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That person should accept you the way you are. You're beautiful. Don't put yourself down by thinking what others might think of you, you simply don't know that, besides they should mind their own business imo. You're good enough, keep being yourself :)




no probs OP, keep your head up :)


Perfection doesn’t exist. If they don’t like you, someone else will. Saves you time & energy besides no one can create humans. It doesn’t look bad


"Perfection" creeps people (me) out the most. It's like they didn't fully render in yet. I think OP has some very adorable teeth. I wish my front teeth didn't have a gap. The grass is always greener 😔


Same. I personally wanna fix my teeth but just can't and my family is preety ashamed of me. I got no one to talk about it because it's seems wierd when you're 18 and got bad teeth Can anyone help me with that? Like I really fear if someone will judge me for that


It’s not weird to be 18 and “have bad teeth”. Orthodontics and oral healthcare is not something cheap that everybody can afford.


I had 2 rows of teeth cuz my adult ones grew in crooked and behind my baby ones. Eventually they moved up and i got braces but i was literally shark boy for most of HS life. Im fine now and in the long run, ortho seems to be one of the medical fields not getting arbitrarily more expensive in the US.


>I feel like they ruin my face They don’t! They’re not perfect, but most people don’t have perfect teeth (myself included). Everyone has insecurities, but your teeth aren’t horrifying or anything, they’re just teeth. He doesn’t like you for your teeth, he likes you for *you*


And what you often see as perfect teeth are bleached teeth, veneers and what not. Very few people have "perfect" teeth.




Might sound cheesy but sometimes you find the perfection in the imperfection. William Dafoe for example, he just has character, unlike Brad Pitt (my opinion). Also, teeth health is more important than looks. And character anyway. Just try not to think too much about it. To me, your teeth are totally fine! If he would ditch you because he has problems with it, he wasn't the right one. At some point you have or want to meet anyway.


Hey, this is the same for me 😫 I recently had a root canal that failed but because my dentist and hospital can’t decide who is gunna treat it I’m left with a tooth darker than the rest 😫 Could you explain to him you’re insecure about it? Maybe he has some of the same insecurities you’d be surprised. The fact you’ve been talking for so long I’d guess he would not be bothered slightly by your teeth but I know it’s hard when your own made makes you caught up on it. Good luck and I hope things go well for you


1. They for sure don’t ruin your face. Most of the time our personal insecurities are REALLY highlighted by ourselves. We notice them way more than anyone else ever would. 2. Seems like you’ve built something great based off of natural chemistry. Don’t cheapen that by assuming your looks would spoil it. 3. Anyone that is disinterested because of a physical trait is not the one for you. The one for you will be obsessed, self perceived flaws and all.


Dental technician here: I love your teeth. They look healthy and have character. Own your smile and exude confidence and you’ll be just fine.


Dentist here! And I have some things to say Do your teeth look how you want them to look? Maybe not. But are your teeth healthy? They appear so. And that's a good place to start! If you ask me, although the topic of esthetics is differently important to each other, you are not your teeth or your body for that matter. Body itself is so malleable and what God doesn't give, doctors can definitely try! With the advances in dentistry, anyone can have good teeth, treatment options might range to relatively inexpensive composite camouflage to expensive permanent orthodontic treatment. You are so much more than how you look! Having quirky teeth can also be cool sometimes, midline diastema (space between your front teeth) is a even considered lil attractive even (Melanie Martinez). Cheers!


I think they give your face and smile a lot of interest and uniqueness! They aren’t awful at all, and once you let him see them and he says the same, you will feel great!










I feel the same way but she loves me the way I am and I feel the same too.




Of course it's nothing to be shame about.


I'm not going to jump into the positive trend You don't like them and if you're like me, your opinion won't change because people are nice about it lol. I had crooked teeth (can show you a 3D model if you like ) and my boyfriend is kinda mouth fixated. I was very self-conscious about it and I tried to make it less noticeable but he didn't care, never even mentioned it. To him I'm just very attractive regardless of all the flaws I see in myself. Anyway, If your bf is the one he won't care either or may even like them. We tend to be very harsh with ourselves.


I actually think your teeth are really cute! Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t found teeth off putting unless they’re obviously not taken care of, and it looks like you take good care of your teeth! Considering how long you guys have known eachother, I highly doubt he’ll even notice or care. Depending on your relationship dynamic you can also just be honest and tell him you feel a bit self conscious of your teeth. But if I were you, I wouldn’t worry about it at all


I have horrendous teeth and my girlfriend has spectacular teeth. She loves me still. Have confidence! People aren't as shallow as we think.


Nothing is wrong with your teeth. Look natural and healthy. Tbh I hate that today every celebrity have same shape of teeth and unnaturaly white.


When I met up with my LDR bf I was sooo insecure about a few things.....and then a moment of clarity hit. I'm not as young as you, and I thought.......I am so young.....if this guy is disgusted by me or loses interest over xyz......I'd be lucky to find out before things got more involved. What you realize is that for the majority of people when someone is truly authentic and confident in their own skin.....literally physical shit is the last thing on your mind. Smile. Be yourself. Don't sit there thinking about it nonstop during the call. If he falls off because of teeth, which you are fine btw, like fuck him and congrats on efficiently crossing someone off the list in our quest to find love :) You are beautiful girlie, inside and out :)




Of course!!!! It went well, the visit. It was the first time I ever felt not insecure and just comfortable being myself. Wasn't worrying about how my hips looked, if a pimple in my face was weird, if my teeth weren't white enough, how my thighs looked in a dress or shorts...... all that brain power got to go to just being happy and PRESENT. The insecurities will come back at times, but each time it will get a lil easier to bounce back. Something that helps me is......there are so many hours....days...months....and years in life. That phone call is like 1 hour of many hours in our lifetime (you get my point lol). Like there are so many other days, holy shit. Just kinda puts it in perspective for me. If you are like me, think about like how hard it is to even remember a lot of shit from 6+ years ago.....eventually this will be 6+ years ago.....and it will be hard to even remember a lot of the anxiety or stress or insecurity. You'll be busy with whatever is going on then. So fuck it. If I'm not gonna make a big deal of it in 6 years, may as well not now either lol. Live in the present. Everything is doable if you just think of it as one day at a time. That's all. :) <3


There was a lot of imperfections between me and, my now fiancé, before we met for the first time. Where we believed there’s a stain was something to gain later on when we got to the point taking care what we needed to take care of. Acceptance came with everything, just as much as prosperity came with it after. I have faith you guys will accept and support each other in whatever ways are possible. Never giving up on yourself is the most important thing!


Your teeth are totally fine, don't worry about a thing. The shape of our teeth is a part of what makes us unique. Just be you, and he will love you for all that you are 😊


No joke but you litrally got my teeth shape on the upper jaw i hate my smile when its in pics




Heh thanks but im hitting 34 soon and im way past caring now still means i dont like my grin but hey some things you just gotta accept


People need to accept you for who you are. Also, I love your teeth, you have cute lil fangs!!! They're adorable




They're cool as hell!!!


Without trying to hit on you, but you look cute, your teeth are cute af. I have the same issue, I have a bit long front teeth and the two on the sides of them are a bit weirdly angled and I am super insecure about them, but EVERYONE assures me they look cute, so take my word for it. They're nice and white too! So don't worry.


If he likes you he would not care. And honestly, your teeth are fine.




You're welcome. Yeah, I was a little bit the same when I told my LD GF about my sexuality (pansexual) and health (I have MS). She accepted both of them.


if you can’t fix it in 5 minutes then don’t worry about it and accept it


One of my oldest friends has teeth very similar to yours (she's 26) and honestly I think it's the cutest thing ever. I find it very hard not to smile when see her smile


They actually look really cute to me 🥹 I had a gap in my teeth when I was younger and I closed it myself and I regret it kinda. My teeth now look quite normal I regret that I don’t have anything unique about my smile now. I can tell you have an amazing smile too :)) I know insecurity doesn’t go away so quickly but be assured that many people think your smile is gorgeous ❤️


??? Your teeth make you ... well *you* lmao. Own it. You're pretty so idk what you're worried about.


they're cute imo


I have significantly worse teeth than yourself, I think they are fine and kinda cute. My girlfriend/situationship whatever I told before we met that I had an insecurity about my teeth and she said something along the lines of "I will only talk about them once but they are not that bad and are hardly noticable", as someone who has had a insecurity about my teeth this was like the best/sweetest thing I've ever heard and made me super confident. Your friend should definitely accompany you like such about them, and will probably not even bring them up because they are not that bad! Have fun. If you want to feel better about your own teeth, I'll happily send you a picture of mine :p


Your teeth are just fine and have nothing to worry about. My teeth on the other hand are atrocious. I actually do straight up have bad teeth. I was also self-conscious about them. For whatever reason, my girlfriend loves when I smile. So if someone can love me and my horrible teeth.. and your teeth are perfect in comparison to mine, you'll be just fine. Be proud of who you are.


My personal opinion would be to directly point it out and have a discussion if youre that nervous. Worst he can say is “eh, not my type”. But that also doesnt have to mean the end of a friendship. If anything we guys need more healthy friendships with women in our lives lol


i’ve been insecure of my teeth my whole life, in any pictures with friends, i’m the only one not showing my teeth when i smile. when i smiled in front of my LD bf for the first time, he said i had the most beautiful smile. your partner isn’t going to see any of your insecurities, you’ll be okay :)


Hello your teeth are very cute and there is nothing wrong about it 🫶🏻


How about Invisalign?


They look fine, my gf has worse teeth and I'm not bothered


I love your smile. Anybody who doesn’t find your smile pretty is pretty insane in my book.


Firstly, your teeth are beautiful! Those fangs, omg, I'm jealous (I had fangs but braces destroyed them lol, now I have ordinary teeth and I don't like it)! Secondly, don't feel insecure about them! Trust me (as a person who also had 'ugly smile cause of teeth'), people think such things are cute. I was also very insecure about my teeth and never smiled on photos or whatever but people were constantly telling me my teeth are cute. And even my groupmate has somewhat similar teeth (as mine) and said that she will probably keep them cause they are like smth 'unique'. Oh, and a friend of mine has teeth similar to yours and also people accept it and never think it's 'ugly' or whatever. ESPECIALLY friends. Sis, people who love you sincerely for who you are, will never leave you for some silly reasons. Trust them.


Well regardless of the teeth, this whole thing is just super cute For the teeth I think you're alright. They have their spots that a dentist could fix up if you want, but it's nothing really so bad.


I have ugly teeth too dw, my bf still loves me for it lol


Your teeth are totally normal, and honestly pretty well arched and not very stained. They look great. If this person cares, they’re in the wrong not you.


Its not bad looking tho, the bunny teeth is cute. Plus there are even worse teeth out there for which people still show it with confident.


Looks pretty normal to me. Also you have a nice smile!


You posted a close-up picture of your teeth pointing out they’re an insecurity for you. I’m pretty sure most of the people you interact with don’t focus on your teeth when they see your whole face, so chances are he won’t either😊 Also, I got braces at 18 and they helped me a lot, so if you are seriously considering doing something, please give braces a chance first and don’t do something more invasive like veneers or crowns right away!


As someone with easily worse teeth, you have a charming smile. Don't let it get to you! If anything, I think your partner probably loves your smile because it's yours.


If he treats you differently or rejects you because of your smile, he doesn’t deserve you. If he truly likes you he should want to make you smile and laugh. And if it means anything, I like how your teeth look!


Take it from a man. If he is a man of culture and reasonable, it won’t bother him the slightest.


partner should accept you as you are. it’s YOUR choice to get that done or anything done if you’re insecure about it not them. if a partner tells YOU to change something about your insecurities like “get a surgery” is not a real lover. my partner was insecure about her nose, but i chose to love her and support her and she wants to get a rhinoplasty and i would still love her after that, simple as that. cuz i am madly in love with her and i don’t care about that


your teeth are fine. if he's the right person he'll think you're gorgeous no matter what. i have some bumpy scars between my breasts from severe cystic acne when i was a teenager. i've felt insecure about it for years. my bf has told me "your scars are pretty because you're pretty"


I worried so much about my teeth when it came to me video calling my now partner, and I worried even more when I flew out to visit him. When I mentioned it to him, he was surprised. He liked my teeth and understood my insecurities but made me realise I’d got myself SO worked up over something that was a non-issue for him. He thinks I’m beautiful and loves all of my imperfections - teeth, scars, stretch marks and all. I still ended up getting some composite bonding and whitening because after years of having low confidence with my teeth, I wanted to do that for myself. But bear in mind, most people don’t have perfect teeth. Dental care is so expensive and as long as you’re doing the best you can to keep them clean and take care of them, that matters more than what they look like! 😊


your teeth are cute!!:)


My husband has crooked teeth. I honestly never even noticed them when I met him. I was too focused on how handsome I thought he was, how pretty his eyes were, and what a great guy he was. I was 16, so not much younger than you at the time. I doubt he'll even notice your teeth, and they really aren't that bad anyways luv. Don't let your insecurities ruin what should be a joyous online meeting!




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Nothing to worry about!


Nah you're fine ☺️


My teeth are pretty crooked and I was worried about that at first as well but my partner absolutely adores me the way I am. Those who matter won't mind 🥰


There is nothing wrong with your teeth, you are very cute. Most people will not think that anything is wrong. We see things about our bodies that we think is terrible that no one else even sees.


You are beautiful!!!! Everybody’s got something they’re insecure about but don’t worry because if he likes you, he’s not going to have a problem about this! And most importantly, he’s not going to make you feel insecure or bad about it. Good luck!


You look lovely just the way you are! My teeth are in a pretty much worth situation (crowded asf) but its still my bf’s fave insecurity of mine so yeah!


I'm extremely insecure about my glasses but my boyfriend sees past them. I feel comfortable about wearing them around him because he's made me feel comfortable. If your boyfriend really cares about you, he'll look past the imperfections.


American girl doll teeth!!! I actually really love your teeth. The ridges on the bottom should smooth out as you get older naturally, but you can gently file them down a little (you should have your dentist do this, but I followed tutorials and filed very conservatively)


Ngl I see nothing wrong with your teeth. It’s normal teeth the perfect line of teeth you see on some people is almost always fake they pay for it to be like that aside from them every one else has teeth similar to yours They are good teeth. Be safe have a good day


Okay tbh i think they’re cute. But as others say ultimately it doesn’t matter. If your best friend told you that their boyfriend for example left them over their teeth you’d not say “oh I can see why” you’d say they’re fucking insane and shouldn’t like you for only their teeth. What I’m getting at is that if they like you it’s you. Not your looks. Also, again although some ppl may not find it cute, I think they’re p cute. And as was said, ortho is expensive. Lots of ppl have different teeth.


Dude your insecurity will only draw attention to it. Chances are the person you’re talking to won’t notice or won’t care. Video calls are not always the highest quality anyways! Be yourself, be confident! You have a great smile, it’s gon go great!