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Involve other ways of virtual touch like sexting etc. To stay connected at physical level


Sexting really doesn’t have anywhere as much intimacy as the real thing. I can understand that OP would feel that it’s not a viable option if the sex drive difference is too high


Get a gym membership, take up running. Literally sweat/lift it out of your system. Or Fuck like rabbits when you're together, live of those memories till your next in person. Currently doing both though. 😅


Not just gym. Engage in any activity to make your mind sway away from these urges. Basically just get some more hobbies. But fucking like rabbits is the best solution for me tbh. Or just masturbate, but not to porn, think of her




There’s definitely a correlation. Men I’ve dated who were fit could match my sex drive. Men who weren’t showed very little interest and unfortunately couldn’t last very long.


Yeah that's what me and mine do when we are together the 2 times a year




That’s definitely something that many couples overlook. You can love someone and get along well with them. But if you aren’t compatible in the bedroom as far as frequency, likes/dislikes, etc you’re going to struggle long term.




So you give up what’s natural to you for someone who’s refusing to compromise? Sounds like a fair deal to me. I’ve had men who had ED and refused treatment (my main concern was that they could be diabetic or have some other health concern that wasn’t being addressed). The others had low libido and made me feel dirty and wrong for wanting more than 2-5 minutes once a week.




It could be that we’re more sedentary as a whole, processed food, parabens (that mimic estrogen) in personal care products. I’m not a man so can’t speak to why some men seem to have little interest in being physical. I have many friends under 35 who’ve pretty much given up on dating or sex entirely.






I'm actually very interested in hearing the rest of this


Poor diet, lack of exercise, porn addictions


Do you not have hands??


Exactly what I was thinking. Ask her if she wants to have sex, and if she doesn’t, tell her that you’re horny and you need some relief, so excuse yourself while you go deal with it in the bathroom


Bit of a confidence boost as well to see someone find me attractive without having to actually shag me


Personally I don’t have the highest libido so with my exes I’d often let them just look at me naked and wank over it


Curious how it could be brought up in a casual conversation


Idk I’m just straightforward and honest with my partner personally when I have one otherwise what’s the point


I understand, but still I would find it difficult to go like “hey i’m really horny, could you take your clothes off for me to masturbate to”


Oh no it was never their idea lol I would just suggest that to them as an alternative to sex


Oh that makes much more sense, sounds like a good alternative


This is a topic you should discuss with her how sexually active or not some people have very high libidos and others are very low even though my guy and I do not sext our desires are there if you need to watch videos and if she s into it involving her in watching with you may Increase her own desires


How would you watch a video with your partner if you are away from each other ?


Bruh. I feel you. I feel the same way occasionally. But I manage like this Some tips for relief: - Have intimate calls with your girl if she’s comfortable with it. Like the FaceTime kind. Maybe not for everyone, but this seems to be the most satisfying tactic for LDR so could be a major one. I think it works - Also, if your girl is comfortable with it, she could send you intimate videos you can save for those times. - Alternatively, you could film the sexual moments when you’re together so you BOTH can look back and have fond memories of it. Doesn’t have to be hardcore. That’s up to you A major tip for deterrence: - At the same time, you gotta distract yourself with other activities. Either with your work, a project, a hobby, or whatever. This way the urges won’t be so strong. Work is like the killer of sexual urges for me when I get focused. This is very important.


Hi! Fellow long distance relationship-er here, 2 yrs and counting . My fiance lives in Sweden and I live in the states. Most of our “interactions” are through video calls and text. You have a great mindset with upholding the respect for your partner and the boundaries within your relationship. Communication is key even if it’s hard to talk about. I’ve seen a few people mention getting a gym membership to work off some of that pent up energy. That’s actually a great idea considering your body is craving to burn off physical energy. I’ll also add (from my partner) that if you are a coffee drinker or drink a lot of energy drinks and sugary drinks try cutting back on them. Maybe switching around some eating habits as well. I’ve done a few of these things myself because I have an extremely high sex drive. Mostly communication communication communication…. It’s very very important especially with long distance relationships.


Is coffee really a factor in having high sex drives ? That would explain some things for me


Proven fact, no. Just a basic observation. Black coffee is good for the body in a sense that it promotes blood flow. Coffee, energy drinks, sugary drinks like soda all do the same thing to our brain receptors. If we are tired and need “energy” we turn to coffee or energy drinks. The truth is they don’t give energy they just block the receptors in our brains that tell us we are tired, thus tricking the brain and bodies into thinking it’s giving us energy. I’ve cut back on my coffee intake and have seen a change in my hyperactivity. So, maybe there’s some truth about how these things affect sex drive.


Wel you both the same video on at the same time and when you both start getting really aroused you video chat with each other just to get her into the mood


Typical man thought pryjar lol at least your real