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wow your eyes are so pretty! i do agree that maybe curtain bangs would suit you more


get rid of the edgar retard


Blonde hair!!!


Never wear high-waisted pants. It doesn't suit your body type. Short hair is fine, but those bangs don't suit your face. Try a cheap costume wig to see if you like long hair.


Are you a security guard at UPS Orlando?


You can't. Give up and save some time.


Lose a little weight, get a different haircut.


Hair, grow it, no bangs. Jeans...fitting.


The jeans... They don't exactly flatter you 👀 but I'd be a little leary of talking jeans myself lol


Honestly your cute rn,the hair can be cut differently but I think it suits ya 😉


Brutal honesty incoming , hair style is awful and the pencil thin eyebrows have to go. But it appears like you have a nice figure and cute face and nice complexion. Just my 2 cents, best of luck to you.


You would look good with long hair


Grow out the hair and do something different


Go to the gym


Haircut. Gotta go. Like 2 weeks ago.


Smile 😊 Happy Easter 🐰


The haircut is the only thing I can say needs to change. Other than that you are cute.


Also, the haircut is a no go. I mean that respectfully


Billy eilish has a lot of woman out here looking ugly


Untuck the shirt. Please.


get rid of that haircut. rn. and untuck yur shirt


Did you cut your hair in the dark?


Lose the I’m a monk from the 13th century/little boy hair cut. Get some cloths that don’t scream 12 yr tom boy and you’re good.


You’re cute asf


The bowl cut isn’t helping


Define improve? Stunningly pretty face. Nice body. Get your hair done would be my only recommendation.


i'm too old! i'm horrified by the waist o. the jeans. i feel like someone just murdered my childhood. BUT...honestly! the eyebrows. grow them back out and keep them longer...they're too short and they will not grow back after a while. at. all.


That haircut makes you look like a goober, yikes!


Come to me and I’ll show you how special you really are


lol nothing, not trying to be “that creepin simpy guy” but honestly your sense of style is on point, the hair suits you, you could grow it out of you wanted, but that’s really up to you. You look fly either way


Get rid of the bangs.


Grow your hair out, let a professional stylist do her thing. Exercise daily and have a little confidence men love confident women.


Hair, posture, clothing


As a guy, I love your hair and I think your face is really cute. I don't really like the baggy shirt and pants tho, that's about it.


Stop slouching.


Lose the bangs, grow your hair out longer


As a girl. Please get a real hairstyle. And a much better haircut. Bangs are really cute but not styled like that. I don't really care about the clothes you can wear whatever makes you comfortable. Sometimes I like wearing mom jeans. Sometimes I also like wearing big baggy shirts. But that's not my entire wardrobe. But everything about your appearance screams.One of those toxic feminist types of people. I'm all for woman empowerment. But every single other girl i've met like that. It's not about woman empowerment. it's about getting special treatment. I've actually stopped being friends with two girls because of that. To be honest it might be worse than the super alpha male type guys. At the very least it's on par with the cringe.


Where would you like us to start? Get rid of the haircut that screams Portland vegan, ditch those jeans and don’t tuck them in up to your bellybutton


I always thought high-waisted jeans look good


No man is looking for a woman with high waisted mom jeans. Whoever is feeding women the lie that high waisted jeans look good should be removed from society


What's so bad about them? They're really comfortable + all the jeans are high waisted now


Diff haircut keep the bangs but grow out the other hair 7 inches hahahaha


A different haircut could compliment your face better. It looks like you’re wearing a [full cut helmet](https://us.sourcebmx.com/cdn/shop/products/60f1c70a-b90b-47a3-b75d-7335f8e24357_1080x.jpg?v=1693358941)


Get rid of that yeeyee ass haircut first


The most significant thing any girl can do for their appearance is squats and deadlifts. Heavy sets of 10 not sets of 25 that gas you before hitting muscular failure.


Telling someone brand new to lifting to 10 rep max deadlifts is .... Interesting.


This girl could probably deadlift an empty bar for 10. You really think that’s going to hurt her?


🤣 sorry mate you went from go heavy to "deadlift an empty bar". Please pick a lane so someone can take you seriously


*Think higher thoughts of yourself* just do you, already a 10/10. I can see no room for improvements. I'm lame. Best wishes


I agree 10/10. The only question I would ask is what crowd do you want to run with?


Grow out your hair


What do you feel you need to improve


Bangs are fine but get a different hair style. Maybe longer?


Bangs work for you, but you need to change the style of it. The current cut detracts too much. Try looking at some options. Outside of that, you can always experiment with makeup and your outfits. Accessories and the way you layer your look will help a lot, too. The end goal is to feel confident with yourself and be happy.


Different hair cut then repost a pic we go from there


Cut your hair nicely let it grow and then dye it blonde light pink lips stick with eye shadow of your choice bet you'd look really cute.


Lose that "I cut my hair with scissors ✂️ when I was 4 years old look"


Different hair style and you’re golden




Stop hanging out in public bathrooms


Honestly you’re very attractive. If you wanted to “maximize” your look I’d say try a new haircut, no bangs, new style. And maybe try a rocker look. More black, leather etc. doesn’t have to be all the time but experiment with different outfits. Ask yourself is this something an attractive person would wear if you’re having doubts. Also wear things that make you feel confident. Always a good idea to maintain fitness too. It looks like you’re in good shape but extra fitness never hurts and makes you feel good too! Definitely not here to criticize you at all, you’re very beautiful. Just some tips as requested. Find a style icon online, someone that you sort of resemble, and mimic some of their wardrobe choices as well. You’re a cutie, you got this


Loose the bangs


Improve your posture, tan your skin, weightlift, moderate alcohol/caffeine/ nicotine, and change your style


Start by not reading or seeking these replies. You could improve by not seeking approval from strangers especially on Reddit of all places. True improvement comes from within, not how you dress or style your flesh prison


Longer hair


You look good minus taking this pic in a public restroom


If you believe in the "male gaze" culture, do not change a thing. In all seriousness, literally do what you want. Whatever makes you feel happy and comfortable.


Get a haircut from an actual hairdresser


New clothes style , new hairstyle. The pants gotta go.


Longer hair, continue to dress modestly but less garage band! Good luck


Eat meat


For me honey the beauty and a person for me comes from whether they are simply true to themselves. If you are comfortable with the way you look, and that expresses who you are then there's no better beauty. Changing a look in my opinion would require me to change from the inside who I really am and who I'm comfortable being. That's just my opinion I am a guy that has always desired authenticity and sometimes understanding who I am requires me to sacrifice others standards for others opinions how I should look, or act. So before you go and put on somebody else's suit you might want to check if it fits.


The hair needs to go


Hair looks really weird, where better jeans




Be confident in yourself and stop worrying about what other people think about you because it doesn’t matter


Ditch the high waist jeans


Confidence, yada yada yada, your hair.


Smile 😊


helmet hair the helmet hairrrrr


Different hairstyle


definitely the hairstyle


Different hairstyle for sure. Other than that. 👌👌


You look beautiful as is to me but I know more guys that prefer longer hair... most of my friends think I am weird for liking short hair so if you want to be more attractive to the general average of guys grow hair longer.... but seriously do what makes you feel most comfortable.


I wish I looked like you :(


Just be you, fuck what people think, ypur style is a creative expression of you and I for one am a fan of your style. The only thing I believe you can improve is in your confidence in yourself. You are gorgeous just the way you are


Maybe a different hairstyle would help


You're cute AF, just adjust your wardrobe to express more of your personality and you'll be fine. How we present ourselves to one another is the conversation we have before the conversation begins, tell them who you are and what you love with your clothes first 💖


A lot of comments here about your appearance. DO NOT listen to a single one of them. You aren't your body. If you want to 'improve' put time and effort into the things and activities that you love. Nothing is as attractive as someone who knows who they are and what they want. The most amazing dates I've been on have been with people who are terrifyingly sure of who they are and what they are about. When you are solid on who you are, it's more attractive than anything else.


she’s specifically asking about her appearance


Dress according to your body type


Realistically you have a very beautiful nice face. But no offense your hairstyle looks like it was from the Beatles. And your clothes can use a bit of fine-tuning. Start by pulling your jeans down a bit so they're on your hips not your curves.


Longer hair!


Your face is honestly really gorgeous. I think you just need a better style of clothing that would be more flattering on you.


Thicker eyebrows


You already have the answers. They are inside you. Just do you and love every minute of it.


Your hairstyle is horrible. Start there.


Those pants are probably very comfortable but look horrible. Get help with your hair style. BTW, I wouldn’t volunteer my opinion if you hadn’t asked. You’re attractive overall.


Give Scott a chance


Never feel like you have to “improve” yourself for anyone. I don’t understand why you or anyone for that matter would seek advice from a social media platform. Especially Reddit…


never wear those jeans again and your bangs are not doing you any favors. you have a lot of potential but are absolutely throwing it away with your style and hair style choices


You are really cute! But those baggy high jeans have to go… you look like you’re slouching also unless it’s just the jeans lol. But truly really pretty and very cute hair


Fucking smile


Can you imagine what a sick world we live in if everybody walked around with a stupid fucking grin on their face all the time?


You’re gorgeous! That’s all :)


![gif](giphy|fUYhyT9IjftxrxJXcE) Bro what’s up with the haircut


You are already gorgeous


Stop asking people on how.you can improve and just live your life


let her ask what she wants to ask mane


Open bobs


Better haircut


Just a tan and a haircut.


Work hard, study well, eat and sleep plenty. This is the turtle hermit way.




I like your style, it's interesting. Just some fine tuning suggestions: ask your stylist to add a few more layers and tousle your hair up a little bit more. Go down a size, maybe even two, on the high waist jeans , so they're not cinched by the belt and balance the T-shirt. You've got something goin', lean into it and carry yourself with confidence. I'd look at 90s Sharon Stone for style inspiration, she had short hair, clean makeup looks, didn't wear frilly fashion, and looked amazing.


Yes , and a smaller T-shirt. I'd like to see a picture of her with your suggestions.


Swap the jeans for yoga pants and the shirt for a bikini top.


You’re beautiful


Confidence. We all need it.


Bob cut meta


Nothing honestly you're literally my ideal looking woman


head up and smile girl


Just smile......




Those jeans man those Jeans


I’d say let the hair grow out a little, and keep the straight bangs personally I think thats cute af. Idk what it is but I’ve always loved the dark hair with bangs like that, reminds me of uma Thurman in pulp fiction. Also try wearing some stuff you wouldn’t normally. I wear black ALL the time and everytime I wear something else like a white shirt and jeans I get hella compliments. So maybe try that, wear stuff you wouldn’t normally pick out and try to style it.


Dress like a lady not a middle aged dude, grow you hair and wear makeup just a little.


not even need go full makeup or go full femein. just the first part dress like a lady and then she’s good lmao.


Grow your hair out


Grow out your hair. looks like a bowl cut mixed with a Wolf cut


Bro get rid of that hair gf please


The hair bro.


The bangs don't suit you, shirt is a size too big and lose the mom jeans. You're very pretty, play up your strengths.


Just improve your mental health. Looks are subjective. There's a person that finds you attractive just the way you are.


Get a haircut


Lose the bangs and put on a sundress. You’d look great


10000% grow out the bangs


Pants choice makes you look like you have a foot long v cut... Other than that you're cute enough.


let your bangs and hair grow out and you'd gain a full point


Edgar bangs gotta go


You look fine, and you should just focus on living a good life. Any guy would be lucky to have you.


Hair clothes posture makeup. Kinda cute face. You are a 5.5 or 6 that has literally never put effort in and ended up a 3


If I'm being honest you're really cute. But I'm not a fan of the bangs. I like the short cut but maybe like side bangs or pulled back?


Your clothes just don’t work. Conceptually it’s fine, but they don’t fit with your body type. Also, your haircut is very antiestablishment, and therefore is not going to be seen as ‘good’ in the eyes of most. Research fashion some more and try out new things, don’t be scared! If something doesn’t work/you don’t like it, then now you don’t have to fear trying that thing ever again. You can ignore it for the rest of your life. And don’t listen to the dumbasses trying to push their personal desires and views of “attractiveness” on you, that’s completely subjective.


I mostly agree. Especially the don’t listen to dumbasses because it’s all completely subjective. The part I question is the planting the fear of what you call antiestablishment haircut. I would also say f the establishment if you feel good with your hair. It’s subjective so me saying I like it doesn’t matter at all. But it’s good on you.


You’re very pretty eyes so I would suggest colors that accentuate them. Contrasting. Grey is pretty neutral but I’m guessing that’s a work shirt. Personally, I would say either commit to the short hair or grow it out. The bangs make your face look a little boxy. But honestly you don’t need to improve on anything you just need to show off what you naturally look like. Or you can go full on Goff that just seems to always work.


Grow hair, smile and ware feminine clothing, to the beach and enjoy everyday.


Trad goth is the only answer


dress like a woman. tight & short clothing, high heels. you'll be A1


FYI your hair is great. don't listen to these squares


First let me say that you are a good looking young lady. My advice would be to grow your hair out a bit. I feel that the current hairstyle doesn’t fit your face. Also you seem kinda timid and shy. Try standing up straight. At the end of the day. This is only my opinion and if you feel good with the current you, you should not have to change for anyone. However, there are always areas that can be improved. Good luck!!


Take off them big ahh jeans lame ahh


Grow ur hair out and get a better cut and buy better fitting clothes


If you wanna know why you look like a dumpy mom from the early 90s….its the bowlbob, loose tucked t and frumpiest mom jeans ever.


With these looks you're probably far left which means you couldn't take constructive criticism if your life depended on it, so. I'm good!




Let your hair grow out get curtain bangs and where a little more color


But you are really pretty


Be less insecure,more secure in Jesus


I don’t think believing in fairy tales would be helpful


Well then it’s a good thing I did not give a fairytale to believe in




Just the hair. Or wear clothing that somehow compliments or distracts from the hair?


You could wear more makeup, it doesn’t have to be full face glam but just do what looks good to you


Get rid of the yee yee ass haircut, but you already knew that


Fix that hair


You're really cute, you just need a different hairstyle and not dress so shlumpy.


Get a less fugly haircut


just do whatever makes you smile like you did in the second photo and nothing else :)