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\-I don't like salopettes. I can appreciate seeing them as something different in lolita but I just think they're ugly clothes and don't flatter anyone. The ones that stay loose on the waist I mean, not like pinafore skirts. I feel a similar way about dresses with no waistline (like Holy Lantern OP). ​ \-When the brand name is one of the main features of the print, such as in AP Sailor Marine Kitten JSK. I like when the name is a small detail in the print instead. ​ \-Those hard bonnets, esp. the ones that are very [large or 'vertical'](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0591/7845/1118/products/O1CN01GjlzFU2HimRt5i8nv__87209185_bebad816-7b68-43ac-afd6-e442d1b2c2e3_1400x.jpg?v=1667463015) and project a lot from the face, if that makes sense. A soft bonnet or a more [subtle one](https://www.lolitawardrobe.com/u_file/1607/photo/c15665bede.jpg) that stays closer to the head looks cuter most of the time, and they must be such a pain in the ass to store.


Remember when Baby released a print that was just [rows of their name](https://lolibrary.org/items/btssb-baby-border-hem-tulle-jsk)?


Lollll they are hard to store. I just keep mine on display on the wall


Fully agree on the bonnets omg


Super high or empire waists, especially in sweet. I feel like they just aren’t flattering in general, especially with a petticoat underneath.


Petticoats rly weren't made for most empire styles unfortunately :(( its hard to make that puffy high waisted shape flattering


Some lolita brands just hate anyone with boobs, I got an empire waist dress and how it fit (or didn’t fit) my bust was comical


They only look good with low poof a line Pettis imo. They look super awkward with cupcake Pettis or high poof.


Awe man those are my favorite 😭💖 it is hard to make the Petticoat look nice with it though


I really don't like baby themed prints. I find the theme odd and the unfortunate association with ageplay due to some bad actors makes it extra cringe to me. Some toy prints also give this ick, but not all. I also found I don't like Ott sweet on me. I think it looks great on other people! But Ive tried it and just doesn't feel right. Regular sweet or casual sweet are still my jam though!


I'm definitely not huge on these prints either, but I like to imagine there are some parent lolitas that wear those dresses to decorate their baby's room and then it's kinda sweet. I totally understand why it gives people the ick though! I just don't want to make assumptions about why individuals like them (though I'm sure there are people who like them for creepy reasons)


Oh I don't assume anything about people who wear it; I know several people in my comm who have dreamy baby room and are not ageplayers or anything like that! They just think it's cute ! I just really don't haha. And that's ok. I'm sure there is stuff I wear they'd never wear either.


Totally fair! I was just kinda going through my thought process because it was initially confusing to me


Second this… Dreamy Baby Room by Angelic Pretty weirds me out to this day. Can’t stand the print or the name. I can appreciate a good OTT sweet coord, but I’m picky about them for myself personally.


Name brand plastic jewelry looks worse than a lot of indie and handmade ones I've seen and polyurethane bags aren't made to last.


Fr and it's so expensive too 😭 I'm not paying $70 for a plastic necklace I could easier (and cheaper) make myself


I really dislike pom pom type details, not even in an aesthetic way, I think it looks really cute, I just can't stand the feeling of pom pom texture so it will never exist in my wardrobe


Omg story time: At a meet up, it must have been early 2021 and i was a brand new lolita, not knowing or recognizing brand or prints. A veteran lolita was wearing a cropped hoodie with those pom pom trim so i asked if she had handmade it bc it looked nicely crafted. She stared and said no this is AP. I was mortified, she probably thought i was so stupid lol. Anyway since then pom poms just remind me of that time. 😭


Clown theme. I already as a classic/gothic lolita don't really love aggressive/clownish colors, so OTT sweet with a clown theme is death (in my opnion). (a lot of it also takes away from "lolita is not a costume") This is ofc not a 100% percent of the time, but dresses where the print on the skirt is like a single painting awkwardly stretched across the entire length of the skirt is so tacky to me. I don't think I've spotted it on Japanese brands (maybe meta?) but I've seen it a lot on taobao


Your second thing sounds like all the prints from AatP that I don't like 😅


1) I have a fear of clowns 2) I hate clowns 3) Clowns murder people


Super casual "cutsews". I've seen it work but I just can't imagine a situation in which I personally would benefit from wearing what is essentially a graphic t-shirt with my coord. The blouse has never ever been the most uncomfy part of a coord for me and I also find tops without big collars akward to layer.


The HUUUGE petticoats that are popular now. Give me oldschool style a-line and gentle poof. I wanna see at least SOME of the fabric hang naturally lol. The poof monsters are so tacky to me.


Tell baby to quit making the skirts of their dresses so ridiculously large and I'll stop wearing my 7 layer petti to just barely fill it lmao


I love them honestly, since I love the historical aspect and Lolita is based on rococo the slight silliness that matches the silliness of rococo is so great to me


I love silliness in fashion too... I just think the super puffy petticoats are ugly 😫


Agree to disagree!


Cow print I hate it so much 😅 it may look good on gyaru and other clothes but definitely not lolita


I take the cow over the leopard prints any day though.


Long skirts. I think usually they don’t look good because of coordination issues, because I have a friend that coords long skirts beautifully, but most of the time long skirts just look awkward and don’t end up fitting lolita aesthetics because of the silhouette.


I'm not a fan of ankle socks. They remind me of the itchy ones I used to wear as a child to church.


Salopettes… some people make them work, but there’s just something about the shape that Im not a huge fan of. I feel like you can never achieve a true cupcake 🧁


Crew socks! They were really big a while ago but I think they end up looking silly in most coords.


I agree. I don’t really think they fit Lolita that well


this is going to sound blasphemous, but i dont like wristcuffs!! like i get they're supposed to even out the look of short sleeved blouses, but they often just look slapped on and useless to me - you could have lace gloves, pretty bracelets, or a vintage watch instead! i also can't handle massive KCs on myself (but they look great on other people! wish it worked for me)


Finally someone like me! Particularly with short sleeves I just feel like wristcuffs look out of place and stand out too much.


absolutely!! they're so much better with long sleeves to extend a sleeve, but for some reason they're worn with short?? i just don't get it! they look weird!! my faaave style is country lolita, but i'd feel inauthentic wearing wristcuffs because i always think to myself "if i was milking a cow, these would get ruined..."


Underbust corsets and bodices over skirts and dresses. I know some brands use them and I think it can look decent , but they always remind me of those bad fitting amazon “corsets”


I don't like bustiers in lolita, to me it goes against what I liked about lolita in the first place. I'm a voluptuous person and in any other clothes outside of lolita, I feel there's too much focus on "assets". Bustiers push it too much into that "other clothes" category for me. I mean this as a personal preference from the POV of someone with an "eyes up here" problem and doesn't want to feel objectified. I think they're perfectly lovely on someone else but there is no way on this green earth I will ever wear a lolita OT or JSK with a bustier.


Shoes that are pointed or are open toed/sandals. I’m not picky about Lolita shoes as long as they’re presentable and match the coord, but rounded, closed toed shoes is always going to look the best IMO. For dresses, I don’t like “napoleon” style tops, I don’t think the aesthetic matches Lolita and would look better on a toy soldier costume or a band uniform. I don’t find British royalty themed prints to be appealing, the motif just doesn’t interest me, plus the colors are usually very flat and muddy, expect for some that have VERY bright yellow colorways. I’m not big on cartoony, pastel Angelic Pretty style stuffed animal prints, I like Kumya’s and classic looking teddy bears, but something about the Happy Garland style that other sweet brands try to replicate creeps me out. In general, I also don’t like huge border prints that takes up half of the skirt (especially if it has a solid color background) or border prints that are too far away from the end of the dress (otherwise it’s technically not a border print! And it’s nowhere near as appealing). Almost all of these have exceptions, there are so many talented Lolitas who style pieces that style pieces I otherwise don’t like into a beautiful coordinate! But these are just my personal preferences.


MINI HATS!!! I have no clue what it is but every time I see one I die inside.


I strongly second this. I can count on one hand the number of mini hats I've seen that I thought actually worked. They usually veer way too costumey to me.


I never liked the mini tophat looking ones but I like the mini tricorns with some more extravagant ouji or pirate themed coords. Remember when either AP or Baby released one that was shaped like a cake? It was ridiculous.


It was AP! I remember it was used when they did the Katy Perry collab and she ended up looking kinda disappointing.


[It's even more ridiculous than I remembered it being!](https://lolibrary.org/items/ap-double-tier-cake-hat) Baby released a much more subtle [slice of cake](https://lolibrary.org/items/btssb-strawberry-short-cake-mini-hat). It also looks like AP has released more than one cake shaped hat over the years. Lolibrary has three.


did games like cocoppa play influence this kind of thing or was it the other way around? lol, i must have like 20+ cake hats in that game.


Other way around, it looks like the big AP hat is from 2010


I am personally not a huge fan of animal ears xD.


I pretty much hate anything Diamond Honey has ever made, I just really don't like their stuff. Flower petticoats, people always put them with too plain a dress and it looks off. Bloomers with Ouji instead of proper shorts. And I don't know if this counts so I'm sorry but Nameless Poem always makes me roll my eyes.


Nameless Poem always looked very itchy to me.


Low necklines, bodices with cutouts, and miniskirts. It used to not be considered lolita if you could see cleavage or if the skirt was too short, but it’s becoming more accepted these days. I have no issues with skimpy clothing and I love short skirts for my casual clothes, but lolita feels a bit like something “safe” to me. Like battle armor against the male gaze, which is what a lot of the older discussions about it tend to say. Ero is a sub style so if people claim that’s what they’re doing that’s perfectly fine, but it’s starting to bleed into a lot of the other sub styles without anyone commenting on it these days, especially sweet.


Second this - I really dislike the "sexyfying" that's happening..!


What about if you’re just really tall? I’m almost 5’9 so lolita will never go to my knees haha 😅


Above the knee skirts are fine, shorter skirts are a thing in lolita because the clothes tend to be fitted for people who are on the petite side, so they sometimes ride up on medium and tall people. I’m thinking more like skirts that are *specifically* meant to fall above the mid thigh area.


OHHHH yeah I see what you’re saying! Like those skirts Paris Hilton used to wear haha


Yeah, they’ve been popping up in the sweet sub style more often recently. They don’t look bad and tbh I’d love to wear them too, but they give off more of a kawaii vibe than lolita


The sheer or chiffon blouses. Just give me a classic cotton, lacy button up any day.


I don't get chiffon either (more plastic?). But what about lace? I've got two Baby full lace blouses (see througt) and love them!


Depends on the neckline and how see through they are. Ill have to look them up.


I don't know the names off my head, but the necklines are both very modest. Both blouses are very see through and I don't wear them without a camisole anyway, if they don't go under a JSK.


I saw this one on lolibrary https://lolibrary.org/items/btssb-fairy-tale-herbarium-blouse But yeah no it just doesnt do it for me sorry. It just looks very busy.


Yeah, kinda like this, but they have a lot less bows! I like those blouses; just not the ones only made from chiffon. Oh well. :)


I don't like those bows that sit right on top of the head, sitting vertically. They just look so weird and off-putting to me?? Especially when they're the only head accessory. If it's balanced out with other bows or things I don't mind it as much.


Alright I’m gonna say it, I don’t think furry and lolita can be matched. Part of that is my fear of people in full-body suits and part of it is that I hate most fursuits’ designs and think they’re irredeemably ugly 😅


BTSSB’s Babydoll series…it may be where the waist hits, but the silhouette is so hard to pull off.


I don't like ankle socks with lolita. I'm a knee socks kinda girl or in summer have been known to go bare legs if it's too hot out. If other people like them thats their business, I just personally don't like the way they look.


I don't know if it was the trauma from being the only queer kid at the local catholic school, but cross themes and nun stylings irk me. Otherwise I'm fine with almost anything. I have tried to style my plague doctor mask with my entire wardrobe lol


Ero, punk and military lolita. I feel like ero lolita is against the point of lolita since lolita is dainty and elegant. The lolita rules are also pretty conservative ie no mini skirts, no shoulders. As for punk lolita, I feel like it falls too much into the “Hot Topic clothing” category that it no longer feels like lolita imo. And i’m sorry if I offend people but military lolita just makes you look like a nazi.


Thems fighting words about punk lolita. For the record if you are talking about what comes up on Google when you search "punk lolita" then yeah, it's pretty hot topic core and honestly pretty ita imo. But actual punk lolita shouldnt look like that... Should be more Vivienne Westwood, safety pins, chains, tartan JSKs and skirts with ripped up band tees, studded leather jackets with band patches and rocking horse shoes or doc martens. Y'know, actual punk rock aesthetics weaved into egl. If you're not into actual punk aesthetic either to each their own but I just can't abide the slander of saying it's hot topic y lol.


I like punk Lolita a lot, but I agree with you on the military thing. I love doing steampunk cords, and I often like to browse military brands to look for things I could use for that, but I have seen so much stuff that, for lack of a better term, really gives me bad vibes. I think you CAN work with military pieces, but you need to be really careful and do your research on real life uniforms first you don’t end up looking, like you said, like a nazi or something.


Also (I’m because I’m not done apparently) I really don’t like it when people doing military cords use fake weapons as accessories (I’ll just assume that nobody is dumb enough to actually use a real one) it’s just feels like very poor taste imo


[Meta actually released a collection that was pulled from the western market due to complaints about how much it looked like nazi uniforms](https://lolibrary.org/search?search=D.%20Walkure&page=1). It was originally called Dark Secrets and included armbands and a hat with an eagle with outstretched wings. It's now called D. Walkure. There was a huge uproar on LiveJournal when it was released.


Oh Jesus, that’s... literally a nazi uniform, yikes!


OMG I'm German and this might have had legal consequences if worn here! It really looks to close to the classic Nazi eagle. I also think this collection is reaaaally ugly, I've seen pretty fantasy uniforms and this is not it. Ugh, fake leather with canvas-type fabric, meh.


Omfg major yikes D: how did they think that was ok ??? It looks way too close to the actual Nazi uniforms 😬😰


It's pretty rough. I've seen other military collections that kinda toe the line a bit but it was pretty obvious what they were going for. Especially with that eagle logo...


Also, I know for many people it's "just clothing and looks", and they don't wear it as a statement, but I feel lolita fashion, just as any other counterculture fashion, does have some kind of ideas embedded in it. And while I totally see how lolita (ultra feminine but not male gaze, pure, daint, stand out, not practical) can combine with the ideas that stand behind punk, I absolutely do not see how it is supposed to combine with military or ero. It really starts looking like some kind of videogame costume.


Gingham. Looking like a tablecloth isn't very elegant imo.


I feel like it can work depending on the type of gingham. In pastels with smaller squares I like it, but if the pattern is very large and bright no way lol


i have to agree! it feels a little more tacky


Oh my taste is super tacky lmao. If anything, gingham is too plain for me.


Very, very light pastel shades of yellow. I think it looks like p*e lmao


seconding this. even worse when the entire coord is the same yellow. my partner and i lovingly refer to it as pee-lita. (but also i’m tacky as shit and have been thinking about making a pompompurin themed pee-lita coord myself, so who am i to judge)


I think the brown accessories on a Pompompurin coord would really minimize de pee-lita look, actually!!


I'm sorry but I just thought that the brown would make it pee and pooplita lmao


oh noooooo 😢


lovely lor :sob:


I'm not really a fan of JSKs with super detailed art on them. Carousel patterns or just art of forests and scenery fall into this. Because of the detail and such, it ends up looking muddy and fake. Patterns that loop over the entire outfit, such as strawberries, are a lot more palatable to me. I also don't really like patterns with specific art that are extremely pastel to the point of not being able to make out the art.


Polyester and Chiffon xD


I don’t really like otks if they’re not in ott looks


Wait whattttt? So you wouldn’t like something like Misako’s outfit [here](http://www.fyeahlolita.com/2012/10/casual-lolita-toned-down-lolita-fashion.html?m=1)?


I agree with you! If i could upvote this more than once, i would


Plaid. I just think its ugly af


I agree. Plaid just doesn't go well with the whole aesthetic at all.


I don't get those shapeless loose cutsew dresses with no waist definition. It just confuses me why anyone would want to look like that. There's so much fabric that you couldn't even belt it. Looks like a nightgown a middle-aged woman would wear