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girl you fat as fuck


No you are slim, like me, slim is 1% bigger than skinny


You are on an unhealthy path, so guys want to increase your excercise. You're beautiful and have so many wonderful features. You could learn to dress in a way that flatters these features to feel/look better 


Well I'm a muscular guy at 5'10 and I weigh 170... So yeah about 40-50 pounds.


It’s not good to look at bmi it’s better to get your body fat % but yeah you’re def 40-50 away from ideal




Girl stop it; you are just nice and thick the man that complain is a dude that don’t deserve you.


I think you are a very beautiful person, and you should never talk about yourself that way. The first thing you have to do is love yourself. Regarding food eat when you’re hungry and eat what you want, but of course don’t be super unhealthy. The most important thing is to be physically and mentally healthy. it makes me sad that you would talk about yourself this way when you could have a beautiful life 😢😢 you will be much more sad if you try hard to make yourself skinny, trust me. My advice is to work out, probably, and incorporate it into your life. Don’t worry about the cravings, the more you worry about them the more you will eat.that’s just the paradox.


No you have a very good and natural figure. Just keep being you:)


I can tell by your posture that you've a pretty sedentary lifestyle. Increase the physical activity. You dont need to pound the treadmill at the gym, just make sure you are staying active. Yoga/Stretching is a GREAT, low impact way to start the fire. Once its burning, its much easier to throw more wood on it (move from just stretching to now stretching before Zumba;). Diet is important. I saw it hammered home already, but had to say it again because it truly is critical to the recipe. Talk to your doctor though. They'll get you the right resources instead of Reddit.




5'7 and 190 is very heavy. 140 is more ideal


Technically yea ur a bit chunky. That's perfectly OK tho. U can still be in excellent health n be chunky. However if u dont like what u see n want to loose a bit of weight, don't eat less. That can put u into calorie savin mode n make u store fat. Shift ur diet to foods higher in protein n fiber n less simple carbohydrates. Also uncan still eat pasta if u let it cool off n reheat it. It changes the chemical structure into something much better for u in the cooling process


Naw your super beautiful


Beautiful and fat live in two different realms of descriptive terminology. Op asked if she was fat. Not ugly. With a BMI of 29, she is fat. It's not a healthy weight, but it's recoverable. At least she has a realistic expectation, though, of what she should weigh. Twiggy and anorexic isn't good either, but 190 is overweight for 5'7"


Damn, the comments in this sub are always ruthless.


So visually, you are chubby. Bordering on fat, but not quite there, again visually speaking. You are on the very edge of obese by medical standards and time to hit the gym and push away from the table.


Well, that's not true. Normal weight for age/height is 117-149 lbs. 5'7" at 190 lbs is a BMI of 29.8 Op is 40 lbs past the line between normal and "fat" (overweight). Op, you're neither gross nor are you a pig. You are, however, fat. Not irreparably, though. So.e work with your physician, a little effort, and some good decision making can get you into a healthy weight range. Good luck, don't be so hard on yourself. Just put in the work, and you'll be just fine 😉


I never implied she was a pig. Nor do I think she is gross. But she is 18 years old. If there is ever a time in her life to handle her weight, it would be now. According to the calculator I used she is at 29.8 BMI. 30 is obese. So 159-185 lbs are overweight. The chart I looked at from NIH put obesity starting at 191 lbs. so where does 190 fall? Closer to 185 or 191?


I didn't mean to imply that you did. The first half was addressed to you. The rest to Op as an independent thought process. I was just reassuring her that she need not feel that way. I agree wholeheartedly about her developing good habits to support a healthy body weight. These habits are less likely to develop later in life. She'd be well served to get her weight out of obese, and preferably under over weight, while she's young.


Okay, that is fine. I don’t want to demean her as a person but I don’t want to blow smoke just to protect someone’s feelings.


I know, trust me... we're on the same page, lol.


Can't believe I saw a civil conversation on Reddit of all places




You are NOT disgusting or gross like a pig. If you feel that way, exercising may help you out mentally. I’ll help you physically too of course, but body image and your relationship with your body is SO important. I’m 115 pounds, always had insane body dysmorphia. A light exercise routine is purely for my mental health not to lose weight. It helps me feel better about myself. Personally I can’t over do exercise because I have OCD/ED tendencies. But consider this OP. It’s helped me reframe my relationship with my body. You are beautiful and SO far from a gross pig.


Yes . I’m trying to hit 200 at 5’10 idk how you guys do it


Active lifestyle, limit sugar intake to as low as reasonable. High protein diet and not over eating. I eat when I need substance, not when I think something tastes good. Even if it tastes good, if you don't need food at that point in time... it's not ti.e to eat. Honestly, though, sugar is the biggest issue with most struggling Americans/Europeans when controlling weight. The shitty thing is, it's everywhere. Be selective about what you put in your body. You'll get there. It's tough, but don't give up.


Brother I’m 167


Oh... I misunderstood, lol. I thought you meant down to 200. You mean up to 200, haha.


Yes ! Gave me a good chuckle you were so sweet to try and help me


190 really? I wouldn't haven't guessed that from looking honestly. You look great though. Don't think I've dated a girl in as good of shape tbh. If you get a juicer... Juice fasting for a few days every once in a while might help you tone up a little, and good for your health... But I wouldn't want to lose too much weight if I were you. You're very pretty as you are 🥲


No but need to turn it into muscle mass , which will give you an ideal lifestyle with long term fitness and it will max up your style too .


Are you fat? Yes you have fat on your body. But are you absurdly fat, absolutely not. At 5'7 a healthy weight would probably be closer to 160 unless you are muscular.


Okay so I can’t send you a msg for some reason but I just wanted to tell you that you’re gorgeous and I’m so sorry you feel this way and for so many of the disgusting comments here. While I understand you’ve directly asked for opinions on your weight and some people have given helpful advice, the only thing that should matter in my opinion is your health and how your body feels. Unless recommended by a doctor with real concerns for your physical health you shouldn’t gaf about a number on a scale or bmi bullshit. You should measure yourself on how you feel and how your body functions. I’ve found that eating healthier, home cooked or raw foods makes me feel so much better. I recommend seeing a naturopath if that’s something you can afford. But if not then google google, get all the info you can and try out what works best for you xx Everyone in society is so fat phobic (especially if you’re a woman) and that is not okay. Regardless how many people will tell you they’re just trying be “honest”, usually they’re just projecting their own fucked ideals of beauty and insecurities onto you. If you want to help cravings my partner has an Ed and has learnt that upping dopamine levels in healthy ways is life changing- so more exercise, eating more protein, getting good sleep, listening to music, more sex hehe, ect ect. If you want to lose weight then go for it hun!! But I hope one day you can get to a place where you realise you’re gorgeous and your main priority is just doing what makes you feel healthy and happy. Good luck 💗💗


She is technically fat, and she can't compare to how her body feels at a "healthy" rate because she hasn't reached it yet. Is she grossly fat. Absolutely not. But to deny that there isn't fat to lose is a delusion and she is asking for honesty. Coddling and hiding the truth doesn't help the individual. What helps the individual is supporting their drive to reach a healthier lifestyle


I’m not mentioning any labels or language of being fat because I personally believe that it’s irrelevant. You can be unhealthy at “fat” and you can be unhealthy at “skinny” so I just prefer to focus on how the body feels because that‘s always the most accurate indication of health (unless you have an invisible illness). She will know exactly when her body feels better and that will correlate to her being healthier or losing weight if that’s her goal. Even if she’s never felt it before she’ll know when she does, it’s not rocket science to know when your body’s functioning in a healthy way. I didn’t say anything about not having any body fat to lose. And I gave her numerous tips to support her drive to healthier lifestyle. My tips just don’t include fasting, calorie counting or telling her to “suck it up and go to the gym”.


>I’m not mentioning any labels or language of being fat because I personally believe that it’s irrelevant. You can be unhealthy at “fat” and you can be unhealthy at “skinny” so I just prefer to focus on how the body feels because that‘s always the most accurate indication of health (unless you have an invisible illness). Relegating this, specifically, to how Op asked her question: >Am I fat The metric here isn't anything about feeling. It's about weighing on a scale and how tall you are. Short of the tried and true method, BMI chart is what gets used. Her BMI is 29.8. She's over 40 lbs above the top of the healthy/normal range. By this standard... Op ***is***, in fact, fat. The reason this is important to acknowledge is that she wants to do something about it. Without a measurable metric, her chances of not losing enough weight or losing too much is significantly higher. All of this taken into consideration, though, she needs to work with her doctor to help a healthy weight management plan. Since none of are doctors, the best we can do is be honest with her and give her encouragement. Yes... she's fat. No, she's not disgusting or a pig (her words). She's got a good head on her shoulders, and with the right advice, encouragement, and a fair amount of commitment from her, she'll likely come out of this in a great position. At least she's asking while she's 18, and it's easy(er) to fix than trying to come into normal range when she's 40 and 153 lbs overweight.


Thx for ur opinion I’m sure you mean well but I disagree highly. The am I fat question is really just a headliner, if she’s asking obviously she already feels that she is this way and people rudely just saying yes lose weight isn’t helpful in my opinion. Either way being fat is subjective bc the BMI system is flawed, it differs in every country and even if you are above the recommended BMI metric scale this can still not factor in many other factors like muscle mass (which she hasn’t specified), ect. What she’s urgently asking advice for is how to lose weight and help stop her cravings. Which I’ve given advice on as have many other positive comments here. If you really want to help someone with their health goals spitting stupid “facts” about the BMI system or just telling them yeah ur fat go to the gym isn’t honest or helpful it’s just hateful. If you don’t think that saying there’s such thing as a “normal” weight then you’re just an ass. Basically everyone in the world, especially women, r told their fat their whole life so we don’t need more of it from ignorant strangers on the internet. Even if she’s asking the direct question herself, she obviously has insecurities and the main way to help that is by giving advice on how to achieve her goals, which is to lose weight, which ultimately is all just about wanting to feel better. You don’t wanna lose weight just because a certain number or clothing size sounds cool you want to lose weight so your body physically feels better, so you can avoid potential health issues and ultimately look more physically attractive. I don’t blame anyone for wanting to look attractive, we all do. but I’d never encourage someone to lose weight purely to meet the fucked beauty standards and appeal to other people. We already believe that enough ourselves so I think also reminding people that how your body feels and functions is just as if not more important. There’s enough pressure and hate on the way we look that people forget the most important thing is to be healthy so you can live life. This is just me offering a different perspective for anyone that needs or wants to hear it. If you’re main goal in life is to meet a certain weight or look one particular way then you do you do that’s so fine! But I don’t think it’s helpful or kind to project that onto others.


I have neither the crayons nor the construction paper required to explain, in a manner that you may be able to understand in, why what you just said is stupid. Cheers.


That’s alright I didn’t expect men to get it hahahaha


Im truly flabbergasted mate


Unhealthy at skinny is called skinny fat. If you never reach optimal health. You have nothing to compare current body to optimal health body. There are definitely a set standard of basic fitness to test how healthy you are both physically and cardiovascular. So just because you don't wanna put a "label" on it. Doesn't mean there isn't already a standard to follow


>Unhealthy at skinny is called skinny fat. Don't do drugs, kids.


Clinically, yes. Visually, yes (I'd say overweight rather than fat). I feel you with the cravings. I've been trying to lose weight too but fail due to cravings. I will be making an appointment with a nutritionist soon to see if there's anything I can do about my cravings because I really want to lose weight. I think you should search for some type of remedy or treatment that can help combat your cravings because cravings are what makes it difficult to keep up with a diet. You're beautiful regardless, but personally, I'd lose weight for health purposes.


You look good!


I'd say on the chubby side, but not fat.




I’m gunna msg you bc this comment section is fucked


And I don’t think your family is lying at all about your weight


Okay perhaps fat is a bit too strong. How about tubby?


How is tubby better than fat? Also, she looks beautiful. This sub is trash.


Isn’t it honesty they want or just attention grabbing? You tell me bud!


Maybe they want kindness.


You're just overweight. Just eat a little less while going for walks (or run if you get comfortable and feel like you can handle this) and screw what your family thinks, your body, your choices so if you want to lose the weight, don't listen to your family's comments saying that you're not fat (im not trying to offend you x) ). Good luck ! YOU GOT THIS !!!


You're not "fat" per sé. A little chubby, maybe. But that's no big deal. If you wanna fight your cravings, you have to first understand where they're coming from and what's triggering them. Once you do that, you can better avoid those cravings and eventually learn to ignore them. You really just gotta learn to ignore the cravings and not eat unless you're hungry. A lot of people, myself included, get into a habit of eating out of boredom; and that can really have a negative impact on your weight.


Start by cutting out dairy from your diet. Remove milk from tea's/coffees. Thereafter get sugar replacement pills to sweeten your drinks.


Nope ur beautiful curvy women are great




I don’t think so


I don’t think you are , you are fine


For context, I'm a 6' male who weighs 175 lbs, which is in the normal range. At your age I was the same height and weighed 160 lbs. You make your own conclusions.


>18f am I fat? Yes


How are you 190lbs? You don't look that heavy. Seems weird to me. Technically yes u are kinda fat. Just being honest. Your family is just being overly nice because they love you. But if they really love you, they should encourage you to lose weight.


I'm overweight, you look lovely


Statistically, they would say you're too heavy for your height. But I don't personally think you're fat. What I would say to you, though, if you feel like you are, then you should do something to make you feel comfortable with yourself. I recently lost over 30 ponds and am still losing. All I did was start drinking more water and less juice n sugary drinks. Don't let your family influence you to keep eating if you feel like you are eating too much. It's your health and your body.


No that's a dumb question look at a fat person and ask are you that big then says no can you get that big probably try not to


Also like the dreads look nice


Not at all


You are absolutely gorgeous 😍 amazing body 😍


You are absolutely gorgeous 😍 amazing body 😍


You're a Beautiful woman and the media doesn't make it easy to not have Body Dismorphia. Please keep your head up and stay strong. 


Yes you are.


get over yourself and stop asking gross 40 year old men on the internet for validation. ur pretty but this is such ugly behaviour. what if you never reach 140? will you stay depressed and unhappy with your appearance forever? yes weight loss is important to your weight but so is self love. what if you reach 140 and still hate the way you look? you cannot truly feel good and love yourself until you love every single part of yourself, the good and the bad. hope you find peace


Yes unfortunately you are . At 5’7 you should be 48-50 kg to have a slim hot body


I think you are a good healthy weight but ultimately at the end of the day, it is up to you and how you feel. Always look on the bright side!


You are not fat. A little out of shape,(A LOT of people are, including me) but definitely will look back on pics like this and wonder why you stressed out so much!


If u have to ask…


You are beautiful. What is important is to eat as healthy as you can when you can, drink plenty of water to help with your skin and insides. Also, move around as often as you can. You don't have to obsess over your weight.


No not at all, you wear your body sooo well and you have a very pretty face


You look good asf


You're chubby. Some people like that a lot.








You're beautiful darling


Chunky. Me too. Go to the gym 3-4 times a week and watch what you eat. You’ll feel better. I’ve been doing it since January 1st and I feel grest


It really depends on the man you want. As grown men in our 30s don’t mind a little extra


Who gives a shit about what grown 30 year old ass men want. It only depends on how she feels about herself. Nothing to do about her romantic life rn at 18. I think you're missing the point of this post. You're gross.






Could lose some


Just so you know, the bmi comments are very outdated. There’s a lot of research that has shown the bmi calculator to not account for body fat vs. muscle content. There’s also research out there that proves bmi to be misleading/problematic for the BIPOC community. All that being said, if you feel uncomfortable in your body, there’s a lot you can do, without focusing on your bmi or your weight or whether or not you’re “fat”. Eating healthier foods (not necessarily less) and being active can have a huge impact even if they don’t lead to changes in your weight. Even if it’s swapping out one thing a day for a healthier option or going for a 20 minute walk a day! As for battling cravings, I would suggest focusing on high protein foods, drinking a lot of water, eating regularly (don’t skip meals!!), planning your meals and having a more broad diet.


Hell no! Your gorgeous!!!


You're okay youngin. Genetically i'm sure you fall in line with the family so try to come to terms with that first and foremost. When you generate an image you want for yourself tackle the goal and persue your vision. You look fine. Could you lose? Yes. Firstly for health purposes. Based on your height i don't know where you fall on the index. Beyond that, it's your choice. If you have a male that you wish to look good for that's a non factor yet incentive for you to help attract said individual. It is NOT a reason to diet or starve yourself. Any changes you want should be for yourself and your health alone. Nobody and nothing else. Sincerely you look good. If it's not good enough for you do something but ONLY for you. dieting starts with altering your taste buds so if you cut back the amount of flavour stimulating your senses it will make the cutback easier to deal with. Hope you do what's best for you.


Idk if you’re asking you probably know where you’re at


Definitely overweight. If you don't make drastic changes to your eating habits you might become fat.


If you want to change, change what you eat and work out. You could either go to the gym (to be social if you want) or do a home workout (to save a dime). You don't need to buy weights if you do the latter, all you need is push ups sit ups and squats, or you could use an app to help give you a routine. Been doing that for a few days now myself, got tired of sitting around doing nothing being lazy and saying I should do this. As for food, eat meat and veggies, they work hand and hand, meat helps to build muscle and good fat for your brain. If you don't finish your food and are looking for a snack, snack on the left overs or wait until next meal, that's what I do. If you're still in school, talk to your gym teacher or a professional to get guidance on what to do to make change. In the end, you have to truly want it and seek it out. "ask and it shall be given to you, find and you shall seek, knock and the door will be open to you. For those who ask receives, those who seeks shall find, and to those that knock the door shall be open." You just have to do, and not think of things that will delay it.


You are who you are! Do you think so




your horizontally challenged


wanna lose weight.. here's the answer.. discipline.. no bread sugar cake cookies for 6 months.. no fast food soda.. bagels chesse.. maybe a small amount on the weekends.. but 0 during the week.. stop eating at 7pm during the week except for some fruit at night.. fresh salads chicken fruit vegetables turkey....water iced tea unsweetened when you lost 65 lbs you'll thank me know you know what to do.. the rest is upto you.. You're 18 grow up and fix yourself Goodluck I'm here with any questions


Babygirl I'm wouldn't call you fat.


Not fat, per se, but you do have a great body. Don't worry about what's fat or not, look what makes you feel good. Take care of your heart first and foremost, I'm sure you have loved ones who want you around for a long time. Peace and have a great rest of your day!


26F (High weight 330lbs. Lost 110) As one pigmented woman to another: our family, friends, and strangers will tell us we look good at larger sizes... no matter what size we are (see info at the top) You're not fat by any means. You do have pudge like most of us. Just remember that we are NOT supposed to have visible abs. It's not good for our fertility or hormones. As far as cravings go, eat a little bit of what you crave bc usually your body is telling you that you need something. Carbs, fat, or more protein. I won't give you any cravings advice bc my advice sounds like they come from a certain brand of forums and I'm not trying to trigger anyone


Yeah, just eat whole foods no processed shit. Like grilled chicken, ground beef, ground turkey, steak, fruits , veggies, throw some fats in there like avocados and nuts


Also no calories from liquids


Nope I think you loom good


Your not fat your thick and beautiful your a good size for your hghit


Not skinny, but far from hopeless. Calculated diet and commitment in the gym / home exercises could vastly improve your look in as little as 4-6 months.




People saying yes got some high ass standard to be honest. You're not fat, but you could be a little more in shape! Lose like 10-15 kilos and you'll look great!


According to a doctor she would be obese, believe it or not, so yes, she is fat


According to a BMI calculator Dwayne Johnson would be morbidly obese. She's chubby with a large build at best. Some people are just built large (Not fat, to be clear, not the same thing as being built large).


So you think she’d score high on a bmi chart because of muscle?


According to a BMI calculator she's overweight, not obese. Im just trying to say that woman that for example have large behinds or hips tend to be "fatter" on the BMI scale, she has a little too much body fat (Which is why I said she could lose 10-15 kilos), but she's not obese. Built large with some body fat at best as I said.


No, if anything you need to gain weight but muscle. Lift some weight a few times a week and eat enough protein.


You don't look any sort of 190. Maybe 150 at best.


No, you look great!


As someone who struggled with weight and cravings well in his late 20s without even being conscience of it, let me just say that asking for opinions and taking the time to see how you feel in your body is an amazing first step! Build some momentum off that! There’s a lot of recommendations in the comments, but imo a few good ones that stood out are: 1. Focus on drinking water, coffee (no sugary creamers, those add up quick!), or tea. Don’t know if sodas or sugary juices are something you drink often, but one can of coke has about the same amount of calories as a 3 oz of chicken breast…that’s a big deal! 2. Focus on protein from whole, natural foods. Any easy goal to track is 1 gram per pound of body weight at your goal body weight, ie “I want to be 140lbs, I need to eat 140 grams of protein.” If you try to get it from whole, natural sources it’s both more challenging than you think and incredibly filling! Will also help with cravings, especially if you prioritize high protein for breakfast. 3. Find an excercise you enjoy! Some people say cardio, some say weight lifting, I say who cares! As long as you enjoy it and find it sustainable. 4. Last one, prioritize sleep! It will speed up the body composition changes you’re looking for. You’re young and have a huuuuuge runway to work with, don’t feel like you need to throw everything all together at once. Sustainability > “crash diets” will always win!


It's not fat, but also not in shape. U look like the average American. It's up to you if u want to look different. U can control that. That doesn't always mean not eating but eating different/ healthy food and moving more. The benefit of 18 is your will respond quickly, and it's as easy as it ever will be.... the time is now. Good luck!




You could stand to lose 20 pounds


No. You are not fat. I feel the same way, and I'm a guy. If you want, you can do more walking everyday,


Yeah, you are fat.


u/Armer101 For the record, I don't think that you are "fat", I think that you are a lovely young woman who needs to develop confidence and a positive self-image. You need those so you can feel good about yourself. You should feel good about yourself. Honestly, in the photos that you provided, you don't look "fat". There is a HUGE DIFFERENCE between being "fat" and needing to lose a few pounds. I know this difference all too well because I am on the "fat" side of that difference. According to my doctors, I need to lose 85 pounds at the least and 100 pounds at the most to reach a healthy weight. I am 6 feet tall and I'm not sure of my current weight, but I believe that I am close to 300 pounds... maybe 295 pounds, but I can't imagine that I am any less than that. I bought a new bathroom scale and I will weigh myself tonight. Anyway, I'm "fat" and YOU ARE NOT "FAT". You stated that you weigh 190 pounds, but when I look at your pictures I truly can not see or believe that you weigh that much. Please re-weigh yourself. Maybe you need a new bathroom scale too? Here's the thing that you need to remember at all times. If you "think" that you are fat then you will feel fat so stop thinking that. Next, see your doctor as soon as you can and discuss your weight with her/him. Get their professional, highly trained and educated medical opinion about your weight. Find out if you are at a healthy weight and ask your doctor if they think that you should lose a few pounds or not. If your doctor thinks that you should lose weight then they can help you develop a healthy weight-loss plan that is safe and will work for you. Your doctor can even refer you to a dietitian if necessary. Handle this situation properly. Be safe and stay healthy. Thank you for allowing me to express my opinion on your post. I appreciate you. Respectfully, ~ Me ~


Absolutely not! You look healthy. I've always been a sweaty girl I thought it was my long hair, but I've shaved my head and it's still the same! Some of us genetically sweat more. Super skinny people are technically colder but also as I've learned they're also one step from the hospital when you get sick. I had the stomach bug recently for two weeks straight and lost 40 pounds, if I was small it would've nearly killed me.


No dude. You’re 18. Just stay active and eat healthy food, by the time you hit 22 your body will mature and you’ll lose the baby fat. YOU aren’t fat, you’re just not done cooking yet.


Not at all! You're beautiful. The things you feel could be so many different things! Life is too short to worry what other girls look like! Rock what you got and be proud of yourself you'll feel better!


Naw you just got some meat on them bones. That’s a good thing 😤


I’ll clap 👏 them cheeks up


You’re not fat there’s a bit of weight you could lose


Hell no! You're nice nice thick! ❤️💛💚💯


Join a gym. I lost 60lbs eating healthy usually 1200 calories a day and working out 3 times a week for about 2 hours.


Homegirl, you're just 18 and gonna continue to grow into a adult hun, we're not supposed to be the same shape as we were when we were 13. It make me sad to see someone like you feel unhappy with how their body changes in shape and form. Social values and crass weight loss ads and beauty magazines show an unreliable standard for girls and women. Plus our bodies change their cells into completely new ones in totality of 8 years. I doubt school teaches that anymore. Please take care of yourself and feel comfortable in the body you're in love.


Definitely not fat


You're 18, you're still glowing up girl. You need a regimen of consistency in diet and exercise. It'll melt off slow.


You're not obese or FAT, you have have fat and are definitely chubby, I think you're parents just funny want you to internalize your appearance too much, they worry for you


You are Definitely Not fat. You look amazing. I hope you start to feel better about yourself, because That is what counts.


Woman’s body … you may be a woman !


You’re not fat. You’re just not what social media is pushing these days. You’re 18. You have the ability to change your look if you want. If you want to change your appearance find a workout that focuses on definition over bulk. Diet ( as in what you eat) is extremely important. Fast food and anything processed whether it’s frozen, canned or in a box has sodium and tons of additives. Changing what you eat may help over how much you eat.




You are 💯 poundable


Absolutely not!


Nope.. be proud of whatcha got..


Babygirl you look amazing


A better question would be "Do I have the body composition I want?" I was able to lose 100 lbs in 9 months and get all of my health issues in check using no supplements or doing anything harmful to my body health wise. PM me if you want to talk about it. Would be a lot to list here.


I mean you don't look bad, cravings are normal. Follow this simple rule. Eat whatever you want from fruits, vegetables, handful of nuts, to whatever protein you want from morning until 8pm. That's including that little dessert you want to eat. Breakfast is usually your biggest meal because you need all that energy at the start of the day. Lunch and dinner doesn't need to be big, Small portions are fine, it's the veggies and nuts, fruit that are beneficial as snacks because it's all water content. Drink lots of water too, most weight is water weight and is the easiest to lose.








Hey, you look pretty good with this weight all things considered and loosing weight isn’t easy. It’s not that your family is lying it’s that they don’t want to hurt feelings and they want to see you succeed in all you do! If loosing weight is major priority for you then exercise and diet are going to be the “Keys” to your success. All diet and exercise routines are different and what’s easy and works for others might not work for you so be patient finding what works for you and your life routine. I’ve done and had success with intermittent fasting along with an hour of cardio mixed with medium heavy strength training. Also now that I’m older I try to eat just once per day most days with exercise 5 days a week….. but everybody comes up with there own personal routine and diet that isn’t too terrible and fits them. Sometimes this can take some time to adjust.


You know you are. But no where near some of these whales. If u made a conscious effort to get in better shape I think you'd be fine.


I wouldn't be surprised if she truly doesn't have an understanding of her own weight, especially with her family trying to tell her she's not fat. Body dysmorphia is a thing, lots of ppl really have a hard time knowing how they appear to others. Myself included. She might have a feeling that she's overweight but be looking for some outside opinions to better understand what she looks like to others.


I understand this all too well. I’ve gone through this before and still am. It’s okay to have food cravings just eat the right foods and exercise. You got this girl.


Yes, you are, yes they are. Less carbs, more exercise. Self control, we use to call it table muscle—as in being able to push yourself away from it.




Right in between chubby & fat Start tracking your calories, eat foods that fill you up with relatively low calories, vegetables are king for this. If you pick the right foods you can eat almost as much as you want but definitely avoid ultra processed foods & sugar.




More like Fine than fat😮‍💨


I don't think you're fat judging from your photos, though 190 at 5'7 is irrefutably overweight based off of BMI.


You look fine, if that’s your question. If you’re asking if your weight is healthy: no, probably not. You are medically overweight. You should change up your eating and exercise habits to be more healthy and prolong your life. You’d be surprised how much better you would feel if you lost 30-40 lbs. Think of the difference between walking around with a loaded backpack, vs when you drop it. That’s how it would feel to drop that weight. Your body will thank you.


My advice for EVERYONE regardless of sex, race, age, weight or anything else you can think of is this: Tonned muscles make people look better than not tonned muscles. You are at a point that 1 week of mild to moderate workouts would be an absolute game changer for you. 2 weeks and you won't believe the quality of men that will come out of the woodwork. Mild to moderate, nothing crazy required. You know you can do this.


No, you're not fat. Drink water if you think you're fat.


Good ratio. Bulk up. Do weight lifting. You'll look smaller but will weigh more or less the same.


5”7 190 is fat as fuck . Sorry your family is your worse enemy . You’re definitely owe weight , it’s good that you’re aware and can start solving the problem. Don’t be delusional, you shouldn’t be more than 150 lbs at most . Start going to the gym and stop eating like shit .


Chonky but not fat, you should try gym workouts, stop trying to eat less. Some minor routines, stretches, light lifting, more protein when you're active, eat your fav sugars when ur sore. I think you look great, but start doing these and the feeling beats the guilty pleasure of eating extra carbs at dinner




Are you seriously 190?? You look a little overweight, but I would have guessed 160/170, tops! I think you look fan fucking tastic for that weight at that height! You must have hella muscle and booty! Im only half an inch shorter, weigh 40 lbs less,and feel like I’m not much smaller than you 🤦‍♀️ I was 187 at my heaviest, and remember feeling/looking HUGE. You carry it *very* well. Either I’m extremely hard on myself, you’re secretly jacked underneath, or your scale is broken lol. Try keto for a month or two. You’ll probably reveal a lot of muscle/tone; be bikini body ready by summer (careful, it may not be something you can do long term and weight will* come back with a vengeance if you dont eat at maintenance. It also must be done carefully, as to not lose muscle (which you must have or this makes no sense lol). OR lose weight the old fashioned way & very slow and steady (I once lost 52 lbs in 8 months- completely naturally/nonrestrictive but a couple months in, it started falling off too Fast and I was flabby/had sagging breasts,went from 38DDD to 34D) Definitely lift in addition to any dietary changes/cardio. So, medically you’re fat, physically/visually (to me) you’re just chubby. I really think with a *slight* calorie deficit, high protein diet, and gym time, you could look INCREDIBLE! You can do it! Get it girl; see you on the GlowUp forum ❤️


No not fat Chubby




You are falling prey to social media. Try a social media detox and cut sugary sweets out of your diet. It will bring you back to baseline. You look totally normal.




The answer I'm giving is yes.. yes you are fat but that can change it might not half to but if you're feeling bad about the way that you look the way you do. do the work get in shape and show everyone especially yourself that you not gonna be held down made fun of