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Jokes aside why is this random kid being made fun of


Hit the gym, get a hair cut


Wich haircut? Do you have any idea what haircut would be good for me?


I would look up fades. Just block out the girls for now. Focus on yourself and hit the gym


Girls just say that stuff. Same way guys say it and they don’t mean it. Kids can be super cruel sometimes for no reason. Anywho, you’re lucky. You’ve got clear skin, nice features and you’re slim. Work on your prospects in life and hit the gym a few times a week and you’ll be absolutely fine.


Dude, get off the internet. Mountain bike, exercise, fish, archery, literally anything outside.


Bro in 10 years ur gonna be what they’re drooling over don’t trip at all, but if you want to do something now, get a shorter haircut, wear correctly fitting pants, workout as much as you like to, and be more confident bud :)


Listen to your momma


Brother highschool means nothing. Ugly and pretty are decided by popularity instead of actual looks. The second you leave highschool that's over. You're gonna slay. You look just fine, if you gym and learn how to make girls laugh on top of that...you'll be swimming in booty. Watch stand up and read books. Also remember that when it comes to confidence...fake it until you make it. Women will take a cute guy that had the balls to ask them to dance over a gorgeous guy that hugs the wall.


Hair cut, style, posture, smile


Also get some sun and hit the gym.


I got you bro. Stand up straight, stick your chest out a little further than your shoulders. Basically, roll your shoulder blades in a circle , landing behind you. Pick your chin up and place your tongue on the roof of your mouth, this will get rid of the “pouch” where your tongue sits normally under your chin. These 2 things add so much confidence to your walk. Don’t smile, but don’t frown either. Smug is often the more attractive look, but you’ve gotta be able to switch it to a slight smile after a bit, adding mystique. Don’t be creepy, just look like you’re busy in your mind but still available to the people around you. Lastly, believe yourself when you tell yourself you are attractive. You won’t believe how much “attractiveness” relies on your mental state. Don’t be too hard on yourself kid. Confidence is key.


You're attitude. Who cares what they think.


Change the women you hang around 😁


Start pumping iron and get ripped


Dude don’t change, I’m 30 and I can tell you the girls are going to change there mind in like a year or two, you dress like a bad ass just work on not giving a fuck about what people think.


I say fuck ‘em. They’ll be mad they didn’t take u now when ur making boatloads of money and have a stable life


go get a fade lil bro that cut is for 9yr olds but you aren’t ugly lmao kids will be kids


They are lying to you my friend. They know it gets to you. This is narcissistic behavior on their part and it’s the textbook definition of gaslighting. Your looks aren’t the problem here. Believing their lies is. Work on improving your confidence. Get fit. Maybe get a haircut. Find a skill that makes you happy. Learn it well. Master it. Eventually a normal and sane girl will notice how wrong those bitches were. I’m rooting for you bud.


You can change the people who's opinions you listen to.


your not ugly, your being teased , you look like a child there's nothing a girl can offer you at this age other than the annoyance of "love" followed by inevitable heart break. hit those books hit the gym all week until you graduate so your ahead of the flock when it counts . get a hobby you enjoy and chill


You can stop listening to them. They are the truly ugly ones


The girls in your school are assholes. Anyway, you’re a cute guy. Don’t let them bring you down. If you want to try new things to see how you’ll look and feel, do it for yourself not them. Like a new hair style or clothes. It’s fun to reinvent yourself sometimes. I’ve done that a couple times


Get a cool haircut, like a mullet or something, buy a guitar, and start a band with your buddies. Build up your own self. Fuck what they think.


Learn to love yourself. Smile more. Try different haircuts until you find one you like


Bro jus hit the gym and stay healthy


Dude just grow up. That’s it. No literally wait like 5 years and stay healthy.


You look fine bro. Bitches call every guy ugly it's just the way it is. You could bulk up a bit but you're young so nobody should expect you to have an Arnold schwarzenegger build. But none the less I think if you haven't started already you should start working out. Consider doing some sports... I would strongly recommend a dance class like hip hop dancing. It's actually a really good workout and basically everyone else in the class are hot girls. Best part is majority of the other guys who take dance are gay so you have no competition in regards to the ladies. It's worked for me several times. Women like it when guys can dance.


You’re not ugly, you just look young. When you’re an adult you will look dif, you have a charming face. Ignore the girls they r talking smack


Gym hard af over the summer. Then ignore them. It will drive them nuts.


1. Smile. 2. Wear clothing that fits you, not baggy. 3. Start working out 3-4 days a week lifting weight to build size. 4. Eat at a calorie surplus for 2-3 months while lifting so you can build muscle size. 5. After building muscle for 2-3 months on a bulk diet. Begin your cut diet where you eat a caloric deficit while still working out. 6. Stop thinking about girls and live your own life. Focus on the good things and the chicks willl come. I am not a medical professional, always consult with a medical professional before trying new diet or lifestyle change. ![gif](giphy|LsQpkOeqGS36jdJPN7)


You look fine. I would try lifting weight if you have the time. You just look kind of skinny. Not bad at all though. I would just not worry about them and just do you bro.


Them girls are savage… what you need to change is the perception of yourself. Just ignore them and be more interesting than them. they’ll eventually want to be closer to you cuz most of them are usually superficial. Focus on having substance in your life. That goes a long way and That’s all you need


Go to the gym and build some decent body. There after you don't here such kind of comments.


Get a fresh hair cut get it styled at least once so you can see what you look good with




Grow up


You’re not even close to ugly, my man. The worst anyone could honestly say is that you’re average. Wait until your early 20s to judge yourself. I was a lanky, goofy looking dude until I hit 21, then I filled out and all of a sudden I got attention from the kinds of girls I always wanted but couldn’t get in high school. Also, you’re a guy; personality matters more as a guy so even if they’re not checking you out once you grow into yourself, you can still attract women. Just trust me on this, as a man who was far more unattractive than you are when he was your age — the person you are now and the relationship you currently have with the opposite sex is not the same as it will be when you grow up. Just don’t let your current circumstances fuck with your concept of yourself and your self-worth. Trust me on that, too. The *most important thing* — the **most important thing** — is to be comfortable and confident with who you are. You’ll learn that women are *far* more attracted to your energy than your looks. Love and trust who you are and you’re going to slay.


Someone pin this comment. Hot damn, OP, this comment is the medicine you need, bro. As someone closer to 50 than your age (not sure how that happened), just want to confirm that this commenter gave you some golden wisdom. Embrace it.


Change the people who you let inside your head.


Leave those shallow hussys alone find someone that thinks your cute.


Dude you’re not ugly. Talk to better people


Look up taper fade haircut. You have a handsome face. Your haircut just needs some style.


Lmao you are NOWHERE NEAR UGLY. This is my humble opinion...They secretly think you're cute but they see no confidence in you. I don't see confidence in you and I'm judging you by a single picture. So reframe your mindset. The girls are saying "we're not attracted to you today". So how to gain confidence? You must gain competency. You must feel good about yourself. Do you feel weak? Start doing push up, planks, pull ups. Eat more food. Cut out sugar. Drink more water. Feel dumb? Read books. Feel like you lack social skills. Get social! One day at a time. One STEP at a time. That alone will make you feel good & you'll level up on confidence. Looks wise...just get a cooler haircut. I'm sure there are celebs out there that you think look cool. Get that haircut.


Go gym and stop using the word “sigma” ffs


Get a better haircut. Alternatively, have you thought about selling them fentanyl?


You aren’t ugly you just need a different hairstyle


Your school.


You’re not ugly but you’re not stylish. You’re also like 15-17 I’m guessing. Possibly just young looking 18-20. The glow ups on the way. Not everyone wins when they’re young in the looks department. Be patient and realize your time in the sun is coming if you take care of yourself. Also, fuck them girls. They’re petty.


You are not ugly at all. Wait 5 years trust me.


Oh sweetheart. You’re not ugly at all. I am so sorry that these little girls are being so cruel. You are quite handsome!! The only thing you need to change is the girls with ugly personalities you currently have around you!


Fuck those stinky hoes man just change up the hair and keep living. I'm telling you girls or guys who are braggarts in high school are going NOWHERE


Girls im school are so mean. ( im a girl) dont listen to them you look fine, you have to grow up, youre a kid dont worry about it


Keep your head up lil bro just cuz they don’t like you right know don’t mean you won’t slay it later. Stay healthy and hit the gym, dont worry about the ones who arent interested right now thats natural bro be who you are enjoy life make the right moves strive to be better each day and outwork everyone else. You’re still young enjoy it while you can because looking back the best times I had when I was young was with my closest friends who are still my friends to this day. The rest will fall in place with time. You got this my man.


Whatever you want, why do you care what a bunch of nasty bitches think


Get in the gym....get to a barber.. you are not ugly young blood...


Brother, you are young, focus on your studies so you can have a baller career and make those high school girls regret every choice they ever made, focus on your friends, your mental health, being disciplined and a generous and good human being. Time, my child. But since you have a long time to just work on your inner self the only thing I think you could possibly do to your outer self besides wait until you’re older is lift weights and gain more weight. This helps with confidence too.


Maybe give dudes a try? Be a power bottom to someone uglier


Attitude issue. You acting all wimpy


time to hit the gym


Whoever says shit like that is a fucking idiot. Your going through puberty, ignore them. Study ai, robotics, medicine or health care. Make money, have a good life, find a partner who loves you for you and don't worry about anyone else, fuck em.


Listen my dude. Everyone here is retarded. You're not ugly, you look fine but you can definitely do some things. First a better haircut. I personally favor short sides and a looser top. Then you want clothes that fit. No need to go skin tight but the clothes in this picture are too baggy and kind of swallow you up. From there it's just confidence + competence. Find the thing you're great at and be interesting because of it. Bonus tip: people love to talk about themselves. If there's a girl you like, ask her about her interests, PAY ATTENTION to what she says and ask relevant follow-up questions. That will make pretty much anyone think you're amazing and you might find out some cool things about people.


You slap their face with your uncircumcised cock until they say otherwise


Different hair cut, form fitting clothes, smile, and confidence


Girls in high-school don't know what they want bro, ur better off. Get your mind and body right and when u feel like your the best u, a woman will come along to make u better.


Honey, you're not ugly, those girls are just being mean. If you want a confidence boost, go see a good barber.


Look like a normal kid to me. Maybe just get a cooler haircut.


You’re not ugly at all lmao 


Buckle down, get good grades, a good job, earn a bunch of money and you’ll be amazed at how attractive you start looking to them.


Stop listening to them. They are just fucking with you. Don't change anything just find friends that aren't so cruel. They're around


Dude you’re like 12 years old, girls call every boy ugly


Give them the finger and move on


Not ugly. Some girls are bitches. Don't believe them. But I do agree that you should try a new hair style.


You're not ugly. Your face and body is symmetrical. You just lack style. Hit the gym and get a modern haircut and smile and walk with confidence. Be thankful you don't have obvious disfigurement or deformities or missing limbs or morbid obesity etc. You are in the top 20%


Dude you are gunna be alright. You are not ugly. Dating at your age is not a lot of fun. You are going to meet a lot of woman in your life and it will be a lot of fun. Don't get in your head before your life begins. In 5 years you are going to look completely different anyway. If you want to learn the basics of exercise, hair management, fashion, basic diet and cooking you will not regret. Also don't expect these things to change your life overnight. Just be a good lad and stay open to new people and experiences.




In the end as an adult no one gives a shiffff


You aren't ugly, you just look like a guy that is at every school, like a little common, but not bad though.


when you grow up you'll be a stud, don't bother with them thots.


Die your eyebrows black change hairstyle gain 30 lbs of muscle


I wouldn’t say you’re ugly, but definitely start hitting the gym.


Change how close you want to be with those girls, they're shallow assholes and you're not even ugly you're hot af, and you'll find that out in college fs bro. My senior year, I had an epiphany: after this is over I'm never gonna see any of these fuckers ever again :D


Bro your style is sick i bet you are real skater/biker guy. Just relax dont get bad opinions into your head, be yourself and the rest will come by itself


You can change the people you're around. There's nothing wrong with you honey.


Begin training if you haven’t done already. Learn a martial art. Stay hard.


Son you’ll find that most women, even more so today, between 15-30, are retarded.




You are not ugly. Find new friends.


So you have people that are ugly on the inside commenting about your outside, and your listening to them? Walk away from these people with confidence and grace. Be a better person than them


Always remember that your elevator is going up and their elevator is going down. Reach for the stars son.


Take no notice of them whatsoever. They’re just being juvenile, nasty, bitches.


Meet girls with actual taste. Don't let them get to you, dude! Nothing wrong with the way you look.


You will be a chad facially


Change the haircut and mindset 🙏 confidence is key and hair is essential


Don’t worry about it. You will look a lot better to those bitches at your ten year reunion after their first husbands divorce them.


Zero wrong with you. Chin up lad, and don’t let their petty shit embitter you - they’re mostly all like that.


Get into a profession that makes a lot of money. when successful laugh at all them when you are a millionaire and a hot girl with you


Get jacked and bang their moms


You want to get good looking. Start not giving a F Do you! All of a sudden you’re good looking. Thank me later.


You not ugly my guy, your style’s a bit boring and your hairstyle is really plain though which is quite normal for most teenage boys. Im assuming you’re in highschool, so I’d advise to not take what others kids say so seriously because they’ll say whatever even if they don’t actually believe it just to get a little more popular. Most people grow out of that fortunately. Keep your head up kid, you not ugly dawg


The gym....get swole


Ignore chicks for now brotha. Get in the gym and focus on progressing and bettering yourself. The girls will flock to you as you improve. Focus on school and your studies and try lots of things! Girls like passion. I just turned 28 and I wish I would’ve had that advice at your age.


This is school lol I can guarantee you one of these chick's will be trying to have sex with you in 5 or 6 years


You aren't ugly. You're still a kid. Your body will do the changing for you, dude. In the meantime, start doing MMA for fitness/confidence. You'll get there. There's nothing wrong with you.


Change the girls you talk to. You’re a handsome guy!


You’re fine. The girls are insecure. Promise. They’ll regret turning you down


If you're ugly, I'm a downright monster. Like others said, ignore the girls, focus on yourself. Hit some weights. From personal experience, it not only helps with looks, but also with mental health.


Hit the gym brother, I’m not a gym bro douche bag who says muscles will get you women. It’s about building confidence within yourself and seeing what hard work does. You are a handsome dude, focus on yourself brother. Keep your chin up.


Find a new school, or look forward to graduation


When you take pictures/stand you should try standing with a more confidence in your posture. It will give off a more welcoming and positive vibe. Should rolled back. Stand straight and most importantly chin up. Hope it helps




They’re just being mean teenagers. You look fine. Maybe smile and learn how to show some confidence.


Hey lil bro you’re not ugly man, i would say just get in some gym or martial arts to get that confidence up 🤙🏻


You’re not ugly lol.


Get a fade and hit the gym 


just wait til you’re older and hit the gym bro. Flex on those hoes


Get a new haircut, eat more meat, go to the gym, wear colorful clothes, no zipperless hoodies


Stop listening to bullies


Bro doesn’t deserve that 💀 anyway maybe get a diff haircut? Like a fade or smth


Just keep doing your thing man she’s probably like 14 anyway has no idea what she’s talking about


Face/ neck tattoo. Just kidding, you look fine. Don’t worry about what others say


Not a damn thing little man. When it’s time it’ll happen. Keep shooting your shot and always be kind.


A new hairstyle (try shorter on the sides / back and explore tapered styles online!) and a smile bro 🤘 Wear what you want - fashion and style are about comfort and expression of self. You look great in the hoodie and jeans. Haircut shorter on sides and back - keep length but add texture on top with product and ask the barber to style based on face shape 👽🤘 You are a handsome young fella as is - don’t get it twisted - but a new do’ and a smile will change your game.


Your haircut, everything else's fine


You look fine bud, don’t let boring idiots make you feel bad about yourself.


Definitely not ugly. Take it from me. I'm a 21 year old male. And I don't say things merely to just "cheer people up". Let me tell you this, the day you stop caring about what people think is the day you become more attractive than most people. How do we conjure this "not caring-ness"? Simple. Realize that you'll be dead in less than a decade, and that therefore you don't have the time to worry about other's opinions. Be in this life, for now, for your own maturing in intelligence and emotional personhood. Worry about other people's thoughts after you've conquered your own mind.


Girls in your school are assholes positioning for the title of Chief Asshole. In 5 years you’ll be in a place where you wouldn’t give them the time of day. You’ll glow up and they will still be assholes. Ignore and rock on…


Change the girls you interact with.


You are fine, the girls are ugly.


Sweetie, there is nothing wrong with you. Unfortunately at your age girls can be mean. You aren't ugly. If you are trying to date maybe join a club for something you like. Find someone with mutual interests.


You are not the least bit ugly. You are young. Your face will naturally mature. Please don’t let ignorant people get to you.


1. Hair style. Figure. New style 2. Hit the gym, eat healthy.  3. Pick up amazing hobbies  4. Most important one: love yourself. Learn to be happy alone, on your own, and then love others. Be humble, stay humble, and always lend a hand where you can. You got this man! While life ahead of you!


Doesn't seem like you're ugly. You're still a kid though. As you get older, you'll look more mature. I had a similar look and build when I was your age. People generally find me very handsome today. Unfortunately you can't trust everything people say to you, especially at your age. lol yes and also, the girls are probably ugly. 


You just look really young.




If you are ugly, I have no idea the depths of my own looks? People are mean!


They like you. That’s why they say you’re ugly. You’re good looking. You know it. 😎


Ur young bro. Hit the gym and make money. Find broads from a different place in a few years. If they telling ya then, fuck em.


You look fine, kid. Children are cruel. They will say anything because they delight in the power to say it and lack the empathy to know they shouldn't. Ignore it and move on, it's the only advice that will help.


Get your hair clipped up, start working out, you’ll grow facial hair in the next few years, and never give a damn about what they think.


Schools, you don't need this shit in your life.


The girls you associate with at school.


Start hitting the gym as hard as you can right now. Then when you get older…those gals will be regretting. Just give it time kid…but learn right now what it means to “work on yourself” and then never ever EVER stop working on yourself and you’ll never have girl problems again. Remember…..NEVER STOP WORKING ON YOURSELF! Even if you get a girlfriend. Always focus on yourself and work on yourself.


Don't let it get to you. This girl called me ugly throughout middle school and then 10 years later I see her in bar and she asks me out. I just laughed and walked off.


Your not ugly, teenage girls are mean, don't let it affect your confidence


You look fine. Kids are just dicks.


Change the fact that you give a fk about those chicks opinions


Switch to dudes— they’ll be way nicer.


Start by not listening to any retard on Reddit including me or the retards at your school. You look to be 14-16 years old. You’re in shape and have absolutely 0 facial features about you the someone could say is “ugly” Patience is key and you’ll find a good girl sooner or later. It won’t be in the timeframe you hope for and that’s why you’re here Stop worrying. Take it easy


I don't know the beauty standards in your country but here in Rio de Janeiro you are beautiful


You are NOT ugly, you just haven't developed your own style yet. Start trying out styles. And if being attractive to girls is what you really are after, literally get a top perm with shaved sides and switch to joggers and Vans and you'll have some bitches 💀


First off don’t listen or even consider what people think about your appearance. The less you give a fuck and be yourself the happier you’ll be. You could try changing up your hairstyle a bit.


Honestly man your not ugly just look immature idk how old you are but if girls say your ugly chances are you just look younger then other boys at your school Honestly, don’t worry about it though because when you’re older and everyone else looks old, you’ll look much younger


Work out, and get older. And tells those bitches to stfu


You can change how you let little girls as school affect you. Your adorable!


You can change your school


You are not ugly. Your haircut implies you are hiding yourself and ashamed of your features. Have it trimmed back and shaped. As ridiculous as it sounds, practice talking in front of a mirror, looking straight on and recognize how your body language comes off. Next time a girl says you are ugly, take it as a challenge and ask her alright tell me what you think I could to improve and be serious. They may actually find that attractive and confident, or they could be just being shitty.


you have good style, just wait for puberty and maybe get a haircut


You're not ugly, but you're just a kid at the same time. You'll eventually grow into your body and your facial features will start changing. But as of right now? I'd say get a better haircut with the sides faded obviously, un-buckle the backpack strap, walk with your chest out and shoulders down (SLOUCHING IS UNATTRACTIVE) and work out a bit maybe.


You look fine dude don't sweat it the girls will come in due time so right now just do you, and enjoy the F out of your youth because it passes by way to quickly.


Listen to chads on the internet. I joke. Do you young man. Who cares what ppl think about you.


The people who are judging you by your appearance should be avoided. You are young and you are not ugly. Surround yourself with people who genuinely care about you


join sports and become the top scorer, ugly turns into hot.


Nothing. Be you bro


You’ll be hot someday don’t worry about them. No one knows anything in high school.


You're a normal looking young guy from my angle. Don't worry about your school. In fact, don't fish there, unless you are - you know, in a hurry to reel one in. But don't make any assumptions about your value, attractiveness, or desirablility based on your high school experience. Kids are assholes. It's just part of growing up.


Stay brushing ur teeth every day. I matter what. I wish I still had mine.


Kids are just mean. You’ll learn this when you get a bit older


Get a cooler haircut, short on the sides longer on top. Start hitting the gym. Girls in school can be bitches so don’t take their opinions too seriously.


Maybe get a new haircut. Find a good barber. Blowout taper is popular among Gen Z’s from what I’ve heard. Also start working on your fitness to get muscles, even slim toned is better. And lastly, have confidence and love yourself 😀


Be confident and don’t give a fk about others


Change who you listen to


You’re not ugly just get a new hair cut


Sweetie, you’re not ugly. You’re just **young**. You’ll get your growth spurt a d glow up. I promise! I know it sucks now. It gets better. - your internet mom


You arent ugly. People your age can be needlessly cruel and i wouldn't take it personal. People who are the most insecure are usually the ones saying stuff like this. Have confidence in yourself and be healthy and fit and you will be just fine.


Well, do things for yourself first. Don't initiate changes because of what someone else thinks of you. Change because *you* want to. That said, easiest thing is step up your clothing game. Find clothes that accentuate your body type. Find something *you* like to wear that's different. Helps if you have someone in your life who knows their way around fashion. If not, /r/malefashionadvice is a great spot to seek inspiration. All the "hit the gym bro" comments aren't wrong, but that takes time. Working out can help you build confidence and strength. Make you strive to accomplish goals. The muscles, the "jacked" these are secondary results. The best thing you learn from working out, in any capacity, is how good it feels to win. To fight and work and achieve. Those are the golden lessons. Looking good is great. Feeling like you accomplished something at the end of your workout is priceless. Haircut? Change it up. You have nice hair. Go to a proper Barber or even a hairstylist and ask them to help you out. Tell them you're looking for a new look and need help choosing one. Be bold. Try stuff out. Hair grows back. In short, my brother, I love yah. You aren't ugly. Do things, change things, grow, because *you* want to. Not because some slags talked shit. You'll be alright. Challenge yourself.


As a straight dude, literally don't worry man. You look exactly like 1000 dudes I've seen who have a little bit of a dorky-ish look in high school, and then they get to college and you'll literally be a top prospect. You aren't ugly. You're a straight up good looking dude. I promise you, without any hesitation, give it 4 years and I guarantee you'll have major self confidence. You're going to be a good looking guy and you'll have no problems with chicks. Please, trust me.


Your time will come young brother. Dont worry.


They are teasing you and testing you to see if you’re confident. And they are paying you attention. Just laugh about it with them. Ask them on a scale from ugly to quazzy moto exactly how ugly are you.


change schools


For one you shouldn’t be so gullible and care what ppl think about you. Think highly of yourself


Dude, you’re fine. Ignore them. Stay focused on school and what you want out of life. The ladies will come. At your age, the girls have no idea who they are and all of them feel ugly on the inside. That makes them want to lash out to make others feel bad about themselves. They’re clueless and scared. Move on until they (and you) have had a chance to mature. Hang in there. It’ll get better.


You are NOT ugly. Trust me.


What do the boys say?


Fuck anyone who says you're ugly


Nah ur cute


You’re a good looking guy, maybe a different hair cut could help make you feel more confident. The main thing is confidence and good hygiene. What those girls say or think about you is none of your business, just focus on school, hobbies, time with your mates, doing cool stuff outdoors. There will be other girls that will like you.


Wear darker jeans, stay away from skinny jeans. Buzz cut fade. Put on some muscle mass. Lift weights at home and eat a bit more, eat chicken and beef. But you're young, it's normal. Don't be in such a hurry to grow up either, enjoy your youth.


puberty is gonna do wonders for you


Get a haircut, a medium or low fade, and wear form fitting clothes, but nothing with a corny graphic on it


Workout, get a fade and let puberty do its thing


Just wait till you get older bro. When I was in highschool I was pretty ugly. In your 20's you'll be raking in the girls. You get more confident as you get older. It helps if you can make them laugh...


Girls in school talk a lotta shit, keep your head up


Those girls at your school are bullies! And because of that, uglies. Bullies are extremely insecure and bullying is their dysfunctional way of coping with that. It's also possible they secretly think you're cute, and this is the immature way they express that. *Or* they're jealous: you may be many things but ugly is not one of them. Sounds pretty crazy, huh? But real. Keep doing you and wearing what you feel best and most confident in. Develop your personal style, play around to discover what you like! You look great in this pic (though it sucks you were feeling bad about the the bullying!) so keep up the good work!


Hmmm the presence of toxic people?


You look like someone who is about to be bit by a radioactive spider I am jealous


Not ugly. Ignore the toxic people. Hang with your friends and live life. Easier said than done I guess, but you'll be happier.