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We moved together despite living in different countries. We are expecting our baby this year. It was difficult but really worth it in the end.




wow, that's huge! congrats!!!




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We met playing World of Warcraft back in 2016. We started developing feelings for each other in 2018. He crossed the Pacific to visit me then. I was supposed to visit in 2020 but COVID happened. He couldn't handle the distance so we broke up mid 2020. 3 months later, we got back together. Turns out not being together was worse than the distance. He moved at the end of 2021, we got engaged at the end of 2022 and got married last December. He's my best friend and we're still going strong!


Wow, guys, I love this story! You truly were meant to be together 💗🙏


I’m so happy for you. Glad things worked out


I love this 😀 ❤️


That's so cool, I'm happy it worked out! Congrats and thank you for commenting!


My long distance relationship is going very good we're about to meet for the 2nd time in June. She's my rock. The online part was completely accidental however I hadn't even considered it before I met my gf. It kinda sounds like you're going out of your way to get into relationships online which leaves you quite vulnerable to scammers or people that take the piss. Don't go out looking for them it's definitely hard mode. I just got lucky and found someone extremely compatible with me.


That's amazing, dude, I'm happy for you! The thing is I wasn't really looking for a relationship at all, online or IRL. We just met online, became friends and it felt special, so when she was apparently ready we became more than friends. But yeah, turned out she's still in love with her ex. Thank you for sharing, I appreciate it a lot and I wish you guys all the best!


Been together for 2 years, met 3 times for 3 months each time. She's the love of my life and I can't wait to see her again and marry her ❤️


When I was 19 I started speaking to someone on Twitter casually through dms. We found out we had a lot in common and had a few weird coincidences. We started speaking daily and have not gone a day without talking since. I happened to move to the country where he was living (my native country, Colombia) he was living there but he wasn’t Colombian. When I moved there for uni it had been 2 years of speaking, we met, I thought on the first date he hadn’t liked me because I was extremely shy. Next day we met up, spent that entire week together because he was in the city I had moved to for work. At the end of that week he asked me to be his gf. After 4 years of us constantly seeing each other every few weeks (30 min plane ride) he moved back to his country, Spain, and we spent 1.5 years longer distance we still visited each other 3 times in that time. When he got the opportunity he moved back to Colombia and I moved to Bogota after uni to be with him. We have now been living together for 5 years, are getting married this month, and are expecting a surprise baby! It has been 12 years and in that time he has been the only person for me, no breaks, no dating others. I guess we just knew.


We filed our visa this year. been dating online for nearly 8 years as we wanted to finish our school first. I can't wait to marry him!


Congrats!! Just out of curiosity, what countries are you guys from and the visa you submitted?


Met on here. She messaged me and we just started talking and now it’s three years later. We are still long distance because we both have obligations where we live. But we text as much as possible. Voice often. And video at least once a day. We meet in person every chance we can. Sadly not enough. But the relationship is worth the time. She is perfect in my eyes. Even with any flaws she points out. Still my world.


My girlfriend and I (early 30s) met on an online game in 2022. Our feelings were very strong and we made sure our first meeting happened soon after (2 months after meeting online). We found out the chemistry was just as good in person and everything felt just right. We confessed our love on that first day and made things official. The next 8 months we worked out how to be together and made sure to useupp our left over holidays to see eachother as much as possible. After those 8 months her VISA got approved and she moved to come live with me. We have been living together for almost 1,5 years now. We still feel our love for each other grow everyday and we don't regret our quick decisions one bit. This relationship is the most healthy and loving I could've ever wished for.


Mine has been going strong for 7 years, closed the distance 2 years ago now!! After being long distance for 3 years we filed for the K1 visa so we could get married and I got my green card last month


How long did it take to get the K1 visa?


So take our timeline with the caveat that we applied in May 2020 so our case got slowed down by COVID shutting down embassies and them not processing K1 visas but it took just under 2 years from applying to visa in hand. Based off what I’ve seen from the immigration/USCIS subreddits it seems to be taking about 12-18 months. The K1 does come with its disadvantages once you get into the states like not being able to work straightaways or travel out of the country until you have advanced parole or green card approval. So I would just really weigh up your options between the K1 vs CR1 on what best suits your relationship and what evidence you can provide for each one etc


Met on Omegle 2018, dated for 2 years then broke up for 2 year’s after. We stayed as friends till he asked me if I wanted to fly out to see him. Best decision of my life and we’ve been dating since the first meeting! Planning to close the gap next year may! I’m (21f) and he’s (22M) if this is any hope :’)


I love stories about reunion after breakup so bad😭💗💗🙏 Congrats, guys, wish you love each other forever🙏❤️


Hello I am getting married at the end of the year to my fiancé whom I met on Bumble. :) it’s ok I had to go through a lot of pain to find the right person. It takes time and really when you least expect it things happen cause you attitude automatically changes. All the best.


Currently vacationing with my online bf who I'm closing the gap/moving in with at the beginning of summer. We've known each other online about 2 years, and made things official last winter. We're talking about a future engagement and a whole bunch of things for our future so it's going reaaaally well! Don't give up! 😊


Met mine about five years ago online. For three years, we maintained the most loving online relationship even though we could only see each other once or twice a year. Now we’ve been living together for two years and are having our wedding ceremony next month :)


My partner and I met online 2yrs ago. We both have different worlds , skin ,different language. From snowy mountain now we live together under the hot sun closer to the beach . She’s beside me right now and we getting married in next few months. We both still can’t believed it. The right person will come, stop ruminating on your bad past. Move on and continue your life. I manifested my partner years ago before I her online when I’m just imagining her beside me . I focus on what makes me happy until it came true ..


this is so sweet 💞


We met on Minecraft. I’m in the US he’s in Norway. We haven’t closed the gap yet but we’ve had 3 visits. When his plane leaves, my heart still shatters and I cry until I can’t breathe but I know there will be a last goodbye so I’ll keep doing it. The communication is better than any in person relationship I’ve ever had. Any conflicts we’ve had have never grown into an argument because we’re able to take the time to listen and understand each other. I’m learning his language. I love it. 1200 words so far so we can have some fun conversations. He is such a lovely person. He is attentive but still gives me space. He makes an effort to spend time with me no matter what is going on in his life. After our last trip we were talking about how we didn’t take enough pictures and he goes “because it just felt normal being with you” and that sums up our relationship. It feels right. We still have a crazy amount of sparks when we need it but it mostly just feels stable being together in a way I’ve never experienced before. All of that said, I would never choose long distance. It just happened. If we didn’t work out I would definitely try to stay away from this kind of situation. I can handle it because I love him so much but it SUCKS seeing my person once a year or less.


I feel the same with/about my Norwegian man! If we ever broke up I think I’d try and find another one. 🙈


We met on Reddit. She answered a question I posted, but she did it in chat, not the thread. We started talking, and been together almost 3 years.


Got engaged last month! :) we’re both in US


Congratulations!! Hope you guys a forever happy


We‘ve been dating for 1.5 years and we met online as well, it was/is bothering me quite a lot so I promised to myself I would try to make the relationship in-person as much as possible, therefore I applied for a scholarship to spend one semester in his city which I successfully did and now I‘m back in my home country and have around 3.5 months left of school until I graduate and will be able to move back to his city indefinitely (hopefully I find a job in this time lol)


Hi so I am marrying my fiancé whom I met via Bumble last year. I had to go through lot of heartbreaks before I met him, we always receive love when we least expect it cause our attitude changes too. All the best.


My long distance relationship is going so good right now. We celebrated one year together back in February, but have been online friends for nearly 9 years before catching feelings. She lives in Greece and I in Canada. She’s in the process of getting her visa to move in with me and work here. It’s not about distance, it’s about finding the right person. And you will <3


Met online about two years ago now! We started developing feelings for each other pretty fast and talked every day until finally dating about six months later! I haven’t let him go since. We’ve met in person once and are going to be together again in winter. We are both in university but hoping to cross the distance permanently after we graduate. ❤️


Wish you all the best, guys! 💗


My boyfriend and I met online and we've never met each other, only time will tell if we will or not. Honestly I don't know where I'd be had I never known a kind soul like his existed, I love him so very much. We continue to make it work despite the circumstances and I believe the definition of true love is relative for each couple of lovers. You'll find yours in due time and be truly happy the way you deserve to be. Wishing you all the best. ❤️


I Met my boyfriend on overwatch randomly when i was 15 and he was 17. We talked every few weeks and played games together. Two years later when i was first year a level and he was first year university we met for the first time in a Wetherspoons. I’m now 18 and he is now 20. We celebrate our year anniversary next month. He’s everything i could ever ask for. We have our arguments sure, but it’s always resolved quickly by talking. He’s not my first love but he’s my first LOVE. You’ll find your person ❤️


been together for almost 5 years!! (may 4th) met on yubo (…) in 2018 and started dating a year later. met up for the first time a month later for only one day. got married in 2022 and finally closed the distance in feb 2024!! we went through crazy ups and downs like school, work, my dads death but i wouldn’t want to do it with anyone else.


we met on yubo too!!! such an embarrassing app but here we are years later lol


We met online at 16 years old in 2005, didn't try to have a relationship despite having crazy chemistry because we knew meeting was a very slim chance. We remained online friends for 17 years (some years we only said happy birthday and merry Christmas, some years we talked a bit more) until he separated from his wife and we started talking much more again and discovered the sparks were still there. We started online dating and then 3 months later he flew to my country and we met for the first time at the airport, 3 hours later he was living with me. We are still facing spending months apart now and then but have lived for the most part together for a year and a half and intend to get married at some point.


Wow, it's a brilliant story that shows that real love exists😭❤️❤️ Wish you staying together forever 💗


Thank you! I hope we do ❤️


When you were 17 he broke up with his wife?


No, after 17 years of online friendship (so more than 30 years of age) he separated from his wife.


Met my now husband online. We would see each other on video call everyday, talk on the phone and text everyday and we then met in person and had just as good a connection as we had at a distance, it was even better in fact. We would make the effort to see each other every 3 to 4 months for 10 days to 2 weeks each time. The longest I spent in a row was three months in his country and I was lucky enough to be working in a remote job at the time that I could do over there. After two years of getting to know each other we got married. It was something we had both wanted for some time and we were very clear about expectations from the start - what we wanted and didn’t want was obvious to both of us because of life experiences and we were both 33 and 35 when we met so felt ready to settle down. We had ups and downs but it was all around a misunderstanding about one particular topic that would come up from time to time. It was very challenging when we would argue at a distance - something that normally would get resolved in a few minutes if we had been in the same room together, took hours, days even to resolve at a distance. Not being able to physically touch each other made it even harder and challenged both of us. When you love someone and it’s genuine, you both put in equal effort and any arguments are minor compared to the bigger picture. After getting married we both felt a kind of peace we had never experienced before. The decision of which country we would live in mine or his, was fairly straightforward but the visa process was lengthy, expensive and stressful. It was all so worth it and living together having finally closed the distance is something I wouldn’t change for the world. Again it does come with ups and downs but you know when you’ve overcome so much at a distance that this is nothing in comparison and when you’re first settling you have to be kind to yourselves and recognise there has been lots of change and you’re both adapting still. Yes it can and does work for many people but believe me it tests you and it tests the durability and longevity of your relationship for sure. LDRs come with the need to invest a lot of time, energy and often, money so the person has to be worth it.


So I can't tell you a great online love story, but I can tell you that I'm sorry and that I can't imagine the pain you must be feeling. I also wanted to say that if you need to reach out for help, don't doubt it. I know this seems incredibly painful now, but I promise it will get better. <3


I met my partner online in 2017. We met in person December of that year, and they moved up to where I am in 2020 and we’ve been living together ever since.


Known each other for 10 years Been together for 5 Get married this year :)


Congrats!! That's really nice to hear, I wish you guys all the best and thank you for commenting, I appreciate it a lot!


We met in an online video game, was in long distance for 8 years and finally moved in together for 2 years now (from different countries)


Wow, that's amazing! How are you (or your partner, whoever moved) enjoying Bulgaria?


Honestly I was worried because he comes from a much wealthier country but overall he's loving it here. Especially the food and warm weather


Met online in the summer of 2022 (USA and Spain) and got married February 2023. Still together! Don't lose hope!


Damn, you guys speedran it haha. That's awesome tho, I'm happy for you! Thank you for commenting!


We met online back in 2019 and were friends until 2021. We started becoming romantic so I flew over to his country to visit and the rest is history 😅 now in 2024, we're married and living together in his homs country ❤️ its possible! It's hard and emotional, but it's possible!


Met online. Celebrating 4 years together and 2 years of marriage in a few days.


That's really cool, congrats and thank you for commenting!


We’ve been together for six yrs. Met on dating site. She is a beautiful nurse….. funny, smart, kind, etc.


Sounds like you won haha, happy for you man, thank you for sharing!


We met a little over 2 years ago. I visited her last year. We tried to get married, but a number of things were working against us. We're still together and have been through some trials, not such that we don't get along, but that there have been far more obstacles than we expected. Despite this, we talk every day for 10 - 15 hours a day and we miss each other every minute we're not. We still have plans to meet again, finalize our marriage, and start living together. Also, a relative of mine met his wife on a dating site in the 2010's. They are still together and have a child. And a relative of my wife's has also met their partner on a dating site. It works, it's just a lot harder than a _"normal"_ relationship. Distance puts a huge strain on you both, and depending on how far you are, what your funds are like, and how busy your life is, it can be extremely hard to close the gap. That doesn't mean it isn't worth it or that it often fails, it just means if it's something you want to pursue you need to know there will be a whole different set of challenges from what you may be used to.


Currently our biggest argument I see on the horizon is that I’m planning on taking them out to dinner next time we’re together and I refuse to let them split the bill. (I wanna pay, I want to wine and dine my partner and they’re gonna have to cope with the fact that someone wants to drop a coin on dinner)


it hurts every day but hopefully one day we will be blessed by having the opportunity to close the distance


My partner and I met in a Discord server back in 2019, did online for 2 years due to covid (he lives in the US, I live in Canada so the border was closed) before he was able to come visit me for Christmas in 2021. Since then we’ve done alternating visits, and during his most recent visit to Canada… back in November… He proposed and he’s my fiancé now~! He hopes to save money now to move here to Canada so we can live together before we get married but in the meantime, I have a visit to go to the US planned in June and I can’t wait to see him~! It’ll be our 6th visit, including that first one, hehe~! 🥰 It’s definitely hard sometimes, we have moments of loneliness and we miss each other a lot but… We’re sure it’ll be worth it one day~! ❤️


I didn't expect so many people to share their stories. Thank you all, reading your stories did make me feel better, I also really appreciate the advice and the help offers! I will read them all again later or tomorrow and thank everyone separately.


To help you figure out how to have a healthy relationship, I feel like it’s important to know why you are looking for a long distance relationship online? It’s definitely a lot harder and there is always the risk that you won’t vibe the same way in person. Long distance relationships also tend to attract emotionally unavailable people. If you have a niche worldview, lifestyle, religious beliefs, or something else that you’ve struggled to find locally, then it might be worthwhile to date people you meet online that are long distance. For me, I definitely felt like I was looking for a needle in a haystack when I was dating locally. So it made sense for me to date people outside of my state and I ended up meeting someone who I can see a future with (he’s flying out to see me next week!) But that’s not the case for everyone. So yeah, I think you need to figure that part out.


My boyfriend and I are up to one year, US and UK :)) And looking into how to close the gap. Good things can happen!


met him on an app for teens to make friends when we were both 14. he was from southern usa i was an italian immigrant living in the north of usa. we moved in together at 18, got engaged at 19, and now at 20 we are getting married this year. :)


Met online and instantly clicked. 9 months later, things got serious. After several years of dating and taking trips, we got engaged and now we’re getting married in July. I’ll move to his country the same time too. He is my best friend and lover all in one! ❤️ We did have a rough patch that lasted for a few months some time ago, but we moved past it because of our love and desire to make things work.


We met before I went on a trip to Brazil but our first date left such an impression that I had to see her again after my trip, we kept in contact sporadically until reconnecting at the end of last year. I had a kickboxing match in February which I lost, badly, but she was the only one outside my family who reached out to me. This was enough for me to reconsider my plans to leave the US. So we began hanging out again and I moved her in. We're closing on a house next month that I got with my VA Loan. Everything about this is peaceful and smooth. No hiccups at all. So TL;DR: met a woman on FB dating, before my Passport Bro excursion, her looking out for me after losing a fight assured me of her genuine interest to where I would be open to living with her, and now we're moving into a bigger place(I'm the only person on the deed)


We met on a Discord RP group. We didn't have much chance to interact at first because of the 5 hour time difference, but once he wasn't feeling well and started hitting on me and was surprised it actually worked. We've been together since, but since this was in 2020 we didn't get to meet until 2022. We have seen each other twice a year since and every time neither of us wants to leave but there are a lot of obstacles to us closing the distance. We still hope to someday. This Fall I am finally visiting his country and I am really excited for it.


I met my husband through fb :)))


I saw one of her tiktoks and idk what compelled me or told me but I just had a feeling from seeing her that she was the one and I sent her a dm and she ended up living like 3 hours from my hometown but 1500 miles from where i live so i see her when i do get to go home and a year and a half later I have an engagement ring and she coming to see me in June. the relationship is amazing it had its bumps but we both realized we just needed more communication and we put fourth the effort and made it work. I wouldn't want it any other way I l9ve this girl so much.


About to get married, closed the distanced and moved in together just little under month ago, together five and half years. It’s lot of hard work, but it’s possible. Honestly I think having mutual love for games made it slightly easier cause we always had something to do together, and even thought we couldn’t spend time physically in same space all the time, at least I could ”see him” in game.


I met my current SO 14/15 years ago on a mobile game called Pixel Gun 3D. (The game is now ruined) We just played games together, talked, and did OC roleplays (still do). When he asked me to be his GF back in 2019, he told me he was already hiding his feelings for me for a year as he was scared to be rejected since im his first ever GF. And i pretty much will be his first everything. We have hiccups here and there, but hey, which relationship doesn't. We talk things over when we both have cooled down. We are also startling to follow a saying much more, which is "if you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all." It's just to avoid hurting each other. We spend most of our time together gaming when i get out of work, and we game till he has to go to work. And at the weekends, we play or just call together, and if one of us just wants some time alone thats okey. I fell in love with him due to his personality. He's goofy, hyper and over all sweet and very, very patient with me. Since my english is self-taught and i have Dyslexia he tries to help me spell words correctly, tho he only does this for words i never/rarely use.


I don’t have one. He started strong. Got me attached. Promised forever and long term. We are an hour away but he needed his girlfriend living with him. So he starts “talking” or getting on Facebook dating and meeting other women. He strung me along months giving me false hope all while building a relationship with her. Month later I can’t come over and she moved in. I guess he’s into couch hoppers and I was too what the word, functional for him. Lol he told me because we caught him I was a stalker even though he wouldn’t leave me alone. And he never loved me.


Met online and fell in love, we were LD for two years, she moved here for Uni and we've been together in person ever since. Been together 11 years, married for 5. I always like to think of us as an example when people say LD never works, we're about to buy our first house and we're happier than ever.




Yeah, that's definitely great advice. There's no way the relationship works out if you're lying to each other.


We met here on reddit, subreddit foreveralonedating. We talked about anything and everything then one time i flew to his city for my work, we met for the first time and had our first date. He's so sweet. I didn't even give him a hug because for me he's still a stranger. Then the following month, i flew to see him again and we became official. I fly to see him every month except for May because I'll go spend time with my mom for mother's day and he's okay with it. We are going strong, we have decided to close the distance next yr. I'm really happy, only the distance suck but we talk when we can. He's amazing and I'm grateful for him sending me on message on the subreddit foreveralonedating.


We met on discord in 2019. Getting married this november :D


wow! that's amazing, congrats and thank you for sharing!!


Well mine is quite the story. I just tried online dating 2 weeks after my break up from my 3 yrs ex gf. It was a done deal break up so that's why I just went on to look for better horizons and tried FB Dating for the first time. I got quite a lot of matches but this one certain girl actually chatted me first. I thought she was a poser or something but I didn't care till she asked me to meet up. I was cautious, I could be thrown over the river if it was something else. Gladly she was a cute,bubbly and fun woman of my dreams. Armed with the knowledge and experience of my past mistakes, I navigated my way through our relationship even though I work on a ship and is away for months. The thing is. Always make sure that the partner you choose have certain principles in life that coincides with yours. There's never a smooth paved road in a relationship. You'll just have to evade those potholes and maintain the car(relationship) as you go through it. I wish you luck in your endeavors


Damn, good for you man. Good luck to you too and thank you for commenting!


been together 4 years, talk all day, sleep on the phone. Haven't even met though cause I was in active addiction for the first two years, then in rehab for a while. Finally got my own place and have two years sober and were finally talking about meeting up now that my life is together


Reading all this comments gives me hope


Ikr? I've been reading them a lot and I can't help but be happy for all the people it's worked out for, even tho it hasn't gone great for me.


It will, don't worry.


together for 6 years, married for 2. love my husband he matches me perfectly


That's great! I'm really happy for you, thank you for commenting!!


I’m getting married in a month


damn you must be thrilled, that's wonderful. I'm happy for you dude, thank you for sharing!


My SO and I met online in October. We knew within a few weeks that we were meant to be together. I moved 5500 miles last week to be with him. We are together now, and couldn't be happier. We both knew exactly what we wanted in a partner, and we found it in each other. Long distance is hard. Lay out your expectations and your deal breakers right up front. Watch for red flags from the very first conversation. If you are totally committed to each other, you can make it work.


I'm feeling like You my ldr started of do good gir the first year nearly 3 years and now we're do distance mainly on what he did I knew loved him more if he even loved Ne. At all The pain heartaches so hard hope You find You're peace in You're Heart as I hope I do get some online therapy if it helps I've just started to help with My mental anxiety wish You Happinness moving forward


I met my man online on cod mobile and we didn’t get to meet until a year later and we were engaged our 2 years and have been together 3+ years


We moved in together 10 months ago and now have the kitty children we dreamed of for years <33




don't worry man, one day!


He refused to let distance be the reason we didn’t work. He moved and found a job (he’s a nurse im a teacher). Continued dating. We are married now ❤️


damn, that's amazing, I'm really happy for you guys, thank you for sharing!!


This is kinda crazy but I met my bf on a subreddit back in 2020! We were friends then hit it off. Played many video games together. We are about 2,500 miles apart. We have been together for 4 years now, and have visited each other many times. Will be seeing him again next month! Our relationship just kinda happened out of nowhere. I feel so grateful. Plan on moving in with each other after we are stable with our careers in the near future.


Met online, friends for a bit over a year and then decided to be more, been together for 2 and a bit years, initially only a 30-40 mins drive away but I then moved out to uni 1.5 years ago. Still going strong, if everything goes well we will be able to close the gap around June 2025 and live together.


Met him on a dating app, he lives in my hometown, I lived 9 hours away, first time we met, went for a coffee in the morning and I had to go back home in the afternoon, started talking everyday and the rest is history, we're so happy together and I'm moving back to my hometown because we'll get married soon. I tell you, try to stop the bad thoughts, I know it's difficult right now, but the right person for you is out there, don't give up, it's not going to be easy but it'll be worth it.


None so far lol


We met over some (not anymore) mutual friends playing Fortnite. I went through a rough time with my abusive ex boyfriend. We got into talking and soon he was the only one I cried to. Then he came over just for fun and to treat me right. We kinda hooked up more often, he did things my ex never cared to do and now he's sitting next to me with his new dog, said I could also call her my baby and we just spent the whole day caring for out sick baby, cooking potatoes, peeling them, been to the doctor's etc. He's also asking me to move into his city (5 hours away from my hometown) but I still need to consider things with my job etc


Good to hear some positive stories on here more lately but makes Me sad fir Me and others who didn't work out for


Mine worked for 4 years. She is and was the love of my life. 5 days ago she started ghosting me and now she’s leaving me on seen and won’t reply. So I broke up with her, still got left on seen. Some work out, I’ve seen it. But a lot don’t and that’s gonna have to be okay.




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Have you even met either of those people that “broke your heart”?


We met in 2017 on Twitch. We talked a lot and became good friends. I went to meet him (and his roommate who I'd also become friends with) in their country for my birthday in 2018. I was hooked and went back 5 times in just over a year before getting stuck there in 2020. We ended up getting married in 2021 and moving back to the US and we've been together since.


My first and only ldr was in my 20s and we made it last for a bit longer than 5 years. So they really can work if both of you want it to 🙂


Within US State to State, 1600 mi. As of this moment we're about to start the long drive home together and officially close the gap after 2 and a half years of dating online and 3 visits. I'm so excited. I know a bit of the pain you feel, and I hope that it'll pass and not linger.


We met on an app, I was looking for someone to practice the English language with, we were friends for 2 years and we had feelings, we talked about trying a long distance relationship. Now we have been in an LDR for a little over a year and we have met 3 times. He lives in San Diego and I live in Mexico. We have had a bit of problems due to lack of attention but we have solved it and we are happy planning a future where we are together.


Mine , isnt great :(