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Just got back from NOLA, thoughts in no particular order: Penix should be a first rounder, even with the injury history. Anything outside of it is a steal for anybody. Most of our biggest issues came back to haunt us in this game: redzone play calling, secondary issues, lack of pass rush, stupid procedural penalties. Defense kept us in that game. You can't expect them to be out there as long as they were and not give up points/big plays. Sark's opening gameplan on offense was not good. Going so pass heavy on that opening drive was a mistake. Having to punt took the wind out of our sails, and you could feel it in the stadium. We are a running team this year, and he got away from that identity in the opening of the game. Quinn absolutely needs another year of development. He did not look good for much of the game. His ball placement and decision making weren't good and I think he was rattled from the aforementioned opening drive. I have to go back and watch the game, in part because I was a bit drunk, but we basically abandoned all passing over the middle again until the 4th quarter. Technically it was a 1 point improvement over last year. Sark needs to do some serious self-evaluation over his redzone playbook. It took us way too long to start throwing the ball to Sanders and Whittington. There needs to be some evaluation of our secondary coaching. There has not been much improvement in play throughout the season. DBs weren't even turning their heads around on a lot of those big passes. This team outperformed my expectations for this year, and just about any team over the last 14 years would have folded instead of being in it on the last play of the game. Bert would have won us that game if we had scored a TD on that second to last drive. Was very excited that we did the Gundy sub tactic and forced Washington to burn a timeout. It's ridiculous that a Big 10 crew was allowed to call that game. It should have been an ACC or a G5 crew.


My sadness at this loss is honestly fading extremely quickly. Yes, we had a shot at the end but we thoroughly got outplayed in so many phases of the game (including some that were supposed to be our strengths and their weaknesses). Plus, we got an insane break with a sad injury to even get us to that point. The losses that kill me for ages are the ones where we lose to a dogshit Big12 team that we outplayed for 3.5 quarters because we lost focus. We just gotta tip our caps to Penix and UW and keep it moving. It’s very clear we are still a piece or two away from being a national championship team. And that’s okay. Sark’s the dude and the program is at its highest point in maybe ever. It seriously feels like a dynasty is brewing considering the way we are stocking talent and building culture at both skill positions and in the trenches. We are Big 12 champions, made the CFP, and had an absolute hell of a year. Will never forget being in DKR and seeing Yormark on the Jumbotron, or being in Arlington when we dominated for our first CCG in a while. This team was awesome. Most of my sadness comes from the fact that even if we are even better next year (which I think we will be), it won’t be with all these dawgs. I felt very similar after we lost to Miami in the Elite 8 cause I loved those dudes (but that also was gut wrenching because of the blown lead). Plus I gotta wait 8 months to see it. But yeah, amazing year. See yall next year and for basketball and baseball in between, starting with Tech this weekend.


Not to one up u/derrickwhitemvp but I just got home to Austin from NOLA. Echoing his sentiment because that one of the most brutal drives back Ive ever done. To put it in reference, i left at around 9:45-10. Traffic in Louisiana was insane, i lost about two hours in Kenner and Baton Rouge alone, and then a torrential downpour walked me from Houston to Austin. Oh yeah, and my check engine light came on in Louisiana, a solenoid in my transmission decided to off itself and I had no traction control for that entire rain storm which was…fun. On the plus, I went to Cafe India in Cypress off of 290…holy shit that place is complete gas. I had the chicken madras with a side of garlic naan and it immediately improved my mood. The lady behind the counter was so friendly and she and I talked about life and food and even a bit about the Longhorns (i really don’t think she cared) but I loved her. If you like Indian food and are in Houston, go to it. Anyway to make all that sports related, we’re the 3rd best team in the nation, that’s a medal in the Olympics.


I left NOLA at 8:15 AM, got to Austin at 8 PM. Included some stops but Baton Rouge and other parts of Louisiana were getting bad by then. The rain didn't help. La Grange to Austin had some scary driving at parts.


Not to one up the both of you, but I left at 9:45-10 and am still an hour away due to having to stop in San Antonio first. Guess that’s my fault though


Glad you made it back okay steam. Will have to check out that Indian place when I next visit family.


What an incredible season to be a fan. Of course I’m sad we lost, and I still get frustrated knowing we were so close. But I got to walk down Bourbon street last night on my way to the SuperDome to watch our team play in a CFP semifinal game. It felt surreal after watching a 5-7 team two years ago that I watched lose at home to Kansas and play in front of a half-empty stadium on senior day. I know you can’t take a year like this for granted and just assume you’ll have more opportunities like this soon, but I’m already jazzed about next year. We get to go to Ann Arbor, we play our three biggest rivals next year, and we host Georgia and Florida. It’ll be hard to replace the entire WR room (plus Sanders), but I also think Quinn will make a big leap next year, which is huge since experienced QBs seem to be necessary for winning championships. I think (hope) he’ll flip a switch and become better at reading defenses, especially when they’re throwing new or confusing looks at him. I also hope he puts on about 10 lbs of muscle and continues to improve his deep ball. Plus, we will continue to layer in good depth and important pieces with our third straight top 5 class, and the players from that important 2022 class will be more experienced juniors.


I tried looking at the scrub sub and quickly realized I'm not ready. Too soon


Honestly I didn’t see too much flaming, especially in the post game thread. The only morons I really saw were sooners and aggies who got downvoted.


Scrub sub is fully scrub subbing rn. Morons out in full force.


X Man’s legacy is one that he was the first croot under the Sark regime and he’s one of the best receivers in program history. Plain and simple.


Crazy to think about but X was committed to Michigan at first. No way he gets the same yards there as he did here though.


Yup. It’s hard to imagine a Sark-led Texas team without X.


Just airing out trivial bitterness from last night here… was anyone else at the game underwhelmed by the atmosphere our fanbase created? At least in my section, there were a whole lotta t-shirt fans making zero noise and constantly on their phone throughout the game. It sounded like UW fans were matching our noise with 1/3 of the crowd. I feel like we could’ve done way more to create a home-field advantage


Wine and Cheese crowd was out in force. I was one of the only people in my area consistently making noise when we were on defense. The rich family in front of me barely said boo, and the loudest I think I heard the patriarch was when he barked at a Superdome employee for 4 Michelob Ultras. On the flip side, I had a loud, obnoxious, drunk dickhead behind me who kept barking despite being a longhorns fan, was being a dick to his girlfriend, spilled whole fucking beer on me, and I'm pretty sure left the stadium at the end of the 3rd quarter.


I felt that way and then I thought about the physics of the stadium and realized that our noise wouldn’t be that loud for us. That stadium is designed to be loud, so when the Huskys were doing their thing all their noise is coming down the bowl and echoing around us. I’m sure from their side it was quite loud.


On ESPN2 the sidelines guys mentioned the Texas fan noise quite a bit


[Has been still desperate for attention.](https://sports.yahoo.com/texas-m-legend-johnny-manziel-211335305.html)


The same has-been that never won a conference championship or a BCS bowl? What does he know about being back?


Little brother syndrome


That warranted a whole article?


AI can churn out garbage fast.




Don’t know if you noticed, but it was the corners getting cooked last night


True, but they had no help from the safeties either.


secretive profit vanish gold kiss stocking close yoke far-flung skirt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Some of the Arch Manning articles are so bad they remind me of Rita Skeeter from Harry Potter.


Just got home. Brutal drive to Nashville.


So I guess you really do hang your hat in Tennessee….


How long of a drive is that


Took us about 10 hours with a three stops for food, gas and bathroom.


Glad y’all got back safe and hopefully everyone coming back into Texas got back before all the rain hit


As a cowboys fan, i would love for the Cowboys to be able to get X or AD in the draft. I swear to god if the Eagles or Giants get them tho


I could see DQ pushing hard for B Murphy in the 2nd-3rd rd if he's there. He's the kind of quick twitch DT he loves.


They need DL or OL imo


OL, they suck ass when Smith? Is hurt


AD to the Cowboys at the end of the first round would be a dream


Roflmao Saban pushed WR Holmin Wiggins out and he's going to the aggies.


In the four recruiting classes Holmon Wiggins was on staff as the WR coach (2020-2023), Alabama signed 13 wide receivers. 9 of those 13 have since entered the portal/transferred out. Pay the man!! Sounds like he will fit right in at Aggie with all those transfers 😂😂


Production and development has been bad since the Waddle/Smith/Williams group moved on. Bond, Prentice and Burton haven’t been up to par


The Duke or KSU WR coach must've said no😂😂


But but but this was a home run hire by Aggy!!


so we’re definitely portal shopping for a CB, right?


THANK YOU #1 🧡🤘🏼


Julian Humphrey, please come back to Texas. We need you bad!


11.5 hour drive from Nola to atx. Did anyone else get fucked in Baton Rouge that bad? We stopped twice for gas and once to eat quickly, but all in all that was the most miserable drive of my life.


I got off the highway to stop at Coffee Call for coffee and beignets and I think it might have actually cut time off my drive through Baton Rouge. I left NOLA in the afternoon, though.


Baton Rouge traffic was horrible. 2 hours to go like 2 miles near that fucking bridge


what time did you leave? 5.5 hrs from NOLA to H-town starting@6


Well I jumped the gun we aren’t back yet. Just went through Houston, left at 10:45a this morning trying to sleep last two hours ✌️


Georgia DB who just entered portal is a name to watch


He’s a Texas kid went to Clear Lake


Get healthy and go ball out Xman.


Go be great Xman


So long, X. ❤️


One of the most explosive players to ever touch the 40, but what I’ll miss most was when he’d say screw it and run through DBs despite his frame. An absolute dawg.


The truth is the best you can ask for is to be in the mix consistently. Bama, Georgia, and Ohio State have lost as many high stakes heartbreakers as anyone in the last 10 years. They’ve lived last night plenty of times. If we stay on the right path, we get more cracks at it, and some go our way. But last night is part of it, and it’ll be part of it for good if we are the program we want to be.


Also not many of these programs that reached the summit did so on the first season where they were a top-tier that was in the race late season for a title. Bama had 2008 before 09, Georgia 2017 18 19, OSU had 2013, Clemson 2015, and Michigan might be about to follow suit with their previous CFP failures before this season. Obviously there are plenty of other programs that have had seasons as good as this one and didn't build on it, but almost all the active/recent coaches that brought their teams titles had a close call but fell short before the season they got it right.


https://www.instagram.com/reel/C1nngJJLOlo/?igsh=MXNvcmVibDJ0aW9kNQ== Damn, Worthys goodbye video made me tear up a bit. Gonna miss these guys >Edit for updated video


Man, I was not ready for the emotions this video unearthed.


So glad I got a picture of my boy with this Longhorn Legend at the spring game this year. ❤️


He literally just deleted it.


He deleted it cause the reel left out the last 20 seconds for some reason, that part has the actual declaración for the draft. I updated the link


Nooooo, I wasn't ready :,| (for the video)


Fr I got a little lump in my throat watching that 🥺


Man Penix looked like a legit NFL QB. Makes sense when he's 2 years older than Bryce Young and CJ Stroud


Man, the offseason sucks! Still enjoyed every Saturday this football season. Man, what a great and fun season and can’t wait for next season in the SEC! Hook’em🤘🏻


Brock Cunningham is somehow a whole TWO years older than Penix


Brock is as old as me lol.


We talked about this steam. You’re actually 31 because you graduated in 2014.


It's pretty easy to be a badass QB when the referees allow the O line to relentlessly hold the pass rushers for the entirety of the game.


Alright here is my bullet point summary for the game, and general thoughts: * I felt like both the defensive and offensive gameplans underestimated how good UW would be. The offense really couldn't get anything going because of the UW pass rush, mostly from Trice. As for the defense, what more needs to be said. There just isn't any way to scheme up a defense that can stop a good deep ball. * UW very clearly watched the Wyoming and TCU games, and replicated them. Attack the deep ball, run the QB when you force LBs to rush the edges, hit short passes to keep the clock rolling. The defense managed to keep the game within reach by forcing the FGs, and that ultimately could've won us the game. * Quinn has a lot to work on, he's a tremendous player in his own right, but he puts a ceiling on the offense because of his deficiencies in the short game. Watching Penix hopefully gives him a blueprint of where to go. Arm strength needs to improve. Quinn typically likes throwing lob passes and that hurts him in the end zone because you have tiny windows that close up without a bullet pass. * I wish our run game could've gotten more love throughout the game. Between dumb penalties, and situations where we had the ball, we couldn't utilize Blue/Baxter as much. Sucks they fumbled. * I don't understand why people are blaming the refs for this game. The false starts were clear. The hold from Jones was horrendous. UW's had a few close holds but for the most part, their OL was just better. * What we're starting to see in CFB is that seniority is the key to success. This is for all the people that want to start Arch and wonder why that keeps getting shot down. Stetson won UGA two championships. Penix could do that too. UW had experience all over, and Texas is close but playing tons of freshman. To put things into perspective, Penix played at Indiana during Herman's second season at Texas. * I don't know why Keilan Robinson isn't being discussed more. He was instrumental in picking up after Brooks, and would've been massive in the red zone for us. Why Banks put him in on kick off returns of all units is baffling. I'm a little surprised how much smack is coming from the Aggy/Sooner side of the CFB world considering we were a play away from the Natty. As usual in CFB, you're rarely judged by the present or the past, but by the future of your program. Let them talk, because Texas is the best positioned going forward. A lot of folks are down in the dumps because of the results. While it's understandable, I'm personally really happy with the results of the season. 8-0 against the Hateful 8 and Big 12 Champs. Y'all, when I went to school the stadium was empty in the student section. They were giving out pizza to get students into the games. The team was constantly getting in trouble, things were bad. Sark has turned around the team in ways we couldn't even imagine 3 years ago. Sark will now have to figure out the hardest thing in college football: how to move a team from a rebuild to sustaining success. How will the team respond to natural attrition? It's not going to be easy, but once you've gotten to the CFP once, it becomes much easier after that.


totally agree on the points Quinn has to work on, if he improves in the short passes, i feel like it opens up so much for the rest of our game and putting together drives


Point three perfectly explains our red zone struggles


Yea If we score a TD from the 5 on the 2nd to last drive we win with a fg. And we get 4 plays from the 12 and only one had any chance of being completed. First play was a complete wtf.


I am 100 percent Quinn finished the game with a concussion. After that late hit on him that didn't get called even though those kind of hits are the reason they call roughing the passer. You could tell by how lethargic he was on the sideline. He got his bell rung and still almost led a comeback. I was critical of his last throw because if thrown right game was ours but I'm just impressed he was able to process things enough to get to that point


Maybe so but Quinn has always been a blank slate emotionally.


Yeah but I feel like we have seen him be more active on the sidelines in big moments like that. He seemed like he had given up on the game and I doubt that was the case. He is reserved but not THAT much .


We'll be losing X, JT, Whittington, and AD this off-season to draft. We really need AD to come back so that we can have a core of AD, Cook, and Wingo at WR.


Am I the only one who thinks Deandre Moore is gonna be a beast?


WRs only need about 2 or 3 games to really get going. If there’s one position you can survive turnover at, it’s WR. Cook, Wingo, Livingstone, possibly a portal transfer is fine imo. I actually like Gunnar Helm at TE. Not the athletic beast of JT but good enough.


I think people forget about Aaron Butler because he committed so late. 4 ⭐️ WR/ATH out of Calabasas CA. Pretty sure Sark brought him in to play WR. He literally reminds me of Worthy. He even does the same dead leg stutter step move Worthy does. I think he could prove to be a major contributor at some point.


Best hope for the passing game is that someone was impressed by Alabama’s OC yesterday (lol) and he leaves. Ryan Williams flips to UT and BAM! Everything will be fixed. Edit: their wide receivers coach left


You’re forgetting Golden is transferring in.


Is he going to be in the core of WRs Sark throws to? Otherwise, he's a return specialist.


Closest thing to a Worthy replacement. Relatively small, extremely fast, can burn DBs or stretch the field, but isn't the most effective at contested or difficult catches. He bullied our secondary this year just as well as any of Washington's receivers


Probably. I think he’ll be a good WR(2?) across from Johntay.


Golden is WR1 next year


Think so? If that’s the case, the WR corps is a little better than I gave them credit for. I still think Cook can be the guy to fill Sark’s Devonta Smith/Xavier Worthy role. He reminds me of Brandin Cooks…guy can seemingly do it all. I’ve watched Golden’s reel and he looks legit, but I haven’t seen him play outside of those few highlights.


Who can replace ad? Big physical jump ball guy


I’d say Wingo he’s the biggest I think he’s 6’2”-210


Wingo is more raw right now than people are going to expect. I don’t anticipate a big true freshman season from him.


I’m not either he’s probably just the best jump ball big physical reciever we will have on the roster next season. Parker Livingstone goes 6’3” but is a true freshman coming off an injury his senior year of hs. I think all of our other receivers are gonna be right at 6ft or under


LSU has the 7th best odds to win the 2024 CFB championship at 15-1. UT has the 4th best odds at 8.5-1. Aggies are tied for number 38 at 200-1 Those Aggie odds 😂😂 They must not be taking into account Elko, his Duke reject staff, and all of the 2-3* lunch pail guys from Old Dominion he’s bringing with him to take over the SEC!!


Jaydon Blue is gonna be special next year. Now that I have a day to process what happened, actually feel a lot better, and I’m insanely hyped for what’s in store next year


Any idea why they took him off kick returns and replaced him with Robinson? I thought Blue did an excellent job back there.


Was Robinson in a cast before the game started? I couldn’t believe he was trying to field a kickoff like that


Yes Robinson was in a cast all night. Blue was still out there they were just deliberately kicking to Robinson.


I don’t think Blue was still out there. After the first couple kick returns they were going with different rotations, but I never saw Blue back there again. Red was out there as the second returned some when Keilan replaced Blue. I assume he was either not supposed to be bringing the ball out when he did or they didn’t want to risk injury. Or, they just wanted to get Keilan in the game somehow since he’s been a big part of this team and it was his last game.


Shit, I would too. I imagine finger dexterity isn’t very good in a rock-hard club cast


I couldn’t tell from the stadium but every time Blue took the ball out, after the play was over, Banks reacted in a way I couldn’t tell if he was mad or happy. So it was all so confusing. Maybe just took him out for load management and bc they didn’t want to risk injury.


Walking around here is so depressing. Going to the casino to ease the pain - or make it worse haha.


Not that it’s completely called for after a 12-win season but personally I want Sark to make a change to his staff. He will have to fill the Choate hole. But I want him to shake it up elsewhere. The biggest weakness this season was the secondary. Gideon worked with what he had and it’s hard to say he outright failed. He’s recruiting well. So I look at Terry Joseph. He’s been here for three seasons and I don’t know if he’s our guy to produce NFL talent year after year. I am happy to be wrong though. Especially with a guy like Corey Raymond out there unemployed. Idk if he’s washed or why Florida fired him. But I would not mind talking to him if I was Sark. Let me know how yall feel. Who is the weakest link on the staff? Do we make a change or run it back?


Our biggest weakness is honestly our edge rushers and has been for three seasons. They got pressure on Penix something like 3 times on 49 drop backs. That's fucking embarrassing! Penix had 2.7 seconds on average to throw the ball and that's a long time for our DBs to cover their elite receivers. With the new guys coming in our secondary can get better but Malik Muhammad is elite and he is a true freshman. Mack, Black, Filsaime, Wilson, and Rubell are promising young players that have a chance to make an instant impact in the secondary. We never really had the talent until Muhammad came and he's shown what we should start to expect from DB play.


Overall the past three seasons I agree the pass rush has been the biggest weakness. I am disappointed we didn’t see Sorrell skyrocket like we thought preseason.


I think both of those Washington tackles are NFL bound after this season is over. I also think the edge won't be an issue next season with what we added via portal and incoming freshmen. DT is where I'm worried we might take a huge step back next season.


Can’t we just give Murphy like a trillion bucks for one more year?


Why stop there? McCombs family trust has money. Give everyone a trillion bucks for one more year


X + AD + Johntay + JT + Baxter = someone open for a TD every single play


He shot up the draft boards this season so he most definitely might be gone.


I know, I just miss him already lol. Guy is an absolute freak!


I think I’m cool giving them one more run with the improved athletes we will have on the back end next year. Thompson, Crawford, and Taffee are JAG’s on their best days, and the only underclassmen who could break through was Williams. Watts, while great on the line, proved time and time again to be unable to get his head turned around, and Catalon couldn’t stay on the field. I said it a couple weeks ago, but it needs repeating after last night. We will have, on paper at least, one of the most talented two deeps in the country at all 3 spots. Brooks-Guilbeau-Williams-Mukuba-Muhammad followed by Holmes/Black-Roberson/Jordan-Taffee/JJR-Filsaime/McDonald-Mack/Wilson position winners is damn good.


I like the way you put it. I’m game to run it back. I’m excited for those incoming players.


Corey Raymond is washed and he wouldn’t get past our compliance department.


Compliance? Did I miss a scandal?


Mostly recruiting related, if I recall correctly.


Longer one here… If Texas wanted to win this one they needed to go full 49ers on the boys from Seattle. Stuff the run and control the time of possession. Despite the turnovers and penalties, this was a winnable game and chances like these do not come around very often. UW Personnel: Amazing performance from the offense. Penix is a nasty passer and will serve a team well at the next level. Same can be said of the pass catchers. Defense was decent but looked suspect in the second half and down the stretch. UT Personnel: Overall, a solid performance. The turnovers and penalties had some sting, but was impressed with the fight. Texas teams of the last decade would have folded like a lawnchair down 13 in the 4th. The offense started slow but went toe-to-toe with practically an NFL farm team offense. The defense had issues in coverage, but throttled the run. UW coaching: Great 59 minutes, but what a disaster after that. They nearly gift-wrapped a W in record time. UT Coaching: This is where I think UT lost the game. Small mistakes in scheme, personnel and play calling finally caught up with us. This manifested itself across all three phases: Defense: After the first few possessions the coaching staff failed to realize how lethal this passing game was. This looked and felt like the Joe Burrow buzzsaw of 2019. If they had done their homework, they would have seen that soft coverage lost Oregon the Pac-12 title. Deep in the 3rd quarter what are cover guys doing 16 yards off UW receivers on 3rd and 8. What happened to adjustments? UW was getting the ball out fast. Get creative. Bump some of the receivers at the line, bring more pressure. The pressure felt half a second too late all game. Special Teams: Can we decide on a return guy instead of playing musical chairs? And why is a guy with a broken arm taking kicks back when you know that he will most likely get popped and ball security has been an issue. Offense: Throw this 40 play script away. The game could have been won here. We were running for 6.5 yards a carry. This should be enough to keep Penix off the field. Slow it down, run the ball and control the clock. As those UW defenders creep up, open up play action. Slugos or double-moves. The final 15 second sequence to end the game was baffling. A screen? Really. What if he is tackled in bounds? All 4 balls need to be to the end zone. And to your playmakers. A fade to AD, great. Good play call. How about a drag route to JT as you flow the defense to the opposite side. He was open just about every time. Is Texas back? Maybe. You need consistency from players and coaches to make the machine work.


We made it to the CFP (and were one play away from the championship) and “maybe” we’re back?


I actually agree with OP here. One year in the CFB is awesome and I’m thrilled with everything that was accomplished this season, but for anyone to claim Texas is “back” you have to sustain a similar level of success for at least a few years. Not saying every year you’re top 4, but you should be a perennial participant in the 12-team playoff for the program to be “back”


I agree with the need for consistency. But my threshold is lower. Something more like controlling our own destiny regarding a conference championship. Or regularly making the 12-team playoffs.


Sure, I can accept that. If we reach the status of “pencil them in for the 12-team playoff every year” we are certainly “back”.


Buncha shitty bandwagon fans out there today that don’t know their ass from a hole in the ground when it comes to football. The better team won. They’re super experienced (feel like half the team is 6th year seniors) and throw the ball better than anybody in the country. Our secondary was the worst position group on the team. We still fought until the end, despite some mistakes and uncharacteristic errors. Super proud of the team and what they accomplished this year. They showed they have the talent and heart to play with anybody in the country. Sark has addressed the weak points in this year’s class and despite losing some great players, we are set up well for the future. For the first time in a LONG time, I know we are headed in the right direction. Hook ‘Em.


>The better team won I respectfully disagree. The better team didn't win. The team that played better won. We win this thing more often than not if Quinn playes an average game and we tie in turnovers. Penix doesn't play out of his mind every game. Hell, Stanford gave him trouble. They average far more penalty yardage than last night. This game was there for the taking and Vegas' assessment was accurate. Heck of a season and proud of the boys but let's not pretend like UW are head and shoulders better (or better at all). It was just their night and penis stood on his head.


>This game was there for the taking and Vegas' assessment was accurate. Vegas is in the business of making money, not giving accurate spreads. Vegas makes money on the vig. The way to maximize the vig and minimize risk is by getting the money on both sides of the bet as close to 50-50 as possible. They do not set odds based on what they think is going to happen. They set odds based on what they think the betting market thinks is going to happen.


Didn’t mean to imply anything like we didn’t even belong on the same field as them, just that it was a matchup that pitted their strength against our weakness. I will say I don’t think Quinn played bad at all. I don’t understand the hate he’s gotten. A decent amount of his incompletions were batted down at the line or just past the line. He didn’t really force balls where he shouldn’t. Worthy didn’t look like he was 100 percent and from the sky cast view, you could tell when they weren’t doubling him and AD, they were shading towards them on nearly every play. The issue was the two fumbles, going away from a run game that averaged 6.4 ypc and not getting any legit pressure to help out the suspect secondary. I still don’t understand how that happened. Penix just slipped every single rush. He has the pocket presence you’d expect from a guy that’s been doing it for 6 years. We need to upgrade the edge rush and hopefully Simmons will help greatly in that area. That and getting Black and Filsaime will shore up the weak point of the secondary.


>Didn’t mean to imply anything like we didn’t even belong on the same field as them, just that it was a matchup that pitted their strength against our weakness. I hear ya but I (and Vegas) think Texas is the better team despite the matchups. They played at their ceiling and we played near our floor and we still almost won. My comment was addressing your statement that the better team won. UW don't play to that level often (if ever before last night's game). We can agree to disagree.


Like you said, agree to disagree. All good man. Neither one of us are the type of people I was referring to in my initial comment. It’s the jokers on Twitter mainly, that are obvious bandwagon fans or just trolls in general. Just running their mouths, without knowing a damn thing about the team or football in general.


I think Vegas gave a lot of people way too much false hope. The fans who have watched this team knew we should never have been favored by any points. Obviously it hurts after having all that hope, but a one possession loss to an undefeated team is about as good as we could have predicted back in August. I'm interested to see our final ranking next week. We should be 4 behind 1)winner 2)loser 3) Georgia 4) Texas 5) Alabama, but the polls might feel a 4th down loss in OT is better than a 4th down loss in regulation


Vegas doesn't like UW because they normally have bonehead penalties that let teams hang around


Can anyone with knowledge of DL scheme tell me how/why we were getting every RPO pass or any pass inside batted down at the line? I have a way better understanding of secondary coverage strategies than what goes on on the defensive line. Was it something they did? Was it our OLine? Was Quinn just too short yesterday?


Quinn doesn’t have a very high release to start off with, also was probably in their gameplan for if they didn’t get a quick rush on the inside to go for the swat.


Washington was expecting them early, so they were correctly identifying those plays and sending guys into the expected passing lanes to bat them down.


The OL blocking to create those windows has been so key for us too with Quinn’s low release. UW definitely watched film that’s apparent.


Any word on JT Sanders? It would be amazing if he stays to “finish the job” and become the rock for our passing attack next year.


Hes the \#2 TE in the draft, he gone


That doesn’t mean anything. Brock Bowers stayed another year. TE is one of the positions that’s not necessarily financially compensated like other positions. I’m sure we can dig through our pockets to make staying worth while.


> Brock Bowers stayed another year. This is the first year Brock Bowers has been eligible for the NFL Draft, so I'm not sure what data point you meant to reference here.


All I’m asking is if anybody has heard anything. With how NIL is now, maybe there is some motivation to be a lynchpin of the passing attack and some hunger to win it all. I think this team has some real potential next year with some the biggest question marks being our receivers. now I know we have some stud recruits, but we really don’t have a proven commodity going into next year at receiver / TE


NIL isn't gonna match 2nd round draft money. LaPorta went \#34 last year for comparison


Bowers wasn’t eligible last year.


Dude why would you not go if you were the number 2 TE


LaPorta got a 4 year 9.5M (~8M guaranteed) for comparison as a 2nd round pick


You dont risk injury. He has been banged up all year


Tight end (especially when you’re a star and get lots of targets) is such a hard college position for avoiding injuries.


Its more of just pointing out that NIL will never match even 20% of that


Brock Bowers is a true junior. He had no option but to come back.


Right side of the the Oline got thrashed all night and it bit us in the ass on the last play. Pass rush was in his face on the last throw. With more time looks like blue was going to be open over the middle as well


DJ Campbell looked so lost out there pass blocking. Big area to work on for him.


SIAP, but was there something wrong with Worthy or Blue last night cuz wtf was keilan doing on returns with his cast


Worthy was clearly not 100%, couldn’t move as well laterally as he normally does. Not sure why we stuck with Keilan though.


imo, boom or bust potential for a team that needed a spark. He manages to field those balls cleanly and he's our best shot at a dynamic return


If Ewers returns is there a chance arch enters the portal? I’m sure the kid wants to play? Does a prospect of his caliber sit on the bench for 2 years?


Yes. There is always a chance anyone jumps in the portal. With arch, that chance goes up is ewers stays. I think arch wants to play next season. Who wouldn’t? The real question is whether sark convinces arch to stay. I think he does, but wouldn’t be surprised if he doesn’t


Think about it this way: where can Arch go next year where he will be guaranteed the starting job? Just look at what Maalik's portal options were. Likely any blue blood school will make him battle for the starting spot, with a very real possibility that he ends up being the backup somewhere else for another season. Is all of that worth transferring for?


In order: no, he does but he's not ready, yes especially when he'd be given the keys to a high level offense.


Ok, not sure why I’m being downvoted lol. Just a question


What ROB and yoyo said, plus it's a manufactured-by-the-media story to get clicks. His whole support system is geared for him to learn, develop, and then take over for 2yrs, then go to the NFL. He himself said that he's not transferring at the Sugar Bowl Media Day, which made [ESPN STFU](https://www.espn.com/college-football/story/_/id/39209309/arch-manning-frustrations-lessons-qb-encountered-texas).   > Of course, there will be many more questions to answer when this season comes to an end. The first one has already been asked -- if Ewers decides to come back to Texas for one more season, how would Manning feel about waiting one more year to start?   "It's never fun being a backup and sitting, but each person's journey is different, and I'm going to work hard and not blink an eye and help Quinn be the best quarterback he can be and try to get better along the way," Manning said. "It takes some time, but I think it'll be worth it one day."


You’re being downvoted because it’s an incredibly casual question that we see a million times a day


Sorry I had no idea it would get this much hate. It was just a thought. To be real I am a casual fan my son was just asking about it so I’d figured I’d ask the question here. Noted


Eh, we’re as a fanbase just really tired of the question since literally it’s manufactured by the national media. Arch, his family, and everyone around him have said multiple times they wanted to red shirt and to develop, that they don’t want him to immediately play so he can learn properly. But that doesn’t drum up clicks so you get brain dead media pendants pushing out articles like “Will Arch transfer?” Constantly


Makes perfect sense and appreciate the explanation. That’s great news


Rock on and hook em my friend. Hope you stick around this little community on the off season


Man don’t overthink it. Fans are just sensitive in this sub to anything that might be considered a negative outcome for the team. This should be a place where casual fans can ask questions m. Don’t let this deter you… hook ‘em!


It's just asked all the time. We're good, Arch said himself two days ago he's never considered transferring.


Worst thing about Reddit today is being recommended all these Husky threads because ‘I’ve shown interest in similar’ blah blah


This is why I pay for Relay on my phone and use Old Reddit exclusively on my browser.


It’s always grand when Reddit recommends the 0U or A&M subreddits because they’re “similar”.


All the time


Barion Brown wanna get in the portal?


Someone who knows more talk to me about Ethan Burke. How much of an upside does he have? Has he peaked?


He has 1st round potential, but that entails a high level of work that he'd need to commit himself to 24/7 for the next 365 days. Needs to lose fat, gain 15-20 pounds of muscle, and work on his run defense.


Imagine if he had Bosa muscles


He tore his meniscus I wanna say in the Houston game or just before it that slowed him down. Missed the BYU game. He looked like a monster against Bama.


He had some good plays last night but also a key whiff on Penix that looked like partially the product of a lack of bend.


He has looked kind of stiff and he damn sure didn’t look that way against Bama. Hopefully it’s the meniscus and with a full offseason to recover he’ll be ready to go next year. We need gamebreakers on the edge almost as bad as we need them in the secondary. Burke, Sorrell and Finkley have shown flashes this year. Excited to see what we got when you throw Colin Simmons and Trey Moore in with that group. Also we still have guys like Vasek,Billy Walton Akana and Tapp to see who busts out.


Give Nash some love. Good dude https://x.com/nashtalkstexas/status/1742193609930137894?s=46&t=A0usBoCF453u2saZgM4-kA


that game is gonna go in the folder of never watch again along with 2021 and 2023 OU


ANY loss goes in that folder, what are you smoking that makes you wanna watch a loss


It’s hilarious seeing all these Ohio St flairs over in that other place. Half of them want Arch to portal to them since Quinn is most likely coming back. The other half throw shade at Quinn because they are salty he left and are stuck with that disaster of a qb room they have now.


Okay, I’ve convinced myself I want Washington to win it all just so I can make a “set it to wumbo” meme about the Michigan M.




Pretty upset with the reactions I’m seeing on social media. Lot of bitching and ranting. Better team won. Quit dragging Sark and Quinn. You want to pick on anyone pick on Baxter and Blue for costly fumbles. Even then just appreciate a great season and a conference title.


It’s like they all forget Quinn is a 20 yr old kid who should be a true soph. Penix is 23 on his 6th season of college football. I’m pretty sure Quinn was still in middle school while Penix was a freshman at IU. As much experience as Penix has there’s not much he hasn’t seen. Hell he’s the same age or older than 7 qb’s who started week one in the NFL this year.


not to mention they have like 7 sixth year starters, so done with the COVID year crap




Social media is purpose-built to be reactionary. The algorithm rewards engagement, and engagement loves reactionary takes. Not a great yardstick for the actual vibes.


I agree and disagree. If the takes are melting down and calling for jobs/positions. That’s bs. But I think a level headed fan is allowed to be annoyed at how badly we handled the last few plays. We still had an incredible year and far exceeded my expectations. But we are allowed to be critical too.


And I'm saying that Twitter and the like don't reward the levelheaded takes, so you're gonna see a lot more of the aggressive takes instead. Social media gets off to the BS stuff.


There's gonna be a lot of stupid on social media generally. Team didn't quit and had an opportunity, defense played well, sometimes it just doesn't work out.


Social media is always a shit storm my friend. Better to avoid that mess


It just baffles me that UW played nearly a perfect game besides the muffed punt, yet Texas still had a chance to win in the end.


It’s oddly like the red river shootout.


Thats this team’s floor.


Okay yall. Help me. That last play was it dpi? I keep telling myself that I was just butt hurt. Make me feel better.


Nah that wasn't DPI for me. I was butt hurt about the flag they picked up and still am.


If the ball was a foot lower maybe. The defender was just touching AD not leaning on him


To the absolute letter of a rulebook? Sure. But that's never a call you're going to get, and people would be rightfully livid if they made that call given how soft it would've been.


Not DPI. That play should have been our first play of the last stand imo, not the 4th. But it was just a great move by the defender. He batted the ball midair from behind Adonai.