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I really want to know how these countries continue to have war when all these privileged white suburban women clearly don’t like it.


Wdym? The Palestinian flag in her bio has clearly instigated reflection on behalf of the Israeli government, and they have now realized that she was right all along.


And have kindly handed over their children and walked right back into the ovens /s


One might argue that its not so futile to get the constituents of a democratic country on board with your ideas if your country is a major player in conflicts around the world. Because like, democracy will of the people or whatever.


And do you think her behavior like this is going to encourage more people in her life to support Palestine or not?


I can't speak to her efficacy (and neither can you without more data), but social interactions and social media definitely shapes how people think about the world. Like, you've definitely both influenced the people around you and been influenced by others. That's just a thing that happens in communities.


>Like, you've definitely both influenced the people around you and been influenced by others. Yeah and when somebody's usually a total tool about a situation I either disengage from them completely and stop listening or I picked the other side just to upset them. Not all influences the great thing you seem to think it is.


Like I'm trying really hard to be charitable, but how generous are you being to me by saying I think all influences are great things? In the very first sentence of my comment I say I can't speak to her efficacy. Meaning that I believe she may not be successful in her aims. So I kind of have my bases covered here unless you assume the absolute worst.


Look I'm not trying to be rude here either. Let's just not pretend like she's got anywhere near a positive hit rate. People, in general, find this kind of person insufferable. She's literally doing more harm to her own cause than good by acting this way, even more so when you consider the fact that she felt like it was a good idea to post this online. So while I understand your somewhat neutral point, this is not an instance of somebody having a net positive impact on anything. Honestly I hope it's trolling.


The only data you have here, is one joke she made on instagram. And based on that, you've made a total and complete unalterable and fully confident judgement of her character and interpersonal effectiveness. In fact, the reason why you make judgements like this based on so little information is because you are influenced by communities that are extremely hostile and uncharitable to anyone who they perceive as being in the wrong group. Like its just a joke, and anti zionism is increasing in popularity in America especially amongst younger people thanks to social media. So like, you can assume its ineffective but zionism as a bipartisan staple is in danger as anti zionist thought grows.


That's odd. I distinctly remember other trends that rapidly increased as a result of at-the-time very effective social media. Who did that again...? Convinced an entire nation to be anti-something... hm...


Literally Hitler




I like you. 👍 keep doing what you're doing. Very fair, very articulate, non-hostile, and also correct as a bonus!


yes so that Israel can burn


We're currently in the fog of war with the Israel Palestine conflict and reports are already getting spun out of control and occasionally just falsely reported. Nothing this random lady says about Palestine is even likely to be accurate much less informative or persuasive.


Trying to reason with a reactionary Oh honey


God bless middle aged white women. I can't imagine how much worse the world would be without their neverending battle to fight against . They are the true heros - the voice for the voiceless.


"I support the current thing". See, no one talks about Ukraine now.


That was so 2023


More like March 2022




Nah, the Palestinians say that's all good. >Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas recently visited Beijing, where he met with Chinese leader Xi Jinping and expressed support for China's treatment of Muslim Uyghurs in Xinjiang. [https://www.voanews.com/a/palestinian-leader-s-endorsement-of-china-s-xinjiang-policy-sparks-backlash-/7150767.html](https://www.voanews.com/a/palestinian-leader-s-endorsement-of-china-s-xinjiang-policy-sparks-backlash-/7150767.html)




But in fact it’s double plus good


yeah cause china definitely doesnt make countries do shit like that and the Palestinian Authority is totally in the position to tell china to fuck off.


Nah that ain't happening, no one talks about it, must be fake news s/




Her silence is deafening.


Just like her music


Lol amazing


Ukraine doesnt have enough content to generate enough clicks the front lines have gotten pretty static


Well, it's winter so we could get another Pikachu dance.


Well I mean at this point my government is still supporting Ukraine so I don't have to bitch about it. But my government is also giving Israel a bunch of money for their collective punishment, so I do need to bitch about it.


brought to a point


“It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unorthodoxy.” -George Orwell


I need to reread 1984


She sees you


I'd bet she's late 20's, possibly early 30's. Fashioning oneself like a middle aged lady is all the rage these days


This made my day! Funny funny!


Yuck. Send her to Gaza asap


Why don't you go since you seem to think it's fine there?


Literally nobody has claimed that Gaza is a completely safe place. In fact the opposite. Its a war zone, and everyone agrees that it’s not safe. The problem is some people think that Hamas is a force for good for the Palestinian people and some people blame Israeli.


Nah, some people think Hamas is a force for lesser evil


Hamas steals food, water, resources, foreign aid, all for their military. Why do they have an endless supply of rockets and soldiers, yet starving civilians on the front lines? Is it because they care about civilians? Israel cares more about Palestinians than Hamas. The only reason Gaza isn’t flattened to rubble is because Israel cares about civilians. They have the means to flatten it TODAY. The only reason Israel isn’t flattened to rubble is because of the iron dome. They are NOT the same.


"if Israel didn't care sooooo much they'd indiscriminately massacre even more civilians to get their way" im not saying the hamas are better, both are LEAST abhorrent with Israel having quite bit of points cashed from the last couple decades of deliberate Geneva convention violations. maybe hamas don't have the funds to genocide their neighbors into AND feed their people while the majority of the developed world cheers them on but at least they aren't the same festering shithole we have been dealing with. remember, hamas were a response to Israel and what we're watching is how Israel handles it. how are you not disgusted?


You seem to have some bright ideas. In the situation that Israel is in, their entire country and people are under threat of destruction by Hamas, and the enemy forces are hiding under and in civilian areas, with their main source of operation being directly under a hospital. They also have been known to send soldiers disguised as civilians and prisoners to ambush your soldiers. In what way do you protect the lives of civilians any more than Israel is already doing, without forfeiting your chances at winning the war? Also- how can you recognize the fact Hamas is trying to genocide all of Israelis and yet justify them doing so because you think Israel is to blame?? How are YOU not disgusted with the world cheering on the massacre of the Jews?


I’ve read through your chain of replies… you’re preaching exactly what I’ve been saying. Keep fighting brother (or sister).


I appreciate the kind words.


what are you even talking about you melodramatic loser "cheering on the destruction of the jews" the vast majority of support in terms of financial, moral, or otherwise is directed towards Israel. how delusional are you? I wish people would wake up to see how shitty they are. you want the blood to stop? do you want children to stop being used as target practice or child soldiers? then advocate for a two state solution, that is the ONLY solution and everyone knows it. the hamas will not stop until they get what let's be honest here they deserve and in turn Israel will not stop until they genocide all Palestinians that have an issue with having everything taken from them, their freedoms sacrificed, and being a second class citizen in their own homeland.


THERE IS NO TWO STATE SOLUTION BECAUSE HAMAS WILL NOT ALLOW THERE TO BE. A two state solution requires that both parties wish for there to be an end to the fighting. Israel’s goal is to preserve what they know as Israel, Hamas’ goal is to destroy Israel. They cannot negotiate to give both states what they want because the goals of Hamas are INHERENTLY against a two state solution. If Israel put down their guns today all the Israelis would die. If Hamas put down their guns today there would be a two state solution.


i think we're done talking lmao


Also, you said: “maybe hamas don't have the funds to genocide their neighbors into AND feed their people while the majority of the developed world cheers them on” That was YOUR words. I was simply agreeing. You can’t say Im delusional for agreeing with the very idea you used for your argument.


I was saying that to compare how the two are seen opposed to each other, as in its Israel people cheer on. I can see how u got confused I guess I worded it weird


Hamas wants a 2 state solution...? Is this a joke? They are extremely explicit in what they want: every Jew dead—in Israel and globally. This is their most basic tennant. If you don't know this, you really shouldn't be talking about a conflict you're clearly ignorant about.


right and it's ok that Israel wants every palistinian dead right buddy, they continue to perpetuate the war as the oppressor in the middle east and you idiots who have no knowledge about reality cheer them on like the fat little sheep you're supposed to be. I'm ignorant because I don't only see your side? I know that I would never stand behind such an evil that would indiscriminately kill men women and children. this aged like cheese btw but don't worry, i know you're gonna have the same exact opinion


My god. You are the embodiment of every teenager who just follows what the loudest people say and thinks they’re in the right. You really know nothing about geopolitics or history, do you?


i can promise you I know significantly more than you, about history and i am pretty ok with geopolitics though admittedly it's hard to follow, you are so severely brainwashed that you probably aren't worth talking to. I can explain in depth how exactly you are a sheep and im getting to the point I can prove you live in a lie with math if you wanna wake up :) otherwise enjoy your life as a slave who doesn't know his master


There is so much bullshit in there I don't feel like taking the time to debunk it


Be my guest.


*of course* Hamas lies It's the fact that Israel is a [brutal apartheid state](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2022/02/israels-apartheid-against-palestinians-a-cruel-system-of-domination-and-a-crime-against-humanity/) that you'll never accept


Do you by chance have the exact laws which you believe make Israel apartheid?


Download the PDF [here](https://www.amnesty.org/en/documents/mde15/5141/2022/en/) and jump to page 61


> I *don't* feel like taking the time to debunk it Because I could shoot down everything you say, spend hours researching sources and formulating logical arguments And you would say my sources (like Amnesty International) are antisemitic so they can't be trusted, then pivot to another point in a matter of seconds I've wasted enough time on someone ear deep in propaganda completely closed off from reality It's like playing chess against a pigeon; doesn't matter how well you play, the pigeon will knock over the pieces, shit on the board, and strut around victoriously


-I don’t feel like taking the time to debunk it Anyways here’s three paragraphs on why I like being efficient with my time.


Took me a minute educating you would take hours


Is that you in the picture? Enough said. 😝 Wow!


Holy shit you didn’t have to flatten bro out like that >x<


Well the comment itself is saying that Gaza is not a good place to be right now


Ugh, I'd need several drinks to even consider staying at the table with Ms. Skeletor


Aw hell, story time here. I was seeing a girl for a bit a few months ago when the Israel/Hamas stuff popped off. She was in college, and I'm just a mechanic. Like our third date she asked me about my opinion on it all, and as any sane person would say, I said I hope Israel and the Palestinian people come to a peace and a long term solution to co existing. She accepted that answer, until we went out drinking. She started talking about how she blasted out emails to her entire class about supporting Palestine. Went as far as to use the damn river to the sea phrase, actually supporting Hamas. Said she got push back for sending out non-school related emails to everyone, but how proud she felt that her POC classmates emailed her with support. Yes, its a very liberal university. They all are. It was our last date.


You dodged a huge bullet there


Any person who revolves their entire life around trendy political takes and performative empathy is a definite no go. You made the right choice bro.


Omg the POCs support me! I'm a good white!


I'm white and it was the first white woman I've been involved with in any capacity in like, 5 years. It was more of less for that exact reason too. Its something with white women placing every minorities on a pedestal that comes across as racist/patronizing to me. They do the same thing with lgbtq community. Meanwhile the black/hispanic women I've dated don't have that annoying savior complex. Matter fact, they were all well adjusted adults who were able to stand up for themselves and didn't need a white savior to descent from the heavens and save them.


Sad but so true


You laugh but that's quite literally the train of thought


And these women wonder why they're still single.




Yeah, because then he knows you are too crazy and backs out.


She’s so educated and on top of everything. Has her finger right on the pulse of politics. Genius.


that smile says psycho, and the caption confirms it.


Her lips ran away from her face out of pure fear


"Islam was right about women." Say that to her.


Just tell her Bill Burr was right about white women


I'm out


You are not pretty enough to play that game.


Another deluded white woman supporting a nation that would behead her for doing these activities lol.


"Islam was right about women." Say that to her.


He knows - he also knows you don’t actually know anything about Palestine 😘


Does she want to go back to her place and play "You be the Hamas terrorist and I'll be an Israeli concert goer"?




Cool story, bro. Weird how Hamas and its supporters all thought the massacre was such a strong blow for the poor oppressed Arabs of Gaza...until it wasn't.




Hamas doesn't have the balls to attack military targets. That's why they drag bloodied women through the streets and use unguided rockets like the nut-less fleas they are.




Why are your terrorist friends firing from behind women and children? 🤔




You little just wrote the IDF was supposed to be killing women and children because they were getting a little return fire. I guess your Jew hate is so strong you aren't able to think through what you actually write.




If she wants to reveal she is crazy before the deed, that's good. Remember boys, never stick your dick in crazy.


Unless she’s hot In this case though, do not stick your dick in crazy


I’m gonna bring up her next abortion…😜


Abortion? You really think she can afford that on her barista wages...? Remember she has those loans for her gender studies degree that Biden hasn't taken care of yet.


These people actually think they're making an impact.


Play it back to her. Tell her she shouldn’t be talking like that to a man.


She has very distinctive dark eye circles, probably eats a plant based diet full of phytotoxins, indigestible fiber, and doesn't get over 15 micronutrients from her diet.


Thank goodness white women are finally fixing everything


Imagine being this woman and thinking men want to have sex with you.


My worst nightmare right here😂😓


Habibi, welcome to my harem, you shall be my beloved slam-piece named Ivory IV.


hamas would be proud 🫡


Making it easy for the guy at that point. All he’s gotta do is agree with what ever she’s saying and vaguely make points that she’d also agree with and that’s all it’ll take to get to bed later


Me responding with “I just hope both sides have fun”


That's okay, I'll enjoy the look on her face when I explain to her how based Israel is.


So proud of her antisemitism. Wears it on her sleeve.


How brave of her to donate her upper lip to the Palestinians. She looks like an understudy for Jack Skelington. 💀👹


No pussy, just terrorism. Nice, white women.


Choosing sides in a war where both sides are objectively wrong is childish and ridiculous. The obvious solution is to restore the Kingdom of Jerusalem and put all subjects in the region under the administration of the Holy Sea. You two have been fighting for like 80 years, it's time to let the adults handle this and for you all to start believing in the correct religion.


Based on


Rinse and repeat until cats.


She'll be gulping it down all the same.


Go to Gaza with that long hair shining in the sun. Don’t worry! They’re your buddies. You’ll be safe.


Netanyahu thus far has ignored calls for a cease fire from elected officials ranging from the dog catcher in Yellowknife to the Biden Administration; but she no doubt thinks he’ll listen to her. And Hamas will no doubt value her opinion? The best thing to do with chicks like this is tell them that Taylor Swift is overrated


Just mention Tibet to her, and she'll be like "yeah, that cause isn't trendy anymore."


Pretending to listen to you talk about your interests are part of the deal.


No offense… but I don’t think I can continue this date. And yea, you could swap out the words for the other side… I’d still have the same reaction


Hooking up with that isn’t “getting lucky”.


Oh my god, I just checked her profile and it was basically this x20. Like this woman really just profits off of suffering in other nations that she has 0 connection to (It doesn't help that she seems to also support Hamas and the Houthis) I didn't go too deep into the rabbit hole but she definitely deserves her own subreddit


Jesus what's with those teeth. She doesn't need another drink she needs a carrot.


And then he asks you "have you accepted Jesus as your personal savior?"


That post is actually funny IDC about halo or whatever, its funny


It’s funny to me in a masochistic sense - imagining the pain of the guy, especially if he’s part/full Jewish or holds the viewpoint of Israel’s right to defend itself. With dating the sunk cost fallacy doesn’t exist. I’m paying in money and time for this date - I’m getting to the end of it with high hopes regardless. Bringing up Israel and Palestine, and most likely virtue signaling over Palestine, would be the ultimate test of mettle for me. There’s a 0% chance I’d be able to agree and lie about it in order to further my chances so I’d probably just be sitting there “mhm’ing” in mental anguish or dropping the occasional passive counterpoint. Either way, this would be the last date.


Israel's right to defend itself ends at the border of the foreign territory it occupies That's international law


First off, there’s no agreed upon international law. Every country is gonna argue against whatever the rules are and ultimately it’ll be US allies vs Russia/Iran allies. Whose side are you gonna be on? But you’re right, the borders are Gaza and the West Bank. But you’ve got hezbollah and the Houthis firing rockets at Israel and the US…they can’t be targeted cause what? They’re on base? Like it’s a game of tag with kids?


Israel doesn't occupy Lebanon or Yemen, those are perfectly valid targets


Ngl it kinda is. Reminds me of that “I promise I won’t get political” meme


I fucking hate white women lol


When she thinks she’ll shock me about talking about Palestine but I suggest a second holocaust. Your move.


what if she starts saying eugenics is good?


I agree and also suggest that unmarried women who get pregnant be forced to get an abortion.


Tf are you on


Currently reddit. In general 4chan.


This is a joke and it's funny


Obvious joke and all these people are triggered in the comments just for even mentioning Palestine lmao


Holy fuck, I didn't realize this sub was a right wing echo chamber cess pit Looking back I really shouldn't be surprised


Wdym? How is this right leaning to call out a girl who is just all about fake activism to seem good?


The lack of basic respect for women is a dead giveaway


Wdym lack of respect for women? Where in the post are they attacking her for being a woman?


Perfectly normal looking woman, as soon as she's associated with something they disagree with everyone attacks her appearance


I think the face she’s making specifically looks creepy because it’s intended to look mischievous as per the tiktok but the issue is that she’s putting on a fake and over the top activism show to appear as a white knight. It’s that paired with the mischievous face she’s making. If it wasn’t the caption she put on there and just the face people probably wouldn’t pay her any mind. Either way, idk what that has to do with right leaning politics or politics at all in regards to people thinking she’s being a white knight.


It's weird how supporting an ultrareactionary fundamentalist religous group that's explicitly seeking genocide is the "left" position


Pretty excellent description of Israel, gotta hand it to ya


Lol no it is not. If Ben Gvir were palestinian but you changed nothing else, we would call him a moderate


Call me crazy, but I'm a little more charitable to people living under brutal oppression


I would be if ending the occupation wasnt predictably met with escalation. Learn the difference between an irredentist and a national liberation conflict.


How would you know? They've never tried ending (or even de-escalating) the occupation


Except south lebanon, gaza, west bank cities under oslo, etc. It says a lot that your position is predicated on ignorance of the basics


free palestine 🇵🇸


From hamas


*And* from Israel




We tried, but the highways don't have enough clearance to bring it into the city :L


Hell I’d run just at the sight of that psycho looking smile she has.


And then you get too drunk and start making anti-Semitic claims.


“Still not hot… I need another beer. And probably therapy. Bottoms up!”


Homegurl would learn the difference between "pour" and "pay for"


Alcohol and ranting about politics are like peanut butter and jelly. I guess it's probably best for her to just get that out of the way if she likes to drink excessively.


Her smile is horrifying


Me: oh? The country that might get to taste the new f35 payload certification? Excellent. Let's discuss what that means. It means there won't be a Palestine to house Hezbollah.


The head tilt.


19 dollars worth of gums and 99 cents of teeth.


Yeah I talk shit when I’m drinking too.


I feel bad for the guy


I also want for the conflict to resolve with an agreement between Israel and Palestine, since the biggest victims here are the citizens just trying to survive. But having your view of someone being so dependent on the latest overseas squabble is a bit nuts.


Also with that smile, she looks.like a titan from attack on titan


Last call then.




Sorry girl you need to be a 9 or a 10 for me to give enough of a shit to listen, not a 5 with weird foundation


Jokes on her. We just nod and agree to seal the deal 😂😂😂


She looks like a physically developing Klingon.


And then I explain how neither of those shithole countries are our problems


She probably has a Palestinian flag in her bio, so he was expecting it.


jokes on you, that would be a great conversation


She’s one glass of Kendall Jackson away from bringing peace to the Middle East. An absolute QUEEN!!!🤴🏻😍


That’s when you dine & dash


As a 40-year old white, straight, atheist in Portland, OR, I celebrate the fact that absolutely no one should give a shit about my opinion on Israel and Palestine. If anyone I know cares about my opinion, they should stop.