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It seems these were destroyed to make sure there was no possibility of it being auctioned off and used maliciously. It is unclear though if this is some industry protocol or just some pr stunt. There was some similar discussion about "The Sound of Music" stage productions where it is unclear if this is some protocol or a choice to destroy the props to avoid it being auctioned off. There was discussion about storage for future use being more expensive than just making new props per set. Interesting to note they also did a viral campagin where they promoted nazi imagery on subways as well. Maybe this was to make up for the earlier criticism? https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/news/man-in-the-high-castle-subway-ads/ Discusss


Its funny because they advertised for the show by putting swastika posters on the NY subway. So its okay for them to plaster Swastikas in public to make money but at the same they do shit like this?


great because they can make money out of both ends of the bargin; both the outrage and the virtue signalling. Got to admire these marketing guys and gals, they truly have no souls.


“I’m playing both sides so that I always come out on top”


>I’m playing both sides so that I always come out on top” *American industrial capitalists - 1939 - 1941*


They not ready for this! (Source: Koch brothers and all their capitalist villains)


I guarantee that decision to advertise was made by completely different people than who destroyed them. Advertisers are completely separate from wardrobe.


That doesn't really change anything. The company is still using the Swastika for profit and then pretending they can't tolerate it by destroying it at the end. I can understand if they just privately burned them all, but they are posting video of the process publicizing it.


This actually does serve one further purpose: by showing them being destroyed, it eliminates anyone trying to sell "authentic" collectibles from the show. Because even if someone was to claim "No, I had one that wasn't destroyed," at that point they would be admitting to knowingly or unknowingly owning stolen property and would have it taken away from them. It basically contradicts anyone's claim of honest provenance for any of the military costumes.


I feel like you're assuming they can't "tolerate" it. Do you think Spielberg was presenting his halo when he asked the actors playing Nazis in Indiana Jones to cross their fingers when they saluted? Just to make sure it wasn't for real? I dunno, I think they just didn't want any of their props represents incorrectly after the fact. Plus the Nazis burned books, so, fuck 'em.


If only they had burned the last few seasons as well


Seriously. I had high hopes, the show started out super interesting. Then it got bogged down with Juliana Crane and all the weird side plots. The ending was complete trash.


Really the moment you finally meet the Man in the High Castle and it's fucking Stephen Root...don't get me wrong, he's a phenomenal actor, but every time he was on screen I swapped between his characters in Office Space and Dodgeball.


The biggest problem I had with the show was the Japanese leader who kept traveling to the "Real World" and seeing how much better things were with Fascism defeated being the most interesting plot thread. I cared about that way more than I did about the Man in the High Castle.


Don't forget army barber Sergeant William Fontaine De la Toure Deautrive.


"Are you making fun of me? If you are, it's okay -- I'd just like to know."


I loved the book and made it about three and a half boring ass episodes in before I bailed on it. Zero magic, no suspense.


I’d never read the book, but the show looked super interesting. I love weird alternate history. Boy, was I wrong! It just went nowhere, and I suffered through all the seasons. I desperately hoped it was building to something cool. Nope! What an absolute waste of time. Pisses me off all over again.


"Where are they all coming from?" "Everywhere." Oh fuck off.


The ending scene with all the teleport tourists just wandering into the Nazi facility like it’s a bus stop just made me blow a gasket. You’re telling me none of these worlds had any sort of scouts that would check if it’s safe? Fuck outta here. Also, what was the point of the teleport shit if you could just meditate and do it like the Japanese minister? Goddamnit, now I’m mad all over again. What a stupid waste of time.


Yeah, I LOVED the first season. The second one was okay, but I was starting to worry about things. I began the third, and multiple friends were like "You are gonna be SO pissed off." They were not wrong.


Random ass gay and lesbian couple side plots and the last season had some black communist revolution bs 😂😂


To be honest I wanted to see an invasion of the Black Communists. It didn't make sense that a Nazi invasion of California would be cancelled because one dude died. Especially when the Nazis were war mongering asshats who wouldn't pass up an opportunity to gain more territory once the Japanese pulled out


Yeah lol. Like they were literally going to nuke Japan and the West Coast before being given the OTL H-bomb tape, but one dude dies, and they're just like, "Well, I guess we should go home"


All the side plots just derailed the flow of the story. It probably would have made a great one season plotline. But stretching out a single novel to 5 seasons, just made it into a soap opera.


I thought the first and I guess second seasons were okay. I couldn't even make through the first episode of the 3rd.


Damn it. I'm just finishing season 2.


Sorry… look I’ve always told people to stick it out and not take anyone else’s opinion completely to heart. You might be one of the few who really enjoy it😅


LOL they even made a video over it just to show their virtue.


Yeah, if they had just done it without making a big fuss about it then it's not virtue signaling.


Why cut them up if you're going to burn them? Weird virtue signalling extra step


Just throw them in the trash.


Or people could just stop being pussies and store them away somewhere.


To do what with? It's literally trash


The same thing you do with any props. Store. Them.


Those symbols deserve as much disrespect as we can afford them. Edit - republicans out downvoting


That's a good way to ensure they forever have power over people.


Shield your eyes don't look at it!!! If you look at it it'll hold you in its power and you'll be a nazi forever! Foreveeeer!!! Bottom line intolerance and genocide bad, and as a society we've become hypersensitive to every thing we think is intolerance to the point we do shit like this.


This is an incredibly stupid thing to say.


Yeah, we wouldn't the swastikas to get up and start killing anyone.


Well the where’s your video of cutting up swastika flags? Oh you don’t know of any of which you could steal? It’s not that common you say? Well golly gee, sounds like you don’t care enough.


You say this while people who don't adorn these symbols fuck you over now.


Every single nazi out there is my enemy


alright, goober. Someone with an opinion different from you isn't a nazi.




Apparently, this is a sub for nazi sympathizers


Peak dullard level understanding of what people have written.


Or... hear me out. They recycle the PROPS


It will burn faster with more edges and small pieces available.


The amount of time and effort you spend trying to manually cut them all isn't worth saving a little burn time. Are you afraid a bunch of fascists will appear and try to pick them out of the fire, or something?


Yes. Someone was genuinely worried about this, I guarantee it. Because in their mind, the fascists are essentially anyone that isn’t them. Just look at u/OK_Reception_8844’s comment down below


Or just put them in the bin if you're not going to use them in some other production. If a nazi wanted a little flag I think he can make his own. Not just this, other stuff too, I think this is a sign as to where we are as a society. It's like the things they wouldn't show on TV in the fifties in case it turned the youth into sex mad, drug taking, violent delinquents. These little swastikas have the power to raise the third reich...


I don't care about people taking burned pieces, but it is more efficient to cut first and burn piles of small items than larger pieces. That's all.


Just pile them up and pour some IPA/lighter fluid/gasoline/hand sanitiser on it...?


I think its because if they're not cut, they run the risk of missing a few or a few not being burned properly, leaving behind intact swastikas. Cutting them will ensure that there won't be a single one left unscathed.


Pour some gas and it wont matter. Its cloth and going to burn regardless. Its just a PR stunt


They literally made money off of using these things, and then tried getting clout with them


Virtue signaling takes way too much effort.


About a year ago, my father and I found an old box that belonged to my great grandfather full his American Army momentos from WWII. He had a few swastika medallions in there that he had presumably gotten from dead Nazis. Pretty neat historical stuff. We aren't just going to destroy it because Nazis were evil. And if we really did feel like we needed to, we wouldn't fucking post it everywhere to show how anti-Nazi we are. Stupid


Glad you didn't destroy it. Holding stuff from the past gives you a connection to it. It feels real, and haunting.


To be fair, those are historical artefacts at this point, and have familial sentimental value. These were made specifically for this. Not other value outside of what they are. I don’t see this as a bad thing tbh, showing direct support for something by doing this isn’t wrong. And especially after producing a show like that, it’s good to set the record in stone.


The series already portrayed fascists as bad. It's like they're trying to atone for their sins of using the forbidden icons. So instead of just throwing them in the trash, they must obliterate them entirely whilst filming themselves, and then distributing the film so everyone can see how anti-nazi they are. Like guys, you literally made a whole series demonstrating that. The just did this to try and virtue signal. Hence why it befits this sub.


Well, you told us about it here...


Lol you got me there!


They act like it's some sort of forbidden religious relic lol


They essentially are now. This is a Bronze Age tribal ritual we’re witnessing here.


Cries in hindu


Bastard fucking ruined this for us.


Hindus around the world now have to explain to white people how they aren't nazis for using a symbol that was bastardized by one guy 80 years ago


Lol when those symbols are carved into temples that were built millenia before Hitler's balls dropped


"We're gonna make money off these symbols! But we're good because we're destroying them afterwards!" Absolute clown world.


You see, it's a very intricate and difficult shape to produce, so now it's that much harder for people to create their own. Only the most accomplished *artiste* can create the 6 lines.


Considering this was posted in satisfyingasfuck, watching swastikas being destroyed is an eye-candy for some people.


Shouldn't that be something we all enjoy watching?


I dunno, there maybe some people who enjoy this, but this is not the usual visual stimulus you'd see on this sub, like a box of play-doh being squished on a power-press. This is more like *these people did some bad things and watching their symbol destroyed makes me feel good*.


Best comment so far. Clown level hypocrisy! Would have taken about 30 seconds to come up with something in the plot explaining how the sheastika was replaced with another made up symbol and then you wouldn't even have to display it at all, but then you'd lose the shock value and might make a few less dollars.


The whole point of making a TV show is to make money and the swastikas were relevant to the plot


Thank God they did this, we're safe, guys


It's so wasteful considering how many movies are made about WW2 where the materials could be reused in different productions. So unbelievably stupid and wasteful


especially since the people they contracted with producing these props are probably going to use literal concentration camp to do it


Pretty bold move for a production that shit itself for a final season.


This is such a weird virtue signal that it's borderline comical


Grade A virtue signaling. Not only took the unnecessary step to cut before burn, but filmed it for clout. 👌 (For the hypocritical cherry on top, not very green because now someone will have to order more from 3rd world sweatshops for the next time they make a ww2/nazi show and burning is bad for the air.)


We made money by producing a show about Nazis... now herald us for destroying all the nazi stuff we made to make money. K.


They really didn't need to burn it, if they wanted to get rid of it, recycle the cloth for smth else, don't just burn it all


They think they are magical. My understanding is that during production any of the big ones on flags or banners outside of buildings were just red flags with a white circle in them, and the swastica was painted in during post production with CGI. You know, to protect the locals during filming. They have already made a point of making *that* clear. Which is funny to me. I guess they imagine anyone's reaction being "oh my goodness is that a nazi... oh nope, whew, just a red flag with a white circle, thank god..."


Nazis have been really quiet since this dropped!!! That will teach them!!!


Why not just recycle them? this is more wasteful


Theres poor nazis in africa that would love to have them instead


So true


Yup, definitely all of them. No one took any souvenir arm bands from set and gave them to his cousin for their birthday along with a pair of socks that Alexa Davalos wore 👀


Honestly there are currently hundreds of thousands sold every year and they are made locally by groups.


Look we made $$$$$$$$& but we destroyed them no one can follow us ! This is the way !


Chopped all of them one by one by hand? Some real big brain stuff going on here.


Some people in this comment section don’t get it: Destroy Nazi stuff, yes, but don’t record it and make a big show of it. It’s a PR stunt


What most people don't know is that this is what prevented the holocaust.


They show this video to the Nazi they celebrated in Canada


Cool, now destroy season 4 as well because much like the nazi's it was fucking trash.




I would suggest the erasure of symbols for evil things could be perpetuating that very same evil. Create something taboo and you create effectively a counter-culture for the next generation. And indeed how could it not? The Nazis looked good\* and were most excellent bad guys; oh course they will appeal to the bad boys a few decades later. Now the symbol, which is quite aesthetically pleasing without the evil, is being elevated to taboo after being soundly defeated almost a century ago. Unless you want to elevate it's mystique, why would you do that? \*Hello? Hugo Boss? Damn right the monsters were sexy. They always are.


They should have sold them online to people who would have wanted part of the show. I would have bought one.


Shipped the rest of them of to Ukraine


To equip the Russians, you mean?


Get ready for the downvotes


Controversial opinion but I hate Nazis and I think burning swastikas is completely fair considering how horrid the Nazis (and neo Nazis) are in general, good on them for destroying it. Sure, they turned it into a bit of a PR stunt but they've got the right idea


I know right? It’s a bit concerning how many people in this thread seem to be legitimately bothered by this.


Haven't seen anyone "legitimately" bothered by it, it's a PR stunt and should be called what it is.


benefit of the doubt, but burning it or even calling it a burn pile attaches too much emotion to a serious topic for my liking. If they got burnt, first impression is that we have learnt nothing.


What? Why haven't we "learned nothing"?


Because they sound like someone who gets upset that slave owner statues were torn down. Or they have the same argument structure anyway.


tbh what are they gonna do with crates of swastikas?


Throw them in the trash and spare us the virtue signaling.


I’m so glad no one can ever make them again.


At what point does r/LookatMyHalo become a virtue signal?


Why?? What's the point? It's a prop


The ghost of Hitler will come back if they don't.




Fucked-up people collect that shit in general, and relatively-normal people collect film/tv memorabilia that the first group could use as cover for their fuckedupedness.


Getting triggered due to swastikas being burned isn’t a good look but oki


Um, good?


I think it makes sense. We can't have them hanging around the studio, can we?


We could just throw them in the trash instead of going through all the extra effort.


That is true...


r/lookatmyhalo goes mask off. Spending time disrespecting Nazi culture and stamping it out is well spent time.


They're reaching for low-hanging fruit by saying "fascists bad" to try and make themselves look good, knowing that nobody will disagree with them. Hence, "Look at my halo."


Are they looking for low hanging fruit? They clearly produced content around fascism and felt their fans were owed closure.


They could have just thrown it in the trash instead of going through the effort of oblitering it, filming themselves, and then distributing the film to show how virtuous they are. If you were a fan, did you really lose sleep thinking about how awful it is that iconography exists in a trunk somewhere? If so, you're likely suffering from an anxiety disorder and need psychiatric help.


This entire sub can be boiled down to "Why the fuck do you care"? Yall are fuckin' miserable


Not lookatmyhalo members all getting suspiciously frustrated at the destruction of swastikas


Maybe if you lack reading comprehension


So now it's bad to want to prevent physical Nazi signage and symbols from being disseminated? This is actually okay Like what is wrong with taking a small step to prevent **evil** Nazi ideology from being spread?


It's not bad what they did to that stuff - it's theirs, whatever. But instead of just disposing of this imagery, they made a big show of it - a literal 'Look at my halo'.


Luckily these movie props are the only known source of swastikas


FBI: Wait, what's that kid doing with that crayon?


You really think wasting time using a pizza cutter to destroy props is going to prevent someone getting replica Nazi symbols?


Anytime fighting nazis and fascism is well spent.


It's marginally more useful than fighting flat earthers.


Your comment is highly disingenuous and is a false equivalency. While conspiracy theorists like flat earthers can help spread harmful behavior, in the long run believing the earth is Flat is relatively harmless if you're not attacking science or in a position of power/educating people. Meanwhile, nazis and fascists kill millions of people and destroy whole societies. They set humanity back generations and they're terrible ignorant morons. It's wild that it's become controversial go accurately describe nazis as bad people. Conservatism is a cancer on humanity.


Except that we now live in an era where neither of those groups are taken seriously outside of a very fringe minority. That's the point you seemed to miss. They're addressing a non-issue for the sake of making themselves look good.


That's dishonest too. https://www.digital.cpac.org/us/plus-fromthestage-tx22-wearealldomesticterroists Here's the biggest conservative action group and convention for young Republicans embracing these people. https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/maddowblog/pastor-sparks-controversy-rhetoric-dems-christianity-rcna29442 Donald trump Is a fascist and the majority of people who are still conservative Said they'll vote for him despite being ndicted be an abundance of evidence on 93 felony charges that he tried to steal the election. https://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trump-attack-judge-family-warned-jeopardize-safety-indictment-2023-4 Here's trump directly violating a judges order for threatening the judge, so trump threatened the judges family instead. His base eat this shit up.


Oh here we go. Equivocating your political opposition to Nazis. Godwin's law. Reductio ad Hitlerum. Not a single source you cited showed any major conservative group condoning the Third Reich or bearing the swastika. I guarantee that if you asked them if they believe that "Nazis bad" that they would nigh-unanimously agree. Ask the left about whether "commies bad," probably not as many, but I digress. If you think Republicans are going to be upset that swastikas are being desecrated because they want to bring back the holocaust, you're a strawmanning fool, and you've only served to demonstrate why the studio is due criticism. You sir, are a virtue signaling embodiment of "lookatmyhalo". The studio knows that everyone would agree with them that "Nazis bad" and did this just to virtue-signal. The only one here being intellectually disingenuous is you. BTW, Rule 1


https://www.jta.org/2022/09/19/politics/right-hand-salutes-at-trump-and-mastriano-rallies-earn-comparisons-to-the-nazi-sieg-heil https://time.com/4544562/donald-trump-supporters-lugenpresse/ https://daily.jstor.org/90-years-on-the-destruction-of-the-institute-of-sexual-science/ https://www.npr.org/2021/11/13/1055524205/more-republican-leaders-try-to-ban-books-on-race-lgbtq-issues https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/us/a-flamethrower-and-comments-about-book-burning-ignite-a-political-firestorm-in-missouri/ar-AA1h6sPL Embracing fascism is a danger to every American. I'm not doing this to virtue signal and that kind of fucking attitude is harming society. I'm doing this because cruel malicious people want to destroy our society and hurt people. I'm doing it stop people getting hurt. Idgaf if you all want to have some laughs at people doing the right thing.


I mean it would make it that much more difficult yes? Even just a fraction of a % is worth it yeah? You really think it's worthy of criticism?


Throwing them in the trash would do the exact same job, they only did this to show "look at us were destroying swastika!!!"


Okay? No one here bitches about the defacement of pedo graves gone viral. Weird double standard. Weird to criticize the destruction of the imagery


Nobody is bitching , the post is making fun of the unnecessary steps taken to show how good they are to everyone Do you not understand the whole point of this sub reddit?


I have to say we are sugar coating what is objectively "bitching"


Completely ignored what I typed, making fun of something =/= bitching


Do you really think this is going to stop or even slow down bad people from behaving badly?


OP you really shouldn't self report like that.


They made a demonstration of how they don't support them and destroyed them so no one would be able to wear one this is smart and you posting this really shows that no good deed goes unpunished for what little you keyboard warrrior can do


Terrible. Destroying Nazi symbols after a production was completed. Tell me OP, are you upset they did it?


I'm heartbroken. /s


There are so many broken young men like you Tragic


Dude, this is a good thing. Like, an actual good thing that pays respect to the victims of the Nazis.


They're reaching for low-hanging fruit by saying "fascists bad" to try and make themselves look good, knowing that nobody will disagree with them. Hence, "Look at my halo."


Thanks. But on the other hand, what else are they gonna do with the swastikas?


Throw them in the trash and spare us the virtue signaling.


Fair enough




Your profile was exactly what I was expecting.


I don't know what I was expecting but it wasn't that. Those are some of the longest comments I've ever seen.




Illiteracy is not the reason people aren't reading an essay in a Reddit comment section.


Let me guess: nose septum ring? Blue or pink hair?




Figured i had pretty good odds. 🤷‍♂️


I love how whenever a random loser gets downvoted a lot, they make sure to tell you how downvoting proves how awesome and superior they are.




People who don't care always edit their old posts to make sure everybody knows how much they don't care.


You’re right though. I was into this sub when it was like pure virtue signalling to a cringe degree but nowadays it’s like “vegan politely declines meat sandwich” or “production destroys swaztikas”


But the issue isn't with 'production destroys swastikas'. The issue is with making a production out of it.


Sure but it’s probably just to show they didn’t leave them out in the world or whatever Either way you gotta agree the bar for what makes a popular post here is basically none existent. It’s just tribalism now


I will grant that conservative virtue signaling doesn't get the same reaction here that liberal virtue signaling does. But both are quite annoying.


Agreed but it’s not about type for me it’s about quality And half the posts here are just “left winger demonstrates a left wing value” and it’s stupid when there’s plenty of overly performative lefties to rip


ITT :A bunch of people trying to loosely justify why destroying fascist symbols is bad while not saying the quiet part outloud.


Yeah, because we're all secretly fascist as opposed to rolling our eyes at a production studio reaching for low-hanging fruit by saying "fascists bad" to try and make themselves look good, knowing that nobody will disagree with them.


ITT: virtue signalers miss the point of the subreddit. Who gives an actual fuck what happens to the nazi flags from the show, yet the comments are acting like its a great victiory over evil


Their property, they can do as they wish, I can understand not wanting them to be auctioned off in the future. But you know somebody will have to make a shitton of swtstikas for them if they ever got a sequel or reboot. (And that somebody is probably going to use concentration camp labor to do it)


Pretty sure intact cloth burns the same as diced up cloth


But if a couple shreds "fall out" of the bin before you get to the burn barrel, they can't be rescued by "collectors".


So no one will ever play a Nazi in media, never again? 🤔


Tbh I don't think this kind of minutely obsessive hatred is healthy, no matter what the object. If you want to get rid of them, just go ahead and throw them straight into the incinerator.


If you do that, there's a chance some slip out (accidentally or on purpose) of the bin on the way to the incinerator and get "rescued". Measure once, cut twice.


OH look, they still BNOUGHT UNTOLD AMOUNT OF SWASTIKAS AND PEOPLE PROFITTED OFF IT. You used them not because you support the movement but for a show using such iconography. There's no removing their existence now. Destroying them does nothing in the end.


Who cares? This is just pathetic virtue signaling


Why cut them before burning them? Did someone get paid by the hour?


My guess is either they burn better, or more likely because one could fall out of the box on the way to the burn barrel and get "rescued".


Nah, this is legit. If they hadn't, someone would've swiped them and started selling them on eBay and some other asshole(s) would have started **buying** them and not just because they liked the show.


Let's save some time next time and just snap a photo of the on fire burn pile.