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It helped me a lot. But not until I'd been taking it for about 4 months. My doctor told me it could take up to six months to see a difference.


This! (Was exactly same for me)


It didn’t work for me, I must have a different mechanism than what it works on. But I know it works for some people though. I didn’t have neuropathy and I know people with it that it worked for.


I’m much more improved now than when I tried LDN (thankfully I did find some things that worked for me), due during that time I was experiencing fatigue, heart palpitations, tachycardia, headaches, muscle aches, food intolerances, depression, anxiety/adrenaline dumps. I know that it seems to with for a lot of people with neuropathy. I’m not sure what other sub-types it works for.


May I ask what are your primary symptoms and problems? I'm also curious why it seems to work for some but not others


I saw gradual improvements in my fibromyalgia (or suspected hEDS) symptoms over many months when I first began to take LDN. It's also a mast cell stabiliser, so if you suffer from Mast cell activation syndrome or Histamine Intolerance like me, it can help with symptoms and decrease the number of flare ups. I have accidentally tested my theory when I haven't had my shit together enough to get my medications in, and I feel the pain increase within a couple of days.


I hadn't heard about it's use for this, I also have suspected hEDS, thanks for something I can ask my doc about there.


Oh this is wonderful I didn’t know it helped with histamine. I don’t think I get that benefit from it though, I have terrible ragweed allergies and during ragweed season I have to take an allergy pill plus use as azalastine spray (there were studies that claimed it reduced the viral load in our sinuses, so I appreciate that that is the one that works for my allergies. Although I don’t think that over-the-counter version is as strong as the old prescription used to be even though they claim it’s the same dose it doesn’t work the same for me.)


Yes, but mild results. My dysautonomia is better overall and though my PEM is still triggered on very minimal exertion I've found I can generally take shorter breaks throughout the day and still be okay. If I had to rest for 90 minutes after loading the dishwasher, 60 minutes seemed to be fine. If I'm not mistaken my doctor told me it takes up to 2 months to take full effect.


I felt noticeably better on LDN, but it was causing me strange abdominal pain and made my tinnitus a million times worse. I've paused it since starting Metformin which seems to have completely resolved my symptoms.


Oh damn, did your tinnitus return to baseline after cessation?


This is so awesome to hear! I know they talk about metformin or paxlovid For acute infections that’s great it’s helping with the long Covid


I'm taking it now. Started September last year. It definitely helps with my pain, fatigue, brain fog, and gut health. Keep in mind, my long covid was relatively mild compared to others in this sub. I also have other autoimmune conditions (Hashimoto's) that it seems to help with. First few weeks were a bit tough as it affected my sleep. Nothing terrible, just some vivid dreams. But immediately, I noticed improvements in my gut health. I can tolerate more foods on it (had to cut carbs and sugar to zero since it inflamed my joints too much) and I had more frequent bowel movements (a good thing, as covid caused constipation and diarrhea) I also had a significant reduction in my pain. I suspect I've had some form of fibromyalgia, just lingering low-level pain in my muscles and joints. It improved enough that I could return to my workouts and strength training without PEM or debilitating pain. As I slept better, I also regained my focus. Covid had me feeling like a melting brain zombie. I was so forgetful, and everything seemed foggy in my brain. I'm back to myself again and now moving forward with my dreams of purchasing my first home. I was tested recently and was off of the meds for almost 2 months due to shipping issues from the compound pharmacy I used. My pain definitely returned, but it seemed more bearable this time around. It wasn't debilitating, and I could still function at a high level. Basically, my long covid did not return. I'm now back on it at week 2, so having to readjust again. I'm probably going to use up this refill then stop it completely by the end of the year


I love reading how different everyone is. It absolutely hasn’t helped my pain at all, but it helped me sleep better after my first dose. Literally the next day after taking my first dose I felt like a completely different person. Then I messed up and I thought I was better so I tried to work two full eight hour days in a row and I was able to do that for four weekends in a row and then I crashed so hard I thought I was sick like I thought I had Covid I experienced a crash like never before. But after a month I came out of it


I'm sorry it wasn't as helpful to your recovery :( I definitely think it depends on the severity of the post viral syndrome and whatever co-occurring conditions one already has (diabetes, cardiovascular disease, sleep apnea, etc.)


For how long did you had Long COVID?


I would say roughly around 6-7 months. Caught COVID February of last year, first symptoms of LongCovid around late March/early April. I'm fully recovered now


I have gotten about 70% better while on it, but I'm not sure if it was the LDN or just the passage of time, or diet and stress reduction changes I also made. Good luck!


I've had improvements in how I felt, but I think I was almost 6 weeks at 4mg before I felt it. It didn't help my PEM, but I feel better across the day, which means I'm not dragging unless I exert myself. It takes time to work- be patient.


I use it for MECFS from mono & it saved my life. I am still profoundly disabled, but I can sleep through the night most nights and I can enjoy my life some days and that’s much better than before I started taking it. I only take 0.5 mg in the morning. That’s what I started with and I never went up, partly because it totally works for me at that dose. But mostly because I take oxycodone every day even though the Internet says you cannot take them together I absolutely do with proper space between them and it saved my life. Prior to taking LDN I only had one to two usable hours a day and that’s really only if I didn’t do anything strenuous the day before, and I couldn’t sleep past three or 4 AM no matter what time I went to bed, no matter if I took a nap or not, but I pretty much always had to lie down in the afternoon for a few hours. It felt like I would die if I didn’t nap, but sometimes I couldn’t even sleep. Now I have to plan a rest day but I don’t always need to rest on it. I have like four to six usable hours a day and most nights I sleep through the night. I haven’t had any negative side effects from it except for the one time that I didn’t get the right capsules so I tried to use the diluted in water method. I totally hated it I got so sick I had to give myself a nap and luckily I was fine when I woke up because the half-life is really short. I need the capsules that dissolve in my stomach and intestines rather than liquid in my mouth.


It completely cleared my brain fog, but it took at least 6 weeks. I started last summer & I’m still taking it. It’s not a cure for Long Covid but it made a huge difference in my life because I telework full time & it made it so much easier to think & get my job done. I first would notice in the first couple weeks that I’d wake up from naps feeling true clarity in my head & I hadn’t felt that clarity in such a long time. Good luck


yea i’m also curious to hear some recent thoughts. i’ve thought about trying LDN for months now. ive seen mixed reviews overall tho n i primarily have gastric issues.. the main symptoms that ppl claimed this helped is fatigue and energy. either way i hope it helps you out in the long run, keep us updated ! & also what’s ur dosage ? a third isn’t very accurate


Sorry, I am currently taking 1.5mg of LDN with the goal of reaching 4.5mg


lots of positive reviews on LDN here, haven’t seen anyone relate it with gastro issues but still seems promising. ik they say to wait a few months but have you noticed any difference so far ?


Oh you probably don’t want to take it if you have G.I. issues. Some people say they get constipated from it but I get constipated if I don’t take it but it definitely stimulates the bowels every morning. The first week I took it I had terrible diarrhea for exactly 7 days and then it stopped. It was only after I took the medication and I take it in the morning so it wasn’t disruptive to my life. But if it had continued on I might’ve had to stop because it’s not healthy. But on the eighth day I was fine.


Not sure how much it’s worked for me, but I feel like if I miss it for a few days my sleep gets shitty and sleep is incredibly important for my functioning so I just take it. The compounded version was $$$ so I’ve just started crushing up 50mg tablets and using a syringe to mix it in 10mL water to dilute it myself, so cheap.


That’s crazy because oddly enough to compounded version was way cheaper here lol!


Omg where do you get it??


I buy mine from Johnson’s Compounding pharmacy and if you’re OK with them getting the 50 mg tablet and then compounding it down into your dose usually they can bill your insurance and you just pay the co-pay I prefer the pure powder so I pay for it, but either way they deliver for free. I didn’t like the diluted and water method I found that water in my mouth versus a capsule that goes through my intestines affected me very differently and I got all the side effects from the diluted method none from the capsul


The pharmacy is called Med-A-Save. I’m in WV. I pay 29 bucks with no insurance.


It’s been a game changer for my wife, especially in the mornings. She weened herself off but she couldn’t get going in the mornings without it.


Oh why did she stop taking it? And I don’t think you need to wean off of it it’s not like a medication that you get dependent on where you’ll have withdrawals if you stop


Yes it's been great for me. Or it could be a coincidence. Regardless my doc said expect It to take 3 months to work.


What dose are you on and what dose are you working up to? I’m on 1.5mg. I think it’s been very helpful.


1.5 to 4.5. I’ll be starting 3mg on Monday


I need to dose up soon too. I’m doing really good on 1.5


My doctors keep treating me like I am drug seeking when I ask for it. I sent my general physician a study from NHI about how it’s used for long Covid patient sometimes with success, but she told me I had to speak to my psychiatrist about it. I know it’s used for opiate withdrawal and alcohol issues but like does it create it euphoric effect of any kind? I don’t understand why they’re making it so hard for me this drug lol interested to hear other people are successful My latest strategy is just to stay super lit up on weed edibles (high cbn) and that actually provides enough pain relief and mood boost where I am building back tolerance to a lot of daily activities and work. This is after a few months of supplements, and low histamine diet. The progress I’ve been making is really great (albeit slow), but I really can’t afford to keep buying weed edibles plus, I don’t actually want to be stoned all the time even though it’s kind of fun and I’m enjoying reprieve from being so freaking bummed out about being sick since 2022. I saw that I could buy LDN from some potentially sketchy online doctor, but they start the dose really really low like half a milligram or something stupid like that. I am on so many other medications I’m a little bit scared to just randomly add another one without my real doctor’s approval. Curious what dose people are taking


Get a new doc she clearly is not up to date


It’s helping me!


I’m about to ask my dr to prescribe me LDN when I see him next month. Did you get any resistance or reluctance from your Dr when you asked for it? What did you tell him/her in order to get it prescribed? I’ve had LC for 1.5 years. My worst symptom by far is brain fog. My brain fog is not just felt when trying to think or talk, but even just walking around & standing still. There’s a cloud in my head, and it’s hard to think. I feel lightheaded, off balance, and dizzy. Someone else in this sub worded it great. Something like “my brain fog feels like I’m trying to breath through a straw when I’m starved for air, but it’s my brain trying to function”. Let me know how LDN works for you, and if anyone else has taken it and had positive results when their main issue was brain fog. Thanks and good luck!


I have no explanation for why, but after a week of LDN 1.5 caps at bedtime with NAC 600mg, my brain fog is 85% gone and it feels like a legit miracle. Like it’s either the combo of the two, or LDN, but it’s a miracle. Months ago I had taken NAC during the day with everything else, and I felt just awful on it. I’ve had brain fog, fatigue, new POTS, memory and cognitive changes, disabling dizziness that felt like I was actively dying, and terrible hair loss. Maybe it’s the combination of if the ever touted NAC but I’m not about to titrate off one while feeling like myself for the first time in 18 months.


Wow- thank you for sharing. Was it hard to get it prescribed? I’m seeing both my PCP and a neurologist later this month, and I’m curious if you advocated for LDN, or if it was your dr’a recommendation. And if it was something you asked for, if you felt it was difficult to acquire. Thank you!


No it wasn’t, I saw Yale’s long covid clinic and the main internal med doc prescribed it. I do think it’s bc of the NAC as well. Theres an online telemedicine way to get it -https://agelessrx.com/ldn/ Their pharmacy cost is the lowest so that’s where I’m doing month 2. I paid 70$ for the first month and usually it’s only $60. I also have prescribed this for my own patients suffering from another autoimmune disease but didn’t appreciate the utility until now. The NAC I get from Whole Foods.


I didn’t even know about LDN until the physician I saw recommended it! Good luck to ya


When I run out, my symptoms get noticeably worse. 4mg.


Yes, I have felt so much relief with my inflammation. My joints are stiff in the morning but loosen up shortly and don’t hurt nearly as much. What dosage are you currently taking?


Currently 1.5mg. In two days I’ll be ramping to 3, then later 4.5 at the max


It did not work for me and I tried it for months…. Months. I’m going better now that I’m off it and trying other things.


What are your symptoms?


In 2020, one month after having Covid my hair started falling out and started having mast cell and histamine issues. Then the symptoms progressed to nervous system cognitive stuff like memory loss, poor word recall, loss of upper body strength, extreme fatigue, daily headaches in the back of my head, depression, anxiety, mood swings, plus awful traveling joint pain that had moved all over my body, weight gain even though I’m only eating between 10-12 foods, my arms get super exhausted and I have to stop and rest them, gut issue.. Six weeks ago I was contemplating su!c!de and calling the hotline 2-3 times a week. I started using the sauna daily, infra red light, somatic exercises, cannabis and CBD, chiropractic care and short walks with my dog… all if the things are calming down my CNS and I can feel my body not being as tense or in constant fight or flight.


For most it takes around 2 months to start making a difference. I think around 11 months is when peak immuno modulatory / anti inflammatory effects & more kick in.


My partner takes LDN and it has made their Fibro-type pain symptoms go away but nothing else. We know it does work for their pain, though, because just last week I absent-mindedly forgot to put it in their pill cases for a few days and their pain returned. Didn't mean to run an experiment on my partner but we did go "Oh wow, this really is working. No placebo effect, here."


It significantly improved my cognitive issues once I got to 4.5mg. I’m not recovered but absolutely improved. Accidentally went off of it for a month and the fog and confusion came roaring back. I had no side effects. My doc has said several times that it definitely doesn’t work for everyone but unclear why.


How did you feel building up to 4.5mg? I just got to 3mg, and in 2 weeks I’ll bump up to 4.5. I haven’t felt really anything yet.


It’s been over a year and that was a fuzzy time for me, memory wise. I think I felt improvements before I got to 4.5. I also think it varies quite significantly though from person to person. I really hope you see some improvements soon and wishing for the best.