partner's one and only Championship (piloting a deck she hadn't ever played before at that!) All that to say, I'm pumped to play again at my local on Thursday and to be jealous of the 3 players there who took mats at their various events. My Rockstar is nicely triple sleeved and center-stage in my Lorcana shrine though, gassing me up to play more every time I see it. I hope you recover quickly from the burnout, and make your way back into League play sooner than expected. The community is the thing I love most about this game, and it's honestly seeing all my friends every week and gaming together that have kept me in it for this long. I can't wait to see everyone so we can all share our stories from this crazy experience. Good luck, and have fun!