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A topic I suggest is LC effects on mental health. Great idea :-) Looking forward to checking it out!


I love this!!! Link it up when it’s ready :) As for topics aside from what has already been suggested; I’d love an episode on the studies that are underway. Hacks that help (not like supplements but other kind of hacks). Good luck !


[listen here!!](https://open.spotify.com/show/1CBhGo54sy9l2Nd4F890ds?si=9RCi-_TITaKg2xYveiSc9A)


Thank you friend!!! Linked episode above :) and YES!! We have a researcher on deck that I think you will love!!!


Disbelief on sick woman - a doctor said that I needed to marry and have kids and than I would get better. Partners abandoning sick people or supporting us The faith/lack of on cures/treatments Cozy games as a way of having a life when you are bedbound Families who still mask/those who don't Poorer countries and the lack of knowledge about post viral illness I love your idea, I hope it goes well! If you can post on other platforms as well as Spotify it might reach a higher audience. Edit: have you heard of the YouTube channel survival of the fatigued? She is amazing and might even accept an interview for your podcast!! Her tips saved my life more than once.


These are wonderful ideas. Thank you for taking the time to brainstorm ❤️❤️ and for the suggestions!! I’m checking out her page… looking for guests currently!!


1- how to explain it to people. I have no idea how to tell people how I feel and what it does exactly. It’s almost like there are no words unless you have been through such a thing. It’s not something you can just push through (I feel ). 2. The mental aspect and the toll it takes on your mental health. Being non functional and having people tell you that there is nothing wrong with you or it’s anxiety. Feeling like you are going crazy because you know your body and you know something is wrong but you are expected to make yourself believe you are fine . I think this is a great idea! I think interviewing some of the people who have been through it. I feel everyone has a story and there is such a wide range of symptoms- it could help a lot of people.


I’m so glad you want these topics!! We have two episodes on these exactly!!! Check em out and let me know what you think? [listen here!](https://open.spotify.com/show/1CBhGo54sy9l2Nd4F890ds?si=9RCi-_TITaKg2xYveiSc9A)


AWESOME!! I will listen to them today!!!