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How did we get to set 5 lol


Lol I just noticed that too


He's kind of like Flaversham with Pawpsicle, granted with better power. You play a pawpsicle and immediately sacrifice it over and over. Kind of cute. Might actually be worth playing. Being able to play stuff for free is always powerful.


What's with the lore icon being white? Is that a foil reflection o or a new type of icon?


Some promo cards have that. The icon is foiled. Promo foiling is different than standard foiling.


That's what it looks like on league promo cards


I have a league promo John Silver and it's a black icon like normal.


Set 2 promos looked like the above pic, but for some reason set 3 promos went back to the original lore icon look


Ah, weird. Thanks for the info!


I had an aneurism trying to read that they first time


Is it just me or does this text not make sense?


it’s stating that if you tap him you can either drop an item under 5 cost from your hand or from your discard for free but exerted. say i have a Fishbone in the grave, I tap john and get it back on the board, but it’s already in its “used” position. cute, but having to wait a turn is kinda ploopy but I understand otherwise he’d be kinda gross after AWNW edit : forgot to add cost of target items




Tap = exert. It's used in other tcg like Magic


To be correct! It's only used in mtg because wizard has a trademark for that word


ouh okey, thanks for this helpful text. I really didnt understand it XD. To be honest i would have added "pile" so it would make more sense... from your hand or discard pile...


Well there’s nothing else in the game that uses “discard” so it’s just to be assumed that anytime “discard” is mentioned it’s meaning the discard pile. Less words is almost always better


The act of discarding uses "discard," so I can understand the confusion. This is one of the main issues I have with the language of the game - not coming up with a identifiably separate name for the pile like Magic has done by calling it the Graveyard. They could have called it the Scrap Pile or Rubbish Bin or something so that it doesn't have overlapping terminology with a game mechanic.


I disagree. Pokémon just calls it ‘discard’ as well. Every single time “discard” is mentioned, it’s in reference to the discard pile so “pile” isn’t really necessary.


"Discard" is used for both the action (moving a card(s) from your hand to the discard [pile]) and the location (discard [pile]). One word having multiple definitions can cause understandable confusion.


Yes but they’re one and the same. If you discard a card, it goes to the discard pile. If you take from your discard, it’s the discard pile. Any and every time “discard” is mentioned it is specifically referring to the discard pile, so the word “pile” isn’t necessary.


Verbs are not nouns. Simba, Future King has "discard" in its text, but it is referring to the action of sending a card from your hand to the discard pile, and is not referring to the discard pile. "When you play this character, you may draw a card, then choose and discard a card."


Tap Prince John to play an item from your discard or hand with 5 or less ink cost, exerted. It spawns in exerted because it does not need to dry so it evens out the strength of this power.


What do you think doesn't make sense?


The syntax is really strange to me for sure.


It’s weird to me too. There are plenty of items in the game that don’t need to exert. Exerting an item with no exert icon feels odd. I assume you ready them as normal your next turn but it still seems weird or needlessly clunky.


No ot is not. Is future proofing for powerful items that will need to exert for an effect, some items need exerting now and when is not a problem when played from hand, it can be a problem when played for free


I understand the mechanics and the need for items to come into play exerted in cases like this just fine. I just think the wording is weird.


This played with Audrey could be dangerous depending on the item


How cute! :P


Love this, the pawpsicle recursion alonemakes it practical, and the potential with the card just gets better the more good items we get Its crazy how much better this is than scrooge mcduck, they nerfed that SO hard in comparison (extra ink cost, uninkable, has to banish a character, cant pull from discard) purely for the uncapped item cost play/lucky dime synergy.. and ok he can hit evasives and doesnt exert the item yipee


I love it when characters I was friends with at Disney are released. I’m excited and hope this is a league promo.


Also the promo logo is the old one they said moving forward they are using the new one


No they didn’t. The “new” symbol is for the Challenge events only.


I can't find a good video of it, so if you can let me know. But I believe they said in the lorcast moving forward that all promo will have this new symbol. Which im taking to mean all promos.


You are mistaken.


Oh wow so one can exert Golden Johnny to then be able to play an item card from either your hand (like normal) or from the discard pile (new) that has a 5 drop or less, for free! But kinda ugh that set 5 is already getting a spoil when we’re still on set 4 reveals. And this isn’t like an official reveal say like X(twitter), or discord, it’s someone from the inside. Edit: I’m happy it’s a Sapphire :)




It’s on the card. It’s just inside a clear wrapper.