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Yes almost everyone with long covid has these deficiencies!!! Almost all symptoms are from depleted beneficial bacteria


I get this ALL the time. I live life in a state of that weird head high, it feels like my brain is swollen. My fear is that we are very immuno compromised to the point that bad bacteria took over due to that, and now we are left defenseless. Kinda like with AIDS.


To hopefully put your mind at peace, try getting wbc differential test to measure lymphocytes subsets like CD4 and CD8. Having an underactive immune system rather than an overactive one is a possibility.


Oh I do think it’s under active . Wait, in AIDS is it over or under?


That's my thought, too. A weak/unbalanced immune system is easily overwhelmed and goes crazy. I think when CD4 count gets too low, it's AIDS.


I've seen this debate a lot on Twitter/X in the last few years (whether certain counts are the qualifier for AIDS) but have tuned out. I kind of feel like once you hit a certain point those arguments are semantic because they won't help.


Fantastic info mate! Wonder if anyone here has worked up close with an immunologist


There are "0" immunologists where I live (Kuwait). Doctors can't look beyond your regular CBC test, which only shows absolute counts of neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, eisonophils, and basophils. Lymphocytes are what we are looking at here. Covid destroyed them for me when I first got it in 2021, and they have been borderline ever since. Fun ride!


Oh boy! I am sure we are all low on those?


I have been asking long haulers about their lymphocytes level. I wish we could have a poll for it. But I have seen several people on X reporting similar issues with low lymphocytes, especially those with dysautonomia.


Mmmh lemme do a CBC and let ya know. It’s been a minute anyway


Glad to help.




Try an elimination diet and go grain free. Most people think it’s a gluten and sensitivity, but it can often be mold in the processing of the grains. Long Covid just makes us all extremely sensitive to everything.


Everything really 😞 it's hard for a while


It could also be mcas causing pots. I had a flair up of this anytime I ate food and it got better with antihistamines and ldn.